RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on October 21, 2003, 10:25:30 AM

Title: #1136/1137: Robservations 10/22/03: Julia & Leticia Tend to Zachary
Post by: ROBINV on October 21, 2003, 10:25:30 AM
1136 - Gerard caresses the mask--Leticia where did you get it? he asks.  I found it, simpers Leticia.  You're lying! he accuses, this must be worth a fortune--this gold and all these jewels.  Jewels? she laughs, no they're pieces of colored glass!--it wouldn't fetch a farthing, it's just a plaything.  Don't take me for a fool, he says, growing angry, where did you find it?  In the bottom of an old trunk, she says.  He twists her arm behind her back--you're lying! he says.  I don't have to stand that kind of talk, she insists, her face contorted with pain.  Are there more where you got this? he asks.  There's nothing more, honest, she assures him.  You were trying to run away from me, weren't you? he asks.  No, she assures him, I'd never do that to you, no matter how mad you made me; I'd never do that to you.  He twists her arm harder, then release her.  I believe you, he says--but where were you going in such a hurry just now?  I was going to put it back where I found it, she says, but if it will help you to stop doubting me, I'll take it right now and have it appraised.  This late hour? he asks.  I know Mr. Braithwaite, the jeweler, she says flirtatiously, and could call him at his home.  I suppose you could, he says, excited--it isn't far away, is it?  Of course not, she says.  Take this right away, he says--I will wait for you here (he's being awfully trusting).  She eagerly takes it--thank you, she says, caressing his face (he pushes her hand away), you won't be disappointed.  She leaves.  Gerard opens a window to look outside, then, he, too, leaves the house.

Woods - Leticia brings the mask back to Gallows Hill.  She kneels and pull up the ring, opening the secret panel in the crypt.
Gerard, who has followed her, comes upon the scene, but she has, to his eyes, disappeared.  He continues to search, bypassing the panel set in the ground.

Crypt - Julia, the mask is exactly as I saw it in my dream, says Leticia--every detail--I wonder what power it has.  We'll know soon enough, says Julia, everything is ready.  Can we begin? asks Leticia.  Not yet, says Julia, first we need a storm, then everything will be ready.  She looks at the mask, then sets it down in front of the head of Judah Zachary.

Collinwood - Daphne, who apparently only has one dress, answers the door--Gerard.  Ah, he says, the inscrutable Daphne Harridge.  Coolly, she greets him as Mr. Stiles.  Start getting used to calling me Gerard, he advises--I'll be around a long time.  She grins--as long as I'm at Collinwood, I'll address you properly as Mr. Stiles, she insists.  He nods ruefully--"I see," he says--"I'm looking for Julia Collins, is she here?"  I haven't seen her all evening, answers Daphne.  Do you ever smile? he asks.  When there's something to smile about, yes, she says.  I'm sure you'd be even prettier, he observes.  She excuses herself--I have no time for idle conversation, she says, I have things to do--good night.  As she's walking away, he asks her one question--what is your real name?  She looks at him coldly.

My real name is Daphne Harridge, she says--whatever made you ask such a ridiculous question?
He wanders into the drawing room; she follows him.  Please answer me, she demands.  He pours himself a drink--when we first met, you said your name was Daphne Harridge, says Gerard, and you lived in the town of Rocksbury--I took the liberty of checking on your records, and there is no Daphne Harridge living there.  I see, she says.  Would you like to explain yourself? he asks.  Yes, I lied to you the other day, she admits.  He chuckles--that is a direct answer for you, he saus--now may I ask why?  Because you did not hire me, she says sharply, you are not a member of this family and you had no right to interrogate me--it seemed to me it was absolutely none of your business where I came from!  I guess one could say one has just been put in one's place, he says.  I suppose one could, she agrees triumphantly.  DO you know that I like you more and more all the time? he asks.  May I ask you why you took it upon yourself to investigate me? she asks.  Finding the pistol in her purse, he replies.  And you didn't believe my reason for having it? she asks.  I'm afraid not, not at all, he says--you see, I'm rather skeptical by nature--Quentin is my best friend, I acted out of mere concern for him.  And it never occurred to you, she says, that Mr. Collins might already have investigated my background?  Mr. Collins, says Gerard, sometimes trusts his instincts and impulses. . .  And is there something wrong with that? she asks.  As far as you're concerned, not at all, he says--and I do apologize for bothering you.  Your apology is accepted, she says.  Oh, by the way, says Gerard, where is Quentin?  Upstairs somewhere, she says, I'll tell him you're here.  Don't bother, he instructs, I'll wait for him down here, thank you.  Good night--Mr. Stiles, she says.  He grins and sips his drink.

