Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I => Topic started by: Midnite on April 23, 2003, 05:46:47 PM

Title: 2003 Fest info
Post by: Midnite on April 23, 2003, 05:46:47 PM
From: pansyfaye@darkshadowsfestival.com
Re: Dark Shadows Festival 2003 Details Now Available
To: Dark Shadows Fans

"Details on the Dark Shadows 20th Anniversary Festival & Farewell are now available online at www.darkshadowsfestival.com (http://www.darkshadowsfestival.com) The Festival will be held on Labor Day weekend at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel. Among several new activities and for the first time ever, the DS actors will reunite to portray their original characters on stage in an exciting new dramatic presentation, 'Return to Collinwood.' You'll discover what happened to Quentin, Angelique and others since DS ended!

Flyers will be sent soon to those on the Dark Shadows Festival mailing list. To be added to the mailing list, email your name and postal mailing address to: pansyfaye@darkshadowsfestival.com

After two decades of annual fan gatherings, this year marks the final full-fledged Festival celebration. It has been a joyous twenty years of welcoming dozens of Dark Shadows alumni along with thousands of fans from all across the United States and beyond. Although interest in DS remains strong - thanks to the video/DVD releases and reruns on the Sci-Fi Channel - the decision has been made to finish the traditional Festival event on this special anniversary occasion with the exciting, first-ever reunion of the original DS actors performing a sequel on stage.

The Dark Shadows Offical Fan Club/Festival will continue to explore the presentation of other DS activities in the future, but we hope you'll be able to join us for this memorable three-day finale in August.

Don't forget to check the Daily Trivia every day on the website to read about what's happening on the episodes shown each weekday on the Sci-Fi Channel.

For up-to-date news on everything concerning Dark Shadows, fans should subscribe to the Official Dark Shadows Online Newsletter, ShadowGram. Send an email to: ShadowGram@aol.com asking to be added to the subscription list."
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Julia99 on April 23, 2003, 05:51:03 PM
The LAST Fest?? I guess i'll be getting my butt on the subway!! The question is. . . will Frid be there?  If they are gonna do a finale play thing???  And I gotta add (although I'll get more curses and be away from that lovely "69" curse #). . they better have something **good** have happened to Julia or I'll boo!!! And I'm sure the JULIA Mafia (that's what self-stylized ourselves last year) will join in. . . [angrg]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: jennifer on April 23, 2003, 07:15:08 PM
quess i'll have to get my butt there too! why is it the last one?

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 23, 2003, 07:20:11 PM
why is it the last one?


I'd love to know. I hope we don't have to be bothered with a lot of bullcrap and speculation before we find out the truth - if we ever find out.

no nonsense dom
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MsCriseyde on April 23, 2003, 07:22:47 PM
I hope we don't have to be bothered with a lot of bullcrap and speculation before we find out the truth - if we ever find out.

Now there's a lovely fantasy.  :-*
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 23, 2003, 07:33:03 PM
Now there's a lovely fantasy.  :-*

No kidding! [lol2]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 23, 2003, 07:47:40 PM
Well.....there goes the only chance I'd ever have to meet any of you.  I can't possibly attend this years fest.

I can't even express how sad this makes me.  :-[

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 23, 2003, 08:23:27 PM
Well.....there goes the only chance I'd ever have to meet any of you.

Not necessarily. They did say:

The Dark Shadows Offical Fan Club/Festival will continue to explore the presentation of other DS activities in the future
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: ProfStokes on April 23, 2003, 08:28:00 PM
[bawl] I must say how terribly rotten this is!  First, the Fest dates are changed on us, causing fewer people to be able to attend, then the Fests are ended completely, preventing anyone from having another chance. I had friends who were already making plans for Festival 2004; now those plans have no meaning.  I have no idea what could prompt the committee to cease the Festivals, but I am crushed.  These events had become as important to me as Christmas or my birthday, perhaps even more.  Some of my happiest memories and dearest friendships come from the Festivals.  I can't believe this news. [bawling2]

 :'( [cryg] [cryb]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 23, 2003, 08:36:23 PM
My first thought has to be that the performers had some input into the decision to make this the final Fest.  And if that is the case, then we can hardly blame them for wanting to give it a rest, after all these years.  There are no youngsters in that crowd....and much as they might appreciate the love and affection of the fans....it must be an exhausting weekend, especially for those who have to travel to the opposite coast.  Nor can it be easy to just say "No thanks, not this year" when they know how many of us are hoping to see THEM in particular every year.

If that's the case, then I can accept the decision to make this their last farewell to their loyal fans.  Those performers who have made it to most if not all of the fests have certainly been loyal in return.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: CrazyJenny on April 23, 2003, 08:44:40 PM
I have no words.  The fest has been part of my life since I was a little grl and it was just always accepted that I would go to the fest every year to see friends and travel....This is strange.  I'm still denying it in my head.   ???

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Gothick on April 23, 2003, 08:57:56 PM
I'm quite sure that as long as the surviving cast members are willing to show up, there will continue to be DS fan events around the country.  There's been an event that's been happening every year around Halloween at Lockwood Mathews House in Norwalk, CT for several years now, for instance.

I also think it might be fun for fans to think of getting together just to socialize and share the weirdness that is DS.  That, for me, is why I kept going back.

The NYC Festivals have turned into cattle calls in recent years.  I would prefer something a little more intimate and low-key, myself.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 23, 2003, 09:03:52 PM
Hmmm....does this mean fans are going to come looking for people like OUR beloved Midnite and MB and Dom to help fill the void?

I think that thud was just Midnite falling out of her chair.

Sorry dear, but the possibility suddenly jumps to mind.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Bette on April 23, 2003, 09:37:20 PM
The LAST Fest?? I guess i'll be getting my butt on the subway!! The question is. . . will Frid be there?  If they are gonna do a finale play thing???  And I gotta add (although I'll get more curses and be away from that lovely "69" curse #). . they better have something **good** have happened to Julia or I'll boo!!! And I'm sure the JULIA Mafia (that's what self-stylized ourselves last year) will join in. . . [angrg]

Dream on, J99. I'd say that chances of them even including the characters of Barn and Julia in their little skit are remote, except as objects of humor such as they have been in the past. I'd guess that Angelique and Quentin will be the stars of this little show.

Don't mind me guys. I'm just really bummed out about this because it really looks as though I won't be able to get to NY this year and I had been consoling myself with the knowledge that the Fest would be on the west coast next year.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Bette on April 23, 2003, 09:41:04 PM
I also think it might be fun for fans to think of getting together just to socialize and share the weirdness that is DS.  That, for me, is why I kept going back.

