General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 II => Topic started by: TERRY308 on July 29, 2003, 01:41:36 AM

Title: Roxxxxann
Post by: TERRY308 on July 29, 2003, 01:41:36 AM
Well, today Barnabas met Roxanne.  Like some others before her, I'm sure she is a very nice person, but......

Like, what is she there for?  Oh sure, she's the "life force" for Angelique, but then what?

And did you see her "boobs" today?  They looked like they were in a bullet-bra.   [crowdhappy]

I hate her character.  If I was Julia, I would have taken that letter opener(?) and got her right in the bullet-bra. [couto]
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 29, 2003, 02:35:31 AM
And did you see her "boobs" today?  They looked like they were in a bullet-bra.   [crowdhappy]

We talked about Roxanne's, ah, assets and the impression she made with her first apearance last time around by posting this capture:

Hmmm - considering the recent post that mentions that Madonna is supposedly a DS fan, I wonder if she didn't perhaps get some of her inspiration for the costumes she's worn on tour and in her videos from Roxanne?

Who knew? [lghy]
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Raineypark on July 29, 2003, 02:47:07 AM
Is the use of the name Roxanne supposed to refer back to the love of poor Willie's life....or did they just forget they already named someone Roxanne and just went with it?
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Josette on July 29, 2003, 03:25:18 AM
And did you see her "boobs" today?  They looked like they were in a bullet-bra.

Check out the title of Robservations for this one!  :)

This is the one that really irritates me.  At first Barnabas is painted as the good one.  As important as he knows it is to destroy Angelique, he still seems to have misgivings about taking an innocent life.  This time it's Julia that points out that she isn't really living and all of the horrible repercussions if they don't do it.

They already knew that her struggle to reclaim her life force was draining Angelique and so could guess that reviving her might have an even more drastic effect.  But, there's no thought of trying that first and using murder as a last resort.

Then he sees her!!  The whole idea that she should be spared just because she's beautiful really gets me.  If she happened to be just ordinary looking, or, actually ugly, bye-bye Roxanne!!  Oh, there are so many ugly things in this world, how can I destroy something this beautiful?!!!  Is that supposed to make him sound good?  The whole situation infuriates me.
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 29, 2003, 03:50:12 AM
Check out the title of Robservations for this one!  :)

Yes, that's our Robin - a master at understatement. [lol3]
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Eleanor_Rigby on July 29, 2003, 04:11:49 AM
Then he sees her!!  The whole idea that she should be spared just because she's beautiful really gets me.  If she happened to be just ordinary looking, or, actually ugly, bye-bye Roxanne!!  Oh, there are so many ugly things in this world, how can I destroy something this beautiful?!!!  Is that supposed to make him sound good?  The whole situation infuriates me.

I always found that maddening too not only for that reason but also because Barnabas suddenly forgets his purpose so that he can pursue the beauty.  He did it in 1897, too, and almost screwed up the plan concocted by Angelique, Julia and himself just so he could be close with Lady Kitty.

Yeesh.   ::)
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 29, 2003, 04:23:21 AM
Barnabas suddenly forgets his purpose so that he can pursue the beauty.  He did it in 1897, too, and almost screwed up the plan concocted by Angelique, Julia and himself just so he could be close with Lady Kitty.

Yeesh.   ::)

Well, it's absolutely no secret that Barnabas doesn't exactly think with his brain. Let's face it - the part of his anatomy that he does think with is what got him into trouble in the first place back in Martinique. [b003] But he never learns...
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: ClaudeNorth on July 29, 2003, 04:46:58 AM
Personally, I have no complaints, for the presence of Roxanne means the impending arrival of a certain someone with whom I share a name (but, sadly, not his brooding good looks).  :'(


Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Cassandra on July 29, 2003, 09:23:23 AM
The whole plan was to go there and kill the "body" with the knife that Barnabas had.  Then, they go there,  talk like they got all the time in the world.  (you break into somebody's house, well, do what you gotta do and get out!)  Then, what really got me was just as Barnabas is about to stab the body, Julia so conviently uncovers the sheet!!!   Wouldn't it had just been much easier to do the deed with the body covered?  Did they really need to look at it while they were killing her? ::)

Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on July 29, 2003, 12:33:27 PM
I always found that maddening too not only for that reason but also because Barnabas suddenly forgets his purpose so that he can pursue the beauty.  He did it in 1897, too, and almost screwed up the plan concocted by Angelique, Julia and himself just so he could be close with Lady Kitty.

