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Title: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: David on January 31, 2012, 06:47:18 PM
Rated GP!
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: The Doctor and K9 on January 31, 2012, 08:13:52 PM
Rated GP!

I love those old ratings! "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" featured some fairly explicit violence and language. A character is shown being shot in the head, another shot repeatedly. A bloody  hand jams down a button that blows up the world. What was it rated? G!  Times have changed.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: barnabasjr on February 01, 2012, 01:36:53 AM
Thanks for the heads up!
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: mm#7 on February 01, 2012, 07:31:49 AM
Hadn't seen House in a while.Enjoyed it.However, Ihope that when itis released on Blu and DVD, the print is better.Also,some heads were being cut off.I remmember takingmy sister to a sneak preview at the oldDemilletheater  in New York that summer of1970.We had a great time.Hopefully,it will come toDVD and Blu this year.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 01, 2012, 08:19:13 AM
I'm told it was shown at 1.33 and not 1.85 letterboxed.  It was remastered in the last few years and they should have a 1.85LB tape.  I wonder if someone pulled the wrong tape.

MM- I read a few notices of people raving about the print.  What issues did you have with it?  I'm also intrigued that you went to the preview at the Demille theater.  That preview was in August before most every other showing.  To the best of your memory, was it a normal screening you could pay to get into?  Was the version different in any way from the version you've just seen on TCM, and did you fill out comment cards afterwards?  Cheers!
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: David on February 01, 2012, 07:59:23 PM
Last night was the best TV print of the film I've ever seen--it was so sharp & vibrant!
I'm glad I recorded it.

I was glad that Osborne mentioned Nancy Barrett in his intro--Barrett's vampire is a scene stealer. And I liked the shout-out he gave to the new film after the screening.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: ClaudeNorth on February 01, 2012, 08:38:58 PM
I DVR'd it from the TCM's HD channel, watched it on an old picture tube TV, and noticed that the film seemed to be presented in 1.85 for the opening and closing credit sequences, but in 1.33 for the rest of the film.  There did seem to be a bit of cropping, because in the scene between Liz and Daphne, the microphone at the bottom of the screen was not visible, and it is usually visible in the 1.33 presentations.  I'm wondering if the 1.33 portion was a pan-and-scan version of the 1.85 frame rather than the full frame version that we usually get (if that makes any sense).  The print, though, looked terrific -- the best presentation I've ever seen.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 01, 2012, 09:53:42 PM
It appears the 1.33 was indeed a pan n'scan transfer of the 1.85 frame.  The mics that show up on old more open matte transfers are not supposed to be seen. 
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: mm#7 on February 02, 2012, 08:08:37 AM
Hello, its late thursday morning, and I just onto the site.To Darren Gross, Hi how are you? The print seemed dark to me.Also very bluish. TCM I get on Direct TV, it didn't say whether  they were using a HD print. Or that TCM is broadcasting in HD> I do have a HD TV, and I get HD from Direct TV. I do hope that when House and Night are eventually released, on Blu Ray, that they use a better print.Regarding the sneak preview I saw in Aug 1970. That was so much fun, you could pay to go see it. It was addvertised in the newspapers that day. I took my sister, and so many of the fans that went to the studio were there.To say the least, at that time, it was a thrill ride, and I walked out of there, shaken at the way Barnabas was destroyed. Never had I see a vampire film where he was destroyed so brutally like that.We also got to see Jonathan Frid on Dick Cavett that nite. He did a reading from Richard the 2nd. To see and hear him to Shakespear was something I never sawbefore, and it wonderful.Its a nite I willnever forget. A week later, they did another sneak preview at the Ziegfeld.Unfortunatly we waited till Oct to see it released in NYC. I saw it 4 times. Look forward to the Blu Rays on both films someday. Take care to Darren, and all the DS fans that read this.I have great memories  from this show.I will treasure them always.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 03, 2012, 01:25:01 AM
Thanks for the memories, MM!

