RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on June 09, 2003, 10:04:15 AM

Title: Robservations 6/10/03 - #974-975
Post by: ROBINV on June 09, 2003, 10:04:15 AM
974 - Sky's sudden appearance from the back room distracts Sabrina long enough for Bruno to disarm her. She struggles in Sky's grip as he demands, what's going on here?--I won't hurt you.
Bruno holds the gun on Sabrina, and this time, she asks him what HE'S going to do.  I'm not going to kill you, Bruno assures her--on the contrary, I'm very grateful to you, and admires you. For what? she asks. Because you've shown how much you love Chris, he says, and if his love for you is equally deep, you can be very useful to us--Sky, take Sabrina to the back room and stay with her. Just when did you start giving orders? asks Sky. You'll do as I say, and if you don't like it, advises Bruno, take the matter up with Nicholas. I plan to do just that; says Sky, I don't like your attitude one bit. If it's a question of which of us Nicholas has the greater authority, warns Bruno, Nicholas will back me up--now take her to the back room! Chastened, Sky does as ordered.  Bruno dials the phone. Sky closes the door to the back room and suggests to Sabrina,  take it easy and relax. Who is Bruno calling? asks Sabrina.. Nicholas, says Sky, and you'll learn who he is soon enough. Can you tell me why you are so anxious to hurt Chris? she asks--that's what I don't understand. Look, baby, says Sky (!), I don't know who Chris is, or why they're keeping you here--he pushes her down into a chair--if you want to know anything, ask Nicholas when he gets here!  Sabrina is subdued. It's ten to four; Bruno actually picks up the large clock to check the time. Nicholas enters--what's happening? he asks. There's a girl in the back room I want you to see, says Bruno. The men enter the back room.  Sky immediately says, Nicholas I've got to talk to you. We've got important business to conduct, Sky--it will have to wait. Bruno and Sky seem prepared to get into fisticuffs over who will speak to Nicholas first.  Give us a few moments, Sky, says Nicholas. After locking the door and going into the other room, Bruno indicates Sabrina and says, that is a very determined young girl who tried to kill me tonight--he  holds up the gun she had as proof. You didn't bring me here to tell me that, did you? asks Nicholas. Sabrina is Chris Jennings' fiancee, says Bruno. What has he to do with me? asks Nicholas, annoyed.  Bruno quotes, "Even the pure of heart who say their prayers at night" poem. Nicholas' eyes widen and he grins--the werewolf?--isn't that interesting? I thought that would please you, says Bruno.  I think you might have found a way for him to redeem yourself, says Nicholas--the moon will be full tomorrow night, if we can get Chris here then, we can put his talents to very good use--haven't you begun to wonder how Jeb is managing to stay alive? He won't be alive long, says Bruno--Angelique is seeing to that. I don't want her to see to it! protests Nicholas angrily--I want to get him!--I believe his marriage to Carolyn is providing Jeb with the will to live, and if anything happened to her, Jeb would lose that, right? Yes, agrees Bruno. We must move quickly, says Nicholas--my mission here has been a failure (again?) and if I can dispose of Jeb, I'll have salvaged something--if Angelique gets him first, it's all over for me.  He gives Bruno his instructions...

Collinwood - Jeb sits by the fire, brooding. Someone knocks; he hesitantly goes to answer.  It's Chris, looking for Sabrina. (They've never met before?)  I'm alone here, says Jeb. Who are you? asks Chris. Jeb Hawkes. Of course, says Chris. Have we met before? asks Jeb. Maybe Carolyn knows where Sabrina is, suggests Chris.  She and her mother just left, says Jeb. I'm sorry, says Chris, you did tell me you were the only one here, but I'm growing very anxious about Sabrina. I hope you find her, says Jeb. So do I, says Chris--thank you. Chris leaves.  Jeb closes the door, looking nervously around for the shadow.

Sabrina rises from her chair and tells Sky, I think you friend Nicholas has forgotten you. This pisses off Sky, who asks, what do you mean?  I don't hear them, they must have gone away, says Sabrina. Nicholas promised to speak to me, says Sky--you just sit and relax.  He unlocks the door and finds the outer room empty--except for Angelique, who taunts, "From tycoon to lackey--my, how the mighty are fallen." (A favorite line of many, including me.) She grins at him.

