General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Philippe Cordier on January 16, 2003, 07:00:22 AM

Title: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 16, 2003, 07:00:22 AM
I'm not sure if the moderators will view this as too off-topic, but here goes.

About a six-minute walk from where I live stands a stately house built in the early 1900s of gray stone, with many twists and turns in its architecture, including a large tower, and surrounded by a stone fence and gate.  A circular drive brings one up to the car port, and a few low steps up to the front doors, which are heavy ornately carved wood and thick cut leaded glass.  Across from the entrance is a fountain, and beyond this is spacious, two-story Tudor-style carriage house not visible from the street.

The home instantly reminded me of "Dark Shadows" the first time I saw it ... it seems to be a cross between Seaview Terrace and Lyndhurst's Gothic architecture.  I walk often at night and sometimes see a light in the second floor of the tower room, and speculate as to whom is locked within ...

I have taken pictures of the house on two occasions, and one of the moderators of this board has seen some of them.

Last week, for the first time in all my years of walking (slowly) past the house, I noticed a sign on the gate saying that an apartment on the estate was available.  My heart nearly skipped a beat -- this could be my chance -- a one and only chance in a lifetime -- to live at "Collinwood"!  I imagined what it would be like to actually live and breathe an atmosphere so reminiscent of Dark Shadows -- it would be as if the show were brought to life every day.

My call the next day was answered by one of the staff, who then made an appointment for me to see the apartment, which wasn't in the main house ("the one that looks like a castle") but in the carriage house.

The carriage house was no garret -- high cathedral ceilings, hardwood floors, a fireplace, balcony, a breathtaking view of the grounds from the second-floor bedroom.  And the rent was close to what I currently am paying for far more prosaic living quarters.

There were a couple of drawbacks, the primary one being that parking was limited to outdoors.  Also, since one section of "the mansion" (as the caretaker referred to it) had also been made into apartments, parking within the gates of the estate wasn't always available.

If this were California, that might not be a problem.  But having had the experience of parking outdoors through sub-zero winters and being dumped on by freezing ice and several feet of snow sometimes for weeks and months on end, I didn't know if I could trade my current more comfortable and convenient parking situation.  I said I would need to think about it.

I took an application, and after two nights of tossing and turning and discussing my tortured decision with anyone who would listen, I finally returned with my application two days later.  You guessed it -- the apartment was gone!  It had been snatched up in less than three days!

If I had another chance, would I have said yes immediately, as someone else seems to have done?  I'm not sure -- there are some very practical decisions that one must make when it comes to moving, and there were a couple of other aspects that wouldn't have been quite as convenient as my current situation.

So ... living in a dream world of Dark Shadows, or choosing practicality ... the dilemma still haunts me.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Mark Rainey on January 16, 2003, 08:09:06 AM
As painful as it might be, you probably made the right decision, Vlad. After a time, novelty wears off of anything and practical matters are what really become the most important. "Novelty" might not be quite the right word here; it sounds like a wonderful place and one you might be thrilled with for the long haul; but if parking and weather were to become a chronic problem, there might end up being some bitterness down the road. Then you'd be kicking yourself for having entertained such romantic notions.

Still... I think I'd have jumped on it. ;)

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Julianka7 on January 16, 2003, 08:21:00 AM
I would have done the same thing as you.
Going from having your car snow and ice free
to shivering and scraping it's windows in
my opinion is a big difference. And you also have
to think about what could happen to your car
if you had to park outside the gates.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: RingoCollins on January 16, 2003, 08:55:44 AM
There were a couple of drawbacks, the primary one being that parking was limited to outdoors.  

What about drawback features like:

a] no-lock doors
b] surprize visitors via secret passage
c]  occasional redecoration by zombies
d] moaning and crying sounds from basement
e] must play 'if I catch this one, Carolyn isn't dead'  with indoor winter rules

but if it came with a governess like TLATKLS....... [vryevl]
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 16, 2003, 05:37:56 PM

    I am sorry you did not get the apartment but who knows maybe it was for the best.  Perhaps, the apartment may become available again.
    I also have a "Collinwood" look-a-like in my neighborhood.  When I moved to Maine 14 years ago, I found it on a walk through my new neighborhood.  It had been abandoned by the family because of disputes about the inheritance.  The name of the property is The Gutmann estate.  It was finally sold in 1992 or 1993.  I have a very yellow newspaper article with pictures, if anyone is interested.  It would also be easy for me to take new photos.  
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Mark Rainey on January 16, 2003, 06:04:11 PM
What about drawback features like:
a] no-lock doors
b] surprize visitors via secret passage
c]  occasional redecoration by zombies
d] moaning and crying sounds from basement
e] must play 'if I catch this one, Carolyn isn't dead'  with indoor winter rules

Drawback features? If I could get stuff like this, you couldn't keep me out of there!

