Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I => Topic started by: Patti Feinberg on June 28, 2003, 01:27:55 AM

Title: OT - Life
Post by: Patti Feinberg on June 28, 2003, 01:27:55 AM


...sometimes.... :'( :-  :( >:(


thanks for letting me vent :'( :-
Title: Re:Life
Post by: Eleanor_Rigby on June 28, 2003, 01:49:23 AM
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Cassandra on June 28, 2003, 08:36:28 AM
Hi Patti,  Here's a big hug for you too!

I hope that whatever's got you down will soon get better. [92c5]

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Josette on June 28, 2003, 08:46:03 AM
I agree, I'm completely frazzled.  My 8+ day old computer might have to wiped and Windows (and everything I've done all week) reinstalled!

I'm stuck in Safe Mode.  Gateway couldn't get me out of it and tried a System Restore.  We went back earlier and earlier (I finally did one more myself afterwards, going back to the original install last Thursday) and it keeps saying that it can't restore as there have been no changes to the system.

The Gateway tech said she thinks the system is unstable and I'll have to start from scratch.

I just can't believe it!!  Almost everything I've done has run into problems and taken longer than it should have - and now - this!!!
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Eleanor_Rigby on June 28, 2003, 11:49:44 AM

I remember once I got so frustrated with my computer I kicked the tower over with my foot.   :P
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Josette on June 28, 2003, 05:29:54 PM
Patti, I hope your problems (or whatever) are being solved.

Right now I'm soooo relieved.  Someone at wpuniverse.com told me a simple way to get to Run which I needed to get out of Safe Mode.  It worked (if Gateway's system restore had worked, I'd be stuck redoing a lot of what was done this past week - so I'm LUCKY it DIDN'T work!!!) and now the scanner is working too (the reason this whole thing happened in the first place).

So, at the moment I am quite joyful!!! :) ;D
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Julia99 on June 28, 2003, 09:29:55 PM
Well i don't normally talk about my 'real' life out here but I agree so far 2003 sucks a big ONE. . . I've been sued twice by malicious former landlords.  The Judge had denied them twice, told them practically that their INSANE (which they are) and still they sue sue sue .. i've spent $18k on lawyer fees. . how's that for sucks!

I moved an entire continent away to get away from them.  I get to my new locale, my job is dull beyond reason .. .and my closest friend here (for 10 years) decided to down too many vodka collins (not kidding) one night and start spouting ugliness beyond explanation at a mutual friend of ours.  So that friendship is in effect, over (the one who spewed not the innocent spew-receivor).  .

Ohhh and there is more but those are the biggies . . . ++ I don't have cable right now and you KNOW I'm missing DS even if you're all ragging on it .. still i miss it.

I did go to 3 Beekman Place today. . now is that location familiar to anyone out there??
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Birdie on June 28, 2003, 10:20:05 PM
            Hang in there girl friend.  I know where you are coming from.  My life is crazy four drivers two cars.  Of course, there are also four jobs.  We need another car!  This is not the time for us to buy one.  I think might remember we put a pool in last year and I don't want to finance another thing.  We must have been crazy to have gone ahead and put the pool in.  What were we thinking two kids in college.  O.K., stop feeling sorry for myself we have really enjoyed it with the hot weather that poured into N.E. this past week.  I will quote my mom, Things will work themselves out.  In the mean time I think I will be pulling my hair out

Another thing my back yard is filled with 14 and l5 year olds.  I think there are any number of water balloons thrown around the yard.
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: jennifer on June 29, 2003, 01:56:20 AM
hey guys :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

know how you all feel !!2003 has sucked!![puke]
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Patti Feinberg on June 29, 2003, 02:35:13 AM

Right now, tonight...life just bites....okay, sucks a little too.

happy anniversary Patti
Title: OT...I'm Grateful
Post by: Patti Feinberg on June 29, 2003, 02:49:28 AM
Now that there's this forum...I'm very grateful to have a place to chat with friends.

I mean...I posted about life stinking sometimes; some people vent about other things.

We have here a place to announce terrible losses (like to our good friends Castlebee & Josette); a place to announce being pregnant (like I was), job losses, etc.

We get to hear about friends going on tour (welcome back Ringo!)...and about milestones (QuickBook Certification!!!).

I'm just very glad to know that this is a 'safe place'.

