RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on January 29, 2003, 12:09:59 AM

Title: Robservations 1/29/03 - #786/787 - Edward Faces Barnabas
Post by: ROBINV on January 29, 2003, 12:09:59 AM
786 - (Nancy Barrett) - It is 1897, and a terrible curse afflicts a member of the great house of Collinwood. With each rising of the full moon, Quentin Collins becomes the wolf that walks like a man, with one desire--to kill. On this night, he comes to the Old House on the Collins estate, desperately seeking help from a mysterious gypsy relic that has the power to cure him--or destroy him.

Quentin, terrified, gazes down at the hand that Magda has placed on his heart, not knowing what will happen to him. Magda watches, in a different kind of agony. It isn't helping! cries Quentin--take away the hand! I have no control over it now, she says. It's moving, says Quentin, going for my throat--do something! The hand grows larger, reaching for Quentin, attacking him. Quentin screams. Suddenly, the hand disappears--the pain is gone. The hand DID help, declares Magda. No, says Quentin, the pain always stops before the transformation. Afraid, Magda holds up her pentagram to protect herself. Quentin morphs into the werewolf, losing all that height. He tries to attack Magda, but she fends him off with her pentagram, and he flees through the front door.

Collinwood - Charity enters with her father. She looks around with satisfaction as they enter the drawing room. "Your new home," he says--I hope you will be happy--I realize this is quite sudden, after your dear mother's passing. . . My mother never questioned your good judgment, says Charity, and I won't now, but I am concerned about the future of the school. Yes, I've thought about that a great deal, he says--you must bear in mind that my marriage to Judith carries with it certain burdens and responsibilities, not the least of which is the time-consuming management of this estate.
Meaning, she says, that you won't have time for Worthington Hall. I hope you understand, he says, but we must accept the changes Divine Providence imposes. She agrees. And then there was Minerva's fervent wish that YOU become a Collins, says Trask. (Where is Beth?) Yes, says Charity, I know. There's no rush, says Trask, but there's still one eligible bachelor in the family. Charity says, "Quentin." Yes, says Trask--irresponsible, but under the influence of your good character, I'm sure he will change his ways--you think him attractive, right? Oh, yes, agrees Charity. Trask puts an arm around her and says, "We will be very happy here." Trask goes to answer the door to Magda--I need to see Beth, she says. You will see no one in the house without my permission, he insists. Oh, Mr. Trask, exclaims Magda, it didn't take him long to become master of this house. Not long at all, he says, and one of my first duties concerns you--come into the drawing room--excuse us, Charity. I'm going out to say a prayer at my mother's grave, says the young woman--I made a vow to go there each day. Get back as soon as you can, says Trask.

Magda asks "Mr." Trask--what do we have to talk about? Very little, he says--I give you and Sandor 24 hours to pack up your gypsy belongings and get off this estate--if you aren't gone in 24 hours, I'll have the sheriff remove you forcibly.
Oh, she says--Mr. Trask, when you threaten people, don't do it from weakness. He smiles and says, I can prove to the sheriff you were helping Barnabas. True, she says, but I also have something to tell the sheriff--that I sold the deadly nightshade to Tim Shaw that killed your dead wife--the sheriff knows you supplied Tim with an alibi, and I don't care why you did it, but the sheriff will--do we understand each other? Yes, says Trask, infuriated at the blackmail, I believe we do--you can stay for the time being. Does I have your permission now to talk to Beth? asks Magda. Speak to anyone you like, he retorts, then get out of this house. She mock-curtseys and says, "Thank you!" After she leaves, he stabs the letter opener into the surface of the desk.

Charity, walking through the woods, hears rustling, then growling. The werewolf appears; she screams. It hovers on its favorite rock. Charity screams loudly and runs, the werewolf giving chase. Trask gazes at the portrait of Barnabas in the foyer. Magda comes from the servants' entrance. Beth wasn't in her room, she tells Trask--have you seen her this evening? No, says Trask curtly. If you do, asks Magda, tell her I'll come back later. They hear Charity screaming. Magda pulls open the door. The young woman races in, crashing into her father's arms. I saw the animal in the woods again, she cries. Trask assures her she's safe, but Charity insists no one is, with that creature loose. I'll have the police come, says Trask--it must be the same creature that attacked Judith. Magda offers to take Charity upstairs. Trask says it isn't necessary, but Magda insists the girl is frightened and needs the understanding of a woman. Trask says fine-- but see to it that she goes right to bed. Trask picks up the phone.

