RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on November 04, 2003, 11:29:55 AM

Title: #1154_1155/1156: Robservations 11/05/03: A Death; An Arrest For Murder
Post by: ROBINV on November 04, 2003, 11:29:55 AM
1154_1155 - Randall closes the box holding the mask.  Edith has joined him in Gerard's room.  Where is Gerard? She asks--and what are you doing here?  What are you doing here? counters Randall.  Hesitantly, Edith says, I came to give Gerard a message from Gabriel.  You're a very modern woman, smirks Randall, coming to a man's bedroom, even to deliver a message from your husband.  Someone has to--he can't walk, replies Edith.  Aren't you feeling a little sorry for yourself? he asks--are Gerard and Gabriel friends?  Yes, in a way, she says.  How well do they know each other? asks Randall.  Well enough, she says.  Do you know Gerard better? he asks.  Stop cross-examining me, she demands, I have done nothing wrong in coming here--you never said what YOU were doing here--that's really what I'd like to know--and I'm sure Gerard would like to know, also.  Curiosity, that's all, says Randall -I wouldn't be a very good lawyer if I weren't curious.  What do you have to be curious about Gerard for? she asks--he hasn't done anything.  Hasn't he? asks Randall--how did my sister Roxanne feel about him?  I don't know, says Edith, she hardly knew him.  How well does Gerard know Quentin? asks Randall.  Everyone knows they're best of friends, says Edith--why?  Best of friends?--I see, says Randall.  Would you prefer that they be enemies? asks Edith.  Randall excuses himself.  Where are you going? asks Edith.  Collinwood, he says--shall I tell your husband you haven't been able to deliver his message?  There's no need to tell him anything, says Edith, I'll be back soon.  Would you prefer we kept this meeting a secret? he asks.  Would you? she counters.  For the moment, he says.  I don't tell Gerard about you. she says.  And I don't tell anyone about you, he finishes with a crooked grin--that might be best, I think.  He leaves.  Edith nervously touches her hand to her mouth and sits on Gerard's bed, removing her shawl, looking around.

Collinwood - Gabriel impatiently calls to the absent Edith, receiving no response--where in blazes is she?  A man walks into the house without knocking and rudely asks, where is your brother?  Manners, Mr. Grimes, insists Gabriel--when you come here, you use manners!  Is he home? demands Grimes.  Address me properly, I'll tell you then, says Gabriel.  Mr. Collins, says Grimes, his hate obvious.  That will suffice, says Gabriel, my name is all I wanted to hear--my brother is not at home.  Then I'll go straight to the constable, says Grimes.  Is this a serious matter? asks Gabriel.  I don't believe in calling in the constable except as a last resort, says Grime--a thing should be settled man to man.  That's a remarkably primitive point of view, opines Gabriel, Quentin should be back quite shortly.  Where is he? asks Grimes.  I don't know, his comings and goings have been most mysterious, says Gabriel.  With good reason, says Grimes.  Push me in, says Gabriel.  Grimes turns the chair and wheels Gabriel into the drawing room.  How are things at the Weatherby farm? asks Gabriel.  They've been better, replies Grimes.  Don't tell me you've finally decided to sell your property to us? asks Gabriel.  I wouldn't do that, insists Grimes, I told your brother that a hundred times--I won't be forced off the land my father left me no matter what you do!  Are we "doing" things again? asks Gabriel.  You know, says Grimes.  No I don't know, says Gabriel, as far as I know, you are giving US trouble--your cows broke through the fence on the south 40 yesterday.  They're all dead now, says Grimes.  Well, says Gabriel, that's a very drastic punishment, isn't it--but you've always been a stern disciplinarian, haven't you?  Grimes, upset, says all your fancy words won't cover up what's going on here.  If only they would, we'd be most happy, says Gabriel.  I know, says Grimes--the whole town knows what's happening in this house.  Quentin enters--Mr. Grimes, what is happening in this house? he asks.
Witchcraft, says Grimes--Mr. Collins, my herd was killed by witchcraft, and I hold you responsible for it!  Gabriel smiles.

