General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '12 I => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 10, 2012, 09:36:06 PM

Title: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 10, 2012, 09:36:06 PM
Hey gang,

During Dark Shadows' run, I believe that we only got to see one or two television sets in any of the DS characters' homes or apartments; I think that Buffie Harrington had a portable tv in her apartment room, for example.

I would have liked to have seen some of the characters, enjoying some "quality time," watching their favorite shows on the boob tube.  For instance, it would have been fun to have seen Mrs. Stoddard, Carolyn and Vicky, sitting down in the Collinwood study (or perhaps the recreation room/den) and tuning into "Peyton Place" two nights a week on the local Collinsport ABC channel.  Perhaps David enjoyed watching "The Monkees" or "The Invaders" with Amy Jennings?  (Amy probably preferred "That Girl" to "The Invaders," imo.)

Then again, just once on the show, I would have liked to have seen a large tv set, hanging over the bar at The Blue Whale.  Can you imagine Barnabas and Willie (on an extremely rare occasion when Barnabas accompanied Willie out for a night on the town) watching Monday Night Football on ABC?  Oh, to see Willie trying to explain the arcane rules of professional football to Barnabas, a man of the 18th century!  I suspect that Barnabas might have opined about sportscaster Howard Cosell to Willie: "That fellow, Cosell, is just the 'least' bit, aureate in his comments, I must say."

Anyway, here a some shows, I think that DS characters might have enjoyed tuning into:

Adam - The Munsters and Maury

Alexander, the Leviathan child - Dennis-the-Menace

Angelique - Bewitched

Barnabas Collins, and his servant, Willie Loomis - This Old House and The Odd Couple

Nicholas Blair - Tales from the Crypt and Playboy After Dark

Ezra Braithwaite -  The Lawrence Welk Show and Waiting For God

David Collins - The Wonder Years

Olivia Corey (a/k/a Amanda Harris) - How Do I Look?

Laura Collins - Divorce Court and Desperate Housewives

Roger Collins - To the Manor Born and Father Knows Best

Burke Devlin - Bonanza and Executive Suite

Roxanne Drew  - The Vampire Diaries

The Eagle Hill Cemetery Caretaker - Six Feet under and Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Maggie Evans - Alice and Our Miss Brooks

Sam Evans - Sister Wendy's History of Art and Dark Passages

Buzz Hackett - The Mod Squad and Then Came Bronson

Bruno Hess - Have Gun, Will Travel

Dr. Julia Hoffman - The Elevnth Hour and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Ms. Julia Hoffman -  Downton Abbey

Chris Jennings - Being Human

Tom Jennings - Also, Being Human and Ask This Old House

Harry Johnson - It Takes A Thief

Mrs. Sarah Johnson - Hazel and Upstairs, Downstairs

Dr. Eric Lang - Nip-and-Tuck

Jason McGuire - Ballykissangel and Who Want's To Be A Millionaire?

Sheriff George Patterson - The Andy Griffith Show and Car 54: Where Are You?

Bob Rooney - Cheers and Ryan's Hope

Carolyn Stoddard - The Young and the Restless

Paul Stoddard - Run For Your Life and Make Room For Daddy

Hallie Stokes - Fear Factor

Prof. T. Elliott Stokes - The X-Files and Bachelor Father

Charles Delaware tate - Learn to Paint with Bob Ross and One Foot in the Grave

Phillip and Megan Todd - Antiques Roadshow and American Pickers

Mr. Wells - Fawlty Towers

Vicky Winters - Anne of Green Gables and Super Nanny

Dr. Dave Woodard - Marcus Welby, M.D. and Diagnosis Murder

John Yeager - What Not To Wear

Can you think of any other shows, which the DS characters might have enjoyed watching?

Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 11, 2012, 05:23:26 AM
Those are inspired choices, BtB!  [thumb]  [lghy]
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Uncle Roger on March 11, 2012, 05:56:30 AM
I would like to see Mrs. Johnson, Jenny Collins and the aged Cassandra compete for make-overs on RuPaul's Drag U.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: David on March 11, 2012, 05:21:56 PM

I think PT Roger might have peeked in on Queer as Folk every now & then, while Mrs. Johnson was an avid viewer of The L Word.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: David on March 11, 2012, 05:24:01 PM
PT Roger might also have watched the old game show Queen For a Day!
Dr. Julia Hoffman: What's My Line?
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Uncle Roger on March 11, 2012, 10:20:58 PM
Maybe it's not a series but I'm sure that Nicholas Blair would have been watching Satan's School for Girls.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Gerard on March 11, 2012, 10:33:01 PM
Amy Jennings would watch The Electric Company, thinking "I wish I could be on that show."

Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Lydia on March 12, 2012, 11:49:45 AM
Vicky would watch Family Affair all alone, because nobody would want to listen to her go on and on about how she wished she'd had an Uncle Bill to take her away from the foundling home.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 13, 2012, 07:02:07 PM
Hey, how about these tv show suggestions?:

Aristede - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Bathia Mapes and Grandmama Edith Collins - The Golden Girls

Quentin and Jenny Collins, Judith and the Rev. Gregory Trask, and Edward and Laura Collins and Sandor and Magda Rakosi -  The In-Laws

Carl "The Comedian" Collins (a/k/a "Shecky" Collins) - The Soupy Sales Show

Madame Janet Findley - One Step Beyond

Joe Haskell - The American Sportsman and Sarah Palin's Alaska

Buffie Harrington - It's a Living

Wyndcliff Hospital nurse, Miss Jackson - Nurse Jackie

Matthew Morgan - Home Improvement and I'm Dickens, He's Fenster

PT1970  Landlady Mrs. Purdy (I think?) -  Tales of the City

Aunt Hannah Stokes -  John Edward Predicts and The Virginia Graham Show
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: DarkLady on March 13, 2012, 07:06:50 PM
Joe Haskell would also appreciate The Deadliest Catch.

Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Lydia on March 14, 2012, 05:03:59 PM
I'm Dickens, He's Fenster
Good heavens, I don't think that show has crossed my mind in forty years.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: DarkLady on March 14, 2012, 10:09:06 PM
Mine neither.

Barnabas might like I've Got a Secret.

Bathia Mapes might also like One Step Beyond.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Joeytrom on March 14, 2012, 10:44:28 PM
Abigail Collins would watch the 700 Club, Jimmy Swaggart, & Little House on the Prarie
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Gerard on March 15, 2012, 01:39:04 AM
Mrs. Johnson would watch The Gallopping Gourmet and The Dinah Shore Show (on the little, portable black-and-white set in the kitchen with aluminum foil over the rabbit ears, while taking a break with a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a pad and pencil to write down recipes). 

Victoria would watch the original Jeopardy, scribbling notes to use as her lesson plans for David.

David would watch Lost In Space, being envious of Will Robinson.

Matthew Morgan had an affinity for Gunsmoke and Bonanza.

Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: PennyDreadful on March 15, 2012, 04:31:13 AM
Mr. Best would certainly also enjoy "Six Feet Under" plus "Pushing Daisies," "Dead Like Me," "Reaper," and he'd always make sure to catch "The Seventh Seal" whenever it was on.
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 21, 2012, 11:01:41 PM
I'm Dickens, He's Fenster
Good heavens, I don't think that show has crossed my mind in forty years.


 Yes, "I'm Dickens, He's Fenster," starring John Astin (of "The Adams Family" fame") and Marty Engels (the husband of the lovely Shirley Jones), if I haven't completely forgotten that show's stars.

How about?:

PT Angelique Stokes-Collins  - Cheaters

Gabriel and Edith Collins (and, for that matter Quentin and Samantha Collins) - The Honeymooners

Quentin Collins I - The Time Tunnel

PT Quentin and Maggie Collins - What Would You Do?

PT Dameon Edwards - Dance Fever (starring "The Fred Astaire of Disco Dancing," Mr. Denny Terrio!)

Mordecai Grimes and his chip-off-the-old-block-son, Jeremy - The Good Neighbors

Nelle Gunston - Deadwood and Hee-Haw

Lady Kitty Hampshire - Keeping Up Appearances

PT Pianist and Composer Bruno Hess - The Liberace Show

Dr. Eric Lang and his lab assistant, Jeff Clark - Get Smart and The Abbott & Costello Show

Sky Rumson - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

PT Alexis Stokes - The Patty Duke Show

PT Collinwood butler, Mr. Trask - Benson
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 21, 2012, 11:34:37 PM

Regarding your selection of "Jeopardy" as one of Vicky's favorite shows, which Dark Shadows characters do you think would have excelled as a contestant on that long-running game show and which ones would not?

I think that Mrs. Stoddard, having spent eighteen years in Collinwood and reading, perhaps, a zillion books during that time, would have been Collinsport's proud answer to Frank Spangenberg or even the seemingly ubiquitous Ken Jennings, if the great lady of Collinwood ever appeared as a contestant on the show.


PS Both Roger and Sam Evans would have aced the "Potent Potable" category on "Jeopardy," imo! [snow_wink] [snow_laugh]
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on April 30, 2012, 10:53:42 PM
And, how about:

PT Roger Collins - The Dean Martin Show

Mr. Strak - Let's Make a Deal and The Price is Right (or is it?)

Dr. Julia "Collins" and Letitia Faye - Rosemary & Thyme

Jeb Hawks and Megan Todd - Californication and Joannie Loves Chachie

Buzz Hackett - Weeds

Donna Friedlander - The Dating Game and The Love Connection?

Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: The Doctor and K9 on May 01, 2012, 06:28:14 PM
I don't think these were mentioned. I scanned the list but didn't read carefully. I'm afraid if I wait until I have time to check thoroughly I'll never get around to it.
For Mr. Devlin-Burke's Law
For Ms. Harrington-Buffy the Vampire Slayer or maybe Family Affair
For Laura-Phoenix
Quentin might like to tune into Falcon Crest and comment on how much Richard looks like him!
Carl-Joker's Wild
Old Edith-I've Got a Secret
Sheriff Patterson-The Andy Griffith show (for research)
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Willie Loomis on May 02, 2012, 02:11:41 PM
Trask -- Diner's, Drive-ins and Dives (guilty pleasure!)
Willie and Barnabas -- Supernatural
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: MysticScribe on May 02, 2012, 10:03:18 PM
Sam Evans - Cheers

Richard and Frank Garner - The Defenders

Prof. Stokes - In Search Of

PT Will Loomis - Kolchak: The Night Stalker

Dr. Hoffman - St. Elsewhere, Emergency, The Doctors

Nicholas Blair - American Gothic

Quentin and Chris Jennings - The Dog Whisperer

Angelique - Tabatha, Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Cassandra - Nightmare Cafe, Freddy's Nightmares
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 08, 2012, 07:50:34 PM
How about:

Gerard Stiles (a/k/a "Ivan Miller," a/k/a "Judah Zachery") - I Led Three Lives and The Charmer

David Collins, Amy Jennings and Alexander, the Leviathan child - The Little Rascals

Istvan, the mute gypsy - ESPN's Body-Shaping and The Cosby Show?
Title: Re: Some Possible Favorite TV Shows of the DS Characters
Post by: DLA75 on May 10, 2012, 06:17:59 PM
Jason McGwire - To Tell the Truth
Laura Collins - Rescue Me
Mr. Wells - Diff'rent Strokes
Ezra Braithwaite - Fish