The NYC Festivals have turned into cattle calls in recent years.  I would prefer something a little more intimate and low-key, myself.

That is a wonderful suggestion Steve, and I wholeheartedly agree. The people that I have met are the only reason that I look forward to the Fests. I just hope that if it happens, it won't always be on the east coast.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 23, 2003, 09:43:45 PM
Hmmm....does this mean fans are going to come looking for people like OUR beloved Midnite and MB and Dom to help fill the void?

                              GONE FISHIN'

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 23, 2003, 10:00:00 PM
On a serious note-

I have met some wonderful people thru DS fandom. And when I travel I do try and visit these fine folks whenever I'm in the area, if it can be arranged. I've driven hundreds of miles to do so and I've never regretted it.

Since being active in the DS Forums I've "come to know" others I'd love to meet. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to get together informally. Perhaps when a DS actor in doing a play, or if someone is traveling to an area several other forum members may live in. I think that would be nice and a lot of fun.

I guess time will tell,
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Misty on April 23, 2003, 10:01:24 PM
 :'( I can't believe it!!! I'm finally able to go to a Fest and it's the LAST ONE!! Well, I guess I must be grateful that I will at least experience one fest. I admit it sounds like a great event is planned. I was only going to stay two days, but three it is for sure!!
                                        Teary-eyed and sad,             Misty
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: ClaudeNorth on April 24, 2003, 12:18:58 AM

I was absolutely stunned by the news that this year's Fest would be the last.  I've been going to the NYC Fests for years and, while I haven't been the most "active" Fest-goer, I always enjoyed the feeling of excitement that permeated the Fest rooms.  So many of my happiest vacation memories are informed by the DS Fests.

I wasn't sure if I could afford to go this year, but considering that it's the last one, I don't think I can afford NOT to go.  And this year, I hope to have the chance to meet up with some of my fellow posters!  :)

The reunion presentation should be interesting.  I wonder who wrote it.  And may I say that I plan to align myself with Julia99?  All we ask for is a one-line mention along the lines of, "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D


Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Birdie on April 24, 2003, 01:02:51 AM
Wow!  Can't believe it.  I am so glad I was able to go in 2001.  My mind is in a frenzy trying to figure out a way to attend.  The dates just seem too impossible for me.

I can understand if the actors have had enough on such a grand scale.  Rainey put it so well they aren't getting any younger, even though it seems like they never age.  It is sad news.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Lindsey on April 24, 2003, 01:16:25 AM
I'm so depressed! I have never been to a Fest, and my parents said I could go when I was 18. Here it is now the final festival, and I'm only 17, so I can never go.

I know that it must be very hard to have such huge festivals every year, so I understand their decision to end them, but I still wish they could wait one more year!

 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Nancy on April 24, 2003, 01:20:48 AM
I don't see how the age of the actors would result in the festival stopping.  Afterall, Parker, Selby, Karlen, KLS, Barratt, Storm, Pennock, Wallace to name a few are in their 50s and 60s which is hardly elderly.   They make up the hard core group who nearly always come.  The festival is once a year on some coast and they are flown there, not expected to drive or walk to it. ;)

Funny, no one suspects that maybe the organizers are just plain tired of doing it after more than two decades.  It's year round planning and a lot of hard, hard work.   It's murder trying to find adequate and affordable hotels and event rooms.  And for anyone who plans events, you know you hear more grief than praise for your work so I don't even see a lot of incentive if you are already tired.  These are more likely reasons for the big festivals coming to a halt, IMO.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 24, 2003, 01:40:40 AM
Did I imply that I thought they were doddering off into their senile sunsets?  I certainly didn't mean to.  I only meant to point out that as one grows older, some things can take on the aspect of a chore, instead of a joy.  You think of time as more and more precious...and weigh what you DO with that time more carefully.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Patti Feinberg on April 24, 2003, 01:41:37 AM
On a serious note-

 Perhaps when a DS actor in doing a play, or if someone is traveling to an area several other forum members may live in. I think that would be nice and a lot of fun.

I guess time will tell,

Dom, (except I can't travel far), I'd GLADLY go somewhere to be with my friends from the boards.

CENTRAL NEW JOISEY....(let's visit the birthplace of Joan Bennet)!

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Philippe Cordier on April 24, 2003, 01:58:54 AM
Crushed and depressed ... that's how I feel, especially knowing that I'm unable to attend this year.  But I was hoping I would be able to attend again in the next couple of years (although it was beginning to look like it might be of few years in the future before I'd be able to afford it again).

This is so shocking, I can't believe it.

The only strand of hope I hold on to is that there may be smaller gatherings organized -- but who is going to go through the enormous task of arranging those (Nancy makes some very good points about the tremendous amount of work involved, which many of us probably don't stop to think about).

I've heard that the Halloween events at Lockwood have gotten so overcrowded that if it gets much worse, that'll be a nightmare.

I don't even want to think that I might never see people like Midnite, Prof. Stokes, Ben, Teresa, happybat, and so many others, ever again.

If I weren't in a public place right now I'd probably be crying, but I guess I better call on my Scandinavian stoicism to pull me through ...

So many disappointments in life, and the festival was one bright spot ...

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Nancy on April 24, 2003, 02:12:58 AM
From what I've heard/seen, most of the actors use the festivals in which to promote their very active lives, in some cases, careers that aren't always centered on acting.   They clearly choose to remain active all year and the festival is simply one weekend a year.   Each actor can take a year or so off if he/she wishes or not attend at all.

However, I would apply your statement about "as one grows older, some things can take on the aspect of a chore, instead of a joy" to those who have spent years and years organizing and making these large scale events happen.  Maybe they are the ones who, as they have gotten older, want to spend their time doing other things especially if the planning and executing the events becomes more and more difficult for various reasons.  When something becomes a hassle, you do evaluate it and wonder if maybe your time isn't better spent elsewhere doing something that does provide more enjoyment.    Just a thought.


Did I imply that I thought they were doddering off into their senile sunsets?  I certainly didn't mean to.  I only meant to point out that as one grows older, some things can take on the aspect of a chore, instead of a joy.  You think of time as more and more precious...and weigh what you DO with that time more carefully.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Carol on April 24, 2003, 02:28:37 AM
Maybe the time has come to reinvent the DSFest instead of the same routine year after year that many on this board and others have complained about.   A smaller gathering with only a few DS actors in attendance(similiar to the Halloween Party held every year)may have to suffice. This is IMHO.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: ClaudeNorth on April 24, 2003, 03:30:08 AM
Maybe the time has come to reinvent the DSFest

This is an excellent point.  I'm not trying to accuse or criticize anyone, but I have often felt that DS fandom was, to a certain extent, controlled by a core group of long-time fans.  In the documentary TREKKIES, it is mentioned that there is a Star Trek convention held nearly every week of the year in the US.  This is definitely not the case with DS.  Essentially, there is one DS fan gathering each year and if you can't attend, then you're out of luck until the next year.