Lying in bed, drinking a cup of tea, Charity questions Magda about Quentin--he doesn't spend much time at home, does he? Why do you ask? queries Magda. I'm curious about everyone who lives here, says Charity. But about Quentin particularly? asks Magda--he was married once--his wife is dead. (She looks sad.) She takes out a pack of Tarot cards, and tells Charity, I can look into the future with them--I won't charge you anything. Charity, though reluctant, agrees. Magda sets up the cards on what looks like a bed tray. She shows her the card of The Force--it's a good sign, says Magda--if right is on your side, the events of your life will be mastered.. Charity likes this, and smiles. She flips over another card--The Moon! A bad card, says Magda, representing a secret revealed. Charity doesn't get that one. Magda flips the next card--The Lover, a card of marriage, inverted, meaning possible separation or infidelity. Uh oh! Both women don't like that one, either. The Tower of Destruction and the Hand of Man are the next cards, both inverted. Magda looks unhappy. There will be a man in Charity's life, very soon--and you will be very attracted to him, but you must stay away from him--he's bad, evil, destructive!
Charity looks really miserable.

A police officer opens a trap--one of several set up in the woods, he tells Trask--we're going to try to lure the creature into one of them, says the cop, and if I can, he won't get out! A wolf howls. Trask listens, a nasty grin on his face.

Collinwood - Magda comes downstairs. The front door opens, it's Trask. They haven't caught the creature, he says--be extremely careful and avoid the large bear traps the police have set up--they're well-concealed. Bear traps? asks Magda, alarmed. You seem shocked, he observes--are you concerned about the treatment of this vicious animal?--or do you know something about the creature, just as you knew about the vampire? She denies knowing anything. Your life would be more comfortable, he says, if you would help us find Barnabas Collins. She shakes her head and says--go upstairs and see you daughter--she needs you more than I do.

Charity sleeps, and dreams. She sees lights in a chandelier, hears Quentin's music. He's sitting in a chair, listening to his gramophone. She calls to him. He rises--I've been waiting for you, he says. She walks toward him, looking longingly at him. I missed you so much while you were away, she says. I missed you, too, he says. I don't want you to go away again, ever, begs Charity--I feel so lonely without you. Our destinies are guided by a strange wheel of fortune (I'll buy an E), pronounces Quentin--don't you remember Magda telling you that? Yes, says Charity, and I didn't understand it, but it frightened me. Me, too, says Q--many, many things frighten me, Charity--the strange wheel of fortune, the tower of destruction, and the moon, the most frightening of all. Why? she asks. It's a secret no one must know, he cautions--I don't think about it when I can see you and listen to my music--the music frees my soul, allows me to Dream--listen carefully, he says, and you will hear my dream. The music plays again. Quentin recites: Shadows of the night, falling silently, echo of the past, calling you to me. Haunting memories, veiled in misty glow, phantom melody, playing soft and low. In this world that we know now, life is here, then gone, but somewhere in the afterglow, love lives on and on. (They are looking lovingly at each other as he recites this.) Dreams of long ago, meet in rendezvous, shadows of the night, calling me to you. Quentin takes Charity's hands and kisses her, slowly, with great passion. They separate as the music finishes. It's beautiful, she whispers. Go upstairs and wait for me, he says--I'll be there in a while. She walks, then hears terrible growling. What's that sound? She asks. I only hear my music, insists Quentin. No, it's the animal that attacked me in the woods, she says. Quentin, sitting in his chair, lost in his music, bids her good night. The werewolf pops up right behind Quentin's chair. It's in the room with us! Cries Charity.
Peaceful and soothing, says Quentin, ignoring Charity as the werewolf comes closer and closer, even as she's begging for his help. She runs away. "The wheel of fortune spins, Charity," says Quentin from his chair. "You mustn't be frightened. Good night, my darling, good night. . .good night. . .good night." We see the chandelier that began the dream. Charity awakens in her bed, covering her pounding heart with her hand.

The policeman in the woods is attacked by the werewolf while setting up another trap. They struggle; the animal gets caught in the trap, crying out in pain as his foot is caught fast!