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Raineypark on January 16, 2003, 08:42:10 PM
Ringo Collins said:
What about drawback features like:  
a] no-lock doors  
b] surprize visitors via secret passage  
c]  occasional redecoration by zombies  
d] moaning and crying sounds from basement  
e] must play 'if I catch this one, Carolyn isn't dead'  with indoor winter rules

Mark Rainey said:
Drawback features? If I could get stuff like this, you couldn't keep me out of there!

Mark, I've read your short stories. I thought perhaps you ALREADY lived there! [nerv]

;) raineypark
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Mark Rainey on January 17, 2003, 01:05:09 AM
Mark, I've read your short stories. I thought perhaps you ALREADY lived there!

That's only the summer home. I'm pining for the stuff full-time.

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: kuanyin on January 17, 2003, 02:16:35 AM
Here's what I think, you balked for a reason and it is for the best. BUT, the next time you see a sign, there will be an apt. available in the mansion and it will be your dream come true.

Then you will buy a car cover and tough it out. Somewhat like those of us who bought a house, but couldn't afford a house with a garage, in spite of living in ice storm land.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 17, 2003, 06:33:58 AM
Thanks for listening, everyone -- and for your very sensible comments (I enjoyed the humorous ones, too).

This forum is as good as therapy -- and cheaper! :0

Julianka, you're right about concerns about parking on the street.  Although that is common within city limits here, car break-ins are also very, very common -- although this is an exclusive, well-maintained neighborhood, there are still break-ins and vandalism.

Onyx Treasure, I'm sure I wouldn't be alone in saying I'd love to see photos of the old estate you mention.  My reason for not attempting to post my photos (besides the fact that I don't have the capabilities) is the fact that this is a private residence -- that is something you may need to consider, too.

I do have one tiny correction (not that it matters to anyone but me):  I referred to a stone "fence," which sounds like something Colonial.  It is a stone wall.

Also, did I mention the 10- or 12-foot high, Gothic-arched tryptich of windows at the back of the mansion, on the second floor landing?

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Birdie on January 17, 2003, 04:41:43 PM
         I would have loved to have seen the "house".  The carraige house sounded so very beautiful.  Words of advise it just was not ment to be.  My Aunt lives in a carriage house and it is charming.  She sold the big house to her daughter,  Her daughter has made changes and it is not as beautiful as it was when my aunt lived in it.  
         I love old houses and tour them whenever possible.  My dream was to buy an old house and repair and restore it.  The sad thing is my pocketbook is not equal to the task.  Reality had to sink in

Take Care.
Birdie--think spring
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: jennifer on January 17, 2003, 05:17:52 PM
Vlad you made the right non move i moved into a nice apartment once with horrible parking that was across
the streetIt was a nightmare in the winter and i finally left!
some day you'll have both!
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 17, 2003, 08:13:58 PM

Onyx Treasure, I'm sure I wouldn't be alone in saying I'd love to see photos of the old estate you mention.  My reason for not attempting to post my photos (besides the fact that I don't have the capabilities) is the fact that this is a private residence -- that is something you may need to consider, too

    I have a newspaper article of the house with pictures, address, and asking price.  However, the house is now a private residence.  I know who lives there now but would never violate their privacy.  I would blank out the address.  This house is a local legend.  I heard through the neighborhood grapevine that it has been a money pit for the new owners.  I live in an old house so they have my sympathy.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Happybat on January 17, 2003, 09:58:23 PM

I'd love to see a picture of the house in question.  Not having a car, I would probably have snapped that baby up in an instant!  Where I live few people have garages, but that may be because here in New England the masses of snow and ice aren't quite as bad as they are further inland.  (Although that's hard to believe looking out the window today!)  What I see here are A LOT of people shoveling snow off their cars.  Ah, I can't tell you how liberating it is NOT to have a car!  Maybe it's the European in me.    