I feel that those who organized the Fests did a great job, especially considering that they were doing it in their spare time without monetary compensation.  They seemed to strive to take the Fests beyond Q&A sessions and episode marathons by providing forums for the DS cast members to present dramatic presentations, and by planning interesting side trips.

The down side to this, and again I'm not trying to be critical or accusatory, is that having one group take care of everything breeds complacency among the rest of the fans.  Why bother will a small, castmember-less Philadelphia gathering when we can just wait for the big one in NYC?

Hopefully, as has been suggested in this thread, the end of the "official" Fests will lead to the beginning of a new era of DS fandom focusing on small, local gatherings of fans.


Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on April 24, 2003, 05:30:40 AM
From what I've heard/seen, most of the actors use the festivals in which to promote their very active lives, in some cases, careers that aren't always centered on acting.   They clearly choose to remain active all year and the festival is simply one weekend a year.   Each actor can take a year or so off if he/she wishes or not attend at all.

However, I would apply your statement about "as one grows older, some things can take on the aspect of a chore, instead of a joy" to those who have spent years and years organizing and making these large scale events happen.  Maybe they are the ones who, as they have gotten older, want to spend their time doing other things especially if the planning and executing the events becomes more and more difficult for various reasons.  When something becomes a hassle, you do evaluate it and wonder if maybe your time isn't better spent elsewhere doing something that does provide more enjoyment.    Just a thought.


Thank you Nancy, I never gave this possibility a thought...

I wonder if the current organizers would choose other volunteers as replacements who trained by them could continue the wonderful Dark Shadows tradition.

I also hope that they would have one last fest in California for those of fandom who are unable to attend the last New York fest.

     Sarah's very sad  :'( :'( :'( Ghost
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: jennifer on April 24, 2003, 06:04:43 AM
I'm quite sure that as long as the surviving cast members are willing to show up, there will continue to be DS fan events around the country.  There's been an event that's been happening every year around Halloween at Lockwood Mathews House in Norwalk, CT for several years now, for instance.

I also think it might be fun for fans to think of getting together just to socialize and share the weirdness that is DS.  That, for me, is why I kept going back.

The NYC Festivals have turned into cattle calls in recent years.  I would prefer something a little more intimate and low-key, myself.


why Steve what an excellent idea!maybe the Halloween setting or Newport(off season as that place is quite pricey) and i would love to visit LA some day!

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: ProfStokes on April 24, 2003, 06:20:04 AM
However, I would apply your statement about "as one grows older, some things can take on the aspect of a chore, instead of a joy" to those who have spent years and years organizing and making these large scale events happen.  Maybe they are the ones who, as they have gotten older, want to spend their time doing other things especially if the planning and executing the events becomes more and more difficult for various reasons.  When something becomes a hassle, you do evaluate it and wonder if maybe your time isn't better spent elsewhere doing something that does provide more enjoyment.    Just a thought.

Hey, if they're tired of it, I'll gladly take over!  I've got time to spare, I don't tire easily, and I plan to be around for at least the next 20 years.

I'm with Lindsey on this: we need one more year.  A little advance warning on this one would have been greatly appreciated.  There was no hint that the Fesitvals would be ending, no time to prepare for it.  I wonder how many people would have made the extra effort to attend this one if they had known they wouldn't get another chance.  This seems so abrupt and monumentally unfair, especially after the date changes threw everybody off.  I think we deserve at least one more Festival so we can include as many fans as possible in the send-off Festivities.  20 more years would have been nice, but I'd be overjoyed with just one more.  I plan to write to the Festival committee; I don't know if it will accomplish anything, but I have to try something, I cannot be satisfied with things as they currently stand.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Stuart on April 24, 2003, 06:20:27 AM
It's sad news, but not particularly unexpected, I think.  As Nancy has commented, organising conventions is generally a thankless task, and the economics over the past couple of years haven't made things any easier.

I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: jennifer on April 24, 2003, 06:27:48 AM
It's sad news, but not particularly unexpected, I think.  As Nancy has commented, organising conventions is generally a thankless task, and the economics over the past couple of years haven't made things any easier.

I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.

yeah wonder how long scifi will keep it on  :'(

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: victoriawinters on April 24, 2003, 06:40:39 AM
I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.

i don't know about you or the others, but my fandom is not based on a once a year event.  as long as the fans bring in new fans, it only dies when we tell it to.

if we want to have this pessimistic view, then we sign our own death warrant and fandom will die out.

if i based my entire fandom on this once a year disorganized event and insensitive committee, then i'd be in sad shape indeed.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Stuart on April 24, 2003, 06:49:33 AM
I disagree - sure, a convention isn't the be-all and end-all, but the festivals made a tremendous contribution to the show's overall profile, and it was largely their support and cross-promotion that fuelled the PBS syndication drive throughout the 1980s.  Without that contribution, it is highly doubtful that the show would have made it to Sci-Fi or home video.

Like it or not, Dark Shadows and its fans owes a helluva lot to that "disorganized event and insensitive committee"

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Cassandra on April 24, 2003, 07:00:57 AM
Prof.Stokes wrote:
  A little advance warning on this one would have been greatly appreciated.  There was no hint that the Fesitvals would be ending, no time to prepare for it.  I wonder how many people would have made the extra effort to attend this one if they had known they wouldn't get another chance.  This seems so abrupt and monumentally unfair, especially after the date changes threw everybody off.  I think we deserve at least one more Festival so we can include as many fans as possible in the send-off Festivities.  20 more years would have been nice, but I'd be overjoyed with just one more.  I plan to write to the Festival committee; I don't know if it will accomplish anything, but I have to try something, I cannot be satisfied with things as they currently stand.

That's a good point Prof.Stokes.  I wonder why the short notice on this when the fest is only four months away? Was this a spur of the moment decision or was it something that had been decided awhile ago?

The saddest part is that on account of the dates and location alot of people aren't able to attend this years fest so it's even worse for them.  I am planning on attending this year as this was to be my first fest, now sadly, it looks like it'll be my last too.

