General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: VictoriaWintersRox on January 02, 2003, 10:09:47 PM

Title: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on January 02, 2003, 10:09:47 PM
Good news! In the months of January and Febuary, DS will only be pre-empted once. Every weekday in Febuary DS will air.

You can see the January schedule at http://www.freewebz.com/dscollins/scifi.html

Below is the Febuary schedule:

02/03: #792 & #793
02/04: #794 & #795
02/05: #796 & #797
02/06: #798 & #799
02/07: #800 & #801/2

02/10: #803 & #804
02/11: #805 & #806
02/12: #807 & #808
02/13: #809 & #810
02/14: #811 & #812

02/17: #813 & #814
02/18: #815 & #816
02/19: #817 & #818
02/20: #819 & #820
02/21: #821 & #822

02/24: #823/4 & #825
02/25: #826 & #827
02/26: #828 & #829
02/27: #830 & #831
02/28: #832 & #833
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 02, 2003, 11:42:35 PM
    Thanks for the info, VWR.  You made my day.
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 03, 2003, 01:31:33 PM
Good news! In the months of January and Febuary, DS will only be pre-empted once. Every weekday in Febuary DS will air.


02/17: #813 & #814

DS isn't being pre-empted for President's Day?! The last time that happened was back in 1996 during the show's second run. Sci-Fi has even been known to pre-empt DS on Valentine's Day for a Beauty and the Beast marathon. So, could this actually mean that 2003 could shape up as a year with fewer pre-emptions than ususal? One can only hope. [wink2]
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Connie on January 03, 2003, 02:57:18 PM
I'm surprised they don't pre-empt for Ground Hog's Day.

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 03, 2003, 03:13:02 PM
I'm surprised they don't pre-empt for Ground Hog's Day.

[lghy] They haven't done that one yet, Connie. But let's not give them ideas. [wink2]
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Raineypark on January 03, 2003, 06:17:55 PM
Oh, that's just brilliant guys.....let's keep making pissy comments about Sci Fi and sooner or later some little toady in programming will decide to swap DS for re-runs of "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".....PERMANENTLY!!!

In case we all didn't notice, being moved to the 8am time slot was NOT a reward for bringing in great revenue-generating numbers.  The next stop might be 3am.....and from there, oblivion.

So, perhaps we might want to refrain from nibbling on the fingers that feed us?

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 03, 2003, 06:34:22 PM
Oh, that's just brilliant guys.....let's keep making pissy comments about Sci Fi and sooner or later some little toady in programming will decide to swap DS for re-runs of "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".....PERMANENTLY!!!

In case we all didn't notice, being moved to the 8am time slot was NOT a reward for bringing in great revenue-generating numbers.  The next stop might be 3am.....and from there, oblivion.

So, perhaps we might want to refrain from nibbling on the fingers that feed us?


    I see this a little differently.  The Sci-fi channel has been abusive to fans of Dark Shadows.  I don't kiss the fanny of my abuser.  They treat fans of other cult favorites no better.  Everything from Lost in Space to Farscape has felt their ax.  Add us all together and that could be a sizable audience.  At best, they are being short-sighted.  At worst, they are being just plain stupid.
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Happybat on January 03, 2003, 07:41:42 PM

   The Sci-fi channel has been abusive to fans of Dark Shadows.  I don't kiss the fanny of my abuser.  They treat fans of other cult favorites no better.

I may be speaking from a general lack of knowledge, but isn't the term "abusive" just a tad strong here?  Okay, Scifi has been notorious for preempting DS any chance they get, but at least they ARE showing DS and, if the schedule above is correct, it will be on a regular basis for the next two months.  Let's be grateful that SOMEONE is airing it!  

Many years ago, A&E showed another favorite show of mine, Quincy M.E., regulary, but then mysteriously stopped airing it, and no other network is either.  So, let's count our blessings and see the glass as half full this time!  :)
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 03, 2003, 08:51:46 PM
if the schedule above is correct, it will be on a regular basis for the next two months.

That's the schedule that's on Sci-Fi's Web site. And a while ago Shadowgram reported that DS would be on Sci-Fi throughout 2003. So, there's really no reason to worry that Sci-Fi might drop DS anytime soon. :)
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: jennifer on January 03, 2003, 09:44:25 PM
and 3 am might not be a bad time Rainey because it would mean they still will show it and we can always tape it!
(what is on 3 am on Sci Fi?)
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Cassandra on January 04, 2003, 12:05:15 PM
Happybat Wrote:

Many years ago, A&E showed another favorite show of mine, Quincy M.E., regulary, but then mysteriously stopped airing it, and no other network is eitherfull this time!  

I think I saw this recently advertised on the Pax channel. This is the show starring Jack Klugman, right?

