Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II => Topic started by: David on July 27, 2003, 07:12:01 PM

Title: Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: David on July 27, 2003, 07:12:01 PM
Got a few movies featuring DS actors that are GREAT for laughs!

Something Weird Video offers, on VHS only, a 1969 soft core porn movie featuring male lead Robert Rodan......NAKED!(and he ain't bad looking!)

Something Weird also offers, on VHS and DVD, 1962's "Satan in High Heels", with Grayson as an out, butch lesbian. This film is a camp classic!
You know the girls are bad girls because the smoke, wear high heels, and..... there's jazzy music on the soundtrack!!!!! This film is a riot, and is essential viewing for Grayson's many fans.

Go to Amazon.com or Movies Unlimited for order info on Savages(1972). This early James Ivory film(he directed A Room With A View, Maurice, Howard's End, etc) features Chris Pennock in drag(!!) and, of all people, THAYER DAVID going THE FULL MONTY!!!!!! Got to be seen to be believed!

These films are a riot! The things actors have to do to pay the rent!
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Midnite on July 27, 2003, 08:45:39 PM
When I saw your title I KNEW you were going to mention Savages, heh.  I caught it on cable a while back and also recommend it to anyone in the mood for something bizarre.  As I recall it begins as a silent B&W film but do hang in there.  [OT-- For fellow L&O fans, it also offers Sam Waterston pre Great Gatsby and Killing Fields.]

Loved your comments, David!
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: David on July 28, 2003, 08:45:50 PM
Thanks Midnite!

BTW, I forgot to mention that the movie in which Robert Rodan bares his soul, among other things, is called "The Minx"

I remember seeing an ad for this film in 1969. The tag line said, "The Minx! Exactly Who You Think She Is! Rated X Because There Was No Other Way!!"

The Minx seems mighty tame now, but it is funny!
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Julia99 on July 29, 2003, 01:55:41 AM
Something Weird also offers, on VHS and DVD, 1962's "Satan in High Heels", with Grayson as an out, butch lesbian. This film is a camp classic!

That's your idea of a butch lesbian. . .[heh] Pepe certainly wears the pants but I'd hardly say she's butch . . .[smokn]
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Gothick on July 29, 2003, 03:41:56 PM
I'm *sca-reaming* at Midnite's new avatar!  eeee-yowww!  wait till Jennifer has a peek at it!

suddenly my trousers feel waaayyy too tight.  oops!  did someone slip viagra into my iced tea?  Noooo, it's fearless Don Briscoe to the rescue!  Chaaarge!!!!

You all know, of course, that Satan in High Heels is on my list of the Ten Greatest Movies of All Time.  I luffff that flick.  I must screen it at least once every six months.  Grayson fiercely rules in the role of Pepe, and the film's soundtrack is an absolute hoot!

Haven't seen the Minx.  It sounds like a gas!  Dear Robert Rodan.  Who knew?

At the top of my list of "weird funny movies with DS Actors" is a yet-to-be-rediscovered gem from anno 1957, Run across the river. It was the screen debut for both Jerry Stiller (Ben's pop) and a little known off-B'way character actress who'd been in the business much longer than she let on, one Miss Shirley Grayson, later to be known far more widely as Grayson Hall!  I have a photocopy of a lobby card from this film, and it includes a shot of Grayson, as a female beatnik, doing a sort of gypsy bongo dance!

getting ready to move and quickly going out of what's left of my mind,

Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: David on July 29, 2003, 04:07:02 PM

PLEASE post a pic of the beatnick Shirley Grayson.  Sounds WONDERFUL!
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Gothick on July 29, 2003, 04:26:30 PM
Hi David, I'll have to rummage around and see whether I have a jpg of this or not.  Then I'll have to email it to one of the moderators, as I personally have not a clue how to post an image here. I believe I have to store it on my own website and upload it with some sort of link, and I don't have a personal website, so...

Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 30, 2003, 02:49:25 AM
I'll have to email it to one of the moderators, as I personally have not a clue how to post an image here. I believe I have to store it on my own website and upload it with some sort of link, and I don't have a personal website

The forum actually has a way for people who don't have their own Web space to upload images with their posts, but we haven't activated it yet because neither Midnite or I have found the time to test it yet. However, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to post a JPEG for you if you can find one. :)
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 30, 2003, 05:12:38 AM
BTW, I forgot to mention that the movie in which Robert Rodan bares his soul, among other things, is called "The Minx"

I remember seeing an ad for this film in 1969. The tag line said, "The Minx! Exactly Who You Think She Is! Rated X Because There Was No Other Way!!"

The Minx seems mighty tame now, but it is funny!

And in another small glimpse of what to expect when the Members' Archive reopens, here's an ad for The Minx when it opened at a local drive-in:


I love the "POSITIVE ID REQUIRED  NO ONE UNDER 18" - I wonder how they thought they could stop the curious from seeing an outdoor screen that was at least twice the width and about the same height as a three story house - and one that was entirely visible from outside the drive-in itself if one knew just where to look from?! [wink2] [lol2]
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: Gothick on July 30, 2003, 03:40:06 PM
Hi MB, I emailed you the jpgs yesterday.  Hope you got them!  (I have been having difficulty with people on Yahoo accounts not receiving my mail--I hope this is not spreading to other ISPs as well!)

Gothick who's on a bus bound for Canada tonight, hurray, hurray!
Title: Re:Weird Funny Movies with DS Actors
Post by: jennifer on August 04, 2003, 01:48:04 AM
I'm *sca-reaming* at Midnite's new avatar!  eeee-yowww!  wait till Jennifer has a peek at it!

just returned from my cold shower 8)

suddenly my trousers feel waaayyy too tight.  oops!  did someone slip viagra into my iced tea?  Noooo, it's fearless Don Briscoe to the rescue!  Chaaarge!!!!

