General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Birdie on January 09, 2003, 04:26:07 AM

Title: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 09, 2003, 04:26:07 AM
Just have to say thank goodness for DS it has been a saving grace this week.  Can you believe it has snowed everyday!  I am seeing white everywhere.  My poor son home on semester break has become one with the shovel.  Bob, a girl at school told him he looked like Ben Affleck , do you think J. Lo would be interested. hehe.  Of course, I don't know if the girl was sober.  

I loved todays second episode.  It was so rewarding seeing Dirk lying there speechless and not mauling someone.  Glad to see Laura get a nice surprise, first the Barnster than Angie.  Barnabas was in great form today too.  

Thanks for letting me vent.  I guess I can gear up for yet more snow tomorrow.

Birdie--living in a winter wonderland looks pretty but would rather be some place warm
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 09, 2003, 04:33:10 AM
Just have to say thank goodness for DS it has been a saving grace this week.  Can you believe it has snowed everyday!  

Birdie--living in a winter wonderland looks pretty but would rather be some place warm


Patti...who's also sickof cleaning off the car (h-e-l-l-o? I've gotta lug a baby/baby bag, etc, etc!!)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 09, 2003, 05:18:33 AM
Im sick of ICE we have about 2 inches of snow and 4 inches of ICE!
i love DS at it's new time my daughter goes to school at 7;30 am my son at 8:30 so i pop in a tape and come home to it at 9:00am. at 11 am i was always forgetting to tape it!! How many more days until the awful Amanda
ICK..........now she is as bad as ICE!

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Raineypark on January 09, 2003, 07:15:01 AM
It can stay cold till May for all I care....but I've had enough of this "2-inches of snow on top of 1 inch of ice" crap.  Either snow enough to make them close the schools, or quit altogether so they stay open.  These 2-hour delayed openings just blow the whole day to hell!!

I'm also heartily sick of having to chase the demented Siberian around the yard, trying to get her back in the house, because 11 is just too damned old to be romping in the snow like a puppy!!

>:(  Raineypark
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 09, 2003, 07:57:11 AM
We have no snow on the ground in a state noted for lots of snow (and extremely cold weather -- but it's also been in the 50s the last couple of days!

Can't last for long, though.  Am trying to brace myself for an Arctic blast.

March is a great month for blizzards.

I liked how in Mark Rainey's online novel how he realistically included snow in the story.
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 09, 2003, 09:40:48 AM
Ya know, we've been getting quite a bit of snow (at least for central Jersey), but it doesn't stick around -- just keeps melting and turning everything into a muddy mess.

Barnabas was in great form today too.

I thought he was too - particularly with Laura (God, I can't stand her).  He seems to really get into the scenes where he's playing one-upmanship with somebody.

I'm also heartily sick of having to chase the demented Siberian around the yard, trying to get her back in the house, because 11 is just too damned old to be romping in the snow like a puppy!!

YEAH!!  I am ALSO sick of having to chase the demented husband around the yard, trying to get him back into the house, and into some clothes.  Because 50 is just too damned old to be romping naked in the mud!!

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Cassandra on January 09, 2003, 11:27:46 AM
Birdie Wrote:
Can you believe it has snowed everyday!  I am seeing white everywhere.  

Birdie, Im with you on this!  Last Winter we had only one day of snow but it's sure making up for it this year!! Im sick of shoveling it, cleaning off the car, trying to walk in it and just plain sick of seeing it!!   And don't you just love how they portray snow on TV shows?  Everyone's walking around in it like they're on cloud nine without a care in the world.  And speaking of JLO, did you see her new music video yet? She's walking around in the snow wearing high heel boots with a mini skirt on!  If that were me I'd be flat on my you know what in no time!


YEAH!!  I am ALSO sick of having to chase the demented husband around the yard, trying to get him back into the house, and into some clothes.  Because 50 is just too damned old to be romping naked in the mud!!

LOL!!  Connie, I guess if he could survive a Hot Air Balloon ride he can survive anything! ;-)  Hey, what ever happened with that anyway?  You never said anything about it after that and I was wondering if he liked it?