So, I take it that the cut was the same one we've all seen?
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: neiljohnson on February 03, 2012, 03:05:36 AM
For those of you that saw the film in theaters in 1970, do any of you remember differences in the original cut?  I remember specifically, Barnabas's attack of Carolyn was much more violent than the televised version or the version I have on videotape.  In the original cut, there was a gruesome close-up of Barnabas violently "knawing" at Carolyn's neck.  It was such a shock, compared to his more "romantic" bites on the TV show.  I assume those few moments were cut for the television broadcast, back in the 70s, and never restored -- even for the video release.  Does anyone else remember this?
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: mm#7 on February 03, 2012, 07:31:23 AM
I do not quite remmember that. However, regarding Night Of DarkShadows,it was a bit more erotic for its time when I first saw it in 1971. There is a scene where Charles and Angelique are making out, and when Gabriel comes a callin, as Charles moves away, itlooked like he carressed Angeliques breasts, not that I blame him, with his hand.Also, a much rougher scene with Tracy, where he actually grabs her breasts and  his very rough on her.Still looking forward to the imment release of these films toBlu ray and DVD
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 03, 2012, 05:27:06 PM
So you were lucky enough to see the R-rated print of NoDS too. [thumb]
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: KMR on February 04, 2012, 12:17:26 AM
I remember specifically, Barnabas's attack of Carolyn was much more violent than the televised version or the version I have on videotape.  In the original cut, there was a gruesome close-up of Barnabas violently "knawing" at Carolyn's neck.  It was such a shock, compared to his more "romantic" bites on the TV show.

I have seen this movie many times, including during its first run in the theaters.  I most definitely remember seeing a bite closeup with Carolyn that featured lots of blood being ingested.  But it's been a while since I've seen it, and while what you describe sounds very familiar, I wonder if the memory is a mixup of the Barnabas-biting-Carolyn scenes with the Carolyn-biting-Todd scene.  (Something I heard a little while back on NPR about memories was quite interesting:  every time you recall something, the memory gets "rewritten", sort of like calling up a document on the computer and re-saving it.  This makes the memories subject to corruption, and is a reason why memories aren't always totally reliable.)
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: michael c on February 04, 2012, 12:49:08 AM
changing gears a bit...

aren't HODS and NODS supposed to be released on dvd at some point soon? does anyone know when?
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 04, 2012, 01:03:42 AM
The other day there was an update of sorts posted to the "hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?" topic over on the "Current Talk '12 I" board:

This article reports...

Though there's been no confirmation that the info is accurate.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: mm#7 on February 04, 2012, 07:33:20 AM
My sister and I saw a sneak preview on Night of Dark Shadows in Sept, 1971, at the Colony Theater in Jackson Hts Queens where we lived at the time. Yes, it was a little more graphic in the scenes withLara and david, and Kate and David. However, I never have seen those prints again.Not even on the Laser Disc that I still have.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 06, 2012, 06:02:14 AM
MM, that's because that after the initial run of 'R' rated prints was run, the negative was cut down to the 'GP' version and that material was disposed over in the intervening years.  The intermediate materials, interpositives and internegs were all of the GP version.  There's only 1 remaining 'R' rated print that exists, that I'm aware of, and it's faded and damaged.

The only way to get that footage back is through the full restoration of the 129min version I'm working on... Just before the original neg was cut down from the 129min version to the much shorter 97 then 94min versions, a protection element was made from it- picture only.  That's what I'm working from, and it has all the material in the R-rated cut, of course, plus 32 + mins more. [snow_wow]
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: DLA75 on February 06, 2012, 06:25:09 AM
Darren Is any of the Dialogue and audio from that one remaing " 97min? 'R' rated print" useable in the restoration. Alot can be done to enhance and restore damaged audio tracks with prorams like pro tools and other computer hardware and software.
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 06, 2012, 09:11:32 AM
Hi DLA, thankfully there's no need to use that print. If it was the only remaining source, of course we would, but...

We have a 35mm fullcoat MAG track that was the original audio master that Curtis and co. physically cut back during the re-editing.  Probably because of the hurried nature of the re-edit, the MAG actually has about 100 mins of audio on it, which encompasses all of the 'R' rating edits, plus two full additional scenes, and miscellaneous bibs and bobs...
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Cousin_Barnabas on February 06, 2012, 10:25:02 AM
Darren, I just want to say that your project is endlessly fascinating to me.  I appreciate all of the hard work you have put into tracking down and restoring Night of Dark Shadows.  I am sure it will be fantastic once it is complete.  I can hardly wait.  I love that movie. 
Title: Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
Post by: Darren Gross on February 06, 2012, 11:45:05 PM
Thanks Cousin!