So I'm practicing witchcraft, says Quentin--and who have you been talking to--Lamar Trask?  Not just Trask, says Grimes, the whole town is talking about it--they know you've always wanted my farm.  I've made it no secret, says Quentin, and I would still like to buy your farm, not steal it.  Gabriel, grinning, says, you're right, you could have put a spell on him very easily.  So, you admit it, says Grimes.  Don't be a fool, orders Quentin, giving Gabriel a dirty look.  Quentin pushes Gabriel's wheelchair out, calling him "dear brother," and something else that was drowned out by the thunder.  Gladly, Gabriel answers.  The vet said there was nothing wrong with my herd, says Grimes, but they all died--you told me to keep them on my own property or you'd have to do something and you did it!  I had nothing to do with the death of your cattle, says Quentin.  What about the killing of Lorna Bell? asks Grimes--the weird things that have been happening around here lately, why your own sister in law... GET OUT! orders Quentin.  I see the evil in you, says Grimes, high and mighty just because you're a Collins...  Grimes! says Quentin, I said get out!  Leaving here won't stop me thinking the way I do, insists Grimes.  No one can make you do that, says Quentin, but if I were you, I'd watch what I said to anyone else--or you might be sorry, Mr. Grimes.  Quentin mockingly holds up his "magic" ring, scaring Grimes, who cries, don't touch me--I don't want the devil's hand on me!  Grimes hurries from the house.  The devil's hand, Gabriel giggles girlishly--that's very flattering.  It's not funny, says Quentin.  You've lost your sense of humor, says Gabriel, and I think you will.  He laughs.  Quentin angrily goes upstairs.

Woods - Grimes, heading for home, stops and looks around nervously.  Someone approaches him (we see men's boots).  Collins! he yells, come out and fight me like a man--I'm ready for you--you may be a warlock, but you can be killed like anyone else.  Drawing a pistol, he fires a shot; the figure retreats.  Randall meets up with Grimes, who claims, Quentin Collins is after me--help me catch him!  Randall follows Grimes through the woods.  They find a paper stuck into a tree with a dagger.
It's the devil's mark, says Grimes, removing the paper from the tree.  What are you talking about? asks Randall.  It's the same sign Quentin wears on that ring of his, replies Grimes--the same sign on Lorna Bell when they discovered her body--he left it as a warning for me--witchcraft--he took my herd by witchcraft, and he knows I'm going to the police, and he's trying to scare me off, but I won't be scared!  Are you sure it was Quentin? demands Randall.  Of course, there was some bushes between us, but it was him, insists Grimes, I'd know him anywhere--get that sister of yours out of that house and away from Quentin---before she ends up like Roxanne.  Grimes, says Randall, I want you to tell me everything you can about Quentin Collins and witchcraft.

Rose Cottage - Gerard, grinning, enters his room and turns on a lamp.  Edith closes the door--where have you been? she asks.  Never mind, he says, warming his hands by the fire.  I've been waiting here for you such a long time, she says.  I've merely been amusing myself, he says.  Aren't you going to be nice to me? she simpers, or are you going to be awful like you are sometimes?  He gives her a long, rough kiss, then draws away.  That's what you came for, isn't it? he asks.  I don't know what I came for, she says, all I know is I feel terrible at Collinwood--sometimes I feel like I can't stand it anymore.  You took a very big chance coming up to my room, he warns.  You should be glad I did, says Edith.  Why? he asks.  Nothing, she says--you said you had plans for me--I want to know what they are.  And I want to know what you meant that I should be glad you're up here, he says.  You said you could change my life, she says.  I can, he says, but you must learn the lessons first--the first being that you must tell me everything--you must not keep any secrets from me--tell me what you know.  Randall was here in this room, she says, I caught him--he was at the desk.  The desk? asks Gerard, who finds the box containing the mask on top of the desk--the lock has been forced open, he notes, furious.