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 09, 2003, 03:16:00 PM
LOL!!  Connie, I guess if he could survive a Hot Air Balloon ride he can survive anything! ;-)  Hey, what ever happened with that anyway?  You never said anything about it after that and I was wondering if he liked it?

Cassandra...  [wavey]

He never went!  Each weekend it kept getting postponed because of weather conditions -- all the way up to Thanksgiving.  Since they don't do the rides after Thanksgiving, he now has to wait until Spring.

Oy vey...
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Gothick on January 09, 2003, 07:34:37 PM
Connie dear, I'm screaming at the thought of your husband romping naked out in the snow in the back yard!  My dear, whatever will the neighbors think?  

Jennifer, I think we need to build a roaring fire and invite Chris Jennings over to huggle and snuggle!  Gothick's solution to a snowy winter's eve!

Raineypark, haven't you learned yet that some of us old dogs still think we're puppies in the bizarre inner recesses of our own minds.  Oh well, only 3 weeks to go till Imbolc.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Raineypark on January 09, 2003, 08:13:07 PM
Raineypark, haven't you learned yet that some of us old dogs still think we're puppies in the bizarre inner recesses of our own minds.  Oh well, only 3 weeks to go till Imbolc.

Well, my husband would be easier to CATCH than the lunatic bitch (in the canine sense....[lghy] ) who can still run like the wind....until she suddenly remembers she's OLD and collapses in a heap on the floor where, I assume, she dreams of Iditarod's never run.

Truthfully, I'm so terrified of loosing her I'm becoming obsessive about her health, which is actually pretty good for her advanced age......but still....she's my companion...........:-/

Imbolc!!!......Goddess....I've still got Yule objects all over the place.  BTW Steve, my Dorset Press Witch's Calendar has no listing in January for Lupercalia.  Should I sue?  ;)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 09, 2003, 09:43:04 PM

Jennifer, I think we need to build a roaring fire and invite Chris Jennings over to huggle and snuggle!  Gothick's solution to a snowy winter's eve!


such thoughts steve and a perfect solution instead i have to go to work and hear The MDs ranting about the
new OR scheduling and how it affects their poor lives!
Get me a hot toddy!
Connie still laughing at the thought of your husband!!
Luckily he didn't fall Fancy calling 911!(and i hate Laura
too doen't she look a lot older than Quentin meow,meow!)
to the mines of Cambridge now!! Logan and Tahti are too far are they????

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: franimal on January 09, 2003, 10:58:11 PM
Ya know, we've been getting quite a bit of snow (at least for central Jersey), but it doesn't stick around -- just keeps melting and turning everything into a muddy mess.

YEAH!!  I am ALSO sick of having to chase the demented husband around the yard, trying to get him back into the house, and into some clothes.  Because 50 is just too damned old to be romping naked in the mud!!


Hey Connie -  

Central Jersey????  Anywhere near East Windsor?  'Cause I just may have to get a look at that!!!!! :o



Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 09, 2003, 11:40:18 PM

Hey Connie -  

Central Jersey????  Anywhere near East Windsor?  'Cause I just may have to get a look at that!!!!! :o



I'm closer than Connie  :P (I'm 5 minutes away, down Rte 130)
(notice Patti...telling a stranger where she lives)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 10, 2003, 12:59:50 AM
East Windsor that sounds familar is that anywhere near Flemington?  My sister lives there.  

I hate Laura too!!  Burn, baby, burn...

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 10, 2003, 01:06:22 AM
Central Jersey????  Anywhere near East Windsor?  'Cause I just may have to get a look at that!!!!! :o

Yep - maybe about 15 minutes.  Just go down 130 past the 3 farmers markets on your left, then take the turn-off for Rt. 33 and follow the signs for Mud Romping.

-CLC  ;)

Ya know what's sad?  I'd never be able to get him to do that in a million years!  What a bore.  [sleep]
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Afan on January 10, 2003, 04:05:04 AM
Please send a snowball at least to sunny Georgia.  It is usually in the 30's in the winter, but very little snow. When we get hit, it is with a MAJOR icestorm that sends us all into a tizzy.  Afan
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Cassandra on January 10, 2003, 11:40:44 AM

Cassandra...  [wavey]

He never went!  Each weekend it kept getting postponed because of weather conditions -- all the way up to Thanksgiving.  Since they don't do the rides after Thanksgiving, he now has to wait until Spring.