Crypt - Julia has attached Zachary's head and body.  You are truly a wizard, says Leticia, I don't know how you did it.  The storm has begun.
Listen, says Julia--it's time now.  What do you want me to do? asks Leticia.  I want you to get the blood I need to fill his veins--soon, Judah Zachary, you will be alive and able to walk about.  Leticia gets the tubing and other accouterments Julia requires.  Something bubbles in a beaker.

Quentin comes downstairs and hears someone playing a sappy tune on the piano (sorry, I hate this music).  He runs into the closed drawing room--it's Gerard.  What are you doing? asks Quentin, upset.  Sitting here playing the piano while waiting for you, says Gerard.  Listen to me--where did you get that music--have you ever heard it before? demands Quentin. Not at all, replies Gerard, it was just here on the piano.
Quentin grabs the sheet music and looks at it.  It's impossible, he says, I burned this music over a year ago!

You must be mistaken, insists Gerard, if you'd burnt is, what would it be doing here?  Quentin, agitated, says I don't know--someone or something is doing this to me.  I don't know what you're talking about, says Gerard.  Why?--there's got to be a reason! says Quentin.  Get hold of yourself, says Gerard.  I'm not losing my senses, says Quentin.  Then kindly please tell me what you're talking about, suggests Gerard.  You're right, says Quentin, I suppose I should, I really can't handle it--you remember when we were at sea, I told you about a young woman I was in love with?  Gerard remembers--Joanna Mills--is she still back in your life?  Yes, but I don't know how, says Quentin--I have received letters from her, and that is impossible--Joanna Mills is dead--she died months ago.  Are you sure? asks Gerard. Yes, says Quentin, perhaps I'd better start at the beginning--things were over between Joanna and myself before I even went to sea, and when I returned, I wasn't going to see her again, but then, one night I found this on the foyer table.  He hands Gerard the first letter he received.  Gerard reads it: "Joanna is dead and you are responsible."  Who sent this? he asks.  I don't know, says Quentin, but I did discover that she is dead.  He takes back the letter--while we were at sea, explains Quentin, she was committed to an asylum, and she later escaped and committed suicide.  I see, says Gerard--and when did you start receiving these letters?  The day after I confirmed she was dead, says Quentin.  Can you be sure they're from her? asks Gerard.  It's her handwriting, says Quentin, I'd know it anywhere.  Gerard puts a hand on his shoulder--of course, he says--what did these letters say?  The first said that we could have a chance to get together again, says Quentin, and the second asked me to meet her at the great oak tree on the edge of the estate--now no one knows about our meetings at the oak tree--we used it as a place where we could leave each other messages--I went there.  But you didn't see her? asks Gerard.  No, says Quentin, but I found a third note, which said that she had been waiting for me, but could wait no longer.  Gerard mulls it over and picks up the sheet music--you said you destroyed the sheet music? he asks.  Yes, says Quentin.  Surely you must have other copies, suggests Gerard.  I made exactly two copies, says Quentin, one I gave to Joanna, the other I kept myself.  So, you destroyed yours, says Gerard, and this must be Joanna's.  That's right, says Quentin--why?--who, what is doing this to me?  There are two reasons, says Gerard--either somebody is deliberately trying to upset you, or Joanna is trying to communicate with you--beyond the grave.

