General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '13 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on August 02, 2013, 03:28:04 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: Watching Project on August 02, 2013, 03:28:04 PM
Robservations #513

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: dom on August 03, 2013, 05:17:08 AM
Joan Bennett screws up the opening voice-over and they couldn't even re-tape it. Really? Not even edit it to make it sound correct? While I'm ragging - the OV-O's are becoming too descriptive for my taste.

Tony is summoned by Cassandra but is met at the door by Stokes. Stokes, in his usual charming manner delays Tony's trip. Thayer's lines are good (and fun) and competently delivered, not so much for Lacy. Stokes parting line is, "By the way Mr. Peterson, don't be afraid, at worst she can only use you, she can't hurt you." Is that so? It seems to me to be an utterly irresponsible quip.

Evans Cottage: Stokes makes an unannounced visit to speak to Sam but Sam is at The Blue Whale. Stokes relays his concern about Sam having the dream to Maggie. Cassandra interupts with a knock on the door. Stokes makes an attempt to go unnoticed but Maggie invites her in. Cass has a gift for Sam which she is reluctantly forced to leave with Maggie at the cottage. Cass & Stokes play a game of cat-n-mouse before she leaves somewhat defeated and deflated. Stokes palms the gift and also heads out. This particular scene was a whole lot of fun to watch for me as Stokes toyed with Cassandra. The exchange is quote worthy. His knife twisting: delicious.

Summoned a second time, Tony can not resist and is not prepared for Cassandra. At the Great House terrace he is made aware that she knows Stokes is alive and that he'll be punished for deceiving her, etc. After deciding not to turn him into a cocker spaniel, she decides to turn him into a lap dog with a love spell. Tony is momentarily spared when he spots Liz looking at them through a window, knocking Cass off-center allowing him to retreat. Ultrafabulous shot of Bennett at the window. And just as fabulous a departure from said window. Great content in this scene - Tony taunts Cass regarding her having weaknesses and not being as powerful as Stokes, etc.

Tony has run home and is startled to find Stokes there waiting. Stokes 'knows' where Peterson's been and tells him where he's been, having the pipe tobacco Cass left for Sam analyzed and having found a powder in it that would induce Sam to have the dream. Tony pleads for Stokes' help in ridding him of Cass. Stokes promises to fight on and after asking if he smokes a pipe, leaves the tainted tobacco with Tony. I found Stokes leaving the tobacco with Tony very intriguing. I don't know how I want to interpret the gesture. I doubt Tony would be foolish enough to smoke it. But it would probably screw up the dream if he did, so it is not a stretch to take Stokes seriously. Tony remains a threat so that would be another reason for Stokes to want him to smoke the tobacco and maybe have it get Cass' panties in such a wad that she would get rid of Tony because of him yet again bungling her plans. Of course the most probable meaning of the gesture just may be as simple as "Here, get rid of this for me." Again, Thayer had some great lines.

Liz confronts Cass about her relationship with Tony. Liz will tell Roger, so Cass puts a death hex on Liz. And boy am I upset! lol. I hate seeing Liz weak and or defeated. I hated this arc when I first saw it so I am wondering how I am going to feel about it this time around.

Video glitches (jumping) throughout much of the episode. Joel is looking exceptionally hunky these days - thighs of steel. Parker is holding her own - good lord is Cassandra pissing me off, lol. I guess Sam hasn't stopped drinking. Thank goddess they didn't give him a tin cup and pencils. I still say Thayer is imitating Bette Davis. It appears as though we got a new music cue as heard during Cass' departure from the Evans cottage. It reminded me of The Planet Of The Apes. The wig is still on straight but it's lazily styled. KLS is still looking good. David walked away with this episode, perhaps at an unfair advantage.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: DarkLady on August 03, 2013, 07:53:46 PM
Cassangelique is shocked to find Stokes, hale and well, at the Evans cottage ahead of her. She is angry that Tony lied to her. Now armed with his new knowledge as well as his quick lawyer's mind, Tony realizes, You’re afraid of Stokes. You’re afraid because he's your equal--or maybe better. Unfortunately he says so out loud. But he escapes serious consequences when Elizabeth spots them.