Angelique saunters over to Sky.  What are you doing here? he asks. I've come to see you, she says.  How did you know where to find me? he asks.  I've kept a very close watch on your activities, she assures him--how does it feel to be a has-been?--that's what you are.
What are you talking about? demands Sky.  Every one of your business ventures is a disaster, she says, and there's nothing you can do about it.  Getting in his face, she adds, all you are now is Nicholas Blair's slave.  That's not true, I'm very important to him, insists Sky. Absurd, says Ang--consider right now what he has you doing--keeping guard over a helpless young girl--you're not important to Nicholas, he doesn't care anything about you. Not true, says Sky. What does Nicholas plan to do with that girl--or has he consulted you? she asks, baiting him. Shut up! he orders.  What's the matter? she asks, am I making you unhappy?  GET OFF MY BACK! he shouts.  You've become quite thin-skinned in your declining days, haven't you? she asks--shall I tell you how it will all end?--Nicholas will find some ingenious way of doing himself in, as he always does, then you will be all alone, with no one to turn to--and then, someone will put you out of your misery--who knows, it may even be me. The idea appeals to her. I won't keep you him any longer from your important job in the next room, she says sarcastically. Thoroughly emasculated, Sky doesn't say another word.

Jeb sits in the dark. Nicholas enters the drawing room--I let myself in, he says--I hope you don't mind. Nicholas turns on a lamp, upsetting Jeb, who says, leave the room dark. You can hide in the darkness again shortly, says Nicholas, after I'm gone. Why did you come? asks Jeb. You sent a message to me through Bruno, explains Nicholas, I thought it deserved a person reply. You mean you're going to help me? asks Jeb hopefully. No, says Nicholas, I don't see why you let yourself get so excited--accept one fact--you are a doomed man--there is no way out for you. There's got to be, says Jeb belligerently, and I'm going to find it--Angelique isn't going to destroy me!.
I sincerely hope not, says Nicholas, because I want that privilege--and that's all I came to tell you. Nicholas shuts off the light--one of us is going to finish you off, he says, I only hope it's me.  Nicholas closes the double doors, bids him good night, and, laughing, leaves Collinwood after one amused glance backward.

Chris, on the phone, tells Quentin, I looked everywhere for Sabrina--she can't be found--I know tomorrow night is the full moon, but I don't care about the arrangements for Windcliff, I'm not going anywhere until I find Sabrina. He hangs up to answer the door.  It's Sky--can I come in? he asks--I know where Sabrina is, and that she's in great danger, being held against her will by a man named Bruno. I know him, Chris grimaces--I must get her out of there. I'm here to help both you and Sabrina, says Sky.  How do I know that? asks Chris.
--I don't even know you or if you're telling me the truth. Maybe this will convince you, says Sky, who hands over Sabrina's compact.  Chris recognizes it--you were over at Bruno's place and saw her? he asks.  Up until half an hour ago, confesses Sky, I was guarding Sabrina for Nicholas Blair and Bruno; I don't know their plan or how it involves you, but I'm tired of seeing them hurt people--that's why I'm here to help you, and if they knew I was here, they'd kill me. It's me they're after, says Chris.  I know that, says Chris--how do I know they didn't send you here to lure me there? You don't, but you must trust me if you want to get Sabrina back, says Sky, handing over the key to Bruno's house.  Come there at 12, says Sky--I will take care of Bruno, and we'll get Sabrina out of the house. What's your angle in all this? Chris asks.  I just don't want to be involved with these people anymore, says Sky--I want out from under. Chris accepts the key.

Jeb sits in the dark, brooding. He rises from the chair and paces a bit, then turns on the light and looks warily around, backing away. The shadow appears.  He cries out--it's gotten bigger! He turns off the light and calls to Angelique--come to me, listen to me, he begs, let me talk to you! He looks heavenward (wrong direction).

Sky returns to Sabrina--did they treat you all right while I was gone? He asks. They left me alone the whole time, she reveals--did you see Chris? Yes, Sky assures her--we made plans; if all goes well, you'll be out of here by midnight. I don't know how to thank you, says Sabrina. Don't thank me yet, baby, no guarantee we'll succeed, warns Sky. Outside the door, Bruno overhears their conversation.