No, says Quentin, I can't believe it--Joanna is dead--this is the work of the living.  Why are you so quick to disregard the possibility of the supernatural? asks Gerard.  I usually don't, says Quentin, and you know that--but this time, I can't help feeling that the dead have nothing to do with what's happening to me.  Perhaps it's also because you think Joanna isn't at rest, says Gerard.  Perhaps, says Quentin--thank you for listening, it has helped.  Although very little, says Gerard, and I'm sorry, but let me know if there's anything I can do--by the way, have you talked to Leticia recently?  I spoke with her yesterday for a moment, says Quentin.  Has she been acting rather odd to you? he asks.  No, replies Quentin, she seemed her usual eccentric self.  Gerard smiles--have you noticed that she and Julia Collins have become good friends recently?  No, says Quentin, I've only seen Julia for a few fleeting moments these last days--why do you ask?  I was just curious, says Gerard--Leticia's acting strangely--I'm not sure I like the way she's acting.

Crypt - Julia nods to Leticia--open the panel to allow the lightning to enter the crypt.  We hear the buzzing sounds of electricity being transmitted.  Julia places the jeweled mask over Judah's face, then hooks electrodes up to the mask.  Now we must wait for the lightning to make contact with the mask, says Julia.

We see flames reflected through a brandy glass; Quentin is drinking in the drawing room.  Daphne enters--can I get you anything? she asks.  No, thank you very much, he says, draining his drink.  Forgive me, sir, she says, I was just wondering--is everything all right?  Nothing is ever all right in this house, he says (ain't it the truth?)--why do you ask?  I had the feeling something's been troubling you the past few days, she says.  Has it been that obvious? he asks.
I hope you don't think I was prying, she says.  No, the thought never entered my mind, he says.  Forgive me, sir, she says, it's not in my duties as governess to become involved in other matters, but you've been very good to me--what I'm trying to say, if there's ever anything I can do to help...  He smiles at her--as a matter of fact, he says, there isn't, but I appreciate very much your asking--thank you.  You're welcome, she says, and starts to leave.  He approaches her--I never really noticed how gentle you are, he remarks--you're going to be very good for Tad--you and I are going to have to have a long talk soon.  About Tad, she says.  About you, he amends, and about your future here at Collinwood--I want to make sure you're very happy.  I already am, she assures him, happier than I've ever been.  She smiles and goes upstairs, but first she gives him a look more murderous than gentle.

Crypt - Leticia paces while Julia tends to Zachary.  When is something going to happen? asks Leticia anxiously.  When the lightning touches the body, says Julia.  Leticia looks up through the panel as lightning and thunder fill the sky.  She returns to Julia--did it touch? she asks.  Not yet, says Julia.  Suppose it doesn't? asks Leticia.  It will, Julia assures her.  Julia, it's got to! says Leticia shrilly.  Julia holds her stethoscope and squeezes it in her hand.  More lightning, says Leticia, and nothing's happened--it's not going to work, Julia, I tell you it's not going to work!  Lightning works its way through the wires and into the mask.  The creature writhes on the table, hand outstretched.  It happened, Julia, exclaims Leticia, thrilled, just like you said it would!  Julia rushes over to fiddle with some buttons, then listens to the creature's heart.  What is it? asks Leticia--we haven't failed, have we?--tell me!  His heart is beating, says Julia proudly--"Judah Zachary is alive!"

NOTES:  This can't be good!  With Judah alive, what new horrors will befall the denizens of Collinwood?  It gets even more interesting, so stay tuned.  I guess the DS writers wanted to do an Adam throwback, with all those buzzing electrified wires and bottles bubbling merrily away.

Isn't Daphne showing an awful lot of concern for a man she plans to murder?  What's that all about?  Does it have anything to do with Joanna?  If Quentin burned his own copy of "their" sheet music, the other must be Joanna's, but if she's dead, who else could have left it there?

Gerard already likes Daphne plenty, but she doesn't return his affections one bit.  As ghosts, Daphne presumably loved Gerard, so this has to evolve even further.  How will it proceed?

