Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I => Topic started by: Birdie on March 14, 2003, 08:17:33 PM

Title: OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Birdie on March 14, 2003, 08:17:33 PM
I can't comment on the show this week.  I still have the whole weeks episodes to watch.  Don't know when I am going to have time.  Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.
Any way, turn the tube on and found the movie Bye-Bye-Birdie and I thought of LAFB.  The mother of Albert just cracks me up.
Let's see I have about 20 minutes till I leave to pick up the number one son home or spring break.

Birdie--whol all the way to Amherst will now be singing "One last kiss"
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 14, 2003, 08:48:55 PM
Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.

Yes - perpetually.

Any way, turn the tube on and found the movie Bye-Bye-Birdie and I thought of LAFB.

This Bye-Bye Birdie influx has become a nightmare.  Seems just about every high school in the country is doing Bye-Bye-Birdie this year.  My best friend who lives in Urbana, ILL - her daughter is playing Kim in it.  Other high schools in her area are also putting on the show.  Her father called recently from S. Carolina to say their local high school was ALSO doing it.
For a couple of weeks after that play ran, my boys were constantly singing songs from the show.  They even programmed one of their Gamecube games to play a melody from it.

What's the appeal of all this??  (What's the matter with kids today!)  LOL
It's like a nightmare.  They should have included some of the Birdie music in that DS dream curse awhile back.  Now THAT would have been scary!!

The mother of Albert just cracks me up.

Yes!  She was the only one I liked!!  She's great.

Birdie--whol all the way to Amherst will now be singing "One last kiss"

Safe trip.  (And keep the radio on)

-CLC   ???
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 14, 2003, 09:01:00 PM
Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.
OMG! Yes! After today's visit with retinal doc, I am ready to commit hari kari. He thinks I need MORE surgery. I need Petofi's hand to make me better.
Let's see I have about 20 minutes till I leave to pick up the number one son home or spring break.  Birdie--
God love ya, Birdie. I was glad mine went back to college but now she's talking about a weekend trip to NYC with friends. I'm ready for Wyndcliff and several of Julia's sedatives. Or, as they used to say in nursing school, comatose cocktails.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on March 14, 2003, 09:16:52 PM
Any way, turn the tube on and found the movie Bye-Bye-Birdie and I thought of LAFB.
The mother of Albert just cracks me up.
Yes!  She was the only one I liked!!  She's great.

Of course, this is other than her favorite teenager. [wave]
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Raineypark on March 14, 2003, 09:22:05 PM
  Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.

Do you mean to say that there is some OTHER way for life to feel?  Or that there are people out there who's lives are NOT out of control?  Who are they?  Where do they live?  I'd like to see this phenomenon for myself!!

Any time I look at the calendar and notice a date with nothing in it, I panic...it surely means I forgot to write in the 3 or 4 things I KNOW should be there.

And PLEASE don't tell me it actually gets WORSE when they go off to college....I'm already loosing my mind trying to keep track of her in high school.

rainey.....who lives in terror of those dreaded words: "Mom?.....when can I go for my Learner's Permit?"   [a345]
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: victoriawinters on March 14, 2003, 09:43:47 PM
Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.
OMG! Yes! After today's visit with retinal doc, I am ready to commit hari kari. He thinks I need MORE surgery. I need Petofi's hand to make me better.

oh my gosh carol, i'm so sorry to hear this.  i'm hoping that your problems will be resolved soon.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 15, 2003, 12:58:53 AM
OMG! Yes! After today's visit with retinal doc, I am ready to commit hari kari. He thinks I need MORE surgery. I need Petofi's hand to make me better.

OMG, this is too much.  Last night after we talked, I was feeling very hopeful that THIS surgery would be it.  Give it a little time, and go see another specialist for an opinion maybe?  Yes??

 :-*  :-*

Jeez Louise.  FORGET about the trip to NYC.  She'll have her cell phone.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Birdie on March 15, 2003, 02:52:12 AM
Carol, I feel so bad that you have yet another ordeal to go through.
I have run my tail off all week between work and the gang here.  My daughter was home from Salem St. this week and she managed to tie up my free days from work.  The fourteen year old daughter is playing basketball for three teams.  Actually, it was two than she was picked for the all star team.  I don't know where she got any athletic ablitity it was not from me.  I swear this season will never end.  Now she is traveling on the weekend.  Everytime they win I am happy for a few minutes than I realise that means more games.  Now she is starting the middle school play.  She wants to do it all.  At least the twelve year old is done with his team.  Today picked up the oldest for his spring break.  Salem St. goes back on Sunday.  He is playing on leaving for Canada on Monday for a few days of partying.  I need Julia and some good meds.  My hubby brought home some wine for me tonight.  At this point I think it would just give me a headace.  Still don't know how we are going to get everyone where they need to be tomorrow.  I guess we draw straws to see who drives to Salem on Sunday.

