General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 II => Topic started by: arashi on August 22, 2003, 02:28:41 PM

Title: Guest Stars?
Post by: arashi on August 22, 2003, 02:28:41 PM
Summer 1970! This is a fun storyline so says I. But I was thinking today, if you could have a dream "guest star" on DS who would it be? What would be their storyline or purpose?

Personally, for me it would be Vincent Price hands down. I would have died had he ever had a guest shot on the show, however brief. As for storyline, I'm not quite sure. He could easily have played Quentin's father at least, being another handsome blue-eyed gentleman from the south. (Handsome you say? Have you ever seen House of Seven Gables or Dragonwyck? The man was damn fine in his youth).

When Quentin walked up on the picnic today, for a split second I thought he was wearing a sweater. The first thing that popped into my mind was Bing Crosby.

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: onyx_treasure on August 22, 2003, 03:25:05 PM
     What a delicious idea.  Vincent would be wonderful in the role as an elegant and charming gentlemen suitor for the beautiful Ms. Bennett.  He could be good or evil.  I would'nt care which.  Great Idea!
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Raineypark on August 22, 2003, 03:30:25 PM
Did Vincent Price and Joan Bennett ever appear on screen together?

Where's our resident expert?  Oh, Lucaphil!!  ;)
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Annie on August 22, 2003, 03:34:27 PM
I would want The Q-man YUMMY!!!!!!!
           Love Anne ;) :-* :-* :P
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Gothick on August 22, 2003, 03:35:52 PM
I would have loved to have seen Gale Sondergaard appear in DS, hopefully in a role that would have required her to have had some juicy scenes opposite Grayson and Joan.  According to KLS, not a terribly reliable source, Gale visited the set one day and DC talked about wanting to have her on the show--it may have all just been a joke.  Gale did play a wonderful DS-esque part in one of my favorite 70s telefilms, The Cat Creature, directed by queen bee Curtis Harrington.  (WHEN will it be released on home VHS???)

A lot of the Forties horror stars would have been great guests on DS.  Think of Elizabeth Russell, for example--"moya sestra" in Cat People.

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2003, 04:39:30 PM
Hey gang,

How about actor Dwight Frye?  Now, before you all  shout/scream at me: "Who the heck is/was Dwight Frye!?!," Dwight Frye was a character actor who appeared in many of the classic Universal horror films of the 1930s.

For example, I believe that Dwight Frye was Dr. Frankenstein's incompetent lab assistant, Fritz,  in "The Bride of Frankenstein."  Specifically, Dwight Frye is the guy, who, during the experiment to bring Elsa Lanchester to life, shouts: "The storm is rising!," as the doctor's kites are raised above the lab to attract the "life-providing" bolts of lightening (sort of like the estimable Dr. Eric Lang's "life force" scheme).

Unfortunately, "Fritz" is thrown from the top of the lab/castle by a really ticked-off Frankenstein monster.  (Hey, what can I tell you?  "Elsa" just didn't go for Frankie's ruggedly-handsome good looks!)

I think that Mr. Frye also appeared in the orignal "Dracula," flick with the great Bela Lugosi.  Mr. Frye was particularly adept at playing loopy, "round-the-bend" (as the Brits say) characters.  Perhaps Dwight Frye could have played either Ezra Braithewaite's ne'er-do-well younger brother or, possibly, Willie Loomis' long-lost daddy.

Evelyn Ankers was another veteran of the Universal films, who I would have liked to have seen guest star on Dark Shadows.  Ms. Ankers starred in "The Wolfman" and several other Universal horror flicks.

I once read an apocryphal story, that a Universal film director was giving Ms. Ankers some last minute instructions before filming a particularly dramatic and climactic scene.  The director explained to Ms. Ankers that, in this scene, her father had been just pummeled to death by Frankenstein, her sister had just been bitten by Dracula, and she was about to run for her sweet life after Lawrence Talbot had just transformed into England's version of the "Wily Coyote."

