General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on February 07, 2015, 05:48:02 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0880
Post by: Watching Project on February 07, 2015, 05:48:02 PM
Robservations #880

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0880
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0880
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 11, 2015, 09:52:37 AM
Selby VO.  Gregory is in Quentin's anteroom... Judith said she destroyed Amanda's portrait.  So in that parallel world in which DS makes total sense, Amanda is now dead... Wait no.  If Quentin's were destroyed, it would just turn him into a werewolf again.  So Amanda's just not immortal now.  WAIT... maybe that's why she [spoiler] has to deal with that Death guy in NYC... Wait no, I think they actually find her portrait in 1969/70.[/spoiler]

So those aren't Quentin's possessions, DL?  I was going to say, the room certainly still seems full of his stuff, though Judith says it was all moved. 

My disturbed mind saw Gregory pick up the telephone (slightly clever of him to trace it from the wall outlet), say "Operator!", and then break into the song "Operator", last made popular by the Manhattan Transfer.  "Operator... information... get me Jesus... on the line!!"

Aristede ends up in a cemetary during a storm... and meets Quentin there.  ??  There is a tombstone reading (something) Collins Stoddard!  Garth ambles by, chokes Quentin just to be on the safe side. 

In what to me is a classic DS moment for all time, Beth's newly minted ghost appears to Gregory in Quentin's room, not knowing Q has moved!  She then appears to Quentin in the drawing room, and very considerately, goes out of her way to tell him she forgives him.  We thus also find out that Beth's ghost will not haunt as she did the "first time around", because of this.  I think that's how it works.  Ghosts exist because of unfinished business, bitterness, rage, revenge... ?  Quentin is definitely changing.  Not long ago, he was romancing Amanda in plain view in the drawing room, to hell with Beth and Angelique both...  Now he can't forgive himself, even though she forgives him.

I wonder if Magda skipped town because she'd be blamed for King Johnny's death.  Johnny's wife happens by, seeming much like Julianka II to me, and Aristede makes a deal to join them in exchange for Petofi's location.  Magda isn't asked about.  Oh I remember, King J said the information on who killed him would reach the gypsies... telepathically?  They know it wasn't Magda.

Quentin now lives in the "Green Bedroom".  I like the nice scene we get with Judith and Quentin, talking evasively about what's become of beloved Gregory, short though it is.  He basically gives his seal of approval to whatever she did.  They both admit that they have never confided in each other, so there's no way for them to do so now... interesting way to handle the scene, a nice realistic bit of their relationship.  This also clearly implies that there is something to confide...

Mrs. The King Of All the Gypsies (played by Lana Shaw) is easily dispatched by Garth.  I'm usually surprised by this development, since I mis-remember Aristede actually going off with the gypsies, which would have been a nice turn of events, a sort of unexpected redemption, of a kind many wish they had available I'm sure... though Aristede doesn't deserve it.  [spoiler]There is an interesting nod to this in 1840, when Michael Stroka plays an actual gypsy.[/spoiler]

Gareth happens by the Lair, which Aristede has returned to, for no apparent reason other than that it was a set that was already built.  In the middle of Garth strangling Aristede, the screen goes black for a couple seconds, possibly intentionally.  It works, I think.  Jarring.  End.  By Sam Hall.  Good episode.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0880
Post by: DarkLady on February 12, 2015, 11:14:25 PM
Amanda's portrait does reappear briefly [spoiler]in 1970, when Gerard's zombie army destroys Collinwood. One of the zombies punches a hole in it.[/spoiler]

Supposedly Judith has had all of Quentin's things moved to the green bedroom--but all of the rooms at Collinwood are green! However, the photo of poor Jenny is still on the mantel in Trask's prison.

The scene with Beth and Quentin was really touching. One more hard lesson for Quentin.

Good scene with JL when Gregory finds two lights, lights one, starts to light the second one--then stops when he realizes he won't get any more. *shiver*

A storm is rising when Judith finds Quentin still in the drawing room and suggests he go to bed. The green bedroom, he says apathetically. Are you going to ask me how my search for your husband turned out? I assume you found nothing, Judith says. That was a quick reply, Quentin notes. The question of your missing husband interests me. Judith points out, When he was here,  you constantly wanted him gone. I like my stories to have endings, Quentin replies. The honorable Reverend Trask’s story isn’t ended, is it? Not yet, Judith tells him. With a knowing smile, Quentin wonders, Did we ever confide in each other as children? I was never given to confiding, Judith answers stiffly. It’s probably too late for you to start now, Quentin observes, and she agrees. A moment later she is surprised by his genuine concern when he says, Wherever he is, I know you are happier for it.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0880
Post by: Uncle Roger on February 13, 2015, 12:42:35 AM
I guess it never occurs to Trask to use the candles to start a fire. It might not have saved him in the long run and it would have attracted attention to the wing.