General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Patti Feinberg on February 08, 2003, 11:34:29 PM

Title: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Patti Feinberg on February 08, 2003, 11:34:29 PM
Hey...for all my 'mature' poster friends (the people who as teens saw DS in orig. run).
Who of you say had a pic of David Selby ? taped ? onto your school locker (assuming people did that in circa 1970)?
Did any of you (hopefully younger than teen!) have a DS lunchbox?
Also, (and this is predominantly towards the males on here), did any of you get teased from your schoolmates, "Eiy, you like dark shadows!" ?
Anyone have pics of David Henesey?

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: dom on February 09, 2003, 12:22:30 AM
Hi Patti,

I remember buying the Quentin Postcards that came out but I always kept stuff like that hermetically sealed (so to speak) lol. Never had the lunchbox - didn't know it existed; too old for lunchboxes at the time. I bought the teen mag's that would have DS in them, one of the games (Barn - I think), the Ross books, the LP, and the trading cards. I didn't know anyone who watched the show. I had to wait 30 years before I found others who like the show - which is why I bow before my computer.


PS - The only picture I ever had in my high school locker was a picture of Bette Midler. [blshy]
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: RingoCollins on February 09, 2003, 02:24:59 AM
I got quite a lot of $hit in the orig run about watching a 'soap opera'......"ya gotta go home an watch yer STORY, you freak?"  BUT, I did hang around with a bunch of cute girls that we discussed the show the next day in the band practice room, so there were some nice sides of the story, too.  I was always a collector of all things 'junk' and had/have the games, puzzles, cards, comics, teen mags, etc. [but my lunch box was The Beatles]

and I used the pics of David H. for a dartboard.

Hi Patti,dom
PS - The only picture I ever had in my high school locker was a picture of Bette Midler. [blshy]


The D. Ms. M is one of the few celebs to refuse to sign an autograph for me, she denied she was on the Ringo [real Ringo] album I had brought - and her name was listed in the credits [It WAS 'Ringo the 4th' - a real dog of a record, but she WAS on it, and could have inked it!]


and, Oh Yeah, if you mean old by 'mature' - that would be the only definition that would apply to moi!
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Gerard on February 09, 2003, 02:26:51 AM
I always purchased (whenever I could) the Marilyn Ross paperbacks, and the comic books.  The only teacher who ever teased me was at the conservatory where I went every Wednesday after school (and after DS!) for organ lessons.  One Christmas, my parents got me the sheet music for Quentin's Theme, and when I brought it to the conservatory, my teacher looked at it and asked:  "Do you watch that show?"  When I answered in the affirmative, she retorted:  "Don't you think it's silly?"  Regardless of her tastes, I ended up playing Quentin's Theme for the autumn recital that year in the conservatory's auditorium.

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Birdie on February 09, 2003, 03:41:01 AM
Of course I had DS pictures plastered all over my bedroom door and closet door. My mother would not let me hang anything on the wallpaper.  I didn't have a locker at the time I got hooked on DS.  I think I was in the 5th or 6th grade.  I had the cards, the books until 1981 when they were destroyed in a cellar flood.  Why did my mother force me to take them to my house they would have been safe in hers? I still have the album.  I don't remember anyone making fun of me during the original run.  Of course, now I have seen a few raised eye brows when people find out I am still a fan.  I suffered a few snickers when I went to the fest in 2001.   Wonder what they were saying about me behind my back.

On the bright side my daughter had a photo of David Selby in her locker last year.  A few kids even recognized it.  This year I don't know what she has hanging on her locker door.  She still has a few pictures of the Q-man on her bulliton board hanging in her room.  Also of course the photo of her with the real thing.  I am still jealous hers came out so much better than mine.  My pictures are in the photo album.

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Raineypark on February 09, 2003, 04:07:54 AM
The only DS 'things' I ever owned were a slew of the Ross books....which are long gone.

The only photo I ever had was of John Karlen but it wasn't DS related.  It was a photo from our local paper along with a review of the play in which he was appearing.