Have a good weekend,

Title: Re:OT...I'm Grateful
Post by: Gerard on June 29, 2003, 03:05:51 AM
Ain't it neat, Patti?  I just love it, too.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Debra on June 29, 2003, 07:40:17 AM
Patti,  I hope you'll be feeling better soon!!

I know what you mean about 2003, so far it stinks for me too!!  The winter started out okay but as soon as the spring and summer came along, things got worse and worse.   My youngest daughter gets expelled from school, she's 17 and suddenly decides that she wants to get her GED instead of finishing school.  Im heart sick over this!  All my other kids finished high school and are now in college and this has to happen.  What happened to that beautiful baby girl that I bought home from the hospital??  Suddenly, she's a different person.  My older three went through that rebellous teenage stage early at age 13 and 14 and got it all out of their systems, and this one never gave me any trouble whatsoever, but now at age 17 she starts??  I figured she's be past that stage by now, but no, now suddenly she's turning into an instant rebel.    I am so heartbroken over this it isnt funny.  But the more you rant on to them and try to preach, the more rebellous they get.     The thing that gets me is that I never had any problems with her growing up while my other three use to have me pulling my hair out!!  Now everythings reversed, they're doing wonderful and she's acting up.   Yeah, this year has been the worst I've had in a long time.   Sorry for going on and on but I needed to vent also.  Thanks for listening,

Julia, I hope things get better for you too.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Mark Rainey on June 29, 2003, 07:23:17 PM
My older three went through that rebellous teenage stage early at age 13 and 14 and got it all out of their systems, and this one never gave me any trouble whatsoever, but now at age 17 she starts??

My daughter had a very bad spell at 13 and 14, then straightened out to where we thought we had the worst of it licked. She did very well in college... and then boom. Now, at age 22, she's having some god-awful reversion to 13. The problem now is that she has adult issues to deal with and they're building up to where the hole she's in is very deep indeed. We can't -- and won't -- dig her out of it. All I can do is hope that everything we've taught her over the years about actions and consequences is going to get through to her before the worst happens.

Many is the day I wish I had stuck to raising cats.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Raineypark on June 29, 2003, 08:02:23 PM
If it's any consolation Mark, it seems to be virtually universal at that age.  Both my nieces have put my brother through the ringer, but now, at 25 and 28, they are finally getting their acts together.  Sometimes, for some kids, the only way is the hard way.
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Mark Rainey on June 29, 2003, 08:35:37 PM
If it's any consolation Mark, it seems to be virtually universal at that age.

Yeah, when I think back to my own sordid past, I cut loose pretty good at 22/23; in fact, it's a wonder I survived it. I didn't rack up any long-term debt, though, financial or otherwise, which is quite different from my daughter. She's going to be trying to climb out of a big hole, both monetarily and relationship-wise, for a long time to come.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Raineypark on June 29, 2003, 08:57:50 PM
That's going to be the ruination of an entire generation of young people.  When my husband and I left college we didn't have a penny's worth of school debt over our heads and no one in the family had ever possesed a credit card.  Now I know graduates who have 6-figure college loans, maxed-out credit cards and jobs that pay minimum wage because their 'field' is 'over-crowded'.  It's so ubiquitous it's hard to blame the kids themselves for getting caught up in it.  How, then, are they supposed to start families, buy homes, support themselves?

Last year, when my daughter was 15 I sat her down, explained that there was no huge college trust fund waiting for her and that while  we would help her all we could, we would NOT assist her in getting herself swamped in school loan debt.....and she'd better consider schools with that in mind.

I wouldn't be a kid today for anything. 
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Cassandra on June 29, 2003, 09:00:19 PM
Many is the day I wish I had stuck to raising cats.

Me too Mark!

Seriously, I love my two girls to death but when I think of what my oldest one use to put me through...

Both my girls went to a strict private Catholic Elementary school.  And I can't tell you how many times the Principal, (a Nun) had to call my house over the years to complain about one thing or another that my oldest daughter did.  Then in the 8th grade, after being there since Pre-K, the Principal calls us to meet with her at her office and "suggests" that we should take our daughter out of that school!!   I nearly died!   Here it was her last year of Grammar school, which was also Confirmation year, and in the middle of November and Im suppose to find her another school to go to!!   [6184]

Well thank God after searching around some we finally found another good Catholic school that was fairly close to us.  And you know what,  she did wonderful there!!  The teachers and Principal praised her and loved her spunkiness and told us that she was no problem at all for them. (when we told them what school she had recently come from, they kind of rolled their eyes)

Needless to say, she graduated 8th grade with honors, and went on to excel beautifully in High school,  oh, and yes she did make her Confirmation in her 8th grade class with the new school.