I hate to bring this up but do you think that last years incident involving those two fans who met at a DS fest possibly had any thing to do with this decision?   Im just trying to make some sense out of all this.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: LorraineAAB on April 24, 2003, 08:47:49 AM
Personally I'm devastated.  There are too many people whom, I know, I will NEVER see again because of this, beloved fans who became friends and a couple of actors with whom I also became friendly, and will sorely miss all of them.

Life is too damned short to lose a whole flock of people who have formed an alternative "family" and have precious few other opportunities to make face time.
A yearly convention is a convenience in that regard.  One gets to sample this and that acquaintance or group, and move on to the next activity, so (hopefully) it's harder to get weary of the company.
There still will be the Halloweenathon thin, which is local for me, but it's extremely limited in many ways, there's only a certain cadre of actors who attend, and plagued with problems, who knows how long that will last?

Unless someone else with a lot of determination (and money) figures out alternative plans, I suspect this WILL fade away (save for a few websites and a dwindling market for those MPI products)  like it seemed to so long ago in 1971.  We have the younger fans, we have the tools, we have the talent, but no great pool of funds.  And that's what it always comes down to.

I can imagine after the (understandibly) low turnout last summer, and the dismay over the date changes which meant even more people could come this year,
AND the unfortunate doomed romance, meant the organization was projected to operate at a deficit.

There WERE steps that could have been taken--- really, they COULD have raised the admissions reasonably in the last couple of years.  They COULD have gone to other cities, even in the NYC area, which might have offered better deals on facilities and room rates, even if the rooms had to be broken up among several nearby hotels.

Ah, well, it's all been said before, and I was one of those who did some of the saying.  Even got respectful replies.  Some of the suggestions were taken, but not these most vital ones.  Now, it seems to be all over.

I wish we could consult a Trek organizer, if they really ARE capable of holding frequent events, and see what the other options are, but without the money and a unified front (and so many hanging onto real jobs by a thread)....  Get out there and start buying those lottery and powerball tickets, folks.

And if you see a red-haired lady wearing a black armband in the lottery line, that might be me.

"If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you the fest..."


Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Midnite on April 24, 2003, 08:59:59 AM
I plan to write to the Festival committee; I don't know if it will accomplish anything, but I have to try something, I cannot be satisfied with things as they currently stand.

That's a great idea.  And actually, Pansyfaye wrote earlier in the week to say that she expected there to be many comments following the recent announcement and to ask if she could be made aware of the opinions shared here.  However, it won't be done without the permission of each author, so everyone that replied can expect to find a message in their inbox asking if they'd like their post sent along to her.  Please know that there's absolutely no pressure to agree and no need to respond to the IM, but if you reply that it's okay with you then she'll be receiving your posted comment(s) plus anything you might want to add.  And anyone else can send an IM to admin, and please know that she'd welcome hearing from you directly at pansyfaye@darkshadowsfestival.com .  Thanks!
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Selby_D._Pearson on April 24, 2003, 09:22:43 AM
I, too, mourn the potential passing of the Dark Shadows Festivals. However, I don't see it as the end of organized DS fandom but merely a phase of transformation. Yes, Stuart is correct that the Festivals had much to do with Dark Shadows' resurgence of popularity. However, it was not the Festival in itself. DS fandom, while admittedly much smaller in numbers, existed prior to the Festivals. It is the small core of dedicated DS fans who are responsible for what DS has become today (not forgetting its actual creators, of course). The Festivals were merely a tool. It was simply an ordinary DS fan from Florida  (not one of the "in-crowd" of DS fandom or a Festival organizer) who first came up with the idea of contacting the experimental Sci Fi Channel and suggesting DS as a possible item of interest. Yet people seem to give the Festival or Shadowgram credit for this.

Hopefully, with the absence of a giant Festival monopolizing the vacation plans of most of us, smaller more intimate DS venues will appear across the country allowing fans in their own areas to share, create and get to know each other. We certainly have, in the internet and our computers, greater tools for creativity, thus extending and continuing the celebrity of Dark Shadows.

Also, I've seen several posts that seem to suggest that this was a decision of the Dark Shadows Festival "Committee". There is no "committee". There were never any "committee meetings". At one point, in the program books, the term "committee" was changed to "staff". The Festival decisions are made by Jim Pierson and Ann Wilson alone. Many of the Festival "Staff" have long thought that the Festivals did indeed need a reinvention and made this known to Mr. Pierson. However, no noticeable changes ever came.

I agree with Nancy in that I think Jim Pierson is simply tired of doing the Festivals. However, I don't see him turning the Festivals, per se, over to any other DS fans. If this was done and the Festivals evolved into something better or backslid into something worse, either way it would reflect badly on him. No, if there is to be something to replace the Festivals it will take someone as energetic and enterprising as Mr. Pierson to create and nurture it. And that would have to be a mighty special person. (I know as much as I love DS, I couldn't do it.)

Perhaps events of the past several years (the destruction of the World Trade Marriott; the problems with the airlines; the passing of several popular guests and fans) have become too great a burden for Mr. Pierson. Perhaps he simply needs a rest.

And I think the guests are just plain tired of it too. Maybe not all of them but perhaps several of the ones crucial to the Festival's intimate reputation. I'm surprised that no one remembers the bad time Jim had last year with KLS, Marie Wallace and John Karlen during the banquet. From most accounts, it took much of the wind out of his sails.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Birdie on April 24, 2003, 01:37:47 PM
Nancy you raised some very good points.   Also put a new prospective on the end of the fests.   Thanks for the insight.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on April 24, 2003, 02:13:31 PM
I regret that I never got to go to a festival.  This year was out of the question because of a combination of finances and bad timing.  Labor Day Weekend is right about the time I am hoping to change jobs.  I like the idea of smaller fan gatherings though.  Maybe someday.  I do wish I could have met some of the stars though.  Just to let them know how much I appreciate them. [peace][sun]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Cassandra Blair on April 24, 2003, 04:08:48 PM
Disappointed.  Heartbroken.  I was really hoping to make it to my first fest next year to see what it was like, meet some of you, and maybe an actor or two, but now...

Do any of you really think smaller, more local fests are a viable alternative?
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 24, 2003, 04:45:16 PM
It's sad news, but not particularly unexpected, I think.  As Nancy has commented, organising conventions is generally a thankless task, and the economics over the past couple of years haven't made things any easier.

I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.

My regards for Dark Shadows and the fandom following is not centered around the fest. Yes, the fest represents the "official" fandom, but heck, what do we care about that?

