General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '13 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on November 29, 2013, 04:28:15 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: Watching Project on November 29, 2013, 04:28:15 PM
Robservations #599

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 29, 2013, 05:17:12 PM
It's odd to hear the VO say Barnabas might be "destroyed", which is not something you really say about a living human being.   Jail time, maybe an execution I guess...  if Maggie convinces the sheriff.   Maggie nearly joins the ranks of Collinsport nightie ramblers, only she's doing it in her robe. 

Very good scene, where Joe and Maggie reunite, and both find they're vampire victims...  Maggie is then inspired with the kind of basic life-protecting sense you just don't see in horror stories and says, let's just get in the damn car and GO.  NOW.   She knew they only had that one moment, and if they missed it, that would be it, and it was.   Cut to Barnabas, showing us that the knock at Joe's door couldn't have been him.  Then who...?

 It looked as if Maggie and Joe might have concocted some clever revenge plan against Barnabas, inviting him to come see her to carry it out, showing a great sense of theater on her part.   But no, Blair has wiped her memory, and also had to show Barnabas that he had, hence the invitation.   Smart of Barnabas to figure it out that fast... it's a wild thought, but who else might have the power and motive?

End of Maggie problem.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: DarkLady on November 29, 2013, 08:06:10 PM
I guess the opening VO is supposed to be from Maggie's point of view, and she still thinks that Barnabas is a vampire that should be exposed and destroyed.

Barnabas and Willie return dispiritedly to the Old House after an unsuccessful search. Barnabas fully expects the police to arrive at any moment but is stoical and resigned, quite unlike the frantic Willie. (Sadly, though, Barnabas doesn’t make the same generous promise to Willie as he did to Julia.) They hear the expected knock on the door. But instead of the police, it's Joe, who says, I’m here to deliver a message: Maggie would like to see you at her house whenever it’s convenient but as soon as possible. Joe delivers his message with gentlemanly courtesy and leaves, but conceals himself to watch Barnabas and Willie go out. (The doors swing open after Willie follows Barnabas out.)

At the cottage, we get a glimpse of a sketch of Barnabas, which is described as a preliminary sketch for Sam's portrait of the present-day Barnabas. [The sketch looks as if it could have been made when Jonathan Frid was first cast as Barnabas (no pointy hair). Bob Costello provided all but the face of the original portrait of Barnabas, and this sketch may have provided the face. DS Wiki has a frame grab of the sketch here (http://darkshadows.wikia.com/wiki/Category:599?file=599q.jpg).] The peripatetic multicolor afghan lies across the sofa. Maggie greets Barnabas and Willie with her normal friendliness. She tells Barnabas, I found some sketches my father made for your portrait. I thought you might like to have them. Though completely baffled by her behavior, Barnabas accepts the drawings, even in this great crisis still the epitome of courtesy and good breeding. (Naomi would have been proud!) Maggie surprises them even more when she invites Willie to stop by.

Once he and Willie are outside, though, Barnabas comments, Only one other person could have erased Maggie’s memory when even Julia failed--Nicholas Blair. This is the second time that Blair has helped me. [The first time was when he restored Carolyn to life.] He must have some plan. Whatever it is, Barnabas muses, it must be diabolical (so to speak). But what could it be?.........
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 29, 2013, 10:14:34 PM
I guess the opening VO is supposed to be from Maggie's point of view, and she still thinks that Barnabas is a vampire that should be exposed and destroyed.

That's something that bothers me... the voiceovers sometimes will state something is so when it turns out that that thing isn't so, and they knew it.... just because it's something they want us to believe at that moment.   Like, the VO announced that Carolyn was dead when Barnabas was approaching the Collinwood front door, expecting to have to blab all to the family about having killed her through the Experiment... yet they knew Carolyn was standing alive just on the other side of that door.

Bad omniscient impersonal narrator, fwap on nose with rolled-up newspaper....
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: DarkLady on November 30, 2013, 08:25:08 PM
Fwap indeed! I remember all those 1795 VOs that start out, My name is Victoria Winters. They then proceed to tell us all sorts of things that Vicki could never know. I guess eventually the writers realized they couldn't keep that going indefinitely.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
Post by: alwaysdavid on December 01, 2013, 09:06:57 AM
Maggie goes to find. Joe who will believe her, but we know it has to end badly. Joe is a mess and has lost his job and  Maggie who now walks in on him with his new love Angelique. She wants to escape but it's too late.