General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 II => Topic started by: ROBINV on September 30, 2003, 09:18:26 PM

Title: IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: ROBINV on September 30, 2003, 09:18:26 PM
I've been pondering Sci Fi's decision to preempt our show for most of October.  I'm assuming that they will probably do the same during most of December, too, as they have in the past few years.

I was trying to ponder possible reasons for what's going on, and here's what I have surmised:

1.  They're trying out other TV shows in DS' time slot to see if any produce the same or better ratings.

2.  Knowing how close we are to the end of the series, with only the remainder of 1840 and 1841PT storyline left, is it possible they're stretching it out as long as they can so DS ends around the end of 2003?

While rumors have stated that DS will not run on Sci Fi again (or that it will, LOL), there's no way of knowing until the series ends its third run and we see what happens.  Personally, I'm not counting on another run.  I believe Sci Fi has been kind to our show, in some ways, by keeping it on for so many years.  We have to accept that it won't remain a permanent fixture on that network.

That's what I think.  What about all of you?

Love, Robin   
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on September 30, 2003, 11:23:25 PM
1.  They're trying out other TV shows in DS' time slot to see if any produce the same or better ratings.

Always a possibility. But they pre-empted DS for much of last December by replacing it with different shows, and that didn't seem to affect DS in any way.

2.  Knowing how close we are to the end of the series, with only the remainder of 1840 and 1841PT storyline left, is it possible they're stretching it out as long as they can so DS ends around the end of 2003?

Actually, by pre-empting DS so much in October, it will run into January as it is. And by the time they pre-empt for Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and who knows how much of December, this run *could* even last into February.

While rumors have stated that DS will not run on Sci Fi again (or that it will, LOL), there's no way of knowing until the series ends its third run and we see what happens.

Believe it or not, this is Sci-Fi's fourth run of DS (Eps #1-#1245 - 09/25/92-03/17/95, Eps #1-#1245 - 03/17/95-09/25/97, Eps #189-#1245 - 01/04/99-05/16/01, and now Eps #1-#1245 - 05/17/01-??/??/04).  ;)

Personally, I'm not counting on another run.  I believe Sci Fi has been kind to our show, in some ways, by keeping it on for so many years.  We have to accept that it won't remain a permanent fixture on that network.

Well, with the exception of the 15 months between 09/26/97-01/03/99, DS has been running on Sci-Fi for just a few days over 11 years, which is more than twice as long as it ran originally on ABC, so I suppose we can't really say too much if they were to drop DS after this fourth run and decide to never run it again. But I'm still hopeful that DS might continue into a fifth run...

For the first two runs we knew that Sci-Fi's contract with Worldvision was for a five year exclusive run, and that's exactly how it worked out (09-25/92-09/25/97). But Sci-Fi hasn't ever publicly stated how long their current contract with Worldvision runs, so we have no way of pinning down when it might end. However, the only way the fourth run could end on or before 01/04/04 (a four year exclusive run: 01/04/99-01/04/04) is if they don't pre-empt DS at all in November and December. And what's the likelihood of that?

Time will tell...
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on October 01, 2003, 02:55:16 AM

While I certainly hope that the Sci-Fi Channel Powers-That-Be decide to keep airing Dark Shadows forever, I'm not particularly sanguine about the prospects of another full-run of the much beloved program.

And, I can't begin to express to you, how shattered I was when the Sci-Fi Channel pulled the plug on "Lost In Space" and "Sightings."  I tell you, they just about ripped my heart out with those two, callous cancellations!  How I miss seeing "Sightings" host Tim White deliver his insightful observations on the world of the supernatural and the unexplained with such eloquence and solemnity, while looking oh-so-cool in those nifty Bernini suits of his!

Bob the Bartender   
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: David on October 01, 2003, 06:53:57 PM
I've been hearing about the end of DS airings for 20 years, but it's still around, and, one way or another, it'll remain around!

It could also play on SoapNet or TV Land one day.
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 01, 2003, 10:25:42 PM
the only way the fourth run could end on or before 01/04/04 (a four year exclusive run: 01/04/99-01/04/04) is if they don't pre-empt DS at all in November and December. And what's the likelihood of that?

Well, I just checked Sci-Fi's schedulebort for November, and, as expected, DS will not be run on Veterans Day (the 11th) or for Thanksgiving and the Friday after (the 27th and 28th), so now there's absolutely no way this fourth run can end on or before 01/04/04 by only running two weekday episodes.

Glean from that what you will...
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Julia99 on October 02, 2003, 12:42:26 AM
didn't someone mention. . around the time of the Fest that the SoapNetwork has avidly wanted DS for their lineup?
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Josette on October 02, 2003, 03:59:03 AM
Well, I just checked Sci-Fi's schedulebort for November, and, as expected, DS will not be run on Veterans Day (the 11th) or for Thanksgiving and the Friday after (the 27th and 28th),

I'm curious as to how you determined about the 11th, unless you just deduced it from the lack of listings.  I happened to check the schedule tonight and on Nov. 11th there are paid programs listed through 7:30 a.m. and then it picks up with 6 or 6:30 p.m. and the rest of the day apparently doesn't exist!
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 02, 2003, 04:16:15 AM
I'm curious as to how you determined about the 11th, unless you just deduced it from the lack of listings.

I didn't click on any actual dates (which is what I'm assuming you might have done) - I used the site's search feature to look up the entire current schedule for all DS listings. When one does that, every DS listing from September 2nd until November 26th comes up. There are no listings for November 11th, 27th or 28th.  :)  Also, according to that listing, Worldvision episodes #933/#934 (episodes #1161/#1162) will run on Novemeber 10th, while episodes #935/#936 will run on the 12th.  ;)
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Josette on October 02, 2003, 07:31:45 AM
Very interesting - I assumed from the non-listing that it wouldn't be on, but it does seem weird how they seem to have forgotten about over 10 hours of that day!
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Miles on October 06, 2003, 02:52:48 AM
And, I can't begin to express to you, how shattered I was when the Sci-Fi Channel pulled the plug on "Lost In Space" and "Sightings."  I tell you, they just about ripped my heart out with those two, callous cancellations!  How I miss seeing "Sightings" host Tim White deliver his insightful observations on the world of the supernatural and the unexplained with such eloquence and solemnity, while looking oh-so-cool in those nifty Bernini suits of his!

"Until next time, remember- no mystery is closed to an open mind."
Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Midnite on October 06, 2003, 03:08:47 AM
"Until next time, remember- no mystery is closed to an open mind."

Title: Re:IMHO - Why Sci Fi Might Be Pre-Empting DS most of October
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on October 06, 2003, 03:36:00 AM
I read somewhere that Tim White is now the lead anchor man on the local nightly news for one of the Cleveland, Ohio TV stations.

You can bet that Mr. White gets down on his knees everyday to thank the good Lord, that the Sci-Fi Channel finally (and mercifully) pulled the plug on Henry Winkler's opus, "Sightings," IMHO!!!

Current ABC News national correspondent (and former "Sightings" reporter) Carla Wohl must be also jumping for joy that her in-depth reports on "alien abductions" and "spontaneous human combustion" are no longer seeing the light of cable television daytime, so to speak!

Bob the Bartender, who believes none of what he hears and half of what he sees (except for everything that was ever presented on "Geraldo").