Other fandoms continue on and on, and are muchly enjoyed without any official representation. Fans enjoy each other, the stories, song videos, meeting in different cities, and talking up a storm. The stars never show up, ever. Case in point is the Starsky and Hutch fandom, still going strong after 20 years. They meet every year in Chicago, and the CAP on this particular gathering is 300 people.  You have to have a reservation to get in. The thing is run by a fan and it is run like CLOCKWORK. There are panel discussion about stories, and art, and songvideos, a video room where you can watch Starsky and Hutch ALL day long, there are discussions about ideas, for example, what if Starsky and Hutch met the guys from the Man From Uncle.  There is an art auction, a banquet, where everyone is welcome and everyone sits with everyone. There are no lines, there are no restrictions (except for a cap on the total number of attendees), and it is such a relaxing time that you come away feeling as if you'd been at a spa for a week. And I don't know about you, but that a weekend at a DS fest feels like I've been beaten for two days, spent three days in the desert, and run uphill in Januray. It takes me a week to recover from that. Now I ask you, is that fun?

Fandom doesn't normally center around the actors who played the roles. Sure, the S and H fandom keep tabs on their guys, but they don't expect the actors to entertain them each year.

I know this might be kinda weird, because the DS fandom is very actor based. But I always felt that it disallowed the fans to focus on themselves with regard to the fandom. It was all actor, actor, actor, and very very hard to go to a panel discussion about a story that someone wrote, or the trend in themes in stories, or the new artist that had produced something wonderful, or whether or not you would want to bring Starsky or Hutch home to meet your parents, when KLS and LP, and DS and JK et all are only a ROOM away. It's like having the TV on all the time! You can't read or write but are drawn to the tv in spite of yourself.

So, perhaps this is a good change for all of us. Sure, there'll be smaller (and in my mind, nicer) fan events springing up, as they will, NOT controlled by the "central commitee" and which more meet the needs of the fans concerned. I mean, I don't need to listen to KLS tell us one more bunny story, but I sure as heck woudn't mind watching DS read some poetry. The actors themselves seem up to doing these smaller conventions, there's no law against asking them, eh?

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 24, 2003, 05:14:55 PM

Hopefully, with the absence of a giant Festival monopolizing the vacation plans of most of us, smaller more intimate DS venues will appear across the country allowing fans in their own areas to share, create and get to know each other. We certainly have, in the internet and our computers, greater tools for creativity, thus extending and continuing the celebrity of Dark Shadows.


An excellent idea! It might be hard at first, for DS fans who only focus on the actors, but I for one am going to look forward to the new DS creativity. A void will be created, and nature doesn't like a vacuum, eh?

So....in keeping with that, I'm going to ask if anyone out there has every made a DS songvideo. If you've made one, you know what I mean. If you've not made them, you've seen them, perhaps, at the fests. They are shown in the morning, and are a little different than the "home movies" that people make.

A song video takes a song, such as "Memories" and puts to it a series of moving clips from the episodes, in a way that tells a story, or expounds upon an idea, or simply shows the many facets ofa  particular character. I adore watching them, because they are a different way of looking at the show.

A while ago, the Kibosh was put on selling songvideos on line or at the fest. Something to do with not wanting to infringe upon Curtis' creative rights. Sure, you don't want to "sell" them, but if you distribute them for cost, plus postage, you're not making a cent! No different a copyright infringement than writing and putting together a zine, and selling it at the fest, with the DS characters all through it. No one profits in CASH, but everyone enjoys the stories. Same goes with songvideos AND those home movies, where are severely clever.

So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 24, 2003, 05:34:34 PM
Well.....there goes the only chance I'd ever have to meet any of you.  I can't possibly attend this years fest.

I can't even express how sad this makes me.  :-[


Well, you can cry in your beer, or, more happily, arrange to meet your nearest and dearest DS companions at a mutual venue. Just you, your pals, some DS tapes or DVDS, maybe some beer, pizza, a hotel room by the ocean, and a whole weekend of nothing but DS, DS, and more DS. What could be more fun than that?

Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 24, 2003, 05:37:02 PM
I'm quite sure that as long as the surviving cast members are willing to show up, there will continue to be DS fan events around the country.  There's been an event that's been happening every year around Halloween at Lockwood Mathews House in Norwalk, CT for several years now, for instance.

I also think it might be fun for fans to think of getting together just to socialize and share the weirdness that is DS.  That, for me, is why I kept going back.

The NYC Festivals have turned into cattle calls in recent years.  I would prefer something a little more intimate and low-key, myself.


I've done this, I've done it! And it works, I swear. I make plans, I fly down to a fellow DS friend's house, and we do nothing but commune through DS. Very low key, very inexpensive, and only the friend and I need coordinate on when and where.

Okay, I'm done now, thanks for listening!

Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: victoriawinters on April 24, 2003, 05:41:12 PM
the thing that i noticed with more professionally run fan gatherings is that you pay for autographs and a higher fee.  for some, this would get too expensive.

i like MaineGirl's idea where we just get together in smaller venues to watch, share fan fiction, and talk about our show.  don't forget the costume gala and talent show!

at a recent fan club event in los angeles (no stars), we had great fun for 3 hours just getting to know one another and chatting about the show.  no autograph lines.  it was great!

we also have DS sites to go see such as the Lyndhurst Estate, Seaview, the "Blue Whale", Lockwood, Greystone in Beverly Hills (used for the 1991 series), etc. etc.  then some other sites, particularly for a halloween party came to mind such as Salem, Massachusetts or like a Western "ghost" town.

when i came back to fandom in 2001 it was mostly though a google search, not the fest.  i didn't even know they had fests.  most of my "friends" i met were purely through group chats or message boards.  it was just that added bonus of actually being able to met you that made it more special.

as far as sci-fi channel and the rest of that goes, it's all based on advertising revenue.  if it makes them money, they will show it.  if it doesn't, then they won't.  the same goes for the dvds and videos.  everything concerning dark shadows airing or not airing is decided with focus groups and marketing studies.  it's all very business and cut and dry.  i doubt the festivals have had much to do with any of that type of decision making. 
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Luciaphile on April 24, 2003, 06:52:09 PM
I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.


I mean, it's unfortunate that this is occurring and all, but even if a Fest brings in say, 1000 people a year (does it? I'm not sure of the numbers), that's not enough to keep a TV show on the air. I've never been to a Fest (not going to this one either) and I imagine there are a lot of viewers who haven't and don't plan on going to one either.

