General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '13 I => Topic started by: jimbo on January 27, 2013, 06:13:24 PM

Title: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: jimbo on January 27, 2013, 06:13:24 PM
DS should have came up higher on the list of course. http://www.horror-movies.ca/top-10-horror-television-shows/
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 27, 2013, 06:29:21 PM
I'd certainly agree (I found myself rolling my eyes with some of the shows that placed ahead of DS ::)). But hey, at least it's on the list!  [thumb]  How many times doesn't DS even make it?!  [angry7]

Thanks for the link, jimbo. [snow_smiley]
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: jimbo on January 27, 2013, 07:43:25 PM
Very true MB. I didn't even mind they got Barnabas' name wrong because I am so used to errors and I'm also glad it made the cut.
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Gothick on January 27, 2013, 09:02:28 PM
That's amazing, all the more so since the URL indicates the site is based in Canada--I've always read that DS never aired up North.

It's also amazing when you think of all the quality horror shows that WEREN'T included.  Ghostwatch wasn't a series, it was a one-off (and well worth tracking down--the real reason it was banned from rebroadcast back in the 1990s was because one viewer, who apparently was already emotionally unstable, killed himself after watching it).  The Munsters was comedy and Tales from the Crypt, while fun, never achieved real excellence from what I saw of it.  I would have argued for Forever Knight to be included.  There were others but that seemes like the most glaring omission--I'm sure we all have different views about this.

At least DS was included and in a respectable position!

Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 29, 2013, 01:45:03 AM
Jimbo...thanks for the link.

Ummm...where in the heck was Twilight Zone?

Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: MagnusTrask on January 29, 2013, 02:18:11 AM
Twilight Zone, X-Files, Night Stalker.
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 29, 2013, 05:32:50 AM
I don't know if one would categorize Twilight Zone and X-Files as horror shows. The latter and certainly the former seemed more of a sci-fi show that sometimes featured horror.
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: MagnusTrask on January 29, 2013, 07:40:20 AM
I don't know if one would categorize Twilight Zone and X-Files as horror shows. The latter and certainly the former seemed more of a sci-fi show that sometimes featured horror.

I'd say that in the X-Files, the horror was front and center, being a series about supernatural phenomena even though some scientific/medical study of them (by Scully) was possible.  These were the episodic stories, which was the bulk of the show.

It was only with the alien storyline that science fiction entered into things, and one reason we remember those episodes so well is that they would take a long time to get back to that, to build up the suspense.   A few other strange situations may have been classifiable as SF, but the horror element of them was always concentrated on.

The Twilight Zone would do science fiction once in awhile, but the science-based stories and ones having to do with aliens or space would go to shows like the Outer Limits, shows specifically designed as SF.   TZ was more about being disturbing, unexplainable or impossible horror situations, as opposed to anything based on scientific possibilities.
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Patti Feinberg on February 01, 2013, 04:22:44 PM
The Twilight Zone would do science fiction once in awhile, but the science-based stories and ones having to do with aliens or space would go to shows like the Outer Limits, shows specifically designed as SF.   TZ was more about being disturbing, unexplainable or impossible horror situations, as opposed to anything based on scientific possibilities.

Thank you!

Anyone remember the ep I believe titled "The Hitchhiker"? TELL ME THAT'S NOT SCARY!!!
Title: Re: Top 10 TV Horror Shows
Post by: Janet the Wicked on February 01, 2013, 09:51:16 PM
Thriller was not mentioned. Maybe because it didn't start off as a horror show, but when the ratings were poor in the first season, lightening struck and they decided to make the stories horrified, particularly because of Boris Karloff's stature.