General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Gothick on March 31, 2003, 04:04:55 PM

Title: Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Gothick on March 31, 2003, 04:04:55 PM
Yesterday (after a busy Saturday attending the latest Peace Rally on the Boston Common, followed up with a zine fair at the Mass. College of Art), I had a couch potato morning watching quite a few of the DS episodes that will be broadcast this week on Sci Fi.

One of my favorite moments was a pair of particularly juicy (almost, one might say, orgasmic) screams from Mr. Quentin Collins.

It reminded me of that "classic" ABC TV Movie of the Week, Scream, Pretty Peggy!  Only the title would have to be Scream, Pretty Quentin.  Such a pretty man, such a pretty mouth.

Hail the Lady, for such a snowy day, it sure is WARM in here.

Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Connie on March 31, 2003, 08:47:26 PM
My my....what a busy fellow.
From political activism to orgastic swooning in one short weekend!  [eek]

-CLC   [winkg]

(Running for the smelling salts and a cold cloth)
Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Annie on March 31, 2003, 09:21:55 PM
[wavey] i do love the way The Q-man does
          Love Anne :P 8)
Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Gothick on March 31, 2003, 09:25:16 PM
Hi Connie,

what's the title of the Frost poem you use in your sig?  I'd love to read the whole thing.

Hope those smelling salts did the trick!

Gothy Gothththth
Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Connie on March 31, 2003, 10:21:45 PM
what's the title of the Frost poem you use in your sig?  I'd love to read the whole thing.

Gothy Steve...

It's just called 'The Secret Sits' and it's just two lines.  It's from a group of poems called A Witness Tree.
When I was little, my mother used to push me on the swing and recite poetry and I've always remembered that one.  It made quite an impression I guess.

Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Connie on March 31, 2003, 11:21:50 PM
[wavey] i do love the way The Q-man does

Hi Anne  [wave]

Well, I even love the way he does absolutely NOTHING!  LOL
(A total Zen experience to be sure)

CLC   8)
Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: jennifer on April 01, 2003, 04:36:36 AM
Yesterday (after a busy Saturday attending the latest Peace Rally on the Boston Common, followed up with a zine fair at the Mass. College of Art), I had a couch potato morning watching quite a few of the DS episodes that will be broadcast this week on Sci Fi.

One of my favorite moments was a pair of particularly juicy (almost, one might say, orgasmic) screams from Mr. Quentin Collins.

It reminded me of that "classic" ABC TV Movie of the Week, Scream, Pretty Peggy!  Only the title would have to be Scream, Pretty Quentin.  Such a pretty man, such a pretty mouth.

Hail the Lady, for such a snowy day, it sure is WARM in here.


Really Steve one of these days we are going to meet somewhere i almost went to the rally but got the horrible stomach bug and have been sick all W/E[puke] quite gross i know! i'll have to make up some wolfy boys pins and send one too you so we'll know each other but i have a feeling i might know you just from your karma!


Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: ClaudeNorth on April 02, 2003, 01:05:20 AM
It reminded me of that "classic" ABC TV Movie of the Week, Scream, Pretty Peggy!  Gothick

Ah, yes, SCREAM, PRETTY PEGGY!  I don't think I ever saw it, although I do remember the title.

I have a fondness for TV movies from the 1970s.  Some were better than others, but overall, they were much more fun than the ones that get made today.  In fact, I think they were better than many of today's theatrical film releases!  It's a shame some enterprising video company doesn't start releasing them on VHS and DVD.  I know that I would love the chance to see again such films as BAD RONALD, THE LEGEND OF LIZZIE BORDEN, and DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK (to name just a few).


John (whose spirit lives in the '70s)
Title: Re:Scream, Pretty Quentin!
Post by: Gothick on April 02, 2003, 02:08:01 PM
Hi John, there's a great still from Scream, Pretty Peggy! in this book devoted to Miss Bette Davis simply entitle the Films of B. D.  Bette is sitting in this chair looking very toasted with some weird character in a demon mask and outfit striking a hellish pose behind her.  My friend Coco recalls watching it and how Bette lurched through her scenes.  I think she was still recovering from the failure of Madam Sin...

And Jennifer, you poor dear!  I hope you are feeling hale and hearty now.  At least it is grudgingly getting a little warmer again.  I hear we are due to get more rain.