There are plenty of old shows airing on cable networks that don't have an organized fan base and they still get air time. The networks care about ratings, pure and simple. Not much else.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Annie on April 24, 2003, 07:13:13 PM
Hope that thye continue to have the DS Fests
better get myself down there this August to
see The Q-man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                 Love Anne ;) ;D
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Julia99 on April 24, 2003, 07:28:59 PM
And may I say that I plan to align myself with Julia99?  All we ask for is a one-line mention along the lines of, "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D



Make sure PansyFaye sees what we want!! Forget Barnabas . . Julia + Chris/Tom  . .whichever. . one hunk a burning man!   I like the idea John . . Julia runs off to the Caribbean with Chris/Tom and little Amy . ..Barnabas and Sabrina get together!  there ya go!

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Debra on April 24, 2003, 08:28:20 PM
I hate to bring this up but do you think that last years incident involving those two fans who met at a DS fest possibly had any thing to do with this decision?   Im just trying to make some sense out of all this.

Gosh Cassandra I never even thought about that but you could be right.   Since we do not know the real reason for this very sudden news, we are only left to assume anything!  But I would sincerely hope that this wouldn't be the case as it surely wasn't the fest's fault,  yet the way it was plastered all over the media,  one never knows.
It was a sorry incident but if they dont want festgoers to assume the worst than they should give us a good reason!   I feel this is a terrible injustice on the part of the fans.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 24, 2003, 10:58:36 PM
And may I say that I plan to align myself with Julia99?  All we ask for is a one-line mention along the lines of, "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D



Make sure PansyFaye sees what we want!! Forget Barnabas . . Julia + Chris/Tom  . .whichever. . one hunk a burning man!   I like the idea John . . Julia runs off to the Caribbean with Chris/Tom and little Amy . ..Barnabas and Sabrina get together!  there ya go!

Send your ideas about the play! Put in your two cents worth! I sent a nice letter saying that it shouldn't be all one sided and focused on, if fans will excuse me for saying so, only Quentin an Angelique. All sorts of characters played good, impactful parts in the Collinwood drama. All of the actors deserve their moment in the sun, so to speak, on the stage. Can we leave out Willie? Of course not! He's the one that let Barn out of his coffin!

And here's a question: Should absent friends be portrayed by other actors?
I say: Perish the thought!!

Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Darren Gross on April 24, 2003, 11:42:59 PM
Selby's son is writing it and Dan Curtis will have some input or approval.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: murph on April 25, 2003, 05:11:00 AM
Speaking for myself.....................................

I respect the Festivals and all that goes into them but at least for now it wasn't anything that was of interest to me.  I say this because I am not a person who likes crowds.  I prefer more intimate settings. A few people sitting around chatting.

I personally have never understood autographs.  They have never appealed to me and I've never understood the desire people have in getting them. But hey thats just my opinion and I respect those who really enjoy getting someone famous' signature.

Another thing that baffles me is the desire to stand in endless lines to shake the hand of a Dark Shadows actor/actress and exchange brief pleasantries.  And I mean brief because there are probably two hundred people behind you who want to do the same thing.  And then I've seen those pictures of a fan with an actor/actress of the show.  The star very often appears to have a painted on smile as if to say "get me out of here". And hey who can blame them after probably 50 pictures, they are only human after all so I'm not faulting the star.

I will admit I would love to have quality time with one of the stars, for me especially Jonathan Frid and/or Lara Parker.  I would love to have dinner in a nice restaurant and find out who they are as a person and not just who they were 30+ years ago when we were all a lot younger than we are today.  That to me would be very enjoyable, much more so then exchanging very brief pleasantries and probably saying the same thing to them that the 300 people ahead of me already said.  I say this because we all know, what can you say to someone that is a total stranger, at least we are to them, that is new and fresh when you probably have less than two minutes to talk to them.  I guess those who attended frequently may get to know them but otherwise you wouldn't.  Do I expect to ever have the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with Jonathan, Lara or any of the others over dinner?  Of course not but I would certainly welcome it if the opportunity ever presented itself.

Truth be told I am basically a quiet person and have felt most alone in a room full of people when I don't know anyone or I know the host/hostess who is busy mingling with everyone.  I can be very outgoing when I'm with people I know well or I'm with a small group of people that I'm comfortable with.  It's hard for me to get comfortable in a room full of strangers which is why the Fests didn't interest me.  If they had been held in Phoenix I certainly would have checked it out but they were either in LA or New York and to be honest I didn't want to deal with the hassle.  I read about all the horror stories on this Forum that people went through and as I said at least for me it didn't seem the benefits would outweigh the hassles.

I got involved in this Forum because of the show airing on SciFi and I hope that the end of the Fests does not mean the end of the show being aired or the DVD's being sold, or this Forum for that matter.  I am all for small groups getting together to chat or whatever and I think if people get committed to it it could work.  Now I understand the stars would probably never come to a small group gathering especially those that would be out of town but that would be fine as far as I'm concerned.

Honestly, if there are some of you in the Phoenix area drop me a line and I'd be interested in starting up a small group gathering.  Or if you happen to be passing through Phoenix drop me a line and I'd be interested in meeting for dinner.

I hope I didn't offend anyone because that honestly wasn't my intention.  I just thought I'd give my two cents worth.  Obviously not everyone will agree with what I said but as I stated it's my opinion only and that's one of the great things about living in this great country of ours. We all have the right to voice our opinions and we can agree to disagree.


Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: murph on April 25, 2003, 05:31:13 AM
One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm sure that the Fest was more than just getting autographs and shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with the stars.  To be honest I'm not sure what else the weekend consisted of but it was obviously very worthwhile for many of you because of your reaction to the news that this will be the last Festival.

Thanks again,
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Selby_D._Pearson on April 25, 2003, 06:21:14 AM
So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl

I am presently in the process of ordering some software that will hopefully allow me to create some DS music videos. I've done some in the past but was never totally happy with the quality. I'll post here when I get something done with which I am truly satisfied.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Bobubas on April 25, 2003, 04:13:37 PM
Wow!! Where to begin.  This years event will be my 13th consecutive year of attending the Dark Shadows Festivals. Depending on your stance on these fan gatherings, some may applaud that number, others might think I need therapy.  ;)

The responses to the announcement that this will be the last of the 'Dark Shadows Festivals' has really been thought provoking.....at least for me. I agree with Nancy that I believe this to be more a case of Jim getting tired with organizing these massive events rather than the actors not wanting to attend. Murph, who admittedly has  never attended a 'Dark Shadows Festival' made a comment above about seeing photos of fans with actors who have smiles painted on their faces. I know Murph meant no malice, but I think that is an unfair statement to make of people whom one has never met. I have always found the majority of the actors to be very kind and genuine in their willingness to pose for photos and sign programs for fans. Lorraine mentioned having made friends with some of the actors over the years. Who would have ever thought that as a child or young adult growing up and watching Dark Shadows in the late 1960's that any of us from that generation would get to meet, let alone befriend any of these people.

