Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II => Topic started by: Bobubas on December 03, 2002, 05:11:14 PM

Title: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Bobubas on December 03, 2002, 05:11:14 PM
Hi All,

I trimmed out my tree last week prior to Thanksgiving, and thought I would share a photo of it here. Maybe some of you would like to share a photo of your trimmed tree here as well. :)

As you can see from the photo, I have used my 6" Island of Misfit Toy beanies as the focal ornaments.  The animated version of Rudolph theRed Nosed Reindeer ranks in my top 3 of holiday movies. The other two would be "A Christmas Carol" (The version starring Reginald Owen) and "It's A Wonderful Life"

The big goldish/white ornament to the right of Santa is the only Dark Shadows contribution to the tree. It was given to me as a gift a few years ago from Beth Massie. She hand painted the logo and drew a snowy scene with dead trees and bats flying in the air. The reverse side of the ornament says "Have yourself a scarly little Christmas 99 "
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Birdie on December 04, 2002, 04:38:14 AM
Great Tree!  Don't have the ablity to post our tree, but it is trimmed.  There seems to be a lot of Mickey Mouse ornaments on our tree.  The rest of the house is in progress.  It has been a tradition in our house to trim the tree and eat bugels and dip.  

I think Rudoph is just about everyones favorite, and I think it is on Friday night.  Of course, I won't be home two parties to go to.  

My favorite holiday movies are A Wonderful Life and the old Holiday Inn.    Muppets at the Fozzie Bear's mom's house is also a keeper.
I wish Dark Shadows had celebrated the holidays.  I always loved when Days of Our Lives gathered at the Horton House for Christmas and hung the ornaments.

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Midnite on December 04, 2002, 06:11:14 AM
Cute tree, Bob!  :D
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Cassandra on December 04, 2002, 11:31:09 AM
Hi Bob, your tree is gorgeous![thumb] What a nice idea to decorate with all misfit beanies!  I just have one question though.  What is the figure that's adorning the top of your tree? The reason why Im asking is because my daughter collects beanies and I've never seen that particular one before so Im just curious.

I've always loved Rudolf and I can remember so well how my family and I would gather around the TV to watch it when I was a child.  When my girls were little, they watched it too.  You never outgrow it!  Another favorite of course is "It A Wonderful Life."  I love these two classics.

Thanks for sharing your Christmas tree picture Bob. I'll try to post a picture of mine when I FINALLY get it up.

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Gerard on December 04, 2002, 12:22:54 PM
Now that's a tree!  Mine is just a four-foot tabletop with nothing more than blue and silver ornaments (and lights, of course).  I like trees either very elaborate (like yours) or very simple.  Being in a lazy mood this year, I opted for simple.

Along with A Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph is one of my TV faves.  However, I could never stand Frosty the Snowman.  Those kids, especially that girl, irked me to no end, even when I was a kid.

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Connie on December 04, 2002, 03:31:15 PM
Wow...I can't imagine having a tree this early.  We're lucky if it's decorated a couple of days before Christmas!  If we got one now, the needles would all be fallen off by the time Santa arrived.  It'd look like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Carol on December 04, 2002, 03:50:30 PM
Your tree is absolutely lovely! We've downsized to a tabletop fiberoptic tree with cat ornaments. When our daughter came home from college last Xmas & saw what we had resorted to, she burst out crying. She wanted the real, 6 foot Fraser fir with the odd assortment of ornaments back. Up until that year we had always gotten a live tree but we're happy with the fiberoptic one and will keep it. Less fuss, less muss. I'd rather spend Xmas on a beach somewhere.
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Bobubas on December 04, 2002, 04:06:27 PM
Hi Bob, your tree is gorgeous![thumb] What a nice idea to decorate with all misfit beanies!  I just have one question though.  What is the figure that's adorning the top of your tree? The reason why Im asking is because my daughter collects beanies and I've never seen that particular one before so Im just curious.


Ah....the prize beanie of my collection.  ;D  The beanie in question, which features the Abominable holding a star that says, "Happy New Year 2000"  was a special release that coincided with the new Millennium. A friend of mine who lives in Pennsylvania found it for me, as I could not find them in the stores here in Illinois.

It's nice to see so many others rate Rudolph right up there with their favorite Christmas movies. Last year I purchased a WONDERFUL book called, "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. The making of the holiday classic." It is written by Rick Goldschmidt, and details the making of this family classic, along with talking about other Rankin/Bass classics. It is full of vintage photos as well. I bought mine on Amazon. Below is a direct link that will take you to the page featuring the book. Just click the link.  :)
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Lindsey on December 07, 2002, 01:03:42 AM
I love those Rudolph beanies! My mom bought them last year and has been wondering what to do with them since then. What a great idea!
My favorite Christmas movie would have to be A Christmas Story, with Ralphie and the red rider bb gun. I watch that all year round!

