General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '13 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on November 09, 2013, 03:58:12 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: Watching Project on November 09, 2013, 03:58:12 PM
Robservations #585

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: DarkLady on November 10, 2013, 06:48:00 PM
Adam is understandably quite annoyed when the experiment can't be done tonight. Barnabas tells Julia to go, still thinking he can keep Adam at bay long enough for Julia to take Vicki away from Collinwood. [He commits a classic blooper--doubtless due to the stress of the situation--when he tells Julia, "You know what to do now Mag-- Vicki-- you know what to do now Julia, go--now!"

But Adam quickly disarms Barnabas (the prop gun falls apart) and goes after Julia, whom he also overpowers somewhere in the woods. Characteristically, she’s still trying to scream even when he covers her mouth with his hand.

Adam's next stop is Collinwood, where he climbs up the outside wall (off camera) to Vicki's room. I don’t hate you, he tells her in silent apology, but you’re the one Barnabas loves.

Barnabas arrives at Collinwood to find the ground floor deserted, since everyone is sleeping (for once). He takes the stairs two at a time.

Still gazing down at the sleeping Vicki, Adam continues, Barnabas must know what it is like to be alone. He has condemned me to being alone, so he must be alone too. Barnabas pounds on Vicki’s door, calling her name. But she is unable to answer him because Adam grabs her from behind and wraps his powerful fingers around her throat....
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 10, 2013, 07:57:44 PM
It's unpleasant hearing Jonathan always struggling with his lines in this storyline.  I think this happens more when he finds being in the story embarrassing.   Adam climbed the wall to Vicki's second floor bedroom? 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: DarkLady on November 10, 2013, 10:31:50 PM
Interesting thought about JF, Magnus. I guess he thought that some storylines weren't worth that much bother. Can't say I blame him on this one.

About Adam: My notes indicate that he's looking in on the sleeping Vicki from the outside. Her room is upstairs, but maybe there's a convenient ledge outside for Adam to stand on? Or is it just another example of the craziness of this story line? In any case, when Barnabas arrives, he comes in through the front door with no trouble at all.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: alwaysdavid on November 16, 2013, 04:19:05 AM
Julia fears that Barnabas will revert at Adams death.  There are so many off things in this episode. The view out the old house window shows a totally different grid pattern and window shape. Vickie wants a leave of absence that she talks to Roger about when his sister is her employer and then it seems she wants to go for just a few days. 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: IluvBarnabas on December 15, 2013, 03:49:24 PM
Others seem to be more understanding than I about Adam being annoyed about the experiment being delayed...I can't be. He's waited this long for his mate to come alive, what he can't wait, what an hour or two for them to find someone else to be the life force?

There is NO reason that Adam couldn't have been a bit more understanding, even for an obnoxious lunkhead like him (and frankly that's what he's being during this period, Nicholas or no Nicholas). And Maggie is NOT the last woman in the world, Barnabas and Julia could easily have found someone else. I know Barnabas wanted someone they could control, but under the circumstances I think I would have concentrated on getting a stranger as soon as possible rather than exert any futile attempt to try and murder Adam.

I wouldn't blame Jonathan for being less than enthusiastic about this storyline. It really is a drag to watch, I imagine it must have been excruciating to have to act out.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: MagnusTrask on December 16, 2013, 09:04:32 AM
Adam suspects Barnajulia of creating fake delays to stall for time, until they can get rid of Adam in some other way, perhaps by killing him.  So there's pressure on him-- he has to act decisively without being sure.   If Adam trusted them he'd have no problem waiting, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: IluvBarnabas on December 16, 2013, 05:53:50 PM
Yes, but how is killing Vicki and the Collins family going to help Adam in the long run?He might have the satisfaction of destroying everyone Barnabas loves, but he would also destroy any leverage he would have to force Barnabas and Julia into doing the experiment.

As I've said Adam could have at least held out an hour.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0585
Post by: MagnusTrask on December 17, 2013, 05:06:29 PM
The thing is, if you're making a threat like that, you have to make yourself willing to carry it out.   Then it does become useless, but it's just revenge at that point.   He loses his leverage if these people he doesn't trust keep stalling and he fails to act, from his perspective.   When he sees them stalling too many times, he has to decide all is lost and here comes the rampage...

It's a messy situation that can't make total sense.