Oy vey...

He never went??  Well at least this was a relief for you. Maybe by the Springtime, he'll forget all about it! (you hope) ;-)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 10, 2003, 01:25:16 PM
East Windsor that sounds familar is that anywhere near Flemington?  My sister lives there.

Hmm...not real close.  About 45 minutes away I think.  

I hate Laura too!!  Burn, baby, burn...

Ah.....she's gone.  What a relief.  Phew!
(Don't think I've ever been so bored by anybody in my life)  LOL
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 10, 2003, 01:30:32 PM
He never went??  Well at least this was a relief for you. Maybe by the Springtime, he'll forget all about it! (you hope) ;-)

LOL - not a chance.  He never forgets about anything.
(except me, on occasion)
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Happybat on January 10, 2003, 07:09:39 PM
Just have to say thank goodness for DS it has been a saving grace this week.  Can you believe it has snowed everyday!  I am seeing white everywhere.  Birdie--living in a winter wonderland looks pretty but would rather be some place warm

Yes, isn't it something?  The last time we had this much snow was the winter of 95/96, which was even worse.  One good thing about renting as opposed to owning is that you don't have to shovel snow; at least I don't (she says with glee!!)

But the snow is very pretty.  Yesterday I had a day off from work and took a nice long walk to the Old North Bridge (of first shot fame), which was white and lovely and not cold at all.  And would you believe I was the ONLY one there?  Just some ducks by the frozen rivers edge and me.  Wish I had brought my camera!

Yes, it was also nice seeing the evil Laura perish in flame.  That "aging" makeup was quite awful though.  Love Angelique's green gown, although in 1897 it would have been more than 10 years out of style.  

Warm shadows to everyone!  [wavey]

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: RingoCollins on January 10, 2003, 08:32:43 PM
Please send a snowball at least to sunny Georgia.  It is usually in the 30's in the winter, but very little snow. When we get hit, it is with a MAJOR icestorm that sends us all into a tizzy.  Afan

Are you crazy, AFAN?  Let'em keep that white crappola!  The winter of '79 I was living in Virginia, and in a two week period, I was [a]  rear-ended [in my car] by a station wagon full of nuns, who got out and promptly started giving me 'pamphlets' to make everything alright slid sideways into a schoolbus full of kids and [c] did a complete 360 on the freeway in a 4-wheel drive vehicle [before they called them Satan's Utility Vehicles]  I wasn't driving, and the guy who was kinda freaked, made me drive, and I put the Jeep in the ditch - twice - before we got home, 5 hours and two tow truck bills later!  I decided that night to move to where 'winter' was scraping my windshield twice a year, the high forties was a winter blast, and a heavy frost paralyzed the city!  Its 51 here right now - where's my fuzzy houseshoes???

Snow -schmoe! [unless TLATKLS keeps my toes warm!]
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Carol on January 10, 2003, 09:00:08 PM
Are you crazy, AFAN?  Let'em keep that white crappola!  The winter of '79 I was living in Virginia, and in a two week period, I was [a]  rear-ended [in my car] by a station wagon full of nuns, who got out and promptly started giving me 'pamphlets' to make everything alright slid sideways into a schoolbus full of kids and [c] did a complete 360 on the freeway in a 4-wheel drive vehicle [before they called them Satan's Utility Vehicles]  I wasn't driving, and the guy who was kinda freaked, made me drive, and I put the Jeep in the ditch - twice - before we got home, 5 hours and two tow truck bills later!  I decided that night to move to where 'winter' was scraping my windshield twice a year, the high forties was a winter blast, and a heavy frost paralyzed the city!  Its 51 here right now - where's my fuzzy houseshoes??? Snow -schmoe! [unless TLATKLS keeps my toes warm!]

