General Discussions => Testing. 1, 2, 3... => Topic started by: Josette on December 16, 2003, 05:12:55 AM

Title: Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 16, 2003, 05:12:55 AM
I don't remember you ever saying that it would finally work.  Yesterday, I had trouble getting IE to bring it up and decided to try Netscape to see what would happen.  IE finally worked, and as it had all my "new" settings, I used it.  But, then I logged in from Netscape and tried it today.  All is well!
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 16, 2003, 08:29:30 AM
I don't remember you ever saying that it would finally work.

Will it work with Netscape 7 or 7.1 yet?

I'm using the Linux version of Netscape 7.1 at this very moment.  ;)

Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 16, 2003, 09:09:35 AM
I guess since you said Linux, I didn't know that mine would work!
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 16, 2003, 03:27:55 PM
Sorry 'bout that. But so far as the forum is concerned, Netscape 7.x for Windows, Mac or Linux should all be considered the same browser - the system shouldn't make any distinction.  ;) Same with Mozilla or any of the other IE alternatives...

The only browsers that are still banned from use are versions of Netscape prior to 6.0 and all versions of Opera. If anything else doesn't work, I'm not aware of it. But if anyone does encounter a problem with a browser that doesn't fall into those categories, please post about it and I'll try to look into it. (Well, unless it's a Mac version - unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac at home or at work or even know anyone who uses one at home who might let me try to figure out the problem on theirs.  :()
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 20, 2003, 05:46:38 AM
Things that Don't Work

I recall that some visual aspects aren't supposed to show up in Netscape, but I've come up with a couple of other things too - I'm wondering if it's how it's supposed to be in Netscape:

1.  The most noticeable is that the {center} {/center} code doesn't work.  It insists on putting the two codes together.  If I do "center" first and then try to do "size" or something inside that, it puts the open and close "center" and then the open and close "size" -- so I tried waiting until everything was ready, blocked the whole part to be centered, and then clicked "center" -- it still puts the two codes together, not surrounding everything else.  I finally gave up and I just type those codes in myself.

2.  The Smileys - I tried to get the additional Smileys (my musicians again - I can never remember that letter and number combination!!) - a new screen came up, but it was blank, but down below it said "done."  I finally had to bring up IE just to get that one darn Smiley!!!

3.  The "crowdhappy" didn't jump up and down.  The other things moved - beer clicked their glasses, the musicians played.  I checked it in IE and they were jumping as usual.
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 20, 2003, 04:30:43 PM
1.  The most noticeable is that the {center} {/center} code doesn't work.  It insists on putting the two codes together.  If I do "center" first and then try to do "size" or something inside that, it puts the open and close "center" and then the open and close "size" -- so I tried waiting until everything was ready, blocked the whole part to be centered, and then clicked "center" -- it still puts the two codes together, not surrounding everything else.  I finally gave up and I just type those codes in myself.

Well, it's not that the YaBBC codes don't do what they're supposed to (i.e. center will center text/images in a post, or size will change the size of text), it's that after clicking on a button, the code will always appear at the end of the post. That's just the way YaBB SE works in Netscape (actually, in Opera and in all browsers that use the gecko rendering engine (Netscape, Mozilla, etc.), which is why I just type them myself, too). However, you'll be happy to know that it's an issue that has been addressed in the upcoming sytem, and codes will actually be placed where you want them rather than at the end.  :)

(I should probably also mention that this is a flaw in YaBB SE that can be traced back to IE and a programmer who didn't take the time to check his work in all browsers. The person who wrote the routine to put the YaBBC codes in posts only tested it in IE, where it works - but that's only because IE isn't W3C XHTML compliant. It doesn't work the way it should in compliant browsers like Netscape, Mozilla, etc.)

2.  The Smileys - I tried to get the additional Smileys (my musicians again - I can never remember that letter and number combination!!) - a new screen came up, but it was blank, but down below it said "done."  I finally had to bring up IE just to get that one darn Smiley!!!

3.  The "crowdhappy" didn't jump up and down.  The other things moved - beer clicked their glasses, the musicians played.  I checked it in IE and they were jumping as usual.

As for these, unfortunately I have no explanation because they work fine for me.  :-

Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 21, 2003, 04:29:30 AM
It's weird.  Today, the beer wasn't going, either, although the musicians were still playing.

I tried to get the extra Smileys again - still a blank page.  But then I did a preview of beer and crowdhappy and both were just fine.  So, I went back to the original post and they were both moving!!!

Is there any other link to get to the additional Smileys?  It looks like this one isn't going to work for me.  It was bad enought brining up IE just for this site most of the time, but to bring it up just to get a Smiley is ridiculous!!!
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 21, 2003, 05:04:24 PM
Is there any other link to get to the additional Smileys?

Unfortunately, no. But conversion to the new system might be only weeks away, and possibly the extra smileys feature will work differently for you then.  (Keep you fingers crossed.  ;))
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 22, 2003, 08:36:05 AM
  (Keep you fingers crossed.  ;))

All right!  Thank you! :)
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Midnite on December 22, 2003, 09:23:03 AM
I tried to get the extra Smileys again - still a blank page.

That's so not normal.  You know that Netscape 7.1 has its own popup controls, right?  The blocker is turned on using the Tools menu, and there are settings in Preferences that let you allow popups at certain web sites.
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 22, 2003, 05:00:19 PM
Unless the Netscape popup blocker works differently in Windows than it does in the Linux version, I don't *think* it should be an issue. I have mine set to block all popups and the smileys window still works fine. I believe it only blocks automatic popups (windows that automatically come up whenever you visit a site), not necessarily popup windows that you bring up yourself by clicking on a link at a site.

But, of course, with Windows, anything is possible.  ;)
Title: Re:Netscape 7.1
Post by: Josette on December 23, 2003, 09:30:23 AM
I never looked into Netscape popup blocker.  I have Pop-Up Stopper and have to hold Control when trying to get the smileys, but it always worked in IE.  I still get a new window, but it's totally blank!