General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '13 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on July 30, 2013, 07:26:10 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: Watching Project on July 30, 2013, 07:26:10 PM
Robservations #510

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: dom on July 30, 2013, 09:08:34 PM
So, Tony doesn’t die. Oh, well, maybe next time. He needs a haircut.

Stokes suggests resurrecting Trask to help fight Angelique. Good in theory. Stokes reads from Ben’s diary and ends up completing missing passages channeling Ben. All the while keeping Julia on edge worried about Barn’s secret being revealed. Via this process they learn where in the Old House Trask is walled up and go there to summon him via a séance.

Stokes ‘persuades’ Tony to switch sides against Cassandra. He has Tony tell her that he succeeded in killing Stokes so that she frees him up for the few days he needs to prepare to battle and ultimately vanquish her. Tony complies, and then meets Stokes & Julia back at the Old House for the séance. They succeed. Not surprisingly, Trask speaks through Tony. Then we see the wall trapping Trask pulsing & heaving.

Roger is getting fed up with Cass. Though dull and seemingly pointless, this was my favorite scene in the episode. I’m not digging this war against Cass - Thayer is acting too loud and Hall is not at her best and Tony, well, Lacey is a bore as Tony as per usual.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 31, 2013, 11:20:42 AM
So, Tony doesn’t die. Oh, well, maybe next time. He needs a haircut.

Enjoy this paragraph.  Which first, death or the haircut?

Thayer accidentally steps into the closing credits, notices, steps out again.   Barnabas will be mad Julia allowed this circus to go on in his basement, but can't threaten her anymore.  I wonder if Julia secretly enjoys being able to defy Barnabas in this way....
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: DarkLady on July 31, 2013, 04:39:16 PM
I remember admiring Stokes's phlegmatic, almost Zen-like calm as he phones Julia at Collinwood and asks her to come quickly. I might have just killed a man! he tells her. While he's waiting, he gives Tony an emetic so that he throws up the poison--luckily for us, while the opening credits are rolling. And luckily for Tony, it's the right emetic.

Julia tells Stokes that the young man is Tony Peterson, her lawyer! Stokes replies, He told me his name was Arthur Hailey. (Arthur Hailey was a real author who wrote doorstop-size, popcorn-reading novels with one-word titles, such as Hotel and Airport, each depicting some big organization and the people involved in it. If that's some kind of in-joke we'll never know!)

Julia is surprised at the extent of Stokes's knowledge of the past, but he surprises her even more when he brings out Ben's famous memoir, which he has preserved (quite properly) by mounting the individual leaves in a new book. (We actually get a glimpse of a page with the words "Mr. Barnabas.") Sitting at his desk, Stokes observes, Ben was illiterate and [as we already know] didn't even learn to write until he was past forty. According to Ben’s account, the first Barnabas Collins somehow changed from a forward-thinking young man to some kind of maniac--but that crucial chapter is missing from Ben's memoir. Julia’s face is a study in apprehension, then relief, as she stands behind Stokes as he turns the pages.

Stokes is already in his colorful-bow-tie phase, which lasts for the rest of the show. The DS Wiki photos for this ep. show him wearing a powder-blue one, with a matching pocket hankie--but I always thought they weren't supposed to match. Can any of the guys here enlighten me?

Ben helps guide Stoke's hand into filling in some of the missing details. It's nice to think of Ben reaching out from the beyond to help defeat Angelique as best he can--but still without giving away Mr. Barnabas's dreadful secret.

Tony staggers out of the back room, full of remorse, but Stokes brushes off the murder attempt, possibly because he didn't find it nearly as intellectually challenging as messing up Cassangelique's dream curse.

Poor Roger is trying to teach his bride to play chess--he's playing white, she's playing blood red. Maybe it's just the brandy talking, but Roger observes very astutely, I have the feeling you’re just marking time with me--that you’re actually waiting for something to happen somewhere else.

Cassangelique's black wig looks pretty good in this episode. She packs Roger off to bed--alone. The least she could do is put a spell on him to make him think that the marriage has been consummated. That would actually be the smart thing to do, because he'd be lulled into a false sense of marital bliss and wouldn't pester her (from her point of view). But as usual, Angelique doesn't take the long view.

Tony may be dull, but Trask never is.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: dom on August 01, 2013, 08:15:16 PM
Tony may be dull, but Trask never is.

So true, DarkLady.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0510
Post by: alwaysdavid on August 08, 2013, 02:08:02 AM
Stokes declares that a witch will fear a ghost. Must not be just any ghost and in fact is Trask's ghost. Ben wrote about the coffin room and Juila reveals she knows where it is, but not how she knows. I always like when Stokes and Julia work together. There is something interesting about it that even as a child I remember liking. 
Stokes reveals to Tony that Cass andra is a witch and does not seem to think that since he is her slave that he will spill to her.  He is to say Stokes is dead and he does and ducks out.
Roger and Cassandra are playing chess on the desk which is in the place of the grand piano. He is still harping about the honeymoon.
Barnabas and Willie are apparently driving up the coast.  I wish they had some exterior footage on this. I can just imagine the conversations going on in the car.