What's in the box? asks Edith--why is it so important?  You'll find out very soon, some night, he says.  You're always so mysterious about everything, she says flirtatiously.
That even intrigues you more, doesn't it? he asks.  Grinning, she says, be nice to me--I'd do anything for you.  Yes, and there's something I want you to do right now, he says--where did Randall say he was going?  Back to Collinwood, she says.  I want you to go there, he says.  I don't want to, not now, she protests.  Listen to me, he says, I said I want you to go there--now when you arrive, if he's already left, I want you to make sure you tell me everything--also, if he leaves, I want you to find out who he talked to, and if he's arrived before you get there, you know what to do--make sure he doesn't get rid of you.  What are you going to do? she asks.  I'm gong to the village, he says-- there's still a chance he could be at Trask's.  I wish I knew what you were up to, says Edith.  It's very dangerous to know so much, he says, and touches her face.  You frighten me sometimes, she says.  And you even like that, don't you? he asks--we're on the same side, Edith, you just don't realize it yet, but you will very soon--he locks lips with her and sends her on her way--hurry!  She gives him a look before she leaves.  Gerard takes the box and searches for another place to hid it.  He finally finds a spot behind the curtains.

9:30 - Gabriel sits biting his nails.  Edith returns.  Were you out for a midnight stroll? he asks--you're lucky you have legs that can take you anywhere you want to go--where have you been?  The Old House, she says.  Did you go there because of Barnabas Collins? he demands, is he the object of your rather frantic devotion these days?  I won't answer that, she says petulantly, has Randall been here?  Randall?--ah ha, I think Randall is more your type, says Gabriel, I think Barnabas is far too cultivated to be attracted to the likes of you.  Has Randall been here? Edith asks again.  It does interest you, doesn't it? he asks--I'll tell you, my dear lady, I don't know, because I don't sit and clock all the comings and goings at Collinwood.  I'll find out from someone else then, she says.  He grabs her arm--you're an impatient lady, he says--we're going to sit here and have a chat--about why you went to the Old House--if you did.  All right, I did not go to the Old House, she says.  I'm waiting, he says.  For what, the truth? she asks, you won't face it about yourself or anyone else--so why bother with me, Gabriel?  Randall enters, bidding them both good evening--I'm glad the two of you are here--before I go to the police, I'd like to have your explanation of what is happening in this house--he holds up the paper with the witch's symbol on it.

What is that paper? asks Gabriel.  The same mark as Quentin's ring, says Edith.  It was left as a warning for Mordecai Grimes, says Randall.  You're borrowing phrases from Lamar Trask, observes Gabriel, aren't you?  I'm saying what I believe, says Randall.  You've come over to Lamar's way of thinking, says Gabriel, I thought you were a lawyer.  If you had told me what has happened to me since I arrived in Collinsport, I wouldn't have believed it, says Randall--but now I know there was something supernatural about my sister's death--Trask was right about that--and tonight is the final proof--there's more--Desmond's attack, and the recovery when the ascot was removed from the neck of the voodoo doll--Quentin's doll!  Why would Quentin want to harm Desmond? asks Gabriel--they're very good friends.  Not as good as you think, says Randall, let me ask you this--how close is Quentin to Gerard Stiles?  Very close, says Gabriel, but you're going to give Quentin a chance to defend himself, aren't you?  That's why I came over here tonight, says Randall.  He should be back very shortly, says Gabriel.  I have to meet Trask at the park opposite the police station in 20 minutes, says Randall--I can't wait--tell Quentin I was here.  Randall, I admire you, says Gabriel.  I didn't expect that reaction, says Randall.  I admire the way you can step outside your emotions--your family, really--and just put yourself into a situation objectively, even if it means harming your sister, your nephew, your brother in law...  I have no choice, insists Randall, and exits.  Gabriel, says Edith excitedly, if Quentin is arrested...  Don't be happy yet, he warns her, it hasn't happened.  You think it will, don't you? she asks.  I don't want to think about it, he says, plans make me very nervous, and if Quentin goes to jail, I have plans, many plans--but right now I'm thinking about you, and why you were so anxious that Randall was here.  Samantha mentioned that he might come here, says Edith.  Not good enough, says Gabriel--let's have another answer.  There is no other answer, says Edith.  Quentin joins them from the kitchen--I came through the back door, he says.  You have the most phenomenal good luck I've ever seen, says Gabriel, now you have all the time in the world to come up with the proper answers.  Answers for whom? asks Quentin.  The police, says Gabriel--Randall is going to rendezvous in the park with Lamar in town in 20 minutes--and then they're going to the police station.  Randall and Trask? asks Quentin disbelievingly.  Yes, says Gabriel, everybody here thinks my dear brother is a warlock.  It's insanity, proclaims Quentin--when did Randall leave?  Just now, says Gabriel.  Quentin heads for the door.  Keep your temper, brother mine, advises Gabriel--Edith go to bed, we'll continue this discussion tomorrow morning.  I don't want to go to bed, she says.  Through gritted teeth, he shouts, GO TO BED.  She gives him a last look and leaves.