Now she's in college and also works as a Lifeguard for the summer.

Now, my youngest daughter on the other hand loved the school and I never had a problem with her in that school at all, she had lots of friends and believe it or not the Principal actually liked her!  (she didn't like too many people)

Its funny because just the other day my older daughter and I were talking about the first school and she told me just how much she hated that school.  When I think back I realize I probably should have taken her out of there years ago since she was so unhappy there.  I could have saved her, myself and that Nun years of misery!!

Anyway, Deb,sometimes certain things work well with one child while it just doesn't quite click too good with the other one.  At least your daughter is willing to go for her GED so that's a good sign.

Sometimes I wish that Parenting came with intructions just like everything else does but I suppose it does come with lessons of some sort,  life lessons that is, which of course is far from easy.

Mark,  don't feel to bad,  one of my sisters finally got her act together about 6 years ago, when she was 40 years old!!!!  Something we all thought would never happen, but thankfully that it did.  I can't get over the change in her,  so there's hope for everyone out there.

Hope everyone's problems turn out okay.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Mark Rainey on June 29, 2003, 09:45:18 PM
Mark,  don't feel to bad,  one of my sisters finally got her act together about 6 years ago, when she was 40 years old!!!!

That kind of hits a familiar note. My mom's best friend has a daughter my age (actually a few months older), and I'm continually hearing about this "girl" who has zero financial sense, occasional lapses of honesty in professional and private matters where honesty ought to be paramount, and little understanding of responsibility in general. When I was a youngster, this girl was as sharp as they come, a whiz in school, dedicated to her goals, and I was more than halfway in love with her. To think this is the same person is more than a little suprising and certainly disillusioning. You can bet I'm hoping my young'un will straighten herself out before she's 44.

Title: Re:OT...I'm Grateful
Post by: jennifer on June 30, 2003, 03:02:03 AM
to me it is a safe  ;) hope you're feeling better Patti! :)

PS Happy Anniversary! :)
(mine was the 23rd)
Title: Re:OT...I'm Grateful
Post by: Midnite on June 30, 2003, 06:19:44 AM
PS Happy Anniversary! :)
(mine was the 23rd)

Happy Anniversary to both of you!

Been dying to ask, Patti... who's the Walt mentioned on the Calendar for this date?
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: ProfStokes on June 30, 2003, 08:12:19 AM
Happy belated anniversary, Patti! [92c5]  I hope 2003 improves for all of us. :)


P.S. Happy belated to you too, jennifer! [thumb]
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Cassandra on June 30, 2003, 10:10:12 AM
Happy Anniversary Patti!

Happy Anniversary Jennifer!!

Hope you both enjoyed your special days!

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Birdie on June 30, 2003, 12:52:39 PM
Happy Anniversay to both Patti, and Jennifer!

Mark, it is fairly common for young adults of your daughters age to get consumed in dept.  My nephew did the same thing.  I am pretty sure his folks bailed him out.  We are trying our very best to instill opon our children the value of money,and to advise them not to get in the dept. hole.  We have helped the older two out with college and they have also had to work for it.  Both of them will come out with a small amount of dept, compared to there peers.  Thanks for the heads up about the years coming up only to soon.  I guess we do the best we can and hope that somehow something in the end sinks in.

Debra,  good luck with your daughter.  I am sure you have asked her anything going on a school, or with friends?  What I tell my kids is my biggest regret is not finishing college.

To all, we are in this together, and this is a great place to vent and get some support.

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: jennifer on July 01, 2003, 06:08:21 AM
Happy Anniversay to both Patti, and Jennifer!

Mark, it is fairly common for young adults of your daughters age to get consumed in dept.  My nephew did the same thing.  I am pretty sure his folks bailed him out.  We are trying our very best to instill opon our children the value of money,and to advise them not to get in the dept. hole.  We have helped the older two out with college and they have also had to work for it.  Both of them will come out with a small amount of dept, compared to there peers.  Thanks for the heads up about the years coming up only to soon.  I guess we do the best we can and hope that somehow something in the end sinks in.