I understand where Stuart is coming from, but I think LuciaPhil makes a good point, ratings are what the stations are looking for. With that said , there is not a more loyal group of fans for any, and I mean "ANY" (Star Trek included) show like there is for Dark Shadows, so I don't see the removal of a once a year event such as the festival, as a motivating force for fans to stopping watching or Sci Fi to stop airing DS.

Gothick my dear lad, it has been quite a while since you  last attended a Halloweenathon ;), it hasn't been held at Lockwood-Mathews since 2000.  ;D(It is now held at a hotel in the Tarrytown area) I agree with Gothick 100% that as long as there are groups of fans willing to put on events such as the Halloweenathon, some of the actors will continue to attend. Personally, I have never seen Lara Parker smile and have as much fun as she appeared to be having dancing with the fans at last years Halloween party.  The smaller gathering make these peripheral events much more intimate and relaxing for both the actors and fans. Jim Pierson has hosted similiar peripheral events that have been very successful as well. Off the top of my head I can think of :1992 DS Days at Tarrytown, The 1996 30th Ann. Gathering at LeBar Bat,(Gothick was there  ;)) and the 30th Ann Celebrations for Both House and Night of Dark Shadows at the Vista theater.

I can certainly understand Prof.Stokes emotions. I remember how excited I was to share my Festival experience with my friends when I returned home from my first Festival experience at the 25th ann celebration in Los Angeles back in 1991. I had so much fun meeting the actors and fellow fans that I could hardly wait until the next so that I could see everyone again. Like Bette mentioned, the main reason many fans go to the Festivals every year is to meet up with friends thay have made at the events in past years. I think that is the part I will miss the most. With so many of us spead out across the country ( and across the pond in Stuart's and others cases :)) it is virtually impossible for everyone to get together at one time, unless it is to attend an organized event such as the Festival.  The smaller peripheral events are usually held at venues that are not set up to accommodate large numbers of people, so unless the Festival concept is reinvented like Carol and Claude suggested in their posts, it is unlikely most of us will all gather together again as a group at one time. That does indeed sadden me. :-[

Victoria makes a good point. Fandom will only die when we say it will.  I think it was Mainegirl who mentioned fans getting together on their own and sharing fan fic , poetry, or memories of the show. Many of us already do this. Several years back Darksman hosted a Halloween party at his home in IN. and several of us from Ill, Missouri, and Ohio all got together for that weekend. The Central Fla Fan Club gets together a few times a year as well and they have their own Halloween party. On other occasions many of us who have met and become friends in fandom have gathered for trips to DisneyWorld, Wash DC, or gotten together for trips up to Seaview and other DS related locations.

I think SelbyDPearson summed it up best when he said he views the end of the festivals as a transformation.  Perhaps the gathering of us as fans does indeed need to be reinvented, and this is the first step in that process.   :)

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: MaineGirl on April 25, 2003, 04:15:41 PM
So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl

I am presently in the process of ordering some software that will hopefully allow me to create some DS music videos. I've done some in the past but was never totally happy with the quality. I'll post here when I get something done with which I am truly satisfied.


How marvelous! I'd be very interested in seeing those vids. We could trade. I've made all of two myself.....

Speaking of which, I've started a new thread about songvids - over there in the new topics area.


Maine Girl
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: jennifer on April 25, 2003, 09:46:48 PM
others might think I need therapy.  ;)


hey Bob get in line! ;D glad to hear you are going i'm dying to meet you! 8)

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: jennifer on April 25, 2003, 10:14:41 PM
Speaking for myself.....................

I hope I didn't offend anyone because that honestly wasn't my intention I just thought I'd give my two cents worth.  Obviously not everyone will agree with what I said but as I stated it's my opinion only and that's one of the great things about living in this great country of ours. We all have the right to voice our oinions and we can agree to disagree.



Murph i applaud your freedom to speak your mind
and won't "dixie chick" you!

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Stuart on April 26, 2003, 02:28:04 AM
One thing that does occur to me is that the show's 40th anniversary is only three years away - and a potential hiatus of just two years if something was done to mark it.  Thinking ahead, I really believe that's a major milestone that deserves an official celebration, so I hope that the Festival is toying with the idea, even just as a one-off.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: LorraineAAB on April 26, 2003, 04:02:03 AM
One thing that does occur to me is that the show's 40th anniversary is only three years away - and a potential hiatus of just two years if something was done to mark it.  Thinking ahead, I really believe that's a major milestone that deserves an official celebration, so I hope that the Festival is toying with the idea, even just as a one-off.

Stuart, darlin', if they DO, it had better last a whole bleepin' WEEK!
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on April 26, 2003, 02:38:13 PM

 "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D



I printed the schedule from the internet several days ago and was worried when I saw the 'Farewell' in the opening line.  Now its been confirmed and I feel incredibly sad :'(

I have to say that I really appreciate all the things that KLS and Jim Pierson have done to bring this yearly event about.   They have done a remarkable job. Perhaps the problems with some of the fans and other issues that everyone talked about after the last fest was a deciding factor or maybe even the cost of renting the space at the hotel, etc.,etc. Maybe if they could get the younger actors like Denise Nickerson and David Henesey, and Kathy Cody...ah well I can dream.

I'm so glad I'm able to go this year and hopefully my brother will also be able to attend (this would be his first time).

It has been wonderful sharing my love for Dark Shadows with so many people and hopefully I'll be able to meet you in NYC  :) Barnabas and Julia forever!
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: bluedog on April 26, 2003, 07:11:10 PM
 8)  Carol, great idea to re-invent.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Misty on April 28, 2003, 02:54:58 AM
 :)Now I like that word "reinvent" too. Yes. Smaller more localized gatherings sound like fun too. I can't comment on the Festivals since this will be my first, but I'm seeing pros and cons as far as their organization. I don't know the "ins and outs" so to speak; however I suspect that 1000 fans will have 1000 suggestions. So I'm optimistic that these thoughts can be considered and something new will be created. DS will never die as long as it's fans are alive.
                                           Ever the optimist,  Misty
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 28, 2003, 08:19:24 PM
All the suggestions regarding re-inventing the fan gatherings have merit.....and I'm sure most of us would love to attend small gatherings with friends we've made on-line or at previous fests.

But to whom are we going to direct these suggestions?  Unless people out there are prepared to jump into the obviously demanding role of organizers, how do you even get a small local fan event off the ground?