Randall, waiting for Trask, checks his watch.  He hears someone approaching.  You! he says.
The person grabs him around the throat and chokes him to death, then thrusts a dagger into the ground next to his body, holding in place another piece of paper with the witch's symbol on it.

NOTES:  Quentin should NOT have teased Grimes with that ring of his; he was feeding the man's fear, and it was a foolish move on his part.

Someone just murdered Randall, who was it?  He seemed amazed, whoever it was.  Can this hurt Quentin further?  And who came after Grimes in the woods?  It seems to point to Quentin all the way, but...

Edith is a slut, obviously, and one who wants everything Gerard can give her.  Right now, he's using her, but you sense she doesn't really mind, since she likes everything he gives her in return. Gabriel knows how loose his wife is, but pairing her with Barnabas is a weird combination.  He seems to think she goes after every man--hard to believe of that elderly lady we see in 1897, isn't it?

Another wonderful performance by Thayer David as Mordecai Grimes.  He takes every character he portrays and turns it into gold.

Loved Gabriel today, he's so caustic, cruel and fun.  Does he love Quentin, hate him, or a combination of both?  He seems to want the worst to happen to him, as does Edith, that harpy wife of his.

1156 - The intro tells us, someone wants to stop the action--someone with STRONG HANDS.

Quentin finds Randall's body in the woods, the witch symbol beside it.  He removes the dagger and looks at the note.
So, says Trask, standing over him, this is where your evil had led you!  Quentin looks up at him.

I didn't kill him, insists Quentin, he was lying here like this when I found him.  Randall was coming here to meet me, says Trask, to go to the police about you!  I said I didn't kill him, repeats Quentin.  You came out to stop him, accuses Trask.  Yes, but not by murdering him, says Quentin.  A higher authority than I will judge you, says Trask.  I should know better than to try and talk to you, says Quentin, and turns to leave.  Where are you going? demands Trask.  To get the police, says Quentin.  You really think me naive enough to believe that? asks Trask, holding a gun on him.  Put that away, says Quentin.  We are going to the police, Trask assures him, you and I together.  Not with that gun in your hand, we're not, says Quentin.  Don't try to escape, advises Trask, because I will shoot you, and then it would be quite obvious how guilty you were.

Collinwood - Samantha comes downstairs and enters the drawing room.  Seeing Gabriel, she starts to retreat.  If you're going on my account, please stay, he begs--I'd rather not be alone tonight--is that too much of an admission for you to believe?  Almost, she says, you make it such hell for anyone to be with you--I always try to avoid the rooms you're in.  I usually doesn't mind being alone, he says, but not tonight.  She sits by the fire and works on needlepoint.  Does that give you peace of mind? he asks. Keeps my hands busy, she says.  What about your mind? he asks, what occupies it?--you can't think about Tad 24 hours a day.  You're starting again, she says, rising.  Do you ever think of Quentin, really think? he asks.  Of course, she says.  What do you really think, what? he asks.  Whatever I think is none of your business, she insists.  Oh, but it is, says Gabriel--Mordecai Grimes was here tonight, he accused Quentin of witchcraft, and after he left, your brother Randall came--what do you think of that?  She just looks at him.  Someone knocks at the door.  Who that can be? she wonders.  It's Trask--Samantha, prepare yourself, he says--another tragedy has struck one you love--I know of no way to make this news easier to bear--Quentin has killed your brother Randall.  Samantha is stunned.