No one teased me about watching the show....it seemed like every girl in my school watched as well.  But I did take a lot of grief for despising Barnabas. :P

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Patti Feinberg on February 09, 2003, 04:11:23 AM
Of course, now I have seen a few raised eye brows when people find out I am still a fan.  I suffered a few snickers when I went to the fest in 2001.   Wonder what they were saying about me behind my back.

Me too Birdie...why do they care?  ?!?

Ringo: HOW DARE SHE!!(indignant!!)

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Raineypark on February 09, 2003, 04:21:09 AM
PS - The only picture I ever had in my high school locker was a picture of Bette Midler. [blshy]

Oh!  Can I tell my Bette Midler story too?

Hubby and I went to see "Evita" on Broadway (many moons ago!) and during the intermission we had to walk outside the building so he could have a cigarette. Who do we notice coming out the entrance but  The Divine One....... on the same mission.  Only she had to run from the Theatre entrance to the bodega next door to buy cigarettes.  

When she came back out she was fumbling with the cigarette package and the book of matches so Hubby offered to light it for her.  Unfortunately the flame shot up like a blow torch and almost set her hair on fire!!!!

I guess it was a good thing we didn't ask for her autograph, eh Ringo? [lghy] [lghy]
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: TERRY308 on February 09, 2003, 06:30:12 AM
I too had DS photos on my bedroom wall, mostly of Barnabas.  I had and still do, a DS game, a ViewMaster of DS, trading cards, a bunch of Ross books, writing paper and envelopes and a lot of autographed pictures, which I have gotten off ebay or got it from the person(s).  

Am I a MATURE fan?    

A fan..... without a doubt.  
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on February 09, 2003, 07:08:46 PM
Yes, I have to admit it.  I was a "closet Dark Shadows fan" back during the halcyon days of the 1960s'.  

And, as to the question of whether I had any pictures of favorite Dark Shadows characters, yes I did.  I kept a cherished glossy photo of Bathia Mapes, resplendently attired in her Ursula Andress sequined black evening dress, inside of the front cover of my hardcover copy of "Catcher In The Rye."

Bob the Bartender, child of the 1960s, antiquated hippie of the new millennium.
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: jennifer on February 09, 2003, 08:20:50 PM
i had a picture of Don Briscoe from one of the teen mags at the time( as well as Rob G of grassroots and Billy C. of the Boston Red Sox) hey i'm fickle...

hated Jack wild(???) who was big at the time
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: tripwire on February 09, 2003, 10:02:21 PM
The bus usually dropped us off at about 3:25 and all of us would usually meet at the field to play ball around 4 oclock...that would give us time to change our school clothes and grab a sandwich...oh yeah, and some silly soap opera came on at 3:30...i dont know if i was the only one who watched it, but it seemed no one was at the field before 4:00....and if they watched it or not, its was never ever mentioned....lol....i am not sure what was taboo about it, but something was, cause i would never mention it either...nor would anyone else...must be that it was classified as a "soap opera" and no boy would ever watch a soap opera....if it ever got mentioned at school, it was like "hey, did you see that phony vampire when his teeth almost fell out..or "did you see that wall almost fall down when they were trying to open that door"???    
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Nancy on February 09, 2003, 10:27:02 PM
DS was the talk of the school I attended every weekday, particularly if Barnabas had been "away" for awhile and made his return to the show.  If you missed some episodes for one reason for another as I did, it was easy to get filled in by someone at school.  

Everybody in my school world talked about the show since it was so popular during the first few years of its run.  You were considered pretty out of it if you didn't know about the show or watched it.

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Nancy on February 09, 2003, 10:35:17 PM
No one teased me about watching the show....it seemed like every girl in my school watched as well.  But I did take a lot of grief for despising Barnabas. :P


As well they should have.;)

Seriously though, I do remember some of the girls at school getting their knickers in a twist fighting over this or that character as if they were real people. I thought that was hilarious.  

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Gerard on February 10, 2003, 05:08:24 AM
DS was the talk of the school I attended every weekday, particularly if Barnabas had been "away" for awhile and made his return to the show.  If you missed some episodes for one reason for another as I did, it was easy to get filled in by someone at school.  