Bruno knocks at the door and unlocks it--is everything all right?--Sky, come out and talk to me. Bruno locks the door again--you left the house earlier and was gone longer than you said you'd be--what kept you?  What is this, the third degree? asks Sky, irritated. Just a simple question, says Bruno, then his voice hardens as he asks--tell me where you went, Sky!  I went to town to see a friend in from NY, answers Sky. Would you lie to me? asks Bruno.  No, Sky assures him--are you calling me a liar?  No, says Bruno, I was just concerned and curious--I worry about you, Jeb (yes, he made that mistake)--you no longer have any outside friends aside from Nicholas and me--it's up to us to take care of you, and believe me, that's what we're going to do! he says warningly. Sky looks noncommittal.

Jeb, sitting in the dark, hears Angelique's voice from the corner, promising, you can't hide from it. Jeb leaps up and sees her. You kept imploring me to come to you, and here I am, she says grandly--turn on the lights. He refuses. It's perfectly safe, as long as I'm here, she says--the shadow won't appear. Jeb turns on a lamp.  What do you want? she asks. Take this thing off me, he begs. Give me a good reason why I should, she suggests. I'm a changed man, says Jeb, I'm married to Carolyn and love her very much. I loved Sky Rumson very much, says Angelique icily. I wasn't responsible for that, insists Jeb--I didn't know Sky, had nothing to do with it. The whole so-called conspiracy revolved around you, says Ang, therefore I do hold you responsible, but not only you--I intend to settle Nicholas when I'm through with you. If you have any feelings at all, begins Jeb. I had them once, says Angelique, and they all died when I found out the truth about Sky. All right, says Jeb, if you won't do anything for my sake, think of Carolyn. I identify with Carolyn, Angelique assures him, a lot, and have thought about her a great deal--I'm sorry she will be unhappy, as I know how that feels--but you haven't got much longer to wait--in only a short time now, the shadow will be full-grown and that will be the end of you. She turns off the light and continues--I'll be there to witness it, she assures him--I wouldn't want to miss it. She disappears. Jeb calls her name--you won't be there, he insists--nothing will happen because I'll find a way to beat it--do you hear me? he shouts.  We get a long shot of him, alone and bombastic in the darkened drawing room.

Bruno's room - Chris enters, listens at one door, then another, which turns out to be a closet. Sky is in there, hanging by his wrists, begging, in a horse voice, Chris, help me. Bruno stands there, holding Sabrina gun, and says, Sabrina and I have been waiting for you. Bruno smiles cruelly.

NOTES: Chris is once again in Bruno's sadistic power, poor fellow. One assumes that Nicholas and Bruno want Chris, in werewolf form, to kill Jeb--before Angelique's shadow does. It doesn't seem as if Jeb stands much of a chance with these two enemies warring to be the first to murder him, does it?

I recall wondering if Sky was really trying to help Sabrina escape, or to help Bruno trap Chris by luring him to the house, but now, since Sky is a prisoner, it looks as if he was planning to go turncoat and save Sabrina from her captors.

Lara Parker was a delight as Angelique today, bitter, emotional, wicked, teasing Sky mercilessly, leaving him with his testicles hanging by a thread. He hurt her, and we know what she does to men who hurt her. Sky is luckier than Barnabas, anyway. When she tells Jeb she had feelings once, but that they died when she learned about Sky, you really felt her anger, betrayal and depression. She doesn't like being screwed over, and she made mincemeat of Sky and Jeb.

Who will be the first to get Jeb? Or will he beat both Angelique and Nicholas and live happily ever after with Carolyn? I know, does the shadow?

975 - Would you like to see Sabrina? Bruno asks Chris.  Noticing Chris looking around, Bruno asks, are you searching for a way for the two of you to escape?--I can read your mind Bruno--you're wondering if anyone else is here--pity you can't read my mind and find out, he taunts. Chris attacks him; Bruno knocks him to the floor, then pulls out a knife and says, I don't fight with my fists (what happened to the gun)? Chris cowers on the floor, staring at the knife.

