General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '14 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on July 25, 2014, 03:14:06 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0754
Post by: Watching Project on July 25, 2014, 03:14:06 PM
Robservations #754

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0754
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0754
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 26, 2014, 03:58:53 PM
Barnabas-Laura showdown... he carelessly lets her snatch the scarab-thing out of his hand, which he somehow knew was Ra-related... well he was doing some kind of research I guess.  Maybe he was able to transport himself to a better library than Collinsport's.  How far can he go, anyway?  Once she has the scarab back, she's able to use some sort of light on Barnabas that apparently immobilizes, or hurts, or something.  Then when Jamison appears, he just goes and takes the boy off, anyway!  Can't afford to use it in his presence... She vows revenge... Good thing Nora couldn't come, or she might have been killed by her uncle, on her way to be killed by her mother.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0754
Post by: DarkLady on July 28, 2014, 07:31:02 PM
MT, I don't know if Barnabas's flight range (when he's in bat form) is never determined. Nor do we know how far away he can rematerialize after vanishing.

With no hesitation, the werewolf leaps straight for Beth. She screams in terror but even now can’t bring herself to shoot the man she loves, even in this hideous form. However, the werewolf regards Beth merely as prey. Taking advantage of her hesitation, it knocks her to the ground and prepares to strike.

Being after all a hospitable creature and genuinely fond of all his relations in whatever century, Barnabas is walking Edward back to Collinwood when they hear Beth’s screams. Barnabas’s silver-headed cane doesn’t immediately frighten the werewolf as in the past. He has to strike the werewolf several times with the cane before the creature takes the hint and runs whimpering away. All but hysterical, Beth tells them that Jamison is out here somewhere. Barnabas has his cane to protect him—he doesn't explain to Edward that it's the silver that's the protective part--but Edward decides they need guns.

Jamison has made a beeline to the cottage. He wants his parents to make up, but Laura says that will never happen. Instead she wants to take him and Nora to a beautiful place far, far away. Too excited at the prospect of being with at least one parent and anywhere but Trask's school, Jamison agrees without asking for details.

Barnabas has brought Beth home to Collinwood and finds Edward loading a shotgun. Edward remembers in disbelief, That animal--if that's what it was--was wearing clothing and ran away like a man. Your bullets won't kill this creature, Barnabas warns as Edward finishes loading the rifle. Nonsense, Edward scoffs. In any case, he is desperate to start looking for Jamison. (And no doubt Barnabas is wise not to explain why he knows that mere lead bullets won’t harm the creature.) Edward hands him a pistol and leaves. Edward leaves. Left alone, Barnabas wonders, Why didn’t I tell Edward about silver bullets? Then he realizes something: For the first time since I came to this century, I know why I’m here. The werewolf is at Collinwood! It must be connected somehow to Chris Jennings. That must be how Chris’s curse started. I must find the creature and lock him in the mausoleum. Tomorrow I may know one answer to this riddle. Barnabas makes it sound easy, doesn't he!

Laura is using the scarab to summon Nora when the rifle-toting Edward bursts in, demanding to see Jamison. Laura tells Edward that Jamison isn't at the cottage and a huge argument ensues. Finally Edward stomps out.

Barnabas returns from his fruitless search for the creature. Did you see-- Beth starts, then hastily finishes, that animal? Barnabas comments, I was sure your first concern would be Jamison. Rattled, Beth explains that she’s very upset. We need more people to help search, Barnabas says. Do you know where Quentin is? When Barnabas starts for the staircase, Beth quickly tells him that Quentin is in Collinsport. Barnabas is perhaps about to comment on her suspicious behavior when Edward returns and announces as he picks up the telephone, I’m going to call the police. Before she can stop herself, Beth cries Don’t--! When the two men turn to look at her, she realizes she can’t explain why not. I don’t know why I said that, she says lamely. While Edward is on the phone, Barnabas tells Beth, When Quentin returns, have him meet me at the cottage or at the Old House. He and I must settle Laura tonight! Edward hangs up the phone, frantic with worry for Jamison.

Jamison stumbles out of the cottage bedroom complaining of a high fever and worried that the trip will have to be postponed. The poor kid is utterly unaware--but we know all to well--just how loaded Laura's words of comfort are. Nothing will stop us, Laura promises him. But what if I get worse on the trip? Jamison asks. It will all be over by then, Laura assures him as she holds him close. Go back to sleep, she tells him coaxingly. It will be much easier than you realize. I’ll be with you.

A bat appears outside the window; the next moment, Barnabas materializes in the cottage. Barnabas wants to swap the scarab for Jamison, but Laura isn't trading. She questions the degree of Barnabas's kinship with Jamison and taunts him to go back to Collinwood. I'd prefer to take Jamison with me, Barnabas replies. I want him to stay alive. Do you think I'd do him any harm? Laura huffs, pretending outrage. I know you would, he replies. I know what you are. I am Jamison's mother! she snaps, infuriated. All anyone knows about you is that you’re a distant relative--how distant? Someone should answer that question. Give Jamison to me! Barnabas orders her. As he steps toward the bedroom, Laura warns him, Don't move. She raises her hand, and Barnabas is enveloped in white light. The light is as bright as sunlight--and Barnabas is wracked with pain. I have my tricks, she taunts him, just as you have yours--whatever they are. Barnabas cringes in agony until Laura stops the sunlight spell. Just as he’s recovering, Jamison comes out of the bedroom again. His fever is obviously worse. In his delirium, he mistakes Barnabas for Quentin and murmurs Quentin’s name. Stay away from him! Laura commands Barnabas, then tries encourage the sick boy to return to bed. The boy needs a doctor! Barnabas insists. He and Laura begin shouting at each other. Barnabas suddenly grabs Jamison. None of your tricks, he warns Laura in deadly tones. Remember, you do not know mine. He rushes out of the cottage with Jamison. Enraged, Laura shouts after him, You’ll pay for this! Before this night is over, I’ll see that you pay!...