Quentin confided in Gerard, but not Barnabas.  I guess he trusts his best friend more than his newfound cousin.  Too bad, too.

What made Gerard think Daphne Harridge wasn't her real name--or was he taking a stab in the dark because his own name is fake?  We know she has her own reasons for what she's doing, but did he really have her investigated or was he bluffing?  She doesn't explain why her name isn't known in the town she claimed to come from, does she?

1137 - Leticia reverently removes the mask from Judah's face--he's alive! she proclaims--soon he will be able to talk with us!  Julia listens to his heart, first with the stethoscope, then her ear-- all the vital organs are just barely functioning, she reports, we must be very careful--if everything continues to function, the body will live.  What should we do now? asks Leticia.  Keep watching, says Julia, check his pulse and heartbeat to see there's no change.  How long will he stay like this? asks Leticia.  All through the night, answers Julia--I want to teach you to do some of this work, she says leading the younger woman over to the bubbling beakers.  I've never done anything like this, objects Leticia, and don't know if I could.  We see Judah's motionless body reflected in the overhead mirror as Julia explains, it's a very simple procedure--just watch the way it works.

Gerard returns to Rose Cottage, wondering where Leticia is in that cemetery--she vanished so quickly--well, she'll have to come back sooner or later, he muses.  He enters the darkened drawing room and turns on a lamp.  Papers are strewn all over the floor.  he picks them up and begins shoving them into a cabinet.  He reads: "October, 1803 - Otis Green tells court of jeweled mask--today in a county court, Mr. Otis Green added a new element to his already bizarre story--he told of a strange jeweled mask that he estimated to be of considerable value.  Gerard spies the Journal of Judah Zachary Desmond's been keeping.  He picks it up, but hearing a knock at the door, shoves everything into that same cabinet, which doesn't stay closed, and answers the door.  Daphne stands there.  "Our favorite governess", he greets her--come in--what a pleasant surprise.  She refers to him as Mr. Stiles.  I asked you to call me Gerard, he reminds her.  She doesn't reply.  What can I do for you, he asks.  I'm here to see Desmond Collins, she says.  He's not in, says Gerard.  Is his mother here? asks Daphne.  No, he says--Flora went to Boston to pick up Carrie Stokes and bring her back here to Collinwood--as luck would have it, I'm the only person in this house--and totally at your service.  He bows to her.  You won't be able to help me, says Daphne--I came to pick up some old newspapers from Desmond--I loaned them to him when I was working at the Collinsport Star, and when I began my job at Collinwood, I forgot about them--but I got a letter from the editor this evening, who is extremely annoyed with me.  I'm sorry to hear that, says Gerard--how old are the papers?  They're all from October, 1803, she says.  What would Desmond want with these papers? he asks.  I hardly see how that could be of any interest to you, she says.  It is, he says, Desmond and I share a great many of the same interests.  I'm surprised he hasn't told you, she says, smiling.  That's why I'm so curious, he says--Desmond has been acting very strange recently--Flora and I have been very worried about him--I thought perhaps you might be able to shed some light on the matter.  Of course I'd like to, says Daphne, but I really don't know Desmond very well.  Tell me, he says--what happened to him when he came to borrow the newspapers?  Nothing, really, says Daphne, I got the back issues for him, and he read them for a moment, and signed for them--and that was a curious thing--he had a mental lapse and didn't sign his own name
--he signed Judah Zachary.  Gerard's eyebrows rise with interest.

Gerard rubs his chin--so, he says, Desmond signed as Judah Zachary?  Yes, she says, he said it was a pseudonym he used in his writing.  I see, says Gerard.  Does that mean something to you? she asks.  Not at all, he says.  Do you know where Desmond put the papers? she asks.  I'm sorry, I don't, he says, touching a finger to his lips--however, I will be happy to ask him for you when he comes.  Thanks you very much, she says.  They bid each other good night.  After she leaves, he closes the doors, takes out Judah Zachary's journal and begins reading it.

