General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: LoveAtFirstBITE on December 31, 2002, 01:30:45 AM

Title: Hey!
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on December 31, 2002, 01:30:45 AM

Now that I have your attention (or Annie's anyway),
I'm off until Jan. 6th for Christmas Break.  I have all this time to read the board.....and I see nothing here.  There must be something for everyone to talk about here.....so I suggest that you all put your heads together and come up with something to entertain me.
Or else I'm going to start griping about my problems and ailments, one of which is an alarm clock that doesn't go off, or how I get indigestion from Chinese food and Progresso minestrone soup.
OR, if you don't want to hear about my ailments, I can tell you all that I recently obtained my license, making me a true woman of substance.
OR, I can make a list of what I got for Christmas (I know that'll really shake you all up).
OR, I can tell you all how Connie can't play a chromatic scale to save her ass.

So, consider yourselves warned.

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Annie on December 31, 2002, 01:36:50 AM
Very Funny indeed Loveat First bite I love it!!!!!
You did get my attention on The Lucious Q-man!!!
                 Love Anne
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Raineypark on December 31, 2002, 02:00:03 AM
Oh My!!.....Miss LAFB has got her license!!

That and a token will get you on the bus....cause if you keep dissing your Mama you'll never see the inside of the family wheels....and then what good is your license, hmmm?

rainey....who's kid turns 16 in February and thinks she's getting her permit [lghy][lghy][lghy]!!!!!
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Carol on December 31, 2002, 03:53:58 AM
You might know! I'm the last to know. Your mother hasn't emailed me in days with any news and she just lets this slide by? Where has she been? Taking Quentin After Xmas shopping?

Congratulations LAFB! Please, please, please watch those Jersey drivers--ooops.

Just please drive safely, LAFB. I worry so much when my own daughter is on the road.
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Connie on December 31, 2002, 04:36:07 AM
You might know! I'm the last to know. Your mother hasn't emailed me in days with any news and she just lets this slide by?

Well, maybe you should read your mail.  I just looked, and I emailed you the 24th telling you she DID pass and get her license.  I also emailed you on the 27th.  God...some people exaggerate sooooooo much.

Where has she been? Taking Quentin After Xmas shopping?

Exactly.  That's where I've been.  Shopping for liquor and lingerie.  (Liquor for me -- lingerie for him).

-CLC  ;)

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Patti Feinberg on December 31, 2002, 05:10:26 AM

Congratulations LAFB! Please, please, please watch those Jersey drivers--ooops.

Hey watch it!!![sconf]

Patti, a 'Joisey' girl

where's my car...huh?

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Carol on December 31, 2002, 06:17:57 AM
Well, maybe you should read your mail.  I just looked, and I emailed you the 24th telling you she DID pass and get her license.  I also emailed you on the 27th.  God...some people exaggerate sooooooo much.

So sorry. You are right. Completely forgot about it. My head hasn't been attached too well lately. Too many late nights awake wondering when my daughter planned on coming home.

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Carol on December 31, 2002, 06:22:34 AM
Hey watch it!!![sconf]
Patti, a 'Joisey' girl
where's my car...huh?

Please forgive. I was just kidding. My brother lives in South Jersey and I've traveled the Garden State and Jersey Turnpike many times. I'm quite adept at  handling many lane highways.
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Josette on December 31, 2002, 07:59:03 AM
Congratulations, LAFB!!  Use it carefully!
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Connie on December 31, 2002, 12:21:45 PM
My head hasn't been attached too well lately.

YOU said it - I didn't.  LOL
At least it's attached.                                          ( Me ------>  [silly])

I've traveled the Garden State and Jersey Turnpike many times. I'm quite adept at  handling many lane highways.

Yeah...and she handles them all at the same time!  [thumb]

Who's under a strict gag order and not allowed to post anything regarding LAFB's driving abilities.
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Cassandra on December 31, 2002, 12:33:29 PM

This is great news LAFB![thumb] And Im going to tell you the same thing I tell my daughters when they go out driving, "don't forget to BUCKLE UP!!" :-)

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on December 31, 2002, 07:15:55 PM
Yeah...and she handles them all at the same time!  [thumb]

Who's under a strict gag order and not allowed to post anything regarding LAFB's driving abilities.

Yeah.......so let's just get around that "strict gag order" by posting something hinting about it.  
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on December 31, 2002, 07:20:13 PM

This is great news LAFB![thumb]

Thanks Cassandra. :D
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Annie on December 31, 2002, 08:34:59 PM
[wavey] [wavey]  Congrats Love At First Bite on
getting your license!!!!  YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  LOVE ANNE
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Connie on December 31, 2002, 10:53:10 PM
Yeah.......so let's just get around that "strict gag order" by posting something hinting about it.  

Damned if I do, damned if I don't.  I CURSE the day that girl learned how to read.

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Birdie on January 01, 2003, 04:54:10 AM
Congratulations LAFB!  Oh freedom....I remember that is how I felt when I got my licence.  

Connie, I know what you are going through I have two that drive.  The oldest just went to a New Year's party.  He won't be coming home tonight.   At least he won't be on the road with the looneys.  

I don't think I will survive the next two getting there licence.   What was I thinking having four kids?  

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: jennifer on January 01, 2003, 05:51:09 AM

still can't believe there are two of you here!
and i learned to drive in Boston NJ can't be as bad

Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: ROBINV on January 01, 2003, 04:33:00 PM
Congrats, LAFB, on getting your license.  I still remember my own joy, more than two years ago, when I took my son for his driving test and he passed, on the first shot.  Drive safely and always come home in one piece to your parents.  They will worry themselves sick.  Please take them into consideration and know they love you and aren't trying to step on your fun with all their warnings.  

I only have one child, Birdie, so I can just imagine your worry over having two on the road--with two to go!

My son left the house about 7:30 last night and returned home at nearly 4:30 AM.  And yes, I was petrified, because not only are the drunks on the roads, we had a heavy fog alert last night, too!  He's safe in his bed, thank God, but when I questioned him about his evening, all he did was mumble.  I think we have kids so we learn, first hand, how hard it was for our parents raising us.  Yes, it's revenge, Birdie, revenge, I tell ya!

Happy new year!

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Hey!
Post by: Carol on January 01, 2003, 06:31:46 PM
I only have one child, Birdie, so I can just imagine your worry over having two on the road--with two to go!

I have one child, too, Birdie and she's been keeping my hairdresser happy covering all my gray hair.

My son left the house about 7:30 last night and returned home at nearly 4:30 AM.

When our daughter stays out that late, I can only sleep when I hear the garage door open and I know that she is home safe and sound.

 He's safe in his bed, thank God, but when I questioned him about his evening, all he did was mumble.  I think we have kids so we learn, first hand, how hard it was for our parents raising us.  Yes, it's revenge, Birdie, revenge, I tell ya! Happy new year!
Love, Robin

Our daughter called us at midnight from First Night celebrations to wish us a Happy New Year. She and her friends were watching the fireworks and then going to Denny's for breakfast. She slept over at a friends. We'll see her sometime today.

Happy New Year everyone!