Birdie--my new motto is Reality is for those who can not handle drugs.

too tired to check spelling
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Raineypark on March 15, 2003, 03:24:47 AM
and go see another specialist for an opinion maybe?  Yes??

I second Connie's advice.....do NOT hesitate to seek out another opinion.  Many years ago my Mother-in-law had eye surgery done by a surgeon with the most prestigeous practice in Manhattan.  Everyone assured her that she couldn't be in better hands anywhere in the world.  Guess what....he screwed up.  It happens.  But he never admitted it.  It took a long time and ANOTHER surgeon to fix what went wrong.  So please, don't let loyalty or politeness prevent you from doing what's in YOUR best interest!!

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: jennifer on March 15, 2003, 06:41:24 AM
and go see another specialist for an opinion maybe?  Yes??

I second Connie's advice.....do NOT hesitate to seek out another opinion.  Many years ago my Mother-in-law had eye surgery done by a surgeon with the most prestigeous practice in Manhattan.  Everyone assured her that she couldn't be in better hands anywhere in the world.  Guess what....he screwed up.  It happens.  But he never admitted it.  It took a long time and ANOTHER surgeon to fix what went wrong.  So please, don't let loyalty or politeness prevent you from doing what's in YOUR best interest!!


as a fellow nurse i'll third it! sorry to hear this
news Carol and hope it all works out!
take care
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: jennifer on March 15, 2003, 06:54:16 AM
ii hear everyone on the spinning out of control!
makes me long for the Good Old days of
Bye Bye Birdie!seems like my head hurts all the time now! [bnghd]
the cure for me is to watch a movie like "Speed" HBO has it on this month and it really was a pretty good  movie makes one forget about reality thinking "they couldn't really do that! :o


Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 15, 2003, 07:33:15 AM
i hear everyone on the spinning out of control!  makes me long for the Good Old days ofBye Bye Birdie!seems like my head hurts all the time now! [bnghd]

Maybe if you stopped banging it on the desk the headaches would ease up a bit.  lol   [gring]

Who's had a headache in the front all day and neither Tylenol or Ibuprofen help -- even taken together.  [7385]
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Josette on March 15, 2003, 09:17:05 AM
Carol, I hope it all works out.  It's so soon after this last surgery that maybe it will improve and another won't be necessary.  I think everyone else's suggestion of a second opinion is a good idea.  Good luck!
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Cassandra on March 15, 2003, 09:19:38 AM
Carol wrote:
After today's visit with retinal doc, I am ready to commit hari kari. He thinks I need MORE surgery. I need Petofi's hand to make me better.

Carol, I feel so bad for you having to go through all of this again!  My God you just had the surgery, doesn't the doctor think that it just may take time to heal some before suggesting more surgery??!

Please get another opinion on this one before you decide to do anything else.  I hope that soon all of this will be far behind you and that you'll be feeling better soon. :)

Connie wrote:
Who's had a headache in the front all day and neither Tylenol or Ibuprofen help -- even taken together.  [7385]

OMG You sound just like me! I get these awful migranes and nothing under the sun seems to help.  I've taken Excedrin for migranes, Advil, extra stregth Tylenol, you name it.  Now the doctor has given me a presciption med called "Immetrex"(has anyone tried this)  but after reading all the side effects, Im not sure I even want to try it.  You can't win.[pissd]

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 15, 2003, 11:37:46 AM
OMG You sound just like me! I get these awful migranes and nothing under the sun seems to help.  I've taken Excedrin for migranes, Advil, extra stregth Tylenol, you name it..... You can't win.[pissd]

Well my dear, it's a wide-spread problem.

<<------ As you can see, Quentin STILL has a headache.


Hey, remember this scene in 1995, and Quentin complains that his head feels like it's going to explode into a thousand pieces?  ("...even my teeth hurt")
And Barnabas goes, "Maybe Julia should give you a stronger sedative."   ROFL   Oy vey.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 15, 2003, 04:58:02 PM
Thanx for all your best wishes and advice. I am leaning toward a 2nd and 3rd opinion since retinal doc did mention that even HE was going to refer me out for a 2nd opinion on where to go next with my treatment.