It will be interesting to see how many fans among us are willing and prepared to undertake such a responsibility. 
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 28, 2003, 08:48:07 PM
The Dark Shadows Offical Fan Club/Festival will continue to explore the presentation of other DS activities in the future, but we hope you'll be able to join us for this memorable three-day finale in August.

Looks to me like the Fest is expecting/hoping to continue running smaller events in the future. I guess we'll have to wait and see what they'll come up with. So all hope is not lost.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Nancy on April 28, 2003, 09:07:10 PM
It seems that way. In fact, the announcements states clearly at least twice that organized fests will still take place, just on a less grander scale.  I see elsewhere that fans have jumped to the conclusion there are not any more fan gatherings planned by the same people who organized the festivals.  Don't know how that conclusion was reached based on the press release. [smrtasy]


Looks to me like the Fest is expecting/hoping to continue running smaller events in the future. I guess we'll have to wait and see what they'll come up with. So all hope is not lost.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 28, 2003, 09:27:39 PM
"......organized fests will still take place, just on a less grander scale."  Looks to me like the Fest is expecting/hoping to continue running smaller events in the future.

Let us all devoutly hope so.

But what I was particularly referring to was the repeated suggestion that fans might want to meet one another in local areas, as groups who know one another by way of internet fandom or having met at previous fests.  Somehow I doubt the Fest organizers are going to be involved in THAT sort of gathering.  It's going to be up to the fans themselves and it won't happen unless there are people willing and able to handle the myriad details and arrangements.

Personally, I can't throw a dinner party without a migraine.  I would be in awe of anyone who would volunteer to organize such a gathering.
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 28, 2003, 11:13:41 PM
I plan on putting out the word whenever I travel. As a matter of fact I am currently in "negotiations" with a New Jersey forum member about getting together the next time I'm in Jersey. Strictly informal, you know, perhaps meeting for lunch, or something llike that.

Personally, I wouldn't mind opening my home for a luncheon if I knew someone from the forum was coming to town and there were others in the area that could (and would like to) attend. We could make it a pot luck, not that I'd mind providing lunch for a small group. We could watch videos, scream (with delight) whenever Quentin comes on screen, drink champagne whenever Liz tells off Roger, swoon at the sight of Briscoe, pop white jelly beans whenever Julia appears (lol),etc.

I once drove from Boston with another forum member to western New York State to visit a common DS pal. We rented a room for one night and met her for dinner and then the next day spent the afternoon at her house watching videos and talking and laughing. It was one of the most marvelous times I've ever had, and was worth every bit of the expense and effort.

I think one on ones would be nice too. Like meeting at an over-priced Italian deli for coffee. ;)

I think anything larger than my suggestions above could get messy. It would take monatery donations and I agree, I don't think I'd like to be the one to arrange a mini-fest of 20 or more people. I do think that if it is kept simple it is doable and would be very enjoyable. But I don't have children, or a job, so I can understand that what would appear simple to me may not be so for others. And of course I wouldn't expect anyone to open their homes to a bunch of strangers. But I do think it's possible to have small informal gatherings.


Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 29, 2003, 01:31:54 AM
I think one on ones would be nice too. Like meeting at an over-priced Italian deli for coffee. ;)

I'd pick you up at MacArthur Airport, drive us to Lombardi's AND pay for biscotti and espresso.....but only if we pick up your Mama and bring her with us!!  ;)
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Midnite on April 29, 2003, 03:17:13 AM
I'd pick you up at MacArthur Airport, drive us to Lombardi's AND pay for biscotti and espresso.....but only if we pick up your Mama and bring her with us!!  ;)

Okay, I'm not bitter.  I'm not.  Really.  :-
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 29, 2003, 03:20:44 AM
Well OF COURSE I'd pick you up too!!  Just give me a flight number!!  But wait till the weather gets warmer....then we can go sit down on the beach!!  ;D
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 29, 2003, 05:55:28 AM
Well OF COURSE I'd pick you up too!!  Just give me a flight number!!  But wait till the weather gets warmer....then we can go sit down on the beach!!  ;D

Hmmm - perhaps we could make it a foursome? [wink2]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 29, 2003, 06:01:30 AM
I plan on putting out the word whenever I travel. As a matter of fact I am currently in "negotiations" with a New Jersey forum member about getting together the next time I'm in Jersey.

I'm still kicking myself for not being able to get together with you when you were visiting a fellow forum member in my area a few years ago. Yes, we did get to talk on the phone that time, but it wasn't the same as if we'd actually gotten together in person. But hopefully one of these days... ;)
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: ProfStokes on April 29, 2003, 07:29:24 AM
A couple of sources have mentioned the following site in connection with a legitimate campaign to preserve the Fests.  As I see it, it couldn't hurt to give it a try. http://www.online-presence.net/darkshadows/fanlistings/tv-show/ds-convention.htm (http://www.online-presence.net/darkshadows/fanlistings/tv-show/ds-convention.htm)

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 29, 2003, 12:39:04 PM
Hmmm - perhaps we could make it a foursome? [wink2]

Dear god.....just don't let my husband find out!!!  [eek]

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 29, 2003, 02:11:57 PM
I'd pick you up at MacArthur Airport, drive us to Lombardi's AND pay for biscotti and espresso.....but only if we pick up your Mama and bring her with us!!  ;)

She would love that! But we'd have to bring a big pillow to break her fall when she sees those prices and faints.  ;)

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: dom on April 29, 2003, 02:28:18 PM
I'm still kicking myself for not being able to get together with you when you were visiting a fellow forum member in my area a few years ago. Yes, we did get to talk on the phone that time, but it wasn't the same as if we'd actually gotten together in person. But hopefully one of these days... ;)

Oh yes. I remember. That was the only disappointment of my entire vacation. So close, and yet so far. Of course by the time companion and I got to "Collinwood", disappointment faded to glory. What a thrill! Wish you could have been there. Though you probably would have hated me by days end. I put companion through hell, taking a photo about every 15 steps as we circled the great house. LOL.

Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 29, 2003, 05:14:10 PM
Though you probably would have hated me by days end. I put companion through hell, taking a photo about every 15 steps as we circled the great house. LOL.

Not at all - I can relate. [lghy]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Midnite on April 29, 2003, 05:23:50 PM
I put companion through hell, taking a photo about every 15 steps as we circled the great house. LOL.

Not at all - I can relate. [lghy]

Ditto that.  :D
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 29, 2003, 06:48:08 PM
just don't let my husband find out!!!  [eek]

 [smokn] [ignore]
Title: Re:2003 Fest info
Post by: Raineypark on April 29, 2003, 07:14:39 PM
[smokn] [ignore]

You're a bad boy.