NOTES: Another weird and wonderful dream. Amazing how easily Charity, who is supposed to be such a good girl, switches gears with men--Tim, Barnabas, now Quentin. There was no attraction before, why now? Besides, that dream would sure scare me away from a guy, even there was high-voltage attraction!

I just love the way Magda blackmailed Trask into letting her and Sandor stay at Collinwood. Blackmail is such an ugly word, but aren't we glad she has something on him?

Too bad the hand didn't cure Quentin, but this relic is so unpredictable, who would want to take a chance, anyway? It evidently has a mind of its own, LOL!

787 - (Grayson Hall) - Barnabas Collins has returned to the past in order to save two lives in the present. One of the secrets he must unravel is a curse that was placed on the life of Quentin Collins, a curse that takes effect when the moon is full, and transforms him from a man into a beast with one desire--to kill. On this night, the wolf that is Quentin has been captured, and now he is in a jail cell, waiting out a dawn that will expose his secret to the world.

The Collinwood phone rings, Edward answers. It's the deputy, looking for Trask. He's with his daughter, says Edward. We caught the animal, explains the deputy, after quite a struggle--he's locked in a cell. I'll be there ASAP, he tells the deputy, and hangs up. The deputy goes to check on the werewolf, who tries to grab him, flailing his arms fruitlessly between the bars. The deputy wisely backs away.

Edward goes to the Old House, angrily knocking at the door. Magda checks to see who it is before admitting him. He's astounded--you are staying here after your involvement with Barnabas? "We gypsies do what we got to do," she says simply. Meaning that you know where he is, he says, and still trying to help him. Magda refuses to admit that. I think Barnabas must be paying you well for your loyalty, he says, but it won't do him any good--we'll find him as we found Dirk--I'm fully protected from him as long as I wear this (he shows her the cross) and wield this (his trusty pistol, loaded with silver). Barnabas must be found before you can use the gun, Magda reminds him. We found the other supernatural creature--the one wandering the woods, says Edward. Magda, uneasy, asks, where did they find this animal? He notes her concern and seems somewhat amused--do you know as much about it as Barnabas? (uh huh!) She refuses to answer. I don't think two supernatural creatures appearing at once at Collinwood is a coincidence, opines Edward--I'm sure you know about the wolfman as well as the vampire. I know nothing, maintains Magda. I might know something by morning, says Edward--lycanthrope isn't a foreign term to you, is it? She pronounces it slowly. It's a man who is turned into a wolf when the moon is full, says Edward--isn't that what we have here? I don't know, she says. I'm going to be there when this man chances back into human form at dawn, vows Edward. Where is he now? asks Magda. Safe behind bars at the jail, answers Edward. Magda licks her lips and remarks, I hope you won't be disappointed in the morning. I hope YOU won't be there by then to find out, says Edward--I want you gone from Collinwood by tomorrow, my orders, and I'll enforce it by the police, if necessary.
"And let the police know that one of the Collins family is a vampire?" asks Magda slyly, which makes Edward bloat up with anger. No, she says, you have too much family pride. Something you know nothing about, he retorts. Be angry at Mr. Trask, suggests Magda, because he invited us to stay. He hasn't the authority, thunders Edward--he isn't Collinwood's master. (Tell HIM that, Eddie.) Look again, advises Magda--"I think he is!" Edward promises to deal with the good Rev when he returns from town. Magda is grinning as he leaves, pleased--for a moment--she has worries, too, and looks out the window. Barnabas is there. It appears you had a busy night, he says. Much happened, she agrees. Much usually does, when left with you, he comments--tell me everything. She sits down and says, you've got to forgive me. For what--what did you do? asks Barnabas. Before Quentin went through the transformation, she explains, he begged me to get the hand to help him. That was forbidden, Barnabas reminds her. He was in such pain, she says, I felt so sorry for him... Tell me what happened, demands Barnabas. It had no effect at all, she says. How can she be so sure? Asks Barnabas. Because, she says, he still went through the transformation, turned into a werewolf, ran off, and. . .and was captured by the police--I tried to stop him, but I couldn't!
All right, all right, says Barn impatiently, let me worry about Quentin. He's in a cell at the jail, she explains, Edward's gone down to see him. There's still time for me to get there ahead of Edward, says Barnabas--go get the hand and put it somewhere before anyone else gets hold of it. She leaves. Barnabas' forehead is creased with dismay. Magda comes out and reports--the box isn't where I left it! Barnabas, furious, reminds her, you forgot Evan Hanley was in the house--for your sake, he warns, he'd better still be here! Barnabas goes down into the basement, calling to Evan--no answer. Magda is terribly upset. Barnabas returns upstairs--"He's gone, and probably took the hand with him." I'm sorry, she says. Not half as sorry as you will be if you don't get it back, threatens Barnabas. How can I do that? she asks. Go to where he lives and get it, Barn orders. But if he's in possession of the hand, I'm helpless, she protests. If anyone else is in possession of it, we are ALL helpless, points out Barn--go get it!--I will do what I can to free Quentin. He leaves.