As for the migraine sufferers, here is a site that I found:

Speaking to a patient with the same exact problem as I, she informed me of her recent hospitalization for an 18 day migraine.  She was on a demerol and DHE drip for 3 days before it resolved. She also informed me that her insurance company approved the use of Botox injections every three months to stop her migraines.

Oh, and the local HS production at one of the schools is Guys and Dolls.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Patti Feinberg on March 15, 2003, 05:30:33 PM
  Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.

Any time I look at the calendar and notice a date with nothing in it, I panic...it surely means I forgot to write in the 3 or 4 things I KNOW should be there.
Amen and Hallelujah!!

rainey.....who lives in terror of those dreaded words: "Mom?.....when can I go for my Learner's Permit?"   [a345]

Patti...who's not that far away, YET still has a 1 year old.

PS...my daughter made the school play; Miracle Worker. She made the Aunt...BUT...then got upgraded TO THE MOTHER!!

(which just means more work for THIS MOTHER :- )

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Birdie on March 15, 2003, 06:08:47 PM
Hell, it is hard to get older! My best friend has major migraines and she uses Immetrex.  It helps but only if she gets it before it starts to roll.  I understand I had them for years and it is a wonder I didn't kill myself over dosing on pain meds.  I use to lie there and count the minutes till I could put another pill in my body.  Now, that I hate to use the M-word I don't get them very often.  The latest is a spasim in my neck that in certain positions it causes vertigo.  Now, now, no dirty comments here from the peanut gallery.  I have the dam neck thing without the benift of Barnabas, no fun there.

Carol, I am thinking of you and yes get another opinin.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Raineypark on March 15, 2003, 07:24:55 PM
PS...my daughter made the school play; Miracle Worker. She made the Aunt...BUT...then got upgraded TO THE MOTHER!!
(which just means more work for THIS MOTHER :- )

Oh, does it ever.  No sooner did my daughter finish up with the Freshman/Sophmore production of "Joseph/Technicolor/Coat" than she volunteered to turn pages for the pianist on the Junior/Senior production of "Jekyll/Hyde"  THAT campus is even further from our house than HER campus, she's staying till dark every afternoon AND now they have weekend rehearsals.  All so she can TURN PAGES!!!  I definitely deserve that Taxi Medallion!!

BTW....isn't it interesting how many of our children have been involved in drama/musical productions in school?  We all seem to have imparted a love of storytelling to our kids.....or else we just gave birth to a bunch of little hams!!!  [9391]

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Cassandra on March 15, 2003, 10:25:34 PM
Carol wrote:
Thanx for all your best wishes and advice. I am leaning toward a 2nd and 3rd opinion since retinal doc did mention that even HE was going to refer me out for a 2nd opinion on where to go next with my treatment.

Im glad to hear this Carol.  And you're right to look for a 3rd opinion as well. Get all the advice you get get before you do anything.
I hope everything will work out for you.

As for the migraine sufferers, here is a site that I found:

Thanks Carol!!  Now, I need all the help I can get!!  ;)

she informed me of her recent hospitalization for an 18 day migraine.  She was on a demerol and DHE drip for 3 days before it resolved. She also informed me that her insurance company approved the use of Botox injections every three months to stop her migraines.

Oh my goodness,  18 days?!!  I know my own pattern like a book and it usually last two full days before subsiding.  It's just horrible!  I can't do anything but close my eyes, rest and let it run it's course.
When I was in the hospital last year a nurse told me that alot of it had to do with diet and what we eat but I've kept tract of everything I've eaten before and during the migrane and nothing seems to be consistant. [idontknow]

I've never heard of the Botox thing before.  I know they use it for cosmetic reasons but I had no idea it could be useful for headaches.  I'll have to check that out too.
Thanks Carol

Hell, it is hard to get older! My best friend has major migraines and she uses Immetrex.  It helps but only if she gets it before it starts to roll.  I understand I had them for years and it is a wonder I didn't kill myself over dosing on pain meds.  I use to lie there and count the minutes till I could put another pill in my body

That's just like me Birdie.  I can't do anything but lie in bed or on the couch and count the minutes, then let it run it's course.  Sometimes I get so nauseous from it too.
Yes, the nurse in the hospital told me the same thing about Immetrex and that in order for it to work you have to take it when it first starts.
This is fairly new to me and has started up only the past couple of years.  I've always had headaches, but not like this before!  >:(

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 16, 2003, 09:11:12 AM
BTW....isn't it interesting how many of our children have been involved in drama/musical productions in school?  We all seem to have imparted a love of storytelling to our kids.....or else we just gave birth to a bunch of little hams!!!  [9391]

Either that, or they're craving attention 'cause their mothers spend too much time reading message boards!!