Randall is dead? sobs Samantha, oh, no!  She sinks into a chair, crying.  How do you know that Quentin did it? demands Gabriel, I don't believe you, Trask, I think this is just a product of your diseased, filthy mind.  There is no doubt of Quentin's guilt, says Trask, I found him kneeling beside the body.  How did he die? asks Samantha.  The official cause of death is strangulation, reports Trask.  Samantha bursts into fresh sobs--why did it have to happen?  Because Randall knew the truth about Quentin, says Trask, he was going to help me put a stop to this witchcraft forever!  First Roxanne, now Randall, cries Samantha.  I feel as deeply as you do, Trask assures heres.  Your brother...your brother! says Sam.  Do you really think Quentin did this? asks Gabriel.  Randall never had a life, she says, never had a woman of his own because of Quentin--now he'll never have a home or a son--it's all over!--I must go to him, she says.  Trask talks her out of it--the body is at the coroner's, it's not wise to go there. I want to see for myself, she says.  Please accept my word, he begs.  We were so happy growing up together, laments Samantha, now I'm the only one left--what gods are against us?  The devil is against you, says Trask, and I say that with great sorrow--the devil!

Are you going to arrest me? Quentin asks the constable, calling him Jim.  Did you do it? demands Jim.  Of course not, insists Quentin, you have to have a motive for murder--I'm sure Trask gave you one.  Randall Drew was very upset about Roxanne's death, I believe, says the Constable.  Because he didn't understand the circumstances under which he died, explains Quentin.  Neither did anyone else in the village, says the constable--do you know what caused her death?  Why do you ask me that? inquires Quentin--I'll tell you why you asked me that, because there's one word everyone's afraid to mention in this place--witchcraft--Grimes was here to visit you, wasn't he, and I know what he says--he thinks I destroyed his cattle--it's a lie--he's had a grudge against me for years.  Randall Drew was supposedly coming here with proof of those accusations, says the constable.  How do you know that? asks Quentin.  Lamar Trask said so in his statement, explains Jim.  How does he know that, how does anyone know that? demands Quentin.  The charge is murder, says the constable.  Are you going to charge me with murder? asks Quentin.  Was there any bad feeling between you and your brother in law? asks Jim.  None at all, says Quentin--if Trask hadn't found me there, I would have been right here to report Randall's death--then you never would have suspected me.  If I let you go back to Collinwood, will you give me your word you won't leave there? asks Jim.  Of course, says Quentin.  There will be an investigation, warns the constable.  I want an investigation, Quentin assures him.  It will begin tonight, says the constable.  Jim, asks Quentin, you've known me my whole life--do you really think I'm practicing witchcraft?  Jim's body language suggests he isn't sure.  Come on, says Quentin, be sensible about this--this is 1840--the witch-hunt was over 40 years ago.  Maybe the trials, agrees Jim, but the people never believed the practices stopped--there's always been talk about it--and now with everything going on here, folks are scared--they're believing everything that happens to them is caused by witchcraft--fear is spreading through this town like wildfire--I just hope it doesn't get out of hand.

Collinwood - Trask drops a hand to Samantha's shoulders and offers to order some tea for her--I've always felt it great help in times like this.  She thanks him.  He closes the doors behind him and enters the foyer--go in to her, Gabriel, urges Trask--she shouldn't be alone.  I'm not very good at comforting people, says Gabriel.  The woman suffered two such losses in such a short time, Trask reminds him.  I think you're one of those peculiar emotional vultures who likes to fly around looking for a disaster, then swoops down, accuses Gabriel--shouldn't you be out there trying to claim the body of poor Randall?  They hear horses outside.  They're bringing him home, guesses Gabriel.  Perhaps it's the constable, suggests Lamar.  Or perhaps it's Quentin, says Gabriel nastily--I don't think he'd like it very much if you were here.  Trask decides to go wait in the study.  Quentin enters.  Big brother's in trouble, says Gabriel--how much trouble?  I can handle it, Quentin assures him.  Do you believe that or are you just saying it? asks Gabriel.  I've got to find out who did it, and quickly, says Quentin.  Samantha enters.  Quentin--why did you kill him--why? she asks.