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on December 07, 2002, 04:17:33 AM
I love the Island of Misfit Toys figures. I'd love to have those for my tree, too.
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: jennifer on December 07, 2002, 04:18:14 AM
You know Bob my kids have all those beanies and watch rudolph and play along with them and the movie!i never thought about them on the tree! cute idea!
Christmas story is one of my favs also STUCK, STUCK, STUCK is just too funny and Darren McGavin is great! thanks for sharing!!
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Misty on December 07, 2002, 06:30:34 AM
What a wonderful tree, Bob. I have two huge baskets filled with beanies------great idea to use them on a tree. My tree is decorated with ornaments that I've collected in my travels. This year I think I'll add some beanies to the collection. However, I too won't get to trimming a tree until probably Christmas Eve. (As a child, our tree never went up until Christmas Eve because Santa brought it!)  Many thanks for sharing yours,
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on December 07, 2002, 06:49:25 AM
A very lovely decorated tree it is Bob, you have a flair with Christmas trees....
                                                                                                 | |
           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Julianka7 on December 07, 2002, 07:47:14 AM
What a cute tree Bob :)
I've got the whole set of those beanies too.
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: scout75 on December 07, 2002, 09:53:19 AM
Great tree, Bob.

Have a cool yule!

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: A.I.Collins on December 07, 2002, 11:08:03 AM
Hey there!...My eyes are playing tricks on me...What's the ornament on the very top of the tree?

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Bobubas on December 07, 2002, 03:37:37 PM
Hey there!...My eyes are playing tricks on me...What's the ornament on the very top of the tree?


Hi A.I. If you have read the earlier post, I mentioned the special Millennium beanie of the Abominable holding a star. That is the Beanie on top of the tree.
Thanks for all your warm responses, and I'm glad a few of you plan to also utilize your beanies in the same way. I have a smaller 3" tree that is decorated with the original Island of Misfit Toy ornaments that were sold by CVS a few years ago, along with the ones that have followed. I finally found the very scarce jelly pistol and misfit airplane, and now Mrs. Claus is the only one I need.  :)
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Birdie on December 07, 2002, 04:45:00 PM
Bob, I have the CVS ornaments too, but I set them up as a scene on my antique sewing  machine in my living room.  I don't have all the misfit toys though. Sob  In my living room is also the Hallmark Charlie Brown Christmas grouping.  I get a thrill just opening and once again putting them out.

Birdie--I have to go to the mall , and seem to be putting it off.
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: MsCriseyde on December 07, 2002, 08:27:43 PM
For additional Christmas frivolity, check out the main page of Bob's DS Event Photos Site:

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on December 07, 2002, 09:36:14 PM
Thanks for the link. Lyndhurst looks beautiful in the snow.[smlyb]
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Raineypark on December 07, 2002, 11:45:28 PM
Thanks for the link. Lyndhurst looks beautiful in the snow.[smlyb]

I think I've said this before but it's a good time to repeat: Anyone who CAN get to Lyndhurst at this time of the year and do the Christmas House Tour SHOULD!!  The night we did it, it snowed......what a beautiful scene!!

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on December 08, 2002, 03:14:51 AM
I wish Dark Shadows had celebrated the holidays.  I always loved when Days of Our Lives gathered at the Horton House for Christmas and hung the ornaments.


I was totally hooked on Days of Our Lives during the running of Dark Shadows.  It had been my all time favorite soap until I got hooked recently on DS.  Recently I got from ebay a daytime TV 'Daytime TV Super Special 25th Anniversary of Serials' from 1975.  There is a great family shot of the Horton's. What memories that picture brought back; Frances Reid, McDonald Carey, Susan Seaforth and Ed Mallory.  I believe McDonald Carey and Frances Reid have both passed away.  Would love to know what happened to Susan Flannery and Bill Hayes and the others.

Since there are no references to Christmas on DS I have to depend on fan fiction that covers the holidays. Some of it is actually quite good and the writing is superb!
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Birdie on December 08, 2002, 04:50:31 PM
                       Franicis Reid is still alive.  She was on the Thanksgiving show.  She has gotten very frail but she seemed to be still with it.  
                        I loved and watched "Days" for a very long time.  I think I saw it almost from the beginning.  I was very sick when I was young and my mother used to make me take a nap on her bed.  She would always have it on.  She would fall asleep and I would end up watching the show.  It is very rare that I watch anymore.  I do get a kick out of seeing the old cast members come back for the holidays.

Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: jennifer on December 08, 2002, 04:57:28 PM
yesterday at toys r us they had a whole set of the Rudolph characters that could be used for a tree. also Santa's castle and a train! always been my favorite
my kids are still playing with the beanies and we can't find the doll i know it is here somewhere so i'll keep searching One way to clean the house ICK
also an early Days watcher!
Title: Re: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree...
Post by: Cassandra on December 09, 2002, 11:07:41 AM

Ah....the prize beanie of my collection.  ;D  The beanie in question, which features the Abominable holding a star that says, "Happy New Year 2000"  was a special release that coincided with the new Millennium. A friend of mine who lives in Pennsylvania found it for me, as I could not find them in the stores here in Illinois.

So, it is a beanie! I thought so but have never seen one that large before.  My daughter has so many of them that she had collected over the years and when I showed her your picture she remembered trying to locate that particular one but never had any luck in finding it.  Since it was sold for the Millennum as a special addition they probably only had a certain amount out at the time, so you were lucky to have someone grab it for you.  Ya never know though maybe she'll get lucky and come across it. ;-)