WOW! You gave an accurate description of life in the Northeast. The older I get, the more I hate it--and I was born and raised in upstate NY.  It isn't funny when you're left without power for hours(sometimes days) because a car hit a power pole or an icy limb fell on the wires.
I'm hoping that as soon our daughter graduates from college some day, we'll be able to hit the road for Sin/Sun City Vegas!!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Midnite on January 10, 2003, 09:04:34 PM
But the snow is very pretty.

Just one question...

What's snow?

:::ducking for cover:::
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 10, 2003, 09:10:26 PM
Nobody has lived until they have done a complete spin around on the street or driveway {this morning} and lived to tell.  You wonder why I am nuts, I have two college kids driving in this crap.  

Hey, anyone interested in a sledding party in my back yard!  Just watch out for the pool.  Hot coco and brandy will be offered.  

Midnite, we would be happy to introduce you to snow.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Nancy on January 10, 2003, 09:33:59 PM
Nobody has lived until they have done a complete spin around on the street or driveway {this morning} and lived to tell.  You wonder why I am nuts, I have two college kids driving in this crap.  


Biridie, I imagine you would be horrified to know that I actually love  going into an empty parking and deliberately spinning the car on the slick surface . . driving then hitting the brake suddenly.

Of course, there is lot less to fear in an empty parking lot when you are doing some silly stunt deliberately as opposed to doing the stunt unintentionally and with other cars and trees nearby.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: franimal on January 10, 2003, 09:35:05 PM

I'm closer than Connie  :P (I'm 5 minutes away, down Rte 130)
(notice Patti...telling a stranger where she lives)


Not a stranger -  Franimal from the DS Forum  ;)  

I'm between 33 & 130 - or actually between the Hightstown fire dept and 130.  Along that road - am I good with directions or what :P
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 10, 2003, 09:53:03 PM

Just one question...

What's snow?

:::ducking for cover:::

    Go to Disneyland and get on the ride "Its a Small World".  They have a sweet and corny version of snow complete with squeeky electronic Eskimo children.  When you exit the ride, you step back into beautiful California weather.  From a former California girl who now lives in Maine.
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Carol on January 10, 2003, 10:40:14 PM
Birdie, I imagine you would be horrified to know that I actually love  going into an empty parking and deliberately spinning the car on the slick surface . . driving then hitting the brake suddenly.
Of course, there is lot less to fear in an empty parking lot when you are doing some silly stunt deliberately as opposed to doing the stunt unintentionally and with other cars and trees nearby. Nancy
Would you believe that is exactly how my father taught me when he was explaining the "turn the wheel into a skid" lesson.  Empty parking lots were excellent on learning how to control & steer a car on ice & snow. Either that or head toward a snowbank!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Cassandra on January 11, 2003, 12:05:06 AM
Carol Wrote:

I'm hoping that as soon our daughter graduates from college some day, we'll be able to hit the road for Sin/Sun City Vegas!!

I hear ya Carol!!!  Im sick of this white crap! Not to mention that black ice that you got to watch out for too! The snow may look pretty when it first comes down but give me the Spring flowers anyday!! They are a heck of alot prettier for me to look at!!

Yes, Las Vegas sounds good,  no humidity!!! [thumb] and dry heat & sun!  Sounds like heaven to me! :-)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Afan on January 11, 2003, 02:59:02 AM
I'm sorry, I get carried away sometimes.  I know that some of you folks get too much snow.  I guess the snow just looks brighter on the "other side".  Have always wanted to be snowed in in a cozy place with warm fire and a hot toddy.  We have had to take refuge with others when we lost power because of the severe ice storms we sometimes get.  They are pretty to look at but deadly.  Snow seems so much more friendly.  Oh, well guess I belong in the west wing away from all "normal folk" who do not like snow.  Forget sending the snowball.  Love Afan
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 11, 2003, 03:48:35 AM
Carol, the local drivers Ed.  has a course that they have the kids complete.  It is called "Skid School".  They have to pass it along with the regular drivers ed. stuff.  Afterward the kids get a T-shirt.  Retired State Troopers usually teach it.

