General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Annie on May 20, 2003, 05:20:05 PM

Post by: Annie on May 20, 2003, 05:20:05 PM
Hello, gang once again it was a riot when Jebez covered
his ears so he couldn't hear the werewolf!!!!  Looked
like a little kid!!!  " Bruno must of thought " Daddy
is here son don't worry we won't let that mean old
wolf get you!!   Love Anne
( It's been a while since Anne has seen her Q-man!!!)
   and MISSES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   :P ;D
Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Raineypark on May 20, 2003, 06:47:24 PM
You bring up an interesting point, Annie.

It's already been discussed on another thread that there are inconsistancies in Jeb's ability to turn into his "true" form...does he have to be in his room or doesn't he?

But now we find out that whether he's in his room or not, apparently his true form isn't terrifying enough to stop a werewolf in its tracks!!!  He needs a human with a gun and silver bullets to protect him from a short hairy thing!!

Guess Jeb is all heavy breathing, and no talons or teeth!
Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: dom on May 20, 2003, 09:54:08 PM
Guess Jeb is all heavy breathing, and no talons or teeth!

Sounds like one of my exes...

Possible spoiler~~~~~~~~~

Haven't been able to follow the storyline since about the fifth episode. Does Chris have the anti-leviathan gene, like Julia and Maggie? And are Leviathans as vulnerable to death as any human or just by werewolves?
There's a cobwebbed memory in the back of my mind that wants to remember that werewolves are the Leviathan's only natural (or unatural, lol) enemy.

Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Midnite on May 21, 2003, 12:23:57 AM
From Robservations #944...
If it bothers you that much, says Bruno, I'll go take care of him now--remember, "You've got Bruno!" (LOL!) He leaves.


Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: dom on May 21, 2003, 02:51:39 AM
Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Annie on May 21, 2003, 11:25:32 AM
Cute Midnite i like that!!!
          Love Anne :D
Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: jennifer on May 21, 2003, 04:17:55 PM
Oh too funny Midnite(and such a gross thought triple ICKY!) and annie methinks that Jeb grew up too fast LOL! :P


Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Gothick on May 21, 2003, 05:32:37 PM
Hi Dom, your memory though cobwebbed (lol!!!) is correct--the werewolves are supposed to be the Leviathans' natural enemy.  The howling of the wolves can drive the Leviathan mad, apparently.

Of course before this we have heard that the ghost of an enemy can defeat them--and we later learn that running water is fatal.  It seems as if they have a lot of chinks in their armor.  But this is often true of creatures of the supernatural, at least as depicted in folk legends. There's an old tale that if you scatter mustard seeds at the threshold, a vampire will have to count every single one before entering.  I believe that this legend was used in an hysterical X Files send up of old vampire movies.

Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: dom on May 21, 2003, 09:49:25 PM
Thanks, Doll Face. <kiss on the cheek>

Didn't remember about the H2O until you mentioned it. No wonder they became practically extinct after their heyday. You know, with all the rain that fell to create the earth's oceans and all. Poah deahs...

Hope your western sojourn was fab, Mz T. My excursion to Grayson Hallarta was as intoxicating as ever.

Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Gerard on May 23, 2003, 12:40:50 AM
Well, here's another thing I can't figure out.  Quentin is virtually immortal because of the portrait.  Whatever happens to him will happen to the image.  So there wouldn't be a better allied enemy against Jeb than Quentin.  Take, for instance, today's episode where Jeb wards him off with a knife.  Technically, he could stab away as if Quentin were a pin-cushion and nothing would happen.  Imagine Jeb's surprised look as Quentin laughs, Jeb wondering exactly what type of creature he is.  Quentin could then just smuggly say:  "There are more creatures in heaven and hell than you know."  Of course, Jeb could then try everything possible to discover what Quentin is, while being rather afraid of him, which would've added a real interesting dimension to the story.

Title: Re:I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 23, 2003, 12:47:22 AM
Of course, Jeb could then try everything possible to discover what Quentin is, while being rather afraid of him, which would've added a real interesting dimension to the story.

Hmmm...interesting dimension Yes, what a novel approach THAT would have been for this portion of the storyline. But obviously something DC wasn't going for with his concept. ::)