Evan is staring at his horribly distorted face in a mirror at his home. He gazes out the window, then goes to his cluttered desk, where the hand sits in the box. There must be a way of undoing this, he tells the hand--"If you could speak, I'd wring the answer out of you!" he shouts at the hand. He puts it back down on the desk and raises a letter opener over it. He can't bring himself to stab it, however, and puts it back on the desk. He consults one of his books, finds nothing, looks in another--nothing. He angrily pushes some of the books onto the floor, then looks into the fire, banging his hand on the mantle. Someone knocks at the door. He hastily takes the hand and hides it in his desk, locking it and dropping the key in a desk drawer. It's Magda. He eagerly lets her in--what do you want from me? he asks. I didn't expect your recovery to be so quick, she says. "You call this a recovery?" he demands. You have your senses and function, she says. I'll never be able to function with this face, he protests, his voice distorted--what do you want?--you have no business here! You have something that doesn't belong to you, she says. I don't know what you're talking about, Evan lies. The books (?) you took from the Old House, she says. "The book?" he asks (good save, HAA). "The hand," she amends. "That wretched thing," he says--what would I want with it? To change your face back to the way it was before, she says. I don't know where it is, he maintains, and don't want to see it again! You're lying, she accuses--you're the only one who could have taken it. She notices all the scattered books. You obviously haven't found anything to help you, says Magda. Get out, he orders. I won't leave without recovering what I came for, insists Magda. I don't know where it is, says Evan. Unless you know how to use it, warns Magda, you won't have any success--but someone who understands the uses of its power could help you. And I suppose that someone would be you? he says. Perhaps, she says cagily. Oh, no, gypsy, he says, I trusted you once, and this is what you did to me. No, the hand did that to you, she says. It was under your control! he says. No, it isn't under anyone's control, we've seen it function twice--once for good, once for evil--it almost has a mind of its own. It did what YOU wanted it to do, accuses Evan, and you wanted this to happen to me! No, she insists, you were being greedy, wanting to use it for your own purposes; it had to stop you!
There is only one bargain I'll make with you, he says--restore my face, and I will give you the hand. Ah, then you're admitting to having it! she says. Yes, he says, but you will never see it again if I stay as I am. I need the hand to help you! she reminds him. I should try it myself until I find a way, he suggests. You'll be wasting your time, insists Magda. Perhaps, he says, clearly frustrated, but if I fail, I will seek you out some night and will use my two hands. He grabs her throat and finishes, "To choke you to death!" She struggles, pulling his hands off her throat. He pushes her away--get out and never come back, he orders. "You will change your mind, you will, when you find out how helpless you are!" cries Magda, and angrily leaves. Evan again checks his mangled face in the mirror.

Jail - he werewolf paces in the cell. The sound of odd, bat-like squeaking makes the deputy look outside. He sees nothing and returns to his seat at the desk. The door blows open, seemingly in the wind. The deputy looks outside, again sees nothing, and closes the door. He suddenly finds himself face to face with Barnabas. How did you in here? demands the deputy. Barnabas doesn't answer, but grabs the man by the throat and orders, "Listen carefully--I won't harm you unless you refuse to cooperate with me." What do you want? asks the deputy. "Look into my eyes," commands Barnabas--"Remain silent--and do exactly what I ask you to do." The deputy, mesmerized, understands. "After I'm gone," says Barnabas, "you'll have no memory of my ever having been here."--give me the keys to the cell in the other room. The deputy hands them over. Stand by the door, says Barnabas--wait there until after I leave. He enters the room containing the cell. The creature growls at him. Barnabas hears Edward's voice outside as he's unlocking the cell. Uh oh!

