General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: LoveAtFirstBITE on November 09, 2002, 07:46:04 PM

Title: Old Article
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on November 09, 2002, 07:46:04 PM
I came across this interesting article in an old issue of Daytime TV.   I'll just let it speak for itself (get out the barf bags).......


Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: jennifer on November 09, 2002, 08:53:58 PM
everyone has their fans Love

pass the antiemetics please!
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Julianka7 on November 09, 2002, 09:57:09 PM
everyone has their fans Love

pass the antiemetics please!

That's true :)
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Blue_Whale_Barfly on November 10, 2002, 01:33:14 AM
I knew Rosemary.  She loved to be manhandled.
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Accomplice_To_Cass on November 10, 2002, 04:56:40 AM
I came across this interesting article in an old issue of Daytime TV.   I'll just let it speak for itself (get out the barf bags).......


Well if someone as beautiful as Jaclyn Smith can marry Roger Davis..whats the harm in having Rosemary have a crush on him?

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 10, 2002, 06:04:21 AM
Well if someone as beautiful as Jaclyn Smith can marry Roger Davis..whats the harm in having Rosemary have a crush on him?

Yes, but Jaclyn came to her senses very quickly and divorced him. In fact, nowadays she doesn't even consider it to have been a real marriage.

And BTW, Accomplice_To_Cass, love your new username. ;)
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Accomplice_To_Cass on November 10, 2002, 06:10:13 AM

Yes, but Jaclyn came to her senses very quickly and divorced him. In fact, nowadays she doesn't even consider it to have been a real marriage.

And BTW, Accomplice_To_Cass, love your new username. ;)

Thank you, I thought it was time for a change and I decided that "Pig Pen" went well with my avatar.
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: kuanyin on November 10, 2002, 09:01:49 AM
Oh my, she wants her husband to take POINTERS  in how to be romantic from....[scrm]. I can't even say the name!  [nerv] This is the scariest ever. [shckd]
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Cassandra on November 10, 2002, 10:05:24 AM
I came across this interesting article in an old issue of Daytime TV.   I'll just let it speak for itself (get out the barf bags).......

That poor woman!!  She actually wants her husband to take some pointers on how to be "Romantic" from this guy?   I wonder what her idea of Romance is??[puke]
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: dom on November 10, 2002, 10:30:35 AM
Maybe Rosemary meant passionate?

I just hope she is not a current forum member or guest with hurt feelings...one never knows.

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Connie on November 10, 2002, 12:45:34 PM
I just hope she is not a current forum member or guest with hurt feelings...one never knows.

Hi Dom...[wavey]  (I've gotten addicted to the wavey thing)  LOL

This question has been on my mind for awhile.  I keep dismissing it and telling myself to mind my own business, but it's popped into my head again after reading your previous post.  How come there are a couple of DS people who seem to be exempt from the board guidelines regarding personal attacks?  It's like, it's not considered appropriate to post something that could be hurtful to someone, but it's allowed if it's something about Roger Davis??  You know what I mean?  LOL.   I've also noticed that Dan Curtis seems to be pretty fair game occasionally, and then there was Betsy Durkin a little while ago.  But as far as Roger Davis goes, I don't know how many threads I've seen over the last few months (alot) specifically about him - not just his characters - HIM.  So, I wonder, well...how does anyone know someone close to him, or a family member doesn't see this board occasionally?  Apparently he married a fan, so it's conceivable his wife could read this board.  Not likely, but possible nonetheless.  No?  I mean, if I were his wife, I would find a great many things said about him on here, quite hurtful.  I know it could be said, "well, even a couple of actresses from the show have made disparaging comments about him in public, so it's all right".  But does that make it all right then?  See?  I'm confused.

Please don't get me wrong.  I'm not making a statement about this AT ALL.  I know a lot of people have fun with the Roger Davis bashing - it's a popular pastime on here - LOL, and it certainly doesn't bother ME in the least, but I can't quite reconcile in my head (a confusing place to be lol), the guidelines and Davis' seeming exclusion from them.  I guess I'm wondering if I'm totally missing something or my interpretation of things is off.  For example:  There's a popular actress from the show whose acting I think is quite poor.  I don't think I would ever post that opinion though, because it doesn't seem appropriate and it might fall under a guideline.  Would it??
I dunno....what's YOUR take on all this?  Am I being too confusing here?

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Luciaphile on November 10, 2002, 04:57:04 PM
How come there are a couple of DS people who seem to be exempt from the board guidelines regarding personal attacks?  It's like, it's not considered appropriate to post something that could be hurtful to someone, but it's allowed if it's something about Roger Davis??  You know what I mean?  LOL.  

Yes, I do :) but I think there's a distinction to be made between critiquing his performance and critiquing his personal life. Most of what I've seen on the boards has to do with his acting--be it his delivery (shouts his lines), his physical gestures (touches his hair) or the way he interacts with his co-stars on the screen (fondles the actress playing his sister). That's all fair game as far as I'm concerned. If he or any other actor didn't want that kind of notice and attention, then he should never have become an actor.

I've also noticed that Dan Curtis seems to be pretty fair game occasionally, and then there was Betsy Durkin a little while ago.  But as far as Roger Davis goes, I don't know how many threads I've seen over the last few months (alot) specifically about him - not just his characters - HIM.  So, I wonder, well...how does anyone know someone close to him, or a family member doesn't see this board occasionally?