Birdie-- I of course had to learn in the family tank going down 122, don't step on the brakes...
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 11, 2003, 04:23:47 AM

Are you crazy, AFAN?  Let'em keep that white crappola!  The winter of '79 I was living in Virginia, and in a two week period, I was [a]  rear-ended [in my car] by a station wagon full of nuns, who got out and promptly started giving me 'pamphlets' to make everything alright slid sideways into a schoolbus full of kids and [c] did a complete 360 on the freeway in a 4-wheel drive vehicle [before they called them Satan's Utility Vehicles]  I wasn't driving, and the guy who was kinda freaked, made me drive, and I put the Jeep in the ditch - twice - before we got home, 5 hours and two tow truck bills later!  I decided that night to move to where 'winter' was scraping my windshield twice a year, the high forties was a winter blast, and a heavy frost paralyzed the city!  Its 51 here right now - where's my fuzzy houseshoes???

Snow -schmoe! [unless TLATKLS keeps my toes warm!]

sending snow balls both to Afan and rRngo
iF ONE MORE SUV GETS ON MY TAIL YOU ARE GOING TO SEE ME ON CNN!(satan's vechicles that's pretty funny!!)
and Midnite snow is what you can't wear shoes in!hate boots at least nsnow boots!
Nancy i've been done that same thing HeeHee!
birdie pour a hot toddy for me!

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Carol on January 11, 2003, 04:31:30 AM
Carol, the local drivers Ed.  has a course that they have the kids complete.  It is called "Skid School".  They have to pass it along with the regular drivers ed. stuff.  Afterward the kids get a T-shirt.  Retired State Troopers usually teach it.

I wish we had that program here. At my daughter's school, it depended upon when you signed up and how many were ahead of you that still had to take the course. She learned in the spring while others had the advantage of winter driving.

Birdie-- I of course had to learn in the family tank going down 122, don't step on the brakes...

My father's tank was an Oldsmobile 98(just loved that car!). Foot off the brake, light on the gas and steer, baby, steer!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: ROBINV on January 12, 2003, 04:17:08 PM



As for you, Midnite, you'd better duck for cover.  A snowball is heading right for your boastful little head!

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 13, 2003, 07:35:34 AM



As for you, Midnite, you'd better duck for cover.  A snowball is heading right for your boastful little head!

Love, Robin

i just thinking as i watched the weather and saw
the frigid weather predicted for this week I better be careful what i wish for next time as when we had that LONG run of 100 degree days this summer i said i would trade it for a cold spell in the winter! Bring back the Heat
[sun] i'm with you Robin! spring can't come fast enough
and i hate wishing time away! must be getting old!
Long to wear shoes again(don't rub it in Midnite ) LOL

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Raineypark on January 13, 2003, 06:25:09 PM
NO! NO! NO!!!

No rushing the seasons!!  I politely endure the hell of summer for the glory of autumn and I'm content to wait out winter patiently for the joy of spring (and the eternal return of the planting season!!)

Purely by luck we spent that horrible week of heat on Cape Cod last year.  Never even turned the fans on, the on-shore breeze was so constant.  At home, however, our dog-sitter was instructed to keep the air conditioning on high round the clock so the poor elderly Siberian wouldn't die of heat-stroke!! ::)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 13, 2003, 11:59:22 PM
Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow!

I was back East (Jersey & New York) this past week and it snowed everyday but two and I was in my glory. I love snow, from non-stick to umpteen feet. I love driving in it, shoveling it, walking (sometimes naked, lol) in it, and watching it fall delicately to the ground. I love the crunch of it beneath my shoes and even the way it stings my eyes causing me to squint when the wind blows. And the quiet treble-less world it creates.

On another (but similar) note, I see snow as my Dad's gift to me. He passed away a few years ago. Whenever I go back east during the winter months I always hope for snow. The week of his funeral I had hoped for snow and on my last day in town we got snow flurries and I interpreted it as a gift from my Dad.

Dom (fighting the harsh 63 degree weather here in sunny California in shorts and a t-shirt, Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...)
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 14, 2003, 06:35:51 AM
I'm with Ringo, but it was enjoyable to hear everyone's horror stories about driving in the winter.  I have my own I could tell, but I don't care to relive them, thank you.