Barnabas goes out to where Edward is talking to the deputy. Edward shouts, "Barnabas!" and holds up his cross. Barnabas recoils, then grabs hold of the deputy, using him as a shield. Put away the gun, he warns Edward, unless you want to shoot my innocent captive first.
I was right, says Edward--you DO know about the creature. Yes, admits Barn, and I've come here to help him escape, but not for the reasons you think. I'm not interested in your reasons, says Edward. You should be, says Barn--they have everything to do with the future of the Collins family. How can you talk of the future? rants Edward--you're from the past, but for a foul bargain no doubt made with the devil himself you wouldn't be here now. "How little you know about me, Edward," says Barnabas, hurt. If my grandmother had lived a day longer, says Edward, I'd have known a great deal about you. In a way, I'm sorry she isn't living now, says Barnabas. This is hypocrisy, accuses Edward--I blame you for killing Edith to prevent her from telling the secret she'd held for so long. Untrue, says Barnabas--I wish there was some way I could make you understand. There isn't, Edward assures him, nor is there a way for you to help that creature in there--I intend to stay here until morning. "You will be sorry, Edward," predicts Barnabas. (And the way he said it tore at my heart.) In one breath, you say you wishes I could understand, then in the next, you threaten me, complains Edward. Not a threat, but a fact, says Barnabas--I'll let the man go if you put the pistol on the floor. And if I refuse? asks Edward. Don't make me do something we'll both regret, Barnabas asks him. Edward places the pistol down on the floor. "What you are," he says bitterly, "will never be a secret again--how long will you be able to lead this fugitive existence?--how long before we put you back in the grave where you belong?" Barnabas sadly responds, "I'm sure this isn't the last time we will meet each other, Edward." And the vampire disappears, leaving the deputy blinking, confused. Are you all right? asks Edward. Yes, the man says--who are you?--I don't remember you coming in. What do you remember? asks Edward. Sitting in my chair, getting up to close the door--but then I remember nothing. I'll try to explain it, promises Edward, and will stay with you until dawn--I'm very anxious to learn what happens to the creature in the cell, something you will understand all too clearly when the sun rises. The other man says, the sheriff might not want you in the back there. The sheriff doesn't realize what this animal is, says Edward--the creature in there is a supernatural being, and when dawn comes, a transformation will take place and turn into a man--the question is, what man? The werewolf prowls his cell restlessly.

Old House - 5 AM - We have both failed, Barnabas tells Magda--in a few moments, Edward will know Quentin's secret, and there's nothing we can do to prevent it. Then my mission has failed, says Magda. I don't see how it can mean anything else, he says--the events of this era will be changed by what Edward discovers, changing the future accordingly. Maybe, says Magda, you should return to your own time, before Edward learns about Quentin. "My own time," says Barnabas, "I hate that word. In every crisis I've ever experienced, time has been my worst enemy." The cock crows. Barnabas must return to the cave--time is running out. He leaves.

The werewolf bats at Edward through the bars, trying to claw him. Edward circles the cell, looking at it. "In a moment, the sun will be up," says Edward, "and I will know who you are." Suddenly, Edward's eyes widen. . .has he seen the creature turn into his very own brother?

NOTES: Poor, sad Barnabas, he never seems to get a break. He tries, but all his efforts are for naught. Sure, he screws up a lot, but it's never completely his fault--well, almost never. The scene between Edward and Barnabas at the jail was heart-wrenching. Barnabas is trying to save the future of the Collins family--of Edward's own grandchildren and great-grandchild! You can see how much Edward's words hurt Barnabas, and his coldness is hard for the vampire to bear.

I always loved this episode!

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Robservations 1/29/03 - #786¢â‚¬â€œ787 - Edward Faces Barnabas
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on January 30, 2003, 02:05:19 AM
Today's episodes were great.

I was flipping through the Dark Shadows Almanac and came across the landmarks section. The section said that in episode #786, Charity and Quentin sing "I Wanna Dance With You." Does this happen later on, instead of #786 as the book stated?