Quentin doesn't reply.  What are you doing here? demands Samantha--why didn't they lock you up?  She retreats back into the drawing room.  Excuse me, Gabriel, he says, I want to speak to my lovely wife alone.  He closes the doors.  What am I going to tell Tad? she asks Quentin.  That's I'm innocent, he insists.  Another lie! she cries.  You really believe I did it, is that it? he asks.  I know you and your temper, she says, you knew Randall was going to the police about you!  You'd be happy to see me with a noose around my neck wouldn't you? asks Quentin--you've hated me ever since I wouldn't let you take Tad with you--all this is going to make you very glad!  How could I be glad? she demands--my brother is dead!  I grieve for him, too, says Quentin, although you find that very difficult to believe.  Why should I? she asks, you've never shown a human emotion in your life--no pity, no love, only that mind of yours, crude, guilty, only interested in things it shouldn't be interested in!  So I'm guilty of witchcraft, is that it, my dear? He asks.  I pleaded with you to give up the occult, she says, begged you to stop reading those books, stay away from that lab, I knew it would come to this.  It hasn't ended yet, he reminds her.  And it won't be ending now, she says, my son--of course, he'll grow up with the fact that his father...
IF I am his father, dear, he says sarcastically--don't you think it's about time to tell me whom you meant when you said I wasn't his father, if I'm to be such an embarrassment to him?  How callous and cruel you are, she says.  You've used those words for me, he says, don't you think it was cruel and callous to tell me I wasn't Tad's father?--you accuse me just like Trask does, but believe me, if I'm callous, we are evenly matched.  He walks out on her, upstairs.

11:40 - Collinwood - Constable Ward asks Gabriel, did Randall speak with you earlier this evening?  And my wife, Edith, yes, says Gabriel.  What was the purpose of his visit? asks Jim.  Merely paying a visit, seeing his sister, says Gabriel.  So it was a social visit? asks Jim.  Yes, agrees Gabriel.  Your brother Quentin told me that you said he was on his way to the police, reveals the cop--Randall's reasons for going to the police must have been mentioned.  Yes, says Gabriel--Randall thought the police weren't concerned enough about the animal attacks in the woods.  So, says the constable, he was coming to see us at midnight to censure us?  That was very much like Randall, yes, says Gabriel.  And completely untrue! says the constable, he's been in town for quite a few days and we haven't heard from him--you're lying to protect your brother, aren't you?  Quentin can protect himself! says Gabriel.  Then why do you bother? asks Jim--I think I'll have a talk with Mr. Trask before I see you again--but I will see you again.  Gabriel smiles after the constable leaves.

Collinwood - Samantha looks out the window.  Trask enters--I don't think I should leave until the constable makes his decision, he says.  Where is the constable now? asks Samantha.  He just left Gabriel and has gone up to see Quentin, says Trask.  What am I going to do when he comes down? she asks.  Whatever your conscience dictates, my dear, says Trask.  My son...says Samantha.  Trask reminds her, it would be worse for him to grow up in this atmosphere of evil--when I think of the heinous practices that have gone on in this house!  Please, Lamar, she begs.  Painful as it is, says Trask, you must protect your son from his own father.  I must, she agrees, I never really believed Quentin's interest in the black arts was anything more than a foolish eccentricity, but I must now--I do!  You have just made the most important choice of your life, says Lamar--you have crossed the river of indecision and joined those on the other side that would be saved!  Sam smiles proudly.