Everybody in my school world talked about the show since it was so popular during the first few years of its run.  You were considered pretty out of it if you didn't know about the show or watched it.


Oh. does that bring back memories.  Everyone in school, especially when we reached junior high (I guess what they call "middle school" today), watched and talked about Dark Shadows.  Anyone who didn't was definitely outta the circle.  And that was another benefit - everyone, from the popular kids to the "Carrie Whites" all had something in common.  Dark Shadows was the great equalizer.  

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: Misty on February 11, 2003, 01:13:21 AM
I was able to acquire some Ross books, the DS theme album (which I wore out), and all the magazine pictures available, We were living in Texas at the time and since then we moved 7 times. After one of our moves, we stored some furniture and boxes in a warehouse which burned down. The rest is history---literally!
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: AllMyShadows on February 11, 2003, 04:56:42 AM
Now that just about everyone at my school knows I watch soaps (all kinds of them), they tease me half to death. Except when I got them hooked on "All My Children" for a week. As for DS, they laugh senslessly when I talk about it. They refer to it as "that story about the werewolves." Everyone down here refers to soaps as "the stories" (pronounced "thuh stor-is"). "Watching the stories, son?" "I had no idea you watch the stories!" "Oh my god! You are a total geek because you watch the stories." Don't get me started on my "Dynasty"/"Knots Landing" depression. They tease me because I want to see "that show with the rich people" and "that show with the round street." I always remind them that their beloved crap "Beverly Hills, 90210" is a primetime soap also (even though it is worse). But that's another topic.
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: WileyS on February 16, 2003, 02:21:37 AM
I was not born when the show originally aired......but I was in sixth grade when the revival ran in 1991. A bunch of my friends watched and loved it though none of us knew anything about the original series.

Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: RingoCollins on February 16, 2003, 03:22:51 AM
I was not born when the show originally aired......

Just one more thing I love about this little show!  Ya didn't even have to be around when it was first running to be caught up in it.  Now that to me is Magic.  And I can only think of one other phenom that has a similar magic quality, and all four of those boys have a haircut similar to Barn's!

Can anybody imagine a group of fans of, say, 'rules for dating my daughter' or 'joe millionaire' discussing those shows 30 years in the future?  Or M'n'm or Cristina Jugulara, for that matter?

Determined to take us off topic, as usual,

[salmons ready!!!]
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: dom on February 16, 2003, 04:13:02 AM
Determined to take us off topic, as usual,

[salmons ready!!!]

Baked, broiled, blackened, pan seared, stuffed, fried, or dishwashered?

Food, my fave. OT! <;), to Fran & Raineypark>

Cheftress and over-eater La Dominga
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: dom on February 16, 2003, 04:33:37 AM

Why do I even try... >:(

(Not so clever) dom
Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: ClaudeNorth on February 16, 2003, 09:59:43 AM
I was around when the show originally aired, but I was very young and terrified of it.  I imagined that the show was nothing more than Barnabas running around and biting everyone.

During that time, my mother and I went shopping at J.C. Penney's and she told me that I could pick out one set of View-Master reels from the toy department.  In a moment of great prescience, I insisted that she buy me the DS View-Master reels!  

Of course, I was afraid to look at the things, so I made my brother look at them and provide me with a detailed description of each frame. Eventually, they became my favorites and over the years, I returned to them, long after outgrowing my other View-Master reels.

I'm happy to say I still have them.


Title: Re: MATURE Fan Question
Post by: ROBINV on February 16, 2003, 04:21:04 PM
I had my entire room plastered with Barnabas photos, and Quentin, too, when he first appeared, but Barn was my greatest DS love.  

I collected both sets of bubble gum cards and put together the gigantic posters on the back, painstakingly putting them together with Scotch tape and hanging them on my walls.  Sad to say, I didn't keep those, but I kept plenty of other items--magazines, Josette's music box, the records, comic books, gad, it goes on forever!  Plus I have been collecting more wonderful DS stuff from eBay and other places since 1996, when I decided to give my heart to DARK SHADOWS again--with the help of the internet!

I think I will always, to some degree, remain a DS fan.  It's in my blood and I can't shake free--nor do I want to!

Love, Robin