 "What a hero you could be--killed trying to rescue the poor damsel," says Bruno, "very romantic, but with you dead, who'd be left to rescue her?" He holds the knife against Chris' throat and orders, walk to the chair. Chris does as Bruno says, then asks, where is Sabrina?  Yes, and unharmed, says Bruno--I pride myself on my compassionate nature. Bruno goes to the locked door--Sabrina, answer me! he calls. She does, only saying yes.  Bruno unlocks the door and allows the lovers to see each other. Chris almost leaps from the chair, but Sabrina assures him, I'll be all right. Chris looks at her.
How touching, sneers Bruno, then laughs. Sabrina tries to escape the room, but Bruno stops her with the knife, then closes and locks the door. "You'd kill her, wouldn't you?" asks Chris. I would, agrees Bruno, but wouldn't like it--and I don't think it will be necessary if you do your part--tomorrow night the moon will be full--You didn't expect me to forget what you become? Chris rises from the chair and takes a few steps--Bruno, he asks, what do you want from me?  I request the pleasure of your company for what remains of this fast-diminishing night, says Bruno--until dusk--we will spend the day together, and tomorrow night, when the moon rises...  "What are you going to do to me?" demands Chris. I have an enemy who shouldn't be alive any longer, says Bruno, but love is keeping his will to live strong--we must change that--we must destroy the person who keeps him alive!

Barnabas stands near the parallel time room, pondering its mysteries, when I must stand at that door, unable to even enter, when I watch my friends live other lives--are Julia and Stokes right--is there a time band running parallel to ours, where we live different lives because we have made different choices? I must find out! Why can't I always see those lives in this room, why?

Carolyn cries in Roger's arms in the drawing room--I'm sorry, she says. Don't be, he urges, it does you good to cry--not nearly as much as sharing what's troubling you would.  I'm going to try to get some sleep, she says. Good night, Kitten, says Roger.  As she's about to walk upstairs, he adds, whatever it is, it could be changed. I wish I knew how, sighs Carolyn, and goes up to bed.  Roger pours a drink and downs it. Barnabas comes downstairs and apologizes--I know this is a strange hour to be roaming around Collinwood. So much is happening I can't understand, laments Roger--I want to speak to you in the drawing room. I want to talk to you, too, says Barnabas, I need your advice, perhaps even your help--there's a room in the east wing I must talk to you about...

Bruno raises the shade and tells Chris, you can look at the moon and enjoy its beauty, but you, tonight, how desperate you must feel, knowing tomorrow it will be even more beautiful, more full!--are you going to help me, yes or no?  I'll never help you, vows Chris. Bruno shows him the knife up close and asks, do you love Sabrina, and if you do, you'd better change your mind--I'll let the two of them be together a while, and perhaps you will realize how much she means to you. Bruno unlocks the door and allows Chris to join Sabrina--tell Chris that the only way out is to do as I ask, Bruno tells Sabrina.  He pushes Chris into the room, closes and locks the door. Chris and Sabrina embrace.  I'm afraid, confesses Sabrina--he'll never let us go. We'll get out somehow, says Chris, but I don't know how--or if. He examines a window.

There is no way out, says Sabrina--Chris, hold me. He interrupts his search of the room to do that, and they hug.