Anyway, I am sorry somebody beat you to that apartment, although in my experience, if you even feel slightly hesitant about taking it, it may be all for the best.  Maybe you'll live in the Big House one day!  In the meantime you can always learn if there is record of any ... ahem ... strange disturbances there!  [ghost]
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 18, 2003, 01:45:45 AM
Vlad, I also would love to see a pic of the house if you get the chance to post it! Sounds like you did the right thing by hesitating.  Scraping ice and snow off the car is quite the disagreeable task, esp. early in the morning.  I hated it so much it caused me to move south! And if you can't be sure your car is secure that wouldn't do much for your peace of mind - not to mention your wallet if anything were to happen to the car.  Keep your eyes open - just think - if something opens up in the big house you can move there.  Wouldn't you rather be up at the big house with Liz, Roger, Julia et al rather than at the carriage house with the ghost of vampire Dirk Wilkins?  [lghy]
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 18, 2003, 01:52:29 AM
Vlad, I also would love to see a pic of the house if you get the chance to post it! Sounds like you did the right thing by hesitating.  Scraping ice and snow off the car is quite the disagreeable task, esp. early in the morning.  I hated it so much it caused me to move south! And if you can't be sure your car is secure that wouldn't do much for your peace of mind - not to mention your wallet if anything were to happen to the car.  

There is a house in the town I grew up in called Ewing Manor.  It's open to the public and is owned by the local university.  I've often thought it resembled a smaller version of Collinwood/Seaview Terrace.  You can see it at:


But hey, keep your eyes open - just think - if something opens up in the big house maybe you can move there.  Wouldn't you rather be up at the big house with Liz, Roger, Julia etc. rather than down at the carriage house with the ghost of vampire Dirk Wilkins?  [lghy]
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on January 19, 2003, 05:48:37 AM

Drawback features? If I could get stuff like this, you couldn't keep me out of there!


Oh my God! How could you pass up such a great opportunity?  You probably would've only signed a one year lease anyway and if the parking is so terrible, you could've moved again.  I've spent years and years parking in Chicago winter's and it's only been the past 4 winters that I've had a garage.    I definitely would've gone for the atmosphere.  When this apartment becomes available again, take my advise and go for it.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: CastleBee on January 20, 2003, 08:52:50 PM
Hi Vlad! Loved your account of the house and apartment - how tempting! Like you, I would have really tossed and turned considering it - but admit it would be hard to give up a garage during those winter months...and you have it worse than I do up there in the frozen north.  I seriously doubt I'll ever have such an opportunity to own, rent or take an apartment in a great old place like that.  I'll just have to be satisfied doing the tour thing as much as possible.  Beautiful photo of that mansion BTW Cassandra. You grew up there - WOW!  Now how cool would it be to watch DS everyday in that great look-alike abode!
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 21, 2003, 05:27:28 PM
 Beautiful photo of that mansion BTW Cassandra. You grew up there - WOW!  Now how cool would it be to watch DS everyday in that great look-alike abode!

Just it case it wasn't clear - I didn't live in that house, although I certainly fantasized about it as a kid!  But I grew up about a mile from the mansion.  Never even realized that it looked like Collinwood until after I'd moved away from that town.  When I go back to visit now, I always have to do a drive-by!
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: CastleBee on January 21, 2003, 05:48:53 PM
Just it case it wasn't clear - I didn't live in that house, although I certainly fantasized about it as a kid!  But I grew up about a mile from the mansion.  

Ooops! I guess I fell into your fantasy for a minute - LOL!  Now see, I would have even settled for being as close as a mile away from a house like that as a kid.  All we had in my area at the time were suburban ranch-style homes...doesn't exactly inspire romantic visions of gothic splendor!  
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Midnite on January 21, 2003, 08:37:53 PM
There is a house in the town I grew up in called Ewing Manor.  It's open to the public and is owned by the local university.  I've often thought it resembled a smaller version of Collinwood/Seaview Terrace.  You can see it at:


Cassandra B, the resemblance is downright eerie!  I looked at some other views of the Ewing house and was surprised by how much more of it there is.
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 22, 2003, 12:45:05 AM
Yeah, it's weird, Midnite.  There IS a lot more to it than the 'Collinwood' front of the house, but curiously enough the house isn't that big - only has something like 20 rooms, IIRC. Think it was built around the same time as Seaview Terrace (1920's?), so I guess it's sorta the same thing on a much smaller scale - it's a knock-off of the Newport 'cottages.'