The best scene in this ep. is the one with Tony and Stokes. Either no one in Collinsport has locks on their doors, or maybe Stokes is a skilled lock picker in addition to his other gifts. Guessing where Tony has been, Stokes tries to lighten things up by joking about the rather ornate sideboard in the corner, but Tony is still ashamed. Stokes suggests that Tony go ahead and smoke the tobacco that Cassangelique has doctored. Thus Professor Stokes becomes the only person in the Collins universe to acknowledge the existence of hallucinogens!

The whole Elizabeth-death subplot was incredibly annoying to me every time I watched it. I suspect I wouldn't feel any differently if I saw it again. Just reading my summaries is irritating.

But JC does look particularly handsome in this episode.  [ghost_smiley]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 04, 2013, 01:35:42 AM
Elliot and Tony bicker, and it comes out that they don't like each other.   I think the world's a play to Stokes, and he's content observing the actors... he doesn't need to be pals with them.

This episode was actually good.   Gordon Russell wrote it, with help from Thayer, probably.  When did Violet Welles start writing under other writers' names?   I'd have enjoyed the Cass-Stokes scene more if I'd remembered that he was supposed to be dead.   Great to see Stokes' face tranform in seconds from perhaps an expression of mortal fear, at being seen, to a self-enjoying shit-eating grin!  He adjusts fast, and savors even the dangerous times...  I loved the moment when he said to her, forget the portrait, I've found the original.    The moment itself was original, being a sort of smile and a wink between enemies, maybe even a compliment on her appearance from Stokes.   Cass smiles, and warms up for a moment.   

I love unconventional emotional responses, and original ways of experiencing and reacting to events, people, and life.

I realized that I hadn't enjoyed Cass at all until this episode, but now I do.   As for Stokes giving Tony the wacky terbacky, he did tell him what was in it.   Otherwise I'd think revenge for trying to poison him.   Anything could happen.

Oh no, Liz and being buried alive.  It was a bit exciting watching it start out of the blue so abruptly, and I'm glad to have Liz back, and actually taking part in something.   She'll get to do lots of morbid actory soliloquizing from here on, which of course I will enjoy for awhile, and then tire of.   I never thought I'd get to like Liz.   I had to see 1966 for this to happen.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: dom on August 04, 2013, 02:32:11 AM
I agree, Magnus. Seeing the show from day one changed everything for me.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: Gothick on August 08, 2013, 02:57:43 AM
I just love this episode.

I love Parker's expression as Cassandra when she catches sight of Stokes in the Evans cottage. The shocked trembling of her lower lip is really well done.  Maybe she'd been studying Johnny Karlen.

Thayer had so many great lines in this one.  Stokes is my favorite character of his which is sheer sentimentality because I also adore him as Count Petofi and PT 1970 Tim Stokes.  I love all his work in the series but these three are my favorite characterizations because all three are just so... out there.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: alwaysdavid on August 15, 2013, 03:42:23 AM
Tony has Burke's room furnished with furniture from previous sets.
Sam is drinking at the Blue Whale. This answers the question I had been thinking about, but I think earlier Sam would have been round the clock drunk on losing his sight and getting everyone to feel sorry for him.
I love that Elizabeth is the woman in the window who sees Tony and Cass about to embrace. It is so out of the Blue and gets her going back to the great topic of death.  The sea is my grave! 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
Post by: Roland on August 17, 2015, 03:27:57 AM
This episode is notable for its many highly dramatic confrontation scenes - the most probably in any single episode. The best is watching Professor Stokes trying to slink away into the shadows out of sight of Cassandra, realizing the impossibility of it, then throwing caution to the wind and confronting his arch-enemy head-on.

Then we have that great scene between Liz and Cassandra. No one plays the affronted grand dame better than Joan Bennett.

One thing did make me a little sad, though, in the scene in the Evans cottage. It shows how much some of the original cast members have, by this point, become little more than extras in somebody else's story. Joe and Maggie both look a bit foolish and superfluous in this episode. They were always made to appear so clueless and in-the-dark about what was really happening in Collinsport.