Crypt - Leticia, the pulse is weaker, says Julia, preparing a shot.
Is he going to be all right? asks Leticia.  I can't tell that yet, says Julia.  Remember what he told us would happen if we fail, says Leticia anxiously--I don't want to die, Julia.  Stop talking about that, says Julia, we're doing the best we can--she gives Judah the shot.  Leticia puts her hands to her face--Gerard is waiting for me to go back to Rose Cottage, she says--I've got to go back there with some story about the mask or he'll know I'm up to something--maybe he'll come here--maybe he'll find them!  Gerard is not important now, says Julia sternly--if we fail, it doesn't matter what Gerard feels, we will be gone---if we succeed, then Judah will protect us--he'll know how to handle Gerard--do you understand?  Yes, says Leticia, I think so. I want to prepare another injection in case we need it later, says Julia--get me the adrenaline--it's over there, in the marked bottle.  Leticia picks up the vial, but drops it on the floor.  The top was loose! she wails--I didn't realize--what will I do?  Annoyed, Julia says, I have more adrenaline at Collinwood and have to go get it.  (Was adrenaline even invented yet?)  You're going to leave me here alone? asks Leticia.  There's no other choice, insists Julia--stay with him and remember to take his pulse and heartbeat--I'll be back as quick as she can.  Julia exits the crypt.

Gerard reads Judah's journal.  There's a knock at the door, and he hides the journal under some other books.  Come in, he calls.  It's Barnabas.  What brings you here at this late hour? asks Gerard.  It is late, agrees Barnabas--I've come to take my sister home--she's upstairs with Flora.  I haven't seen Julia at all, reports Gerard--Flora left for Boston earlier this evening, I haven't seen your sister at all.  I see, says Barnabas, concerned.

Daphne meets Julia in Collinwood's foyer--the first time they've met since Julia warned Daphne not to take the governess job at Collinwood.  I expected we would be meeting again, says Daphne, but I didn't think it would be here.  I'm very sorry you didn't take my warning, says a tight-lipped Julia.  Don't you think it's about time you told me who you are? asks Daphne.  Julia Collins, says Julia.  This surprises Daphne--"You're Barnabas Collins' sister?"  Yes, says Julia.  Why did you want me not to come to work here? Daphne asks.  I told you then I couldn't explain that, and nothing has changed, replies Julia--she runs upstairs, hastily excusing herself.  Barnabas enters the house--Daphne, have you seen my sister in the house? he asks.  He's about to head upstairs when Daphne asks, do you know that your sister came to visit me and tried to convince me not to become governess here at Collinwood?  I wasn't aware of that, says Barnabas.  She came and warned me that if I became governess here at Collinwood, says Daphne, my life would be in danger, but then she refused to tell me who she was.  Allow me to apologize for her, says Barnabas--sometimes she has these strange premonitions--she meant no harm--you will find that she's actually a friend.  I do hope so, says Daphne--I like it here, and if anything or anyone should jeopardize my position, I'd be very unhappy.  She exits into the kitchen area.  Julia stands on the landing, gazing down at Barnabas.  As she comes downstairs, he says, you were out so late, I was worried about you.  Coolly, Julia asks, were you looking for me?  I was with Desmond, says Barnabas, we were hunting for the killer.  Did you make progress? asks Julia.  I'm afraid not, says Barnabas--where were you this evening?  I told you, she says, I went to Rose Cottage to see Flora and get a copy of her book.  Of course, says Barnabas, how is the book about Leticia coming along?  Very well, says Julia.  You certainly must have had a pleasant evening, says Barnabas, looking at her carefully--you were out so late.  Yes, we played a game of whist, says Julia--fascinating game--I've got to speak to the housekeeper, then I'm going on to bed.  Barnabas grabs Julia's arm.  "Flora went to Boston this evening," he says, "and she won't be back until tomorrow night
--now tell me, why have you been lying to me?"   She stares into his unyielding face.