Debra,  good luck with your daughter.  I am sure you have asked her anything going on a school, or with friends?  What I tell my kids is my biggest regret is not finishing college.

To all, we are in this together, and this is a great place to vent and get some support.

Thanks to all! but others must have celebrated too so i say
Happy Anniversary(for whatever it is) to all!

 but at the age my children will get out of college
(esp son who is 5) i'll be ready for the nursing home so they are on their own![laugh]just kidding to me middle age is at least 60! ;D

Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Julian on July 02, 2003, 04:03:18 PM
Julia99 - Isn't 3 Beekman Place the home of Mame Dennis?  Life does have its ups and downs, but remember, Mame says life is a banquet and as her great portrayer Rosalind Russell said, we don't want to miss out on any of the courses.  OK, maybe I would like to have skipped some of the meals I've had to eat, but I keep hoping that they will somehow contribute to my development as a person.  I'm not always sure about that, but I keep hoping!
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Julia99 on July 02, 2003, 08:53:22 PM
Ahh Julian. . you do get the PRIZE!! Yes. .that is exactly why I went there. . just read the book, quite fun and more nuanced than the play--Patrick was very aware of Mame's many faults but still loved her completely.  Of course, I then walked a few blocks over to the Katharine Hepburn Garden  ..right near her townhouse, 24 hours before she left this earth. . .
Title: Re:OT - Life
Post by: Debra on July 02, 2003, 11:54:47 PM
Debra,  good luck with your daughter.  I am sure you have asked her anything going on a school, or with friends?  What I tell my kids is my biggest regret is not finishing college.

Thank you Birdie for your well wishes.  The problem was that she just recently tells me that she has always hated the school that she's been attending since the 9th grade.  Since we practically live up in the boondocks here, finding another school nearby is out of the question.  They do however have night school classes (in the same school) but they're quite different from the daytime classes, and also have a whole different personnel of teachers that work individually with each child if they appear to be having trouble keeping up with the work.  My daughter seems to be all for this and is going to be starting in September. These nighttime classes are for kids (or adults) who for whatever reason didn't finish high school and it's a way for them to receive the GED.  Im still quite upset over it as I had wished to see her graduate with cap & gown & diploma walking down the aisle with the rest of her class.

My daughter had a very bad spell at 13 and 14, then straightened out to where we thought we had the worst of it licked. She did very well in college... and then boom. Now, at age 22, she's having some god-awful reversion to 13. The problem now is that she has adult issues to deal with and they're building up to where the hole she's in is very deep indeed. We can't -- and won't -- dig her out of it. All I can do is hope that everything we've taught her over the years about actions and consequences is going to get through to her before the worst happens.

Mark, I believe you're doing the right thing in letting her figure out how to get out of her problems on her own, since this is part of growing up.  But on the other hand I know how hard it is to see all of it happening in front of you.  The worst thing for us is to witness our children having problems and not being able to come to their rescue,  like we did when they were small children.  The only thing we can do is offer our guidance & support which I think, is the greatest gift that a parent can offer their young adult children.
I wish you well Mark and hope everything turns out okay for your daughter.

Thanks also for the well wishes.   Yes I am grateful that at least she's willing to go for her GED because I've seen so many kids just totally give up on education without even giving it a second thought.   But nevertheless, it still hurts me not being able to watch her walk down the aisle along with the rest of her class.

Things were so different for me growing up.  Leaving school, especially in the 11th grade never even crossed my mind,  (and if it had Im sure my strict Sicilian parents would have erased it from my mind in no time!!)

The only thing I wanted to do was graduate, get my diploma and get on with my life.   While I never attended college, I did work right away and stayed there full time until I had my first child.   Sure, there were other kids in my class that eventually dropped out due to one thing or another, but for me, I just couldn't see spending 13 of your young years in school, year after year, day after day, only to leave it all only year ahead of schedule.  And as much as I got tired of school also (especially during the teen years) I wasn't going no where until I got that piece of paper in my hand, my diploma that I went to school all these years for!

Lets hope the 2nd half of 2003 is alot better for all of us!