Barnabas has related the entire story to Roger about the parallel time room. Loomis writing a book, muses Roger in disbelief; Julia giving orders to Elizabeth; a room that lived in one minute and not the next--incredible as it sounds, I want to see it just the same. It will be empty now, says Barnabas. How can it be empty one minute and not the next? asks Roger--let's go and see. All right, says Barn, but I want this kept confidential, I don't want to alarm Liz and the others.  Roger agrees--this house is unsettled enough as it is. They go to the east wing, which Roger says, I haven't been near in years (what about the night of Megan's staking)?  I saw a light under the door, says Barn, and thought I'd investigate. They open the doors but find it empty. Do you believe me? asks Barnabas.  A year ago, says Roger, I wouldn't have, but I do now, incredible as it may seem, I don't understand it--are the changes only at night?  I've only seen it then, says Barnabas carefully--I haven't seen it in the daytime.  Roger suggests they go. Outside in the hallway, he asks, what does it all mean?--are you coming with me?  No, says Barn, I'm going out another door that leads directly to the path to the Old House. Roger leaves.  Barnabas closes the doors to the east wing, then hears Roger saying, "Here I am again." He calls to Roger, then  realizes the voice is coming from the mysterious room. He listens and hears Roger saying, "I brought your favorite wine. I even brought two glasses. How absurd I am."  Barnabas throws open the door to see Roger talking to Angelique's portrait, pouring wine. Roger! he calls, but Roger raises a toast to Angelique--cheers!--if she only knew how I live for these moments--sometimes I imagine her coming through that door again, dressed for riding, and you'd say, "Are you here, old chum? Got bored with the goody-goodies, did you?--Came up to relax from the revelry?"  Roger chuckles and drinks--I can still hear your laugh--everyone thought I was in love with you, but I wasn't--I was fascinated, of course, who wouldn't have been, I don't know why I keep buying this wine, I never liked it--I only drank it because of you." Carolyn enters and asks, are you talking to yourself--guv'nor?  What are you doing here? he asks coldly.  She icily responds and asks, are you taking another drink in the parlor, now that the master's coming back? I came to be alone, he says. You picked the wrong day for it, she retorts. She wouldn't like you here, says Roger.
Carolyn, her face angry and bitter, looks hatefully at the portrait and says, "If I make her whirl in he grave, so much the better." You couldn't do that, sneers Roger, if you tried.  I came here for a purpose, she says, and you aren't stopping me. She begins searching through drawers, then slams one shut and says, you're as bad as that woman--the shrine--well, there's one thing of hers that's not going to stay here!  Barnabas watches this drama from the doorway. What are you doing? asks Roger. Looking for my husband's book, she retorts, opening other drawers--that's right, the copy that Will gave her. Carolyn is married to Willie Loomis! says Barn aloud, astonished. The witch threw the book out of the room, says Carolyn, and poor Will couldn't find it--Will has trouble finding anything--it's our only copy and we need it. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF BARNABAS COLLINS, why would anyone want it? asks Roger. A historical society wants to reprint a chapter of it, says Carolyn. So, your famous husband has come down to THAT, has he? taunts Roger. It's the money, says Carolyn, and goes into the adjoining bedroom to search there. You would take her book for the two or three hundred dollars you might get? says Roger angrily. Quentin doesn't keep us the way he does you, Carolyn says, searching drawers.  Get out! shouts Roger.  Not until I find Will's book, she insists. I don't want you going through her things! says Roger.  Carolyn laughs at him--you're making a fool of yourself, she says--not that that's anything new. She races to the door, almost nose to nose with Barnabas, and says to Roger, if you don't know what's going on, you'd better leave now--I have as much right to be here as you do. "Carolyn!" cries Barnabas. I have no intention of leaving you here alone, says Roger.  She whirls around to face him and says, stay, watch me, it's all right with me!" She closes the doors on Barnabas, who re-opens them to find the room empty once more.  Carolyn!  Roger! he calls.  Why does it disappear whenever the door is closed?--will there ever be an explanation? Carolyn, married to Willie, Roger in love with Angelique, even if he denies it, and Quentin, master of Collinwood? What strange world have I discovered?  He looks around the dark, silent room, where the gorgeous painting of Angelique doesn't hang on the wall.

5:10 - Bruno plays with his knife as the sky grows darker. He goes to the door and calls to Chris. Sabrina and Chris are silent, in each other's arms. Bruno opens the door and asks, did you really think if I got no response, I'd go away? What time is it? asks Chris. Half an hour until dusk, says Bruno, ordering both of them out--I want to talk to you. They exit the room. Sit down and watch, orders Bruno.  They do.  Now that the time draws near, Chris, are you willing to be sensible? "Sabrina, run!" yells Chris, racing for the window.  Bruno foils that escape attempt and says, you have just answered yes, haven't you? You're going to keep me here anyway," Chris reminds him. I'd like to think you have some choice, says Bruno. Well, I don't, says Chris. I'm bringing a certain person here at the proper hour, says Bruno.  I don't want to hear about that! shouts Chris. I've offended your sensibilities? demands Bruno, amused--you're lucky, you can do anything as that animal--and not remember. Stop it, says Sabrina, trying to intervene, but Bruno fends her off. Get back in the room, you're going to have a visitor, says Bruno. What about Sabrina, will she be all right? asks Chris. Yes, as long as you do your part, says Bruno, thrusting Chris into the room and locking the door--now, my dear, he tells Sabrina, for your new resting place.