(what is on 3 am on Sci Fi?)

(Being the night owl that I am)  At 3am (Eastern time) Sci-Fi usually shows one of their paid advertising programs,  but you never can tell with them because once in awhile they'll throw in a certain show out of the blue.

Thanks VWR for the upcoming schedule! This is great!![thumb]

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Ben on January 04, 2003, 10:47:57 PM

That's the schedule that's on Sci-Fi's Web site. And a while ago Shadowgram reported that DS would be on Sci-Fi throughout 2003. So, there's really no reason to worry that Sci-Fi might drop DS anytime soon. :)

That's reassuring, MB!  So now I won't feel guilty chuckling if Sci-Fi once again preempts DS on that most ironic of days, Halloween.

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Raineypark on January 04, 2003, 11:39:58 PM
I seem to recall singing this song once already, but here goes:

Sorry guys, but I've got cynicism running through my veins instead of blood.  I don't care if the Sci Fi channel swears on their collective grandmothers that they'll run "Dark Shadows" through to the bitter end.......if the opportunity to boost it's ratings comes along and it means giving DS the ax, we'll all be synchronizing our DVD-players and VCR's, and begging each other for missing episodes.

No, onyx_treasure, I'm not suggesting we grovel.  Why bother.....they couldn't care less.  They already know how many fans are tuning into  DS every day.  They HAVE to know those numbers.  And of course they realise we'd ALL be furious if the show was yanked.....but what would we do about it?  Threaten never to watch the channel again?  

How many of us routinely watch anything else on Sci Fi?  I watch the Twilight Zone every once in a while.  I think I caught a couple of episodes of Stargate.  If I forget to turn the TV off after DS, then Forever Knight has been on while I did laundry.  Is loosing ME as a viewer a big worry for Sci Fi?  

What about the miniseries "Taken".  It gave Sci Fi the highest ratings of any cable channel, for the first time.  I'd be curious to know how many of US were watching that.  I certainly wasn't.  And I don't think that would come as any surprise to the number-crunchers at Sci Fi.

And that 's not even getting into the question of age demographics.  Quite a few of us DS fans are old enough to have been original viewers.  Do you think WE'RE the demo that this station wants?  Somehow I tend to doubt it.

So, yes, it's frustrating as hell to know we really don't count for very much with the people who control our ability to all be watching the same episodes at the same time, and yes, it's really okay to bitch and moan here on OUR forum (especially if MB is going to lead the way, snarky little trouble-maker that he is [smrtasy] ) just so long as we don't delude ourselves that we really  have any control over this in the end.


Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 04, 2003, 11:44:42 PM
it's really okay to bitch and moan here on OUR forum (especially if MB is going to lead the way, snarky little trouble-maker that he is [smrtasy] )

Honestly, I wasn't bitching and moaning. I was expressing my surprise that DS won't be pre-empted for President's Day and a hopeful note that it could mean there might be fewer pre-emptions this year. :)
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 05, 2003, 03:40:18 AM

No, onyx_treasure, I'm not suggesting we grovel.  Why bother.....they couldn't care less.  They already know how many fans are tuning into  DS every day.  They HAVE to know those numbers.  And of course they realise we'd ALL be furious if the show was yanked.....but what would we do about it?  Threaten never to watch the channel again?  

And that 's not even getting into the question of age demographics.  Quite a few of us DS fans are old enough to have been original viewers.  Do you think WE'RE the demo that this station wants?  Somehow I tend to doubt it.


    I have to agree with you on this one.  However, I begged my cable company to carry Sci-fi.  My local newspaper even complained about the poor selection of channels available.  When a survey was sent out, I selected the Sci-fi channel.  By the time we got the Sci-fi channel, Dark Shadows was in the middle of 1897 story line.  When the series ran to the last episode, Sci-fi channel canceled the series.  I still held out hope that it would return so I continued to support the channel in subsequent surveys.  Since the demographics here in Maine tend to be older, I am sure the viewership for a channel like the Sci-fi channel would be low anyway.  If it is canceled again, I could see my cable company canceling it in lieu of something else.  Do they have a 24-hour Lawrence Welk channel?
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 05, 2003, 06:16:51 AM
Do they have a 24-hour Lawrence Welk channel?