I loved Quentin once, I really did, says Sam.  Your love could not save him, says Trask, but you must remember that you tried.  She nods.  The constable enters--may I see you alone? he asks Sam. Trask leaves.  I'm sorry for your difficult time, says Jim.  Thank you for being so understanding, she says.  Were your brother and Quentin friends? he asks.  Yes, she says, but not close.  Was there long-standing enmity between them? asks Jim.  No, she says.  Are you sure? he asks--I'm sorry for bringing this up--some years ago, your brother was friends with a Miss Mills.  Yes, says Sam testily, I do remember that, but what does it have to do with this?  There were rumors that your brother left Collinsport because of a disagreement with Miss Mills--one in which your husband was the central figure.  Do I have to go through this? asks Sam.  Yes, says the constable--were your brother and Quentin friends after your brother returned?  Yes, says Sam impatiently, yes!  Did your brother ever hint to you that he suspected your husband of witchcraft? asks Jim.  No, says Sam, Randall would never have done that without proof--oh why did I not stay here this evening?--this never would have happened, none of it--Randall would have come to me and this never would have happened, never!  She sits and leans her head on her hand, miserable.

Study - Trask asks Gabriel, do you believe Quentin guilty?  No, says Gabriel.  But do you believe him? asks Trask.  I don't have to answer to you, insists Gabriel.  Do you prefer to go on living here surrounded by his madness and evil--how long do you think you would be spared?--you're in danger even now, living in the house with a murderer! says Trask.  Quentin would never harm me! says Gabriel angrily.  Are you willing to risk your life on that?--Edith's life? asks Trask.  Look, says Gabriel, he's the only person I've ever felt remotely close to.  That is your greatest danger, says Trask--Quentin will enmesh you in his evil, and you will not even know it until it is too late--think of your children if you will not think of yourself--you must tell the Constable what Quentin said before he rushed out after Randall, or you will be thought a member of his people
--are you?--are you already a member of Quentin's coven?  No, replies Gabriel.  You must prove it, insists Trask, and, running into the constable as he's leaving the study, he says, Gabriel would like to describe in greater detail the events of this evening.  Trask stands and listens as Gabriel tells the constable, I don't know how to say this.  Just tell me the truth, instructs the constable.  Randall knew about the witchcraft, says Gabriel--there was a lot of trouble here between Mordecai Grimes and Quentin, who left in a rage after Mordecai accused him of witchcraft--  Quentin left the house, I don't know where he went--Mordecai met Randall in the woods (how does he know this)?  Mordecai swore someone--Quentin--was trying to kill him--we found a note stuck in a tree by a knife, and on the note was the mark of the devil.  Similar to the one found by Randall's body, says Trask.  Go on, encourages the constable.  Randall brought the paper to Edith and me, continues Gabriel, and asked what we knew--we told him nothing--he asked for Quentin, we said Quentin wasn't here; Randall said he couldn't wait and he met Trask.  Randall told me he would investigate Quentin, says Trask, and if he found evidence of witchcraft, he would meet me and we would come to the police.  What happened after Mr. Drew left? asks the constable.  Quentin came in, says Gabriel--I told him of Randall's visit and his plan to go to the police.  Go on, man, go on, says Trask.  There was a look on Quentin's face, says Gabriel, a look that said he knew what he was going to do, and he said, "I will stop him"--and then he left.  Were those his exact words? asks the Constable.  You don't know how much I wish they weren't, says Gabriel in a low voice.  The constable leaves the study.  Trask smiles down at Gabriel.

Quentin is having a drink in the drawing room.  The constable enters.  Quentin anxiously asks, have you questioned everybody?  I have, says the Constable--there's nothing I can do--you are under arrest--for murder.
Quentin looks resigned, as if he knew this was going to happen.

NOTES:  Gabriel isn't exactly telling the truth, plus he's talking of events he couldn't possibly have witnessed.  Something just isn't right here.

Gerard has managed to get Quentin arrested by killing Lorna, Grimes' cattle, and perhaps even Randall. That last one's a mystery, but we can be pretty sure that Quentin is innocent and someone else is guilty.

Where is Jonathan Frid here?  Is this when he was negotiating to get out of playing Barnabas and taking on another role in DS?

Samantha really did seem to once love Quentin, once, but something happened to derail that.  She didn't want to implicate him in this witchcraft business, but her hatred overpowered everything else.  Trask is too damn persuasive.  Gabriel, too, hates his brother, that's very apparent now, and he wants him out of the way so he can have the inheritance.

Love, Robin