The director explained to Ms. Ankers that, at this point, he would shoot a close-up of her face, so that she could convey to the movie audience, the extent of the unremitting terror she was experiencing at that very moment.  Supposedly, Ms. Ankers looked at the director incredulously and said: "Are you 'bleeping' kidding me!!!"

Well, so much for dubious film history.

Bob the Bartender

PS Perhaps Ms. Ankers could have payed Maggie Evans' late mom in a flashback sequence.
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Raineypark on August 22, 2003, 04:47:38 PM
Dwight Frye....dear Goddess, what an inspired choice, Bob.

He played "Renfield"....the spider-gobbling psychopath who went to Transylvania to sell the Count real estate in England, and came home with the most maniacal laugh in the history of cinema.

Willie Loomis' daddy?  Hell, he WAS Willie Loomis!!! [lghy]
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: TERRY308 on August 22, 2003, 04:48:21 PM
Vincent Price is wonderful as  "Quentin Daddy".  I love Vincent Price.  And you are right...he was damned fine in his youth...'Dragonwyck'...he was spellbounding. [9391]
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2003, 04:51:59 PM
Dwight Frye....dear Goddess, what an inspired choice, Bob.

He played "Renfield"....the spider-gobbling psychopath who went to Transylvania to sell the Count real estate in England, and came home with the most maniacal laugh in the history of cinema.

Willie Loomis' daddy?  Hell, he WAS Willie Loomis!!! [lghy]


Thank you!!! How could I forget the exact name of: "Renfield, the man who eats spiders!"?

Bob the Bartender, who fervently believes that the greatest Universal horror flick of all was the classic "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein"!
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: arashi on August 22, 2003, 04:55:17 PM
Bob! Oh My God! Never! I love Dwight Frye!

He even had a bit part in the movie Frankenstein meets the Wolfman. (I am also a big fan of Lon Chaney Jr.)  ;D

He would have been an awesome guest actor on the show!

And I agree with you onyx_treasure, he would have been a wonderful suitor for the lovely Ms. Bennett. Though like you, I can't decide if I would rather see him play a nice guy, or a villan...
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Annie on August 22, 2003, 05:18:57 PM
Hey gang, i just goofed on this question.
I would like to have Barry Manilow guest star
on DS!!!   Between him and David Selby!!!
OH  MY HOW YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             Love Anne :P :-* ;D
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2003, 06:39:33 PM
Bob! Oh My God! Never! I love Dwight Frye!

He even had a bit part in the movie Frankenstein meets the Wolfman. (I am also a big fan of Lon Chaney Jr.)  ;D

He would have been an awesome guest actor on the show!

And I agree with you onyx_treasure, he would have been a wonderful suitor for the lovely Ms. Bennett. Though like you, I can't decide if I would rather see him play a nice guy, or a villan...


Lon Chaney, Jr. was a fine actor, I agree.  Mr. Chaney's greatest role was as Lenny in "Of Mice and Men."

By the way, I particularly liked the casting of the burly and physically-imposing Lon Chaney, Jr. as Larry Talbot, wandering son of Lord Talbot (portrayed by the dynamic and, comparatively-speaking, diminutive Claude Raines) in "The Wolfman."

Yes, the affable and laconic American son, and the imperious and eloquent British father.  Quite a contrast!

Of course, Lon Chaney, Jr. had a memorable scene with Lou Costello in "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein."  Larry Talbot explains to Wilbur (Lou C.) that, "tonight when the moon is full, I'll turn into a wolf."

To which Bud Abbott's partner replies: "Yeah, you and about twenty million other guys!"

Bob the Bartender

PS The late Marty Feldman (of "Young Frankenstein" fame) would have been great as the last, remaining member of the Leviathan race, IMHO.  (Somehow, I don't think that Carolyn would have fallen for him as she did for DS "fan favorite," Jeb Hawks!)
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on August 22, 2003, 06:51:04 PM
The director explained to Ms. Ankers that, in this scene, her father had been just pummeled to death by Frankenstein, her sister had just been bitten by Dracula, and she was about to run for her sweet life after Lawrence Talbot had just transformed into England's version of the "Wily Coyote."