Perish the thought!! [lghy]

But LW already runs on a lot of PBS stations, so we can only hope they have an exclusive contract with whatever outfit holds the LW rights, and that PBS will continue to renew their contract so that the 24-hour Lawrence Welk channel never becomes a reality. [wink2]
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 05, 2003, 07:26:37 PM

Perish the thought!! [lghy]

But LW already runs on a lot of PBS stations, so we can only hope they have an exclusive contract with whatever outfit holds the LW rights, and that PBS will continue to renew their contract so that the 24-hour Lawrence Welk channel never becomes a reality. [wink2]

    Oh this is so funny, the only reason I mentioned Lawrence Welk is prior to my posting I saw it on our PBS channel.  I remember how upset my grandmother was when "The Lawrence Welk Show" went off the air.  Well, she probably gets to see the show live since both she and Mr. Welk are in the same place.  Of course for her at least, that would be heaven.
Title: O/T: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Happybat on January 06, 2003, 05:56:52 PM
I think I saw this recently advertised on the Pax channel. This is the show starring Jack Klugman, right?



Yes, that is the one.  But I just checked the Pax web site and Quincy isn't listed.  Is this a show they plan on airing in the future?  Could you please elaborate?  I really miss the "Quinster" and would be eternally grateful to you for any information!  Thanks.  [wavey]
Title: Re: O/T: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: onyx_treasure on January 06, 2003, 07:20:03 PM


Yes, that is the one.  But I just checked the Pax web site and Quincy isn't listed.  Is this a show they plan on airing in the future?  Could you please elaborate?  I really miss the "Quinster" and would be eternally grateful to you for any information!  Thanks.  [wavey]

    My cable company carries Fox Net. which has "Quincey, M.E." on at 3pm EST everyweek day.  Check your cable listings to see if your cable company carries this channel and what number it is under.  I hope this helps.
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Cassandra Blair on January 07, 2003, 12:06:37 AM
How many of us routinely watch anything else on Sci Fi?...What about the miniseries "Taken?"  It gave Sci Fi the highest ratings of any cable channel, for the first time.  I'd be curious to know how many of US were watching that.  I certainly wasn't.  And I don't think that would come as any surprise to the number-crunchers at Sci Fi.

I watched Taken when it aired recently on SciFi, and enjoyed it for the most part...especially the first half.  Though it wasn't the best thing I ever saw, I think there was appeal to folks outside the 18-35 demographic (of which I am NOT a member, I might add).

Also am a big fan of the X-Files, so have lately been watching it on the channel as well. Have also been known to catch an ep of Twilight Zone and/or Star Trek.  And I totally miss Quantum Leap with yummy Scott Bakula.  Maybe they'll bring it back sometime.

I agree with you Raineypark, that SciFi probably doesn't care too much about pissing off DS fans, as evinced by the number of times they pre-empt the show. But obviously they must have SOME regard for the show, given the number of times they've aired it in the past few years.

But then again, they're also still airing Sightings...;)
Title: Re: O/T: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Happybat on January 07, 2003, 12:16:28 AM

    My cable company carries Fox Net. which has "Quincey, M.E." on at 3pm EST everyweek day.  Check your cable listings to see if your cable company carries this channel and what number it is under.  I hope this helps.


Thanks for the tip.  First I checked the Fox website, and although we do get Fox TV, their Boston program schedule is different and does not include Quincy M.E. :'(
Not satisfied, I even called their Dedham office which confirmed the bad news.  

It does sound like a show that PAX might carry, considering that they currently air "Diagnosis Murder" and other family type shows.  But it may again be the case that it is the Boston PAX channel that doesn't carry it. Maybe I should drop a note in their suggestion box.  

Finally, my apologies for keeping it all O/T like this!  And thanks for helping me in my quest for Quincy-

Getting back to the topic, I'm no fan (or believer) of UFOs in general, so I completely passed on "Taken".  It does seem to me that Scifi tends to peddle their own wares to the exclusion of quality vintage shows like Dark Shadows.  However, I did catch a lot of the the Twilight Zone marathon. Wonder if their are a few TZ eps I still haven't seen?

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Raineypark on January 07, 2003, 12:35:59 AM
I've probably seen ever single Twighlight Zone episode ever made a half dozen times or more.....so I didn't watch much of this year's marathon.

But I did happen to turn it on when "Monsters on Maple Street" came on, and once again I marveled at the timelessness of those shows.  My 16 year old turned to me and said "Mom.....we just read that story in English and all we talked about was how it related to events right NOW!".


Title: Re: O/T: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on January 07, 2003, 03:46:47 AM

Thanks for the tip.  First I checked the Fox website, and although we do get Fox TV, their Boston program schedule is different and does not include Quincy M.E. :'(
Not satisfied, I even called their Dedham office which confirmed the bad news.  

It does sound like a show that PAX might carry, considering that they currently air "Diagnosis Murder" and other family type shows.  But it may again be the case that it is the Boston PAX channel that doesn't carry it. Maybe I should drop a note in their suggestion box.  

FOXNet is a cable version of the FOX channel. It is available only in areas that do not have a local FOX station. That way people who live in rural areas can still see their programming. The WB network does the same thing. In fact, the cable WB aired "Quincy, M.E." until 2000 or so.