I've been in cold wintry climates all my life except for two blessed years in California, and I still can't get used to the winter.  I suppose I loved it as a kid, but the older I get, the less I can stand it.

Still only bare ground here in the North, but the temp dropped 50 degrees last week, so we're enjoying things at around 0 Farenheit.

This will play into an off-topic post I hope to make when I have time, about how "I nearly moved to Collinwood."  Sorry for being so elliptical, but I'll tell my tale soon ...

Not sure if it will be too off-topic for the forum, but it does relate to DS, to a degree ... (pun was a happy coincidence!)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Cassandra on January 14, 2003, 12:50:27 PM
Dom Wrote:

I was back East (Jersey & New York) this past week and it snowed everyday but two and I was in my glory. I love snow, from non-stick to umpteen feet. I love driving in it, shoveling it,

YOU LOVE SHOVELING IT??!  Well now I only wish I knew you were in N.Y. because I'd certainly invite you over here had I known how much you enjoy shoveling snow!! ;-)


(On another (but similar) note, I see snow as my Dad's gift to me. He passed away a few years ago. Whenever I go back east during the winter months I always hope for snow. The week of his funeral I had hoped for snow and on my last day in town we got snow flurries and I interpreted it as a gift from my Dad.  

Awww, that is so sweet Dom. I love how you think.
Im sorry to hear about your dad. Perhaps this is his way of giving something to you after his passing.

P.S. Welcome back!!:-)

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Nancy on January 14, 2003, 04:52:56 PM
Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow!

I was back East (Jersey & New York) this past week and it snowed everyday but two and I was in my glory. I love snow, from non-stick to umpteen feet. I love driving in it, shoveling it, walking (sometimes naked, lol) in it, and watching it fall delicately to the ground. I love the crunch of it beneath my shoes and even the way it stings my eyes causing me to squint when the wind blows. And the quiet treble-less world it creates.

Dom, I live in the Northeast corridor and I love the snow.  I don't mind driving in it at all and I don't even mind the shoveling.  It's good exercise, and perfectly safe when you know how to use your legs and not your back when shoveling  About two weeks ago, a predicted two inch snow storm turned into five and it was gorgeous.  The soft quiet the scene generates - just beautiful.  I like ice storms though they can be very destructive, and they are definitely not safe to drive in.  However, the aftermath of an ice storm is beautiful to look at.  I think I am going to get my wish this winter and have a few good snow storms.   Our previous winters have been pretty mild.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 14, 2003, 11:17:24 PM
Dom Wrote:

YOU LOVE SHOVELING IT??!  Well now I only wish I knew you were in N.Y. because I'd certainly invite you over here had I known how much you enjoy shoveling snow!! ;-)

I remember being snowed in at my aunt's (coincidentally, Casssandra) in the Bronx during one those infamous 12 inch snow storms to blow through the city in the sixties (or was it the seventies?). I remember we were watching Ed Sullivan and he announced on the show that the storm had dropped twelve inches of snow on the city (bringing it to a standstill). Anyway, I remember the old men in the household readying to shovel the snow with a few shots of whiskey. Then as each got too chilled to shovel, they'd come in for another shot and maybe a meatball or two my aunt would be cooking for that day's early dinner. So if you got a bottle and meatballs cooking the next time it snows, Cassandra - I'm there!!! Oh, and you'll have to put up with some snowball throwing and snowman building...Snow always makes me feel like a kid again, I love it.

Awww, that is so sweet Dom. I love how you think.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Perhaps this is his way of giving something to you after his passing.

P.S. Welcome back!!:-)


That's exactly the way I think of it, Cassandra. It's a very spiritual (for lack of a better word) experience for me when it snows. And thanks for the welcome back.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 14, 2003, 11:20:09 PM

Dom, I live in the Northeast corridor and I love the snow.  I don't mind driving in it at all and I don't even mind the shoveling.  It's good exercise, and perfectly safe when you know how to use your legs and not your back when shoveling  About two weeks ago, a predicted two inch snow storm turned into five and it was gorgeous.  The soft quiet the scene generates - just beautiful.  I like ice storms though they can be very destructive, and they are definitely not safe to drive in.  However, the aftermath of an ice storm is beautiful to look at.  I think I am going to get my wish this winter and have a few good snow storms.   Our previous winters have been pretty mild.