5:30 - The phone rings at Collinwood.  Carolyn answers--Bruno.  What do you want? she asks. To see you, says Bruno. I can't imagine why, says Carolyn. Didn't Jeb tell you? he asks--he came to see me about his problem, the shadow. I don't believe you, says Carolyn. I'll hang up, threatens Bruno. Wait, says Carolyn--have you found a way? Not a way, says Bruno, a person who can make that shadow disappear. We will come right away, promises Carolyn. Come alone, without Jeb, says Bruno, it's very simple
--this person doesn't like Jeb and doesn't care what happens to him--you have to make this person care, and I wouldn't waste time if I were you--don't tell anyone you're coming.  I won't, she assures him--I'll be right there. Roger comes downstairs--where are you going? he asks.  I won't be long, she says, but ignores him when he asks what's going on.

Chris checks out the window and hears a knock at the door. Sabrina is safe, Bruno assures him-- for the moment, and will be safe as long as you observe one rule--you must be very quiet, even if you have the pain, I want no screams--scream and Sabrina will pay, believe me! There's a knock at the door. It's Carolyn.  She got here very quickly, says Bruno, which is good--it still gets so dark so early--the moon will rise very soon--how's your husband, Carolyn? You know as well as I do, she says--where's this person? Patience, he cautions.  I have none, she warns, and I know you well enough to know you do nothing without payment, and whatever it is, I agree to it--let me talk with the person who can save Jeb--is it Nicholas Blair?  No, says Bruno, Nicholas would do nothing, it's someone else.  In the other room, Chris lies on the floor, writhing from the  transformation pains. The person is in that room, says Bruno.  Carolyn hurries over to it. Bruno stops her, then unlocks the door, first dropping the key. Is this how you have to keep this person here? asks Carolyn.  It seemed wisest, answers Bruno, I didn't want to wait--you can go in now, I won't lock it this time. Finding Chris on the floor, in agony, she kneels to help him. Get out! screams Chris, trying to draw away from her.
Outside the door, Bruno chortles, "Jeb will have little reason to live now", and bursts into cruel laughter. Inside the room, Chris screams.

NOTES: Where's that pendulum from 1897, I want Bruno on it, now! He's terrible, not caring about Carolyn or Chris, although he does seem to like Sabrina in his own twisted way. Will Carolyn escape this sordid plot, or will something happen to save her? Sometimes, when Chris is in werewolf form, he avoids harming those he cares about, and he once was a little bit in love with Carolyn.

While I don't like Lisa Richards much, and find her annoying as Sabrina, her scenes with Chris are really touching. I had to chuckle when she interrupted Chris' search for an escape route just to ask him to hold her. Heart over head, just like a woman in love. Carolyn, too, is willing to pay any price to save Jeb, and one wonders what she'd have done if a lascivious Bruno demanded payment be taken out in trade.

The contrast between the Carolyn and Roger in regular time and the same characters in parallel time is quite astonishing. Roger holds his weeping niece, wanting to assuage her troubles (and hinting, I think, that they could easily arrange for an annulment for her and Jeb), calling her Kitten. The Roger and Carolyn in parallel time appear to hate each other, poles apart in their feelings for Angelique. It's fun to watch Roger with a more relaxed attitude and Carolyn with a bitter, harsh edge--and married to Willie!

Barnabas longs to know more about the people in parallel time; it's becoming an obsession. It's rare for him to take Roger into his confidence, and I felt Barn's pain when he was forced to admit he only had seen the room change during the day--he couldn't very well reveal to his cousin that he CAN'T check out the room during the daytime. Roger seemed as fascinated/absorbed by the PT room as Barnabas, but for different reasons. He admits that a year ago, he wouldn't have believed Barn's tale, but he does here, because he's gotten a supernatural education over those past months! (years!)

Love, Robin