I asked you why have you been lying to me? demands Barnabas.  You must be mistaken, insists Julia--maybe Flora just meant to go to Boston...  Flora WENT to Boston earlier this evening! says Barnabas angrily--I went to Rose Cottage to look for you and found out--tell me where you've been!  I don't owe you an explanation of anything, says Julia coldly, I can come and go as I please.  What's wrong with you? he asks, his eyes searching her face.  It's my life and I will live it as I choose, she says--you have no business asking me questions--now please leave me alone!  Julia, he says, shaking his head, it is you--you are under Zachary's spell--you've been helping him--now tell me where he is!  She frees herself from his grasp, insisting, I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say.  You're going to stay here and tell me everything, do you understand? cries Barnabas.  Please, you've got to let me go! begs Julia--he needs me!  What do you mean, needs you? asks Barnabas--how have you been helping him?  I'll tell you nothing, do you understand? asks Julia, backing away from him--nothing!  Barnabas gazes at her, hypnotizing her.  She tries to look away.

Gerard sits reading Zachary's journal:  Mr. Green's dying words were most confounding--amounting as they did to a riddle of sorts, but I solved the riddle and that's how I discovered the underground vault below the unmarked tomb.  Gerard closes the journal, repeating the last seven words--of course!--that is how Leticia disappeared!  He hurriedly puts the journal in the cabinet and leaves Rose Cottage.

Leticia, checking Zachary's pulse, notes, he's getting weaker--I must be doing something all wrong, she worries--oh, Julia, where are you, why don't you come back?  She listens to his chest, wailing, please God, his heart has almost stopped--the mask--maybe the mask will help!  She places the mask over his face again; his arm drops to his side.  He's dying! she cries, I've got to find Julia before it's too late!  She runs off, leaving the mask on covering Judah's face.

Gerard is waiting when Leticia exits the crypt.  He hides, waiting for her to leave, then kneels beside the entrance, which she has left open.

Leticia runs into the drawing room at Collinwood--Julia! she yells, you must come right away--he's dying!  Julia, sitting in a chair with Barnabas by her side, holding her arm rightly, shouts, Leticia, go, get out!  Leticia runs out, Barnabas calling to her frantically.

Gerard enters the tomb and finds the mask atop the face of Judah Zachary.  He lifts and drops a limp arm.  Above, the lightning courses through the wires attached to the mask, making it glow.  The creature writhes, scaring Gerard, who reaches for the mask and pulls it off the creature's face.  He admires it greedily.  The creature on the table stirs, opens its eyes, begins to sit up.  Gerard, terrified, drops the mask.  We see the stitches where the head and body were joined.
The creature advances on Gerard, who races away, knocking over something that sets the place on fire.  Gerard runs to escape Judah, who is trapped by the fire.  Looking much like Frankenstein, the creature reaches out to Gerard...

NOTES:  Even the credits refer to Julia as "Hoffman Collins."  It still calls Michael McGuire "The Head", even though he's whole and officially Judah Zachary now.

Barnabas knows Julia and Leticia are in cahoots somehow, and he's apparently holding her prisoner until he finds out what it is.  Right now, it appears that both Gerard and Judah will die in the conflagration in the crypt--if that happens, how will this story play itself out?  Does Gerard now have the motive to want to destroy Collinwood?  Daphne isn't even close to loving him, so what will become of that aspect of the story?  Mysteries!

Will Barnabas learn what Julia has been up to?  He could have followed Leticia, in bat form, if necessary, to the crypt.  It's too bad Leticia dropped the necessary drug, forcing Julia to leave the crypt before the job was complete.

What will happen now?  It certainly is interesting, isn't it, a far cry from the endless whineathons we had to endure with Hallie/Carrie?

Love, Robin
Title: Re: #1136/1137: Robservations 10/22/03: Julia & Leticia Tend to Zachary
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 21, 2003, 09:28:12 PM
(sorry, I hate this music)

I love it. But I have to confess that I love the way it's used in NoDS. I'm pretty indifferent to its use here.