Nancy, I think we must have been roommates in a past life, or perhaps we will be in the next.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 15, 2003, 06:27:59 AM
Dom, my son will gladly share the shovel with you.  

Birdie--who can't imagine living anywhere else but New England, but who know?
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 15, 2003, 08:58:20 AM
Dom, my son will gladly share the shovel with you.  

Birdie--who can't imagine living anywhere else but New England, but who know?

Cassandra, you better get another pound of ground beef! :)


PS - And if Birdie's son is over 21, another bottle...
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 15, 2003, 09:28:33 AM
Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow!

I was back East (Jersey & New York) this past week and it snowed everyday but two and I was in my glory. I love snow, from non-stick to umpteen feet. I love driving in it, shoveling it, walking (sometimes naked, lol) in it, and watching it fall delicately to the ground. I love the crunch of it beneath my shoes and even the way it stings my eyes causing me to squint when the wind blows. And the quiet treble-less world it create

Dom (fighting the harsh 63 degree weather here in sunny California in shorts and a t-shirt, Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...)

Bring on summer! And things you can do with shoes on!
you wear BOOTS in snow , not shoes(at least not mine
and I hate boots!)

going to Tahiti at least in her mind if it snows again i'.m not leaving this house until spring!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Cassandra on January 15, 2003, 12:01:34 PM
Jennifer Wrote"

Bring on summer! And things you can do with shoes on!

I hear ya!  Only I'd rather be wearing my sandles, shorts & tank tops!  Hate these coats too! I feel like the Abominal snowman over here!


Cassandra, you better get another pound of ground beef! :)

Sure dom! Coming from an Italian family the more the merrier!  ;-)


Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 16, 2003, 05:59:49 AM
Jennifer, I bought sandles the other day.  I was being very hopeful.

Dom, my son with be 21 on the 12th of Feb.  Can't believe it.  How did I get this old with a kid that is going to be legal?  He goes back to school in a week, so the second crew will be put to work.  MInd you I don't think he has had a drink yet. Hehe.  I didn't either till I was legal.  If you believe that I have some land for sale.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 16, 2003, 10:49:37 AM
Jennifer, I bought sandles the other day.  I was being very hopeful.

Dom, my son with be 21 on the 12th of Feb.  Can't believe it.  How did I get this old with a kid that is going to be legal?  He goes back to school in a week, so the second crew will be put to work.  MInd you I don't think he has had a drink yet. Hehe.  I didn't either till I was legal.  If you believe that I have some land for sale.


Girl, are you in for it. Once they turn 21 you start aging in dog years! :)

Dom (woof woof)
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 16, 2003, 04:21:04 PM
Dom. thanks for the kind words.  I think I will go buy  some anti-age cream, hair dye, or perhaps have my portait painted.  Do you know any artists?   Or should I invest in a cane or walker?  I feel the grey brain cells dying as I type.

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: RingoCollins on January 16, 2003, 05:15:23 PM
Please send a snowball at least to sunny Georgia.  

WELL, thanks ALOT, AFAN! ;) ;)

They just predicted ice and snow for this afternoon for the Atlanta area, so all the bread will be gone off the store shelves, the milk and sugar, too!  And I will probably have to put clothes on, sometime today!

I gotta go check the tequila supply!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: dom on January 16, 2003, 05:29:30 PM
Birdie, my kids are 27 & 25. The only time I feel my age is when I visit them.

Forget the creams and dyes and portrait! I use magic mirrors, they're fabulous. I don't notice the middle age spread, gray hairs, or the balding, lol. Now if I could only figure out how to ignore the old age grunts - can't get out of bed, up off my knees (quit giggling, Midnite! ;)), or out of my car without making all kinds of straining noises. :)

What a drag it is getting old,
Rolling Stone Dom

PS - All my in-laws are my parents age, that helps too! ;)
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Afan on January 17, 2003, 04:32:41 AM
[hello][hello][hello]  Dear Ringo,

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 17, 2003, 04:45:45 AM

Biridie, I imagine you would be horrified to know that I actually love  going into an empty parking and deliberately spinning the car on the slick surface . . driving then hitting the brake suddenly.