And I see they do weddings there.  Can you imagine the story title for some DS fanzine? "I got married in a designer knock-off gown at a Collinwood knock-off house!" [lghy]
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: RingoCollins on January 22, 2003, 09:30:44 AM
Yeah, it's weird, Midnite.  There IS a lot more to it than  Can you imagine the story title for some DS fanzine? "I got married in designer knock-off gown at a Collinwood knock-off house!" [lghy]

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: dom on January 22, 2003, 09:40:08 AM


Oo!I can't wait!

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 25, 2003, 01:45:26 AM
No, I'm not updating this to say there's been a change of plans and I am going to be moving into my local "Collinwood" after all.  (For one thing, I've since discovered that I have a one-year lease renewable each year that I can't get out of unless I pay $100 more each month for a different type of lease.  But don't get me started on rental property management's robbery of the working poor ... )

Cassandra Blair, the house/museum that you provided a link for is fantastic!  It really does look like Seaview Terrace, especially the way the round tower is nestled in there ... It looks more like the original Collinwood, whereas "my" Collinwood really does look more like a cross between the original and the movie version -- it's more gothic in architecture than Seaview Terrace, and also the great cut gray stones are similar to Lyndhurst.

The moderator has offered to put up a photo, but the ones said moderator has seen aren't as good as those I took later -- and I'm not sure where I have those newer ones.  Regardless, it is a private residence, and the owners might rightly view it as an invasion of privacy if they were to find out their home was pictured on the Web.

BTW, Castlebee, I've dug up your hot toddy recipe in light of the frigid temperatures of late!

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 25, 2003, 02:56:35 AM
BTW, Castlebee, I've dug up your hot toddy recipe in light of the frigid temperatures of late!

Oooooh, share please! [lick]  It was 7 degrees here in Georgia this morning!  
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 29, 2003, 09:15:16 AM
Oooooh, share please! [lick]  It was 7 degrees here in Georgia this morning!  

Cassandra Blair,

Please accept my apologies for taking so long getting this to you. It seems everyone has been feeling the cold (except for a few people out in California who are probably laughing at the rest of us living in the Arctic regions ...) ... Jennifer needed a charm, but a hot toddy can probably do the trick nearly as well.

I haven't heard back from Castlebee yet and as I felt I should get her permission before posting her recipe for "Castlebee's 1795 Collinwood Hot Toddy," ;) ... I checked my files and found just the thing for you in the meantime ...

Believe me, this WILL warm you up! It's an authentic Scottish recipe for a hot toddy (and for once I can't claim any ancestral connection ... no English, Welsh, Scotts, or Irish anywhere in my lineage, alas!) ...

Authentic Scottish Hot Toddy

In a saucepan, pour one-third cup Scotch whiskey.  Stir in 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.  Add several whole cloves. Heat gently, being careful not to evaporate the alcohol.

No, you don't add water. :)

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 31, 2003, 12:20:42 AM
Yikes!  That's one to warm the... er... "cockles" of your heart, eh?  ;)
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 31, 2003, 06:33:42 AM
I know a warming trend is now sweeping the country, but here's another Hot Toddy Recipe ... This one is from Castlebee.  Let's just call it ...

"Castlebee's 1795 Collinwood Hot Toddy."

Place a sugar cube in a punch cup and pour (nearly) boiling water to fill cup 2/3 full.

add 2 oz. (1/4 cup) brandy

Stir and decorate with a slice of lemon

Sprinkle nutmeg on top


P.S.  BTW, I went by that house last night, the one I wrote about at the start of this thread ... and there's a Realtor's sign ... the house is for sale!

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: jennifer on January 31, 2003, 08:56:54 AM
Vlad since now i have a rotten cold and sinusitis(ick what a headache i had earlier)
i'm trying that tommorrow night!
thanks again

it is suppose to 49 on Tues(laugh all you west coasters)
Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: dom on January 31, 2003, 09:03:14 AM
it is suppose to 49 on Tues(laugh all you west coasters)


Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on February 04, 2003, 02:02:00 AM
Vlad since now i have a rotten cold and sinusitis(ick what a headache i had earlier)
i'm trying that tommorrow night!
thanks again

it is suppose to 49 on Tues(laugh all you west coasters)

Jennifer -- Sorry to hear you're under the weather. If you think your sinuses are truly infected (rather than merely inflamed, etc.) you should see a doctor. Infection near the brain can have rare but serious contemplations.

-Dr. Vlad

BTW, you can actually use rum, brandy or whisky to make a hot toddy.

Title: Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
Post by: Philippe Cordier on February 04, 2003, 02:08:51 AM
Make that "complications."

Antibiotics could be called for.