Yeesh.   ::)

Dear Eleanor Rigby,

What can I tell you?  I know it isn't original but like so many millions of other guys, Mr. Barnabas Collins is the proverbial "fool for love."

Bob the Bartender, who thinks that Mr. B., might just for once, adopt Beaver Cleaver's precocious philosophy/practice of just saying "no to girls!" (Mickey Rooney and the late Frank Sinatra, among many others, might have employed that philosophy/practice also, IMHO.)
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: keasus on July 29, 2003, 07:41:56 PM
Count me in as another DS fan who can't stand Roxanne.  In fact, after Peter Bradford/Jeff Clarke et al., she is my least favorite character on the show ever.  At least in these first few shows, she's mute.  Just wait until the dialogue starts.  You can hear the straining noise as Donna Wandry tries to strrrrr-eee-ccc-hhhh those acting muscles.  [crazd]

Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Julia99 on July 29, 2003, 08:14:27 PM
I like Donna Wanderly but the whole Roxann thing is just dumb and incongruent  .. . and okay, 1st Generation DSers. . .were the writers seriously trying to mess with the fans of Julia (and Barnabas) bydoing this or was it just time for Barnabas to be an idiot?  Didn't Frid even think this was stupid for his character to do?  :-   Given that I'm a staunch Grayson fan, I see mean evil manipulative writers but then again. . .maybe they had another thing going, e.g. staving off DC's nervous breakdown, i dunno?  :-*  If they wanted to throw a wrench into things, why wasn't there ever a guy who came up to Julia and (a la Joey Tribiani) say, "hey, how you doin'?" This type of missteps and uncoordinated romance has kept many shows afloat, e.g. B could've started thinking, well maybe. . and then there is Julia involved with some PT schmoe?
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: MrsJ on July 30, 2003, 01:00:35 AM
Donna Wandry really is a sweetheart...but I also cannot stand this character.  She ranks right up there with Hallie Stokes (IMO) as the most annoying female character!

Barnabas is acting like a fool again, but that is predictable.  ;)  What bugs me more is Julia...she finally begins to stand up to Barnabas, but in the end backs down and (once again) gives in to his whims.  Ugh!!

Back to Roxanne...although this one is pretty annoying, the Roxanne in the next storyline is refreshingly different    >:D.

Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 30, 2003, 01:41:17 AM
Mr. Barnabas Collins is the proverbial "fool for love."

Or dare we say a "Slave To Love"? ;) Cue Bryan Ferry (I LOVE that song).

But I still say that Barn's thinking process is situated lower than his heart. ;)
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Julia99 on July 30, 2003, 02:27:54 AM
But I still say that Barn's thinking process is situated lower than his heart. ;)

Oh my surely not!   :P  It's so patently obvious that the writer's motivations came from the southern hemisphere.
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Josette on July 30, 2003, 04:51:00 AM
And then today, Julia is pointing out all of the bad things that have happened because they didn't destroy the body, and Barnabas admits that perhaps "WE" were wrong!
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Philippe Cordier on July 31, 2003, 02:50:25 AM
Will have to print out this thread to read more carefully at home, but I just wanted to say that this has got to be one of the most MACABRE stories ever seen on DS.

I love it!

Now that both Bruno and John Yaeger are gone, I think I can sit back and enjoy the rest of the storyline!  I had to leave the room during Bruno's strangulation -- ahh, if only there had been daytime Emmy Awards, I'm sure Michael Stroika would have been up for one!  >:D
Title: Re:Roxxxxann
Post by: Cassandra on August 02, 2003, 08:58:36 PM
He must have taken the ghost of Josette's words to heart when she appeared to him during the end of the Leviathan storyline and gave him his ring back, then told him to find love again with someone else.  He didn't waste too much time, did he?