Of course, there is lot less to fear in an empty parking lot when you are doing some silly stunt deliberately as opposed to doing the stunt unintentionally and with other cars and trees nearby.


Me Too! (With emphasis on driveway/no other cars).

Got a new car 2 years ago, and it's been very mild winters here last two  years. Don't really like the handling and having a  :) baby in the back (in addition to the two snots/oops I mean daughters) really tightens the screws.

Birdie...winter of 93-94...going SLOW (yep, I'm one of those annoying 5 mph people) down the road...360!

white knuckle fever

The sick, funny, ironic [puke] thing is, since Birdie posted this 1 1/2 weeks ago....IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW AGAIN TONIGHT....NOT MUCH...JUST ENOUGH TO MAKE IT SLIPPERY AND CLEAN THE *&^*((*&%$#$ CAR IN THE A.M.!!!

Patti...who's in Articville (for those of you in C A L I F., that means waaaaayyyy below  32' FARENHEIT!!!!)
what's it gonna be..well, right now, 8:44pm est, its 26' accoring to WeatherBug).
Do y'all have the Weatherbug installed on your computer?

au revoir,

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Connie on January 17, 2003, 05:54:41 AM

Just a little south of Patti in Arcticville, it's 9:55, 24 degrees, and snowing.  
What you end up with, is kids wondering if the roads will be slippery enough to close school, or if there will just be a delayed opening.  I'm tired of this.

Has anyone noticed the size of this thread???   LOL
And it all about the weather!

-CLC  ;)

Heard it was 80 in So. California today.  I think I'll move.
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Patti Feinberg on January 18, 2003, 03:08:26 AM
For those of us in good 'ole New Joisey, its gonna be

[size=64]ZERO[/size] degrees tonight....and yeah, we had more snow last night.

Help Jesus¢â‚¬ 

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: jennifer on January 18, 2003, 10:34:44 AM
For those of us in good 'ole New Joisey, its gonna be

[size=64]ZERO[/size] degrees tonight....and yeah, we had more snow last night.

Help Jesus†


just got out of work (yes at 2 am  they trying to KILL us
as i work 4-12 am) it is so  COLD out there that i felt like i was driving home in an igloo! I think a million people fell this week in The Boston area and broke an ankle!
Thank God for Morphine was the Chant tonight.


Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Carol on January 18, 2003, 04:28:23 PM
Temp right now is:

                - 9 with a wind chill factor of - 15

Western NY(Oswego area) got hit with a lake effect snowstorm the other day & was left with 40!!!!!!!!!
inches of snow in ONE day.

The sun is shining right at 8:30am--great day to bring the daughter back to college.  HURRAY!
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Afan on January 19, 2003, 04:17:44 AM
When Ringo said that the weatherman predicted ice and snow for the Atlanta area on Thursday, that's true, and just as surely true--they missed it a mile.  I eagerly watched a drop of rain cling to a leaf on a bush thinking it might freeze there, but not a chance.  It has been 14 today and as dry as a chip.  Oh, well we should be thankful for our sunny brrrrrrrrr skies.
Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Raineypark on January 19, 2003, 04:35:43 AM
I think I got the last word on the cold temperatures around here a little while ago.

I realised it had been a long time since anyone had put the dog out so I called her to the back door and opened it for her.  

My winter-coated, born-in-the-arctic Siberian stuck her nose out the door for a nano-second, looked up at me as if to say "WHAT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!"
and ran back to her warm spot in front of the fireplace.

If it's too cold for her, it's too f--king cold!

Title: Re: Thank God for DS in N.E.
Post by: Birdie on January 19, 2003, 09:09:36 PM
It is sad but I think I am starting to get use to the cold.  My husband washed the cars in the drive way yesterday and it almost instantly froze.  Next week is suppose to be jusat as bad or worse.  Oh well, no January thaw this year.  

No DS tomorrow, maybe I will sleep in.  