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Raineypark on March 16, 2003, 03:02:55 PM
Oh, wouldn't I love it, if mine wanted me off the computer so that she could have MY attention.

The only reason mine wants me off the computer is so SHE can get on the computer!!  I could vanish into a parallel time and she wouldn't notice until she needed to be driven somewhere!!   [sure]

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: ROBINV on March 16, 2003, 04:01:55 PM
I get up at 4:30 AM before work so I can have the computer to myself for an hour!  Sounds nuts, but it's the only way I won't have hubby or son yowling that they want the computer.

I well remember my chauffeuring days, when my son wanted me to drive and shut up, lest I embarrass him in front of his little friends, all of whom cursed far more than I when they were out of earshot of an adult.

With my son (my only baby!) turning 20 next month, he's been driving for nearly 3 years now.  At least when YOU do the driving, you know where they are and when to go get them.  When they can drive themselves, they also drive YOU crazy, wondering if they're all right, when they'll be home, and  who they're hanging out with.     

I both pity and envy you Mom/Dad taxi drivers, because I was there, and only what seems like yesterday.  Once they get that license to drive, it's like the umbillical cord has been severed--forever!

Love, Robin
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: CastleBee on March 17, 2003, 06:57:23 PM
This Bye-Bye Birdie influx has become a nightmare.  Seems just about every high school in the country is doing Bye-Bye-Birdie this year...

What's the appeal of all this??  (What's the matter with kids today!)  LOL
Strange this would come up because it also appears to have affected the school corporation where I work.  Just finished running the video for a week on our media retrieval system.

They should have included some of the Birdie music in that DS dream curse awhile back.  Now THAT would have been scary!!
Oh LORD in heaven I could not agree more!  Everytime I hear Anne Margaret singing the title song I cringe and can't get it out of my head all day!  Thank God for mute buttons.

The only thing I like about that movie is when Paul Lynde looks at the camera and says (to Ed Sullivan) something like "We love ya Ed!" thought it was hilarious!  [scrm]
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Birdie on March 17, 2003, 11:03:09 PM
Ann Margaret in Bye Bye Birdie was my sister's boy friends dream girl.  My older sister had a gang of kids that hung out at our house.  The boys in the group were and still are like my brothers, they would go ga-ga over Ann Margaret.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: jennifer on March 18, 2003, 10:22:37 PM
Ann Margaret in Bye Bye Birdie was my sister's boy friends dream girl.  My older sister had a gang of kids that hung out at our house.  The boys in the group were and still are like my brothers, they would go ga-ga over Ann Margaret.


i do like her dancing though!loved her clothes! She was so cute then!

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 22, 2003, 04:41:06 AM
Hey y'all,

Carol had to have MORE surgery this past Wednesday.  One lasered area had lifted, causing fluid to enter her eye.  She was in surgery for nearly 4 hours and it took 3 hours for her to finally come around.  (She claims JULIA did the sedation).  Anyway, she's all swollen and can't see out of the eye at all.  Maybe we can think of some way to cheer her up??  I'm at a loss at the moment.  (duh...)  [confused5]

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Raineypark on March 22, 2003, 05:13:35 AM
That would be the easiest thing in the world, Connie....if anyone in this tribe actually KNEW John Karlen.  All we'd have to do is get him on the phone!!

But I'm sure once she can look at her monitor again, your outrageous Desmond/Quentin creation will have her howling with delight!!  Hopefully that will be VERY soon!


Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 22, 2003, 05:29:37 AM
Well, she can look at the monitor with one eye.  That's how I found out about the recent fiasco.  Caught her on here this morning at around 5 am and asked what in HELL she was doing up!  Seems she couldn't sleep with the sore eye, headache, what-not!!  What a mess!

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Midnite on March 22, 2003, 06:04:57 AM
Hey y'all,

Carol had to have MORE surgery this past Wednesday.  One lasered area had lifted, causing fluid to enter her eye.  She was in surgery for nearly 4 hours and it took 3 hours for her to finally come around.  (She claims JULIA did the sedation).  Anyway, she's all swollen and can't see out of the eye at all.  Maybe we can think of some way to cheer her up??  I'm at a loss at the moment.  (duh...)  [confused5]


Oh poor Carol!  Thank you so much for passing this along, Connie.  I wish I could do something for her too.