PAX also does this, except most people get the cable version since PAX is far from a major network. I've checked listings for Quincy, and it appears only FOXNet is airing the show. Also, local stations are airing the show - however these may just be part of FOXNet, since it may assign fake names to it's stations to make them look like they're normal stations. National listings for the series are available at Yahoo. The link for it is here:


Include the last {quincy+me}. The link isn't recongizing it as being part of it. Sorry for getting this topic more off topic
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: jennifer on January 07, 2003, 05:01:30 AM
I've probably seen ever single Twighlight Zone episode ever made a half dozen times or more.....so I didn't watch much of this year's marathon.

But I did happen to turn it on when "Monsters on Maple Street" came on, and once again I marveled at the timelessness of those shows.  My 16 year old turned to me and said "Mom.....we just read that story in English and all we talked about was how it related to events right NOW!".


i agree Rainey once again i watched the marathon
and his messages are still true!
Talking Tina once again("Living Doll") was the one on at 11:45 pm on Dec 31 so i missed the ball in NY
at MN because it is one of my favorite episodes of all time of any show! it is still creepy today and love that Telly(with some hair)LOL
i do watch certain shows like Slideers, forever Knight,
and t Zone and Outer Limits!
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: kuanyin on January 07, 2003, 06:21:24 AM
Honestly, I doubt very much whether Scifi cares if we snipe. They know that pissy viewers are still viewers, and that is the bottom line. DS must be a modest success, or they wouldn't keep it.

Personally, I think if they ever ran a 15 second ad for it once in a while, it would be more successful. Oh well.

I do watch it. My VCR is set for taping DS and so Scifi comes on when I turn my VCR on. That makes me more prone to check it out. Now that I'm working again, I don't watch as much. I did really enjoy watching "Twilight Zone" in the daytime, I will always love that show.
Title: Re: O/T: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Midnite on January 07, 2003, 06:58:13 AM
The link for it is here:


Include the last {quincy+me}. The link isn't recongizing it as being part of it.

This link might work better:

Quincy, M.E. (http://search.tv.yahoo.com/tvtitlesearch?p=%2b{quincy+me} )

Sorry for getting this topic more off topic

Please don't worry about it. :D
Title: Re: O/T: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Cassandra on January 11, 2003, 10:27:31 AM


Yes, that is the one.  But I just checked the Pax web site and Quincy isn't listed.  Is this a show they plan on airing in the future?  Could you please elaborate?  I really miss the "Quinster" and would be eternally grateful to you for any information!  Thanks.  [wavey]

Happybat,  I just got this information from my Mom (who knows her TV shows!) that Quincy comes on here (N.Y.) on Sunday nights at 7pm on WLNY which is channel 10 here now. (it use to be called TV 55)  I just saw the advertisement again for it tonight.  You might want to check your local listings where you are as this sounds like a N.Y. based station but perhaps they have a sister TV station that based in your area.  Hope this helps. :-)

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Connie on January 11, 2003, 12:47:57 PM
Talking Tina once again("Living Doll") was the one on at 11:45 pm on Dec 31 so i missed the ball in NY

Talking Tina to Laura Collins:

"My name is Talking Tina, and I think I'd like to strangle you."

"My name is Talking Tina, and I'm glad you're dead."

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: jennifer on January 11, 2003, 05:39:38 PM

Talking Tina to Laura Collins:

"My name is Talking Tina, and I think I'd like to strangle you."

"My name is Talking Tina, and I'm glad you're dead."


ROTFL i love that doll!

kinda got the creeps when my daughter got a doll that
talked have to admit i was nice to it!Heehee
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: Carol on January 11, 2003, 06:24:50 PM
kinda got the creeps when my daughter got a doll that talked have to admit i was nice to it!Heehee

Talking Tina and Chuckie invade Collinwood! Now that's a combo!
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: jennifer on January 11, 2003, 10:06:09 PM

Talking Tina and Chuckie invade Collinwood! Now that's a combo!

too funny imagine them after Alexander& Micheal
those horrid children in 1970!or better yet angelique tries to use them in one of her spells and they turn on her LOL

Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: denise on January 22, 2003, 03:00:02 AM
What do the combined episodes mean? As in Feb 7
it indicates episode 800- 801/802. is that a total of three episodes or what.
Title: Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on January 22, 2003, 05:10:46 AM
What do the combined episodes mean? As in Feb 7
it indicates episode 800- 801/802. is that a total of three episodes or what.

Episodes were sometimes numbered twice to keep the show in intervals of five - sometimes ABC would pre-empt the series for a holiday or for a special newscast, and later on an episode was numbered twice so that the episodes that ended in a 5 or a 0 would be at the end of the week.