General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '14 II => Topic started by: Vickis Ghost on September 01, 2014, 07:11:42 AM

Title: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Vickis Ghost on September 01, 2014, 07:11:42 AM
Hi, newbie poster here, I used to watch Dark Shadows on the SyFy channel in the summer when I was kid so it's been some years since I've watched the show.  [ghost_embarrassed] So I'd like to know if this scene I'm remembering really happened or if it's something I somehow made up.

It takes place in the Old House between Angelique and Julia. They've "meet for the first time" and Julia's telling Angelique that Barnabas has told her (Julia) all about her (Angelique) and is surprised how well she and Angelique are getting along and says something about even liking her.

Did something like that happen? Thanks.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: DarkLady on September 01, 2014, 03:54:54 PM
Welcome, Vickis Ghost! I actually remember a scene like this happening in the 1840 portion of the show. I don't remember all the details, but I'm sure some of our more expert fans will have a more precise answer.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on September 01, 2014, 05:52:01 PM
So nice to see you jumping in and posting, Vickis Ghost!  [ghost_smiley]

As for your question, in the 1897 storyline there is definitely a scene similar to what you describe, though it takes place at the rectory. It's during the time that Julia and Angelique are[spoiler]collaborating on curing Barnabas so that he can reintroduce himself at Collinwood as a victimized by a vampire Barnabas.[/spoiler]I forget the exact ep, but I'll try to track it down for you later...

As for 1840, when Julia and Angelique first meet at the Old House, Julia despises Angelique on sight (I love when Angelique tells Julia that they have all the time in the world to find out about one another and Julia replies quite curtly with "I know all about you now") and I don't honestly recall them ever becoming chummy. But then[spoiler]having someone attacked by a vampire and leaving them to die can put a lasting strain on any relationship!  [lghy][/spoiler]
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Uncle Roger on September 01, 2014, 06:15:26 PM
There's a very nice scene between the two of them during the Leviathan story when Julia meets Mrs. Schuyler Rumson.  Angelique reminds Julia that they became friends in the past. I don't know if I'd go that far. I'm not entirely sure if Angelique even grasps the concept of friendship. But they are both capable of putting their differences aside in pursuit of a common goal.

And welcome, Vickisghost!
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Gothick on September 01, 2014, 07:18:07 PM
I always find the scenes between the two women fascinating to watch.  Angelique is used to using her beauty and charm to get her way with people, and Julia isn't having any of it.  They first meet in the Spring of 1968 when Angelique has become the new Mrs. Roger Collins and is swanning around Collinwood in this big, black, heavily lacquered wig.  Julia is nice to her initially. But that changes.

The episode you mention is, I think, Julia's last episode during her appearance in the 1897 storyline.  Julia says that she's surprised to find she likes Angelique.  Their next meeting is in early 1970 as described above.

In 1840, their antagonism is initially the most sharply defined of any of their meetings.  But then later on they do work together one last time to help Barnabas.

I also very much enjoy watching Julia confronting Nicholas. All the supernatural characters on the series, from Barnabas to Count Petofi, are always impressed by the fact that their powers don't intimidate Julia.

Welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on September 01, 2014, 07:19:45 PM
I forget the exact ep, but I'll try to track it down for you later...

It's Ep #853, and here's the Robservations of that portion of the scene:

Rectory - Angelique hands Julia a packet.  Thank you very much, says Julia, tucking it into her doctor's bag. Is everything all right? queries Ang--and when will you need more? Tomorrow, says Julia, if you could possibly bring it earlier. All right, agrees Ang. "It's curious, meeting you," says Julia, smiling, "even liking you."
Ang grins--after all you've heard. "All of it true, I'm sure," says Julia, then quickly adds, "that wasn't very tactful, was it?" No, agrees Ang, but I'm sure everything Barnabas told you was the truth--but there was one truth he couldn't accept--that I sincerely, honestly loved him. ...

That isn't Julia's last ep in 1897 - that's Ep #858. But Julia and Angelique also share a nice scene in that one, too:

[spoiler]From Ep #858:
Rectory - Julia rummages through her doctor's bag and hears the weird, spacey sound that fills the room. Angelique enters-I came as quickly as I could, she says. Do you hear a sound like the wind wailing? Asks Julia.  Ang can't hear it. It stops--but it will start again, it's all part of everything else, says Julia-it has to do with the way I came to this time; when I arrived from my own time-- only my astral body came, Count Petofi tried to have me killed because I'm not alive in this time. If you can't die, asks Angie, then what can happen to you? I don't know, says Julia, but you must be ready to do everything necessary to complete our plan, no matter what happens to me--"Are you willing?" asks Julia. "Yes, yes I am," Ang assures her. Good, says Julia, in obvious pain. Angelique anxiously asks, are you all right?--Barnabas never had these problems when he came-perhaps this has nothing to do with your displacement in time. No, says Julia, when Barnabas came here, he had a body to inhabit because he lived in 1897 as well as 1967-he was flesh and blood, not an essence--come, we must hurry, says Julia.  We watch in disbelief as Angelique helps Julia from her chair. Julia hears the wind again, then Stokes' voice, saying, I cannot tell how long it will be until  Do you hear that? Julia asks Angelique.  The latter hears nothing. Stokes says, the vital life signs are...  Julia hears someone, somewhere, speaking...
"Change, I'll let you know," says Stokes. And Julia realizes who it is-Eliot Stokes!-and she's thrilled to know it's him.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Midnite on September 01, 2014, 07:21:39 PM
Welcome, Vickis Ghost!  We really need DS back on TV, yes?

Good tracking, MB.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Vickis Ghost on September 01, 2014, 08:40:44 PM
Hi everyone! Thank you all for answering my question and finding the scene for me. That scene alway stuck out in my mind because it always seemed weird to me that Julia would tell Angelique she likes her. So I started thinking that maybe I misremembered it somehow.

And yes we need DS back on TV.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: DarkLady on September 01, 2014, 08:43:33 PM
Thanks, MB, for all your research! Now I remember there was a weird chronology, in terms of calendar years. Angelique and Julia's paths interesected three times. Only in the DS universe would this happen:

1967: First meeting for Julia, last meeting for Angelique

1897: Second meeting for both

1840: First meeting for Angelique, last meeting for Julia

And yes, we do need DS back on TV somewhere.
Title: Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
Post by: Gothick on September 01, 2014, 10:50:31 PM
Those are such wonderful scenes.  I love the earrings Julia wears in the second one. Many thanks for finding these, MB.