The director explained to Ms. Ankers that, at this point, he would shoot a close-up of her face, so that she could convey to the movie audience, the extent of the unremitting terror she was experiencing at that very moment.  Supposedly, Ms. Ankers looked at the director incredulously and said: "Are you 'bleeping' kidding me!!!"

If that story is true, it's absolutely hysterical! [lghy] But it's also a perfect illustration of how horror actors often have to have a even stronger suspension of disbelief than their audience in order to be able to perform their scenes believably. After all, it's not every day (night?) that one person's life has Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman running amuck all at once! [b003]
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Cassandra on August 22, 2003, 08:02:24 PM
How about the notorious Alfred Hitchcock playing a guest spot on the show?   He could have been one of  Dr.Lang's insane relatives. (as if DrLang wasn't crazy enough)

Great topic btw Arashi!!

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on August 22, 2003, 10:54:13 PM
Even though I think he'd have to fall victim, Edmund Gwenn (Kris Kringle in 'Miracle' and more impressive, the scientist in the 50's atomic type movie, "THEM!")

His sweet, gentle smile, but keen intellect. Perhaps a visiting fellow/friend of T. E. Stokes.

And absolutment, Bette Davis as TLATKLS's mother!!

Think about it ;)

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 23, 2003, 12:23:48 AM
When Quentin walked up on the picnic today, for a split second I thought he was wearing a sweater. The first thing that popped into my mind was Bing Crosby.


Yes, I was glad to see that although Quentin was wearing a sports jacket at the picnic, he, at least, was NOT wearing a tie, especially in this heat!!!  (Somehow, I think that Mrs. Hyacinthe Bucket, that paragon of decorum and good taste, would have been appalled at seeing the Q-Man sans the necktie, even at an informal family outing.)

Today's picnic sequence was one of the few times that you don't see DS male characters formally attired.  The other day, as Quentin was ruefully telling Barnabas and Julia, about Chris Jennings' sudden departure, Barnabas had on a very conservative navy blue three-piece suit, and the Q-Man was sporting that light grey, albeit funky-looking, suit.  The clothes helped to set the right melancholy tone for that scene.

Can you imagine if Mr. B. and Quentin had been wearing a more informal and casual style of clothes in that scene?  For example, if Barnabas had been sporting loafers, knee-high socks, bright red Bermuda shorts and a loud Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt, and, Quentin had been wearing sandals, faded jeans and a psychedelic dashiki (sort of like Sebastian Shaw's shirt), the somber tone would have been impossible to achieve, IMHO.

Nevertheless, I was glad to see that Dr. Hoffman was finally out of that seemingly ubiquitous light green suit dress of hers.  She looked very smart and professional in that light grey suit dress with the wide-check pattern she had on.  Maybe we'll finally see the good doctor wearing ladies' white deck sneakers, clamdigger pants and a silk blouse before the end of this now sweltering summer?

Tastefully yours,

Bob the Bartender, Collinsport Star Fashion Editor.
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on August 23, 2003, 12:57:00 AM
I would have liked to have seen Tallulah Bankhead guest star on the show as Aunt Katherine (the one that David went to visit in Boston) >:D Bette Davis (because she was in all those horror, thriller-type movies in the 60's) could have played a "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte" character. [crazd] Christopher Lee would have been good as a mad scientist  on DS. [crossbones]
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on August 23, 2003, 01:05:58 AM
I think KLS said Truman Capote, another of Joan Bennett's friends, visited the set once. He would have made an excellent Mr. Best.
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: LdyAnne on August 23, 2003, 01:38:56 AM
I am shocked that so far no one has mentioned that other famous JOAN....Crawford! Wow with what we know now about her she was scarry. Although lets not forget she was in What ever happened to Baby Jane and was suppose to play the Olivia de Havilland role in Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte . Dare I mention Trog?

