General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Patti Feinberg on January 17, 2003, 04:56:19 AM

Title: Magda Meets Topol
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 17, 2003, 04:56:19 AM
One afternoon, Magda:

into the Old House.

In there, she meets a stranger.

"Who are vyou?"

"Who am I ::) I am Yarmulke Collins. I am from the Eastern European Collinses."

Magda stares at him. "I do not trust a man with 'a' accent!", she hisses.

"I will curse you Yarmulke Collins!"

Yarmulke looks up at G-d.

"Curse me? HE has not seen fit to give me money, who am I to argue (shrugging shoulders)? HE has not thought it a great thing to give me sons, HE is good."

Magda tries to curse him, but no go.

Magda is pouring a potion into a drink..."Here YAR mule kay...drink this".

Yarmulke Collins says, "Oy, I cannot go home to my wife with drink on my lips."

"Besides woman...I cannot drink with you...TRADITION!!"

Magda is beside herself....who IS this man she cannot curse??

What is his power??

Title: Re: Magda Meets Topol
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 17, 2003, 11:37:11 PM
LOL, Patti, I LOVED this - it's so off the wall!  Whatever made you think of this?