We don't. I don't know how many of you here are familiar with Television Without Pity (http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com) (Josette and Scout75 a few others are 'cause I've seen you there 8)) but they are merciless and it's public knowledge that producers and performers have read their recaps and their forums. What we do here is really pretty gentle and IMHO, well within the bounds of decency.

I see what you're saying and I understand it, but again, I don't think we're attacking these people on a personal level. I mean, let's say that I don't like the acting of Joan Bennett. That doesn't mean I am making a judgment on her personally or on her family or on her life. It just means I don't like her acting.

I think what we have to realize (or we'll all go mad ;) ) is that performers or people close to a performer have already or have to develop some kind of a second skin to ignore this stuff.

(TwoP addict and unofficial critic 8) )
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 10, 2002, 10:10:38 PM
A performer who willingly steps into the spotlight but can't take a little bashing now and then is in the wrong profession (not that this necessarily applies to Roger). Poking fun at someone isn't the same thing as a personal attack, especially when you consider how benign the stuff that goes on in here is -- unlike so many unmoderated groups. So yes, it's possible someone on the star end of the spectrum might see the posts, and in fact, anytime you post something about anyone in any forum, you should pretty much take it for granted the person in question is going to see it. (Unless they're dead. But some of them may be watching too.) By the nature of the business, people in the public eye have to take the knocks (which are oftentimes nasty) or their own longevity is seriously compromised. I think in most cases, stars couldn't give a rat's ass what kind of exchanges go on in a fan forum.

One of my recent stories got utterly trashed in a fairly big-name publication. I disagree vehemently with the reviewer's point of view; but he said nothing about me personally, which is as it should be, and I respect his right to dislike my story. He could've said something like "Rainey can't write his way out of a paper bag," and that would be personally insulting but -- hey -- I put my story out there for people to read, and they're certainly free to express their opinions.

If the reviewer had said "Rainey's story clearly indicates he is a pedophile with sadomasochistic tendencies," then we'd be stepping beyond the bounds of reasonable review. I think our guidelines clearly differentiate something like the latter example from the kind of Davis/Durkin/Powell-type bashing that goes on here as a rule.

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: dom on November 10, 2002, 10:30:27 PM
Hi Dom... This question has been on my mind for awhile.  I keep dismissing it and telling myself to mind my own business, but it's popped into my head again after reading your previous post.  How come there are a couple of DS people who seem to be exempt from the board guidelines regarding personal attacks?  It's like, it's not considered appropriate to post something that could be hurtful to someone, but it's allowed if it's something about Roger Davis??  You know what I mean?  LOL.   I've also noticed that Dan Curtis seems to be pretty fair game occasionally, and then there was Betsy Durkin a little while ago.  But as far as Roger Davis goes, I don't know how many threads I've seen over the last few months (alot) specifically about him - not just his characters - HIM.  So, I wonder, well...how does anyone know someone close to him, or a family member doesn't see this board occasionally?  Apparently he married a fan, so it's conceivable his wife could read this board.  Not likely, but possible nonetheless.  No?  I mean, if I were his wife, I would find a great many things said about him on here, quite hurtful.  I know it could be said, "well, even a couple of actresses from the show have made disparaging comments about him in public, so it's all right".  But does that make it all right then?  See?  I'm confused.

Please don't get me wrong.  I'm not making a statement about this AT ALL.  I know a lot of people have fun with the Roger Davis bashing - it's a popular pastime on here - LOL, and it certainly doesn't bother ME in the least, but I can't quite reconcile in my head (a confusing place to be lol), the guidelines and Davis' seeming exclusion from them.  I guess I'm wondering if I'm totally missing something or my interpretation of things is off.  For example:  There's a popular actress from the show whose acting I think is quite poor.  I don't think I would ever post that opinion though, because it doesn't seem appropriate and it might fall under a guideline.  Would it??
I dunno....what's YOUR take on all this?  Am I being too confusing here? -CLC

Hi Connie,

Eloquence isn't my strong point so please bear with me. I am going to take for granted that what you wrote is what you meant and respond accordingly. I've been active on the forum just a few weeks and have started paying strict attention to each and every post as a "moderator in training," if you will, for less than two weeks so I am bringing to the table little knowledge of what has transpired here before my arrival concerning issues about personal attacks on Roger Davis. I may have to defer to Midnite to answer your concerns regarding that issue specifically. I don't recall seeing any such posts.

The bulk of the forum guidelines (which I've read at least six times since I read your post above, LOL.) IMHO are there to protect us from each other. Guidelines directed toward the Dark Shadows cast and crew are as follows:

7. These boards are not forums for the spreading of gossip or innuendo, or the slandering of the DS actors' private lives. Comment on their public behavior, whether it be a personal appearance or in the course of some other form of public exposure (i.e. a talk show, Fest appearance, etc.) is perfectly acceptable, however.

What I recall being posted negatively of Roger Davis, Betsy Durkin, and Dan Curtis were attacks of their character portrayals, and in Curtis' case his being a spendthrift and on the choices he made concerning the shows development, etc. Such statements fall well within the forum's guidelines. When an actor performs a role it is considered a public presentation and therefore open to scrutiny and debate. And Curtis' reputation as a spendthrift is well documented