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: arashi on August 23, 2003, 01:58:47 AM
AH! Bette Davis! She would have been terribly scary if she played a role as in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. Wasn't she in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane too? That was a creepy movie as well.

And Alfred Hitchcock! It would have been fun not only to see him on the show, but to see what he would write for the show if given a chance.

Christopher Lee!! ::dies:: He would have made a particularly cool guest actor! He would *have* to play a vampire though. That makes me think of Peter Cushing. Another actor I would have loved to see.

Bob, you are too freaking funny!! I had to laugh outloud. Barnabas in a Hawaiian shirt? With black knee socks! Oh the horror! This summer did get awful all of a sudden didn't it? Where did that lovely 70 degrees go?

Chiiiiick! ::laughing:: I love Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein!! Vincent Price has the uncredited guest voice at the end as the Invisible Man.

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Julia99 on August 23, 2003, 03:14:43 PM
Personally, for me it would be Vincent Price hands down. I would have died had he ever had a guest shot on the show, however brief. As for storyline, I'm not quite sure. He could easily have played Quentin's father at least, being another handsome blue-eyed gentleman from the south. (Handsome you say? Have you ever seen House of Seven Gables or Dragonwyck? The man was damn fine in his youth).

Or Otto Preminger's Laura with Gene Tierney and Judith Anderson?
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Julia99 on August 23, 2003, 03:17:29 PM
I am shocked that so far no one has mentioned that other famous JOAN....Crawford! Wow with what we know now about her she was scarry. Although lets not forget she was in What ever happened to Baby Jane and was suppose to play the Olivia de Havilland role in Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte . Dare I mention Trog?

+++ Plus she did do an afternoon soap after her daughter got sick. . so scarily memorialized in the movie Mommie Dearest .. . hahahha ;D

How about Peter Lorre?  He could've been some creepy relative of Paul Stoddard's . . .Or Agnes Moorehead as Julia's older sister. . .with all her Bewitched makeup and wigs! yeah!
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on August 23, 2003, 09:03:15 PM
. . .Or Agnes Moorehead as Julia's older sister. . .with all her Bewitched makeup and wigs! yeah!

J99!!! What a wonderful idea. Not necessarily with the wigs, but A. Moorehead was a good actress. I've seen her in lots of odds & ends, of course a 'Twilight Zone'.

Yes, a nutty 3rd cousin  twice removed.

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: LdyAnne on August 23, 2003, 11:47:39 PM
. . .Or Agnes Moorehead as Julia's older sister. . .with all her Bewitched makeup and wigs! yeah!
Oh this made me think what about Grayson, Agnes and I seem to recall some one mentioning Tallulah Bankhead. I envison the three playing the widows of widow's hill. They could have done a flash back showing how each one lured the other's to their death. I am not a writer but I think they could have really done something great with the three of them.
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Julia99 on August 24, 2003, 02:19:15 AM
J99!!! What a wonderful idea. Not necessarily with the wigs, but A. Moorehead was a good actress. I've seen her in lots of odds & ends, of course a 'Twilight Zone'.

And  of course Grayson and Agnes did play sisters in the Rod Serling show, Night Gallery. . .but they didn't have any scenes together. . . And i was thinking primarily of Endora's pageboy wig. . .loved it!
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: ClaudeNorth on August 24, 2003, 05:27:21 AM
So many great suggestions!

A particularly dreamy guest appearance could have been made by Ava Gardner.  Imagine a rematch between "Judith Fellowes" and "Maxine Faulk" set amidst the intrigues of Collinwood!  Perhaps Ava could have played a free-spirited mentalist who, in spite of being over the age of 25, managed to catch ol' Barney's eye, thus incurring the wrath of our favorite doctor.

I've always thought that it would have been interesting if DS had become the hip show to do, much as BATMAN had been.  Can you imagine if all of Hollywood was lining up for a chance to make a one-episode appearance in which they would be killed off? <lol>  Sort of like the opening credits of POLICE SQUAD, during which a different "special guest star" was bumped off each week.