Please get well, Carol!
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Josette on March 22, 2003, 08:56:57 AM
Good luck, Carol.  Now that the surgery's over, I hope it works out and you have a quick recovery.  :)
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Cassandra on March 22, 2003, 10:32:05 AM
Hey y'all,

Carol had to have MORE surgery this past Wednesday.  One lasered area had lifted, causing fluid to enter her eye.  She was in surgery for nearly 4 hours and it took 3 hours for her to finally come around.  (She claims JULIA did the sedation).  Anyway, she's all swollen and can't see out of the eye at all.  Maybe we can think of some way to cheer her up??  I'm at a loss at the moment.  (duh...)  [confused5]

Oh poor Carol! I was hoping that everything would have turned out okay for her.  Please give her my regards and best wishes for a speedy recovery.  My prayers are with her.

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2003, 11:19:38 AM
Here it is 5am again and guess what I find on the boards--all these well wishes that I never expected. Thanx so much everyone! Since I tire so easily, I'm always napping during day and up most of night. I can't read too well so there goes one of my favorite past times.
Yes, this past surgery was a bummer. I guess I was so comfy with the sedation that I wanted to stay in lala land. My husband was really getting worried when I didn't snap out of it as fast as I did for the last two. I could hear someone calling my name & asking me questions but all I wanted was to be left alone so I could sleep. I think if JK was calling my name I would've arose from the dead, tho. LOL
First post op visit went well so here's hoping Tuesday's visit will be good. If not, my next stop is eye institute in either Baltimore or Miami.
I've been thinking of Gerard and wondering how he is doing. Has anyone heard?
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: victoriawinters on March 22, 2003, 11:27:46 AM
Yes, this past surgery was a bummer. I guess I was so comfy with the sedation that I wanted to stay in lala land. My husband was really getting worried when I didn't snap out of it as fast as I did for the last two. I could hear someone calling my name & asking me questions but all I wanted was to be left alone so I could sleep. I think if JK was calling my name I would've arose from the dead, tho. LOL

yes, i would wake up for him too lol!
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 22, 2003, 12:13:54 PM
I've been thinking of Gerard and wondering how he is doing. Has anyone heard?

I've been wondering about him too as a matter of fact.

Well, I tried to come up with some sort of cheery recovery page.  Don't know how well I succeeded.  It's rather difficult coming up with something when Ms. Carol has just about ALL my Karlen stuff, but I gave it a shot anyway.

Page may also be useful for those suffering from Willie drought.


-CLC  [gring]

Let me know if it loads okay.  Having some browser/AOL trouble around here.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Annie on March 22, 2003, 01:09:26 PM
[wavey] [wavey] Hello Carol glad you are
feeling better my prayers are with you!!
I too was wondering how Gerard was doing.
            Love U Anne ;) ;D
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2003, 03:53:07 PM
Well, Miss CLC, the pix aren't loading for me. I can't see   8)    (pun intended) what you've done. Will keep trying, tho, to see   8)     if they appear.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Midnite on March 22, 2003, 06:55:50 PM
Recovery page, hee hee.

It isn't linking to any of the image files, Connie.  Bummer.  :(
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2003, 08:31:35 PM
Recovery page, hee hee.
It isn't linking to any of the image files, Connie.  Bummer.  :(
I guess we'll all be in the dark on this one.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Connie on March 23, 2003, 01:10:17 AM
I THINK it's working now.  ??
Is it?  It's loading for me in IE and in the AOL browser.
(Sorry - this was the first chance for me to get on computer today)

Hell...what do I know about webpages.


Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Carol on March 23, 2003, 01:25:26 AM
Awwwwww....thank you so much Connie! That one pix showed Willie trying to revive me but I kept telling him to shut-up and just keep doing those push-ups!
I wouldn't mind having Quentin dress me either.
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: Birdie on March 23, 2003, 04:35:21 AM
Carol, you must be feeling a little better your mind is in the right place. Hubba-Hubba

Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: RingoCollins on March 23, 2003, 06:06:14 AM
but I kept telling him to shut-up and just keep doing those push-ups!

Har - just add duct tape and plastic sheets....

great one Connie!
Title: Re:OT/Bye Bye Birdie
Post by: jennifer on March 26, 2003, 03:08:54 PM
but I kept telling him to shut-up and just keep doing those push-ups!

Har - just add duct tape and plastic sheets....

great one Connie!

oh no are we taking about your honeymoon again Ringo! 8)