I'm sure all will agree that the greatest coup of all would have been if DC managed to sign Garbo to make an appearance...

And, of course, the Blue Whale was the perfect forum for all sorts of musical guests, but I believe that was discussed in another thread.


Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Tanis on August 24, 2003, 05:36:18 PM
Someone already mentioned Alfred Hitchcock, I was thinking him gueststaring as T. Elliots Stokes eccentric uncle.  "Good evening!"

How about Bela Lugosi, he would give Barnabas a run for his money.  Another cousin from England perhaps.

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Raineypark on August 24, 2003, 06:00:00 PM
My Sicilian grandmother never learned to converse in English, despite living here for 60 years.....but she DID learn to say "Good Evening", by watching Alfred Hitchcock religiously for years!! [lghy]
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Cassandra on August 25, 2003, 09:27:43 AM
I would liked to have seen Anthony Perkins (Psycho) playing on the show.  I think he would fit in there just fine!

And how about the "mistress of the dark" herself, Elvira!  (although she may have been to young at the time of DS, not sure how old she is)  she could have been one of Angelique's eccentic cousins. [vryevl]

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: dom on August 25, 2003, 11:19:31 PM
The Supremes, as Leviathan slayers by day and Blue Whale performers by night. LOL.

But seriously: Actors like Agnes Moorehead as Bathia Mapes (was Bathia Mapes the actress or the character?), Bette Davis as Grandmamama Edith, etc. would have been fab. It would have been a ratings coup and a whole lot of fun to see some big names in the three day type roles that often cropped up during the series. Julianka (Natalie Wood?), Portia Fitzsimmons, Madame Findley (Joan Crawford?), Mrs. Hopewell (Barbara Hale?), Sandy (Sally Fields?), Buzz (Michael Parks?), Michael, Garth Blackwood, and all the "ladies" Barn met at the docks...

It might be fun to make of list of these "cameo" characters from the series and fill in the blanks representing possible actors for the roles. Unfortunately, my memory isn't very good when it comes to this kind of stuff.

dom (who has less memory than a 1984 computer)

PS - I wonder if some of these "big names" could have pulled it off in DC's live-to-tape method?

PPS - This is off-thread, but it would have been great if Alexandra Moltke could have returned in the role Lara Parker had in 1970PT. That would really have messed with Barnabas' head and given the fans a real treat, not to mention AM getting to play the villan she always wanted to.
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on August 26, 2003, 01:52:22 AM
And  of course Grayson and Agnes did play sisters in the Rod Serling show, Night Gallery. . .but they didn't have any scenes together. . . And i was thinking primarily of Endora's pageboy wig. . .loved it!

I've never seen or hear of that J99...if you see it coming on, could you let me know?


Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Julia99 on August 26, 2003, 04:10:55 AM
Patti. . .just look out for Certain Shadows on the Wall . ..or something like that. . it does play on TVLand or some other channel that shows Night Gallery episodes. . folks usually post here when it comes on. . .
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: jennifer on August 27, 2003, 03:31:20 AM
i say Patty M from The Bad Seed to join the terror twins  ;D
she'd have Willie jumping through hoops! i could see her as a child of Angelique's! :o

Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Misty on August 27, 2003, 03:41:34 AM
I agree with Bob that the Abbott & Costello flick with Frankenstein et al was a classic---I own it and play it quite often. Well how about Boris Karloff as Adam?? I always thought Peter Lorre was the creepiest villain on screen. He might have fit into the Gypsy storyline somewhere, possibly a brother of Magda?
Title: Re:Guest Stars?
Post by: Afan on August 28, 2003, 01:45:02 AM
Bob, you are too funny.  I needed that laugh today.  And Arashi, I am right with you on the handsome stars of horror!  How about John Carridine.  I thought that he made a super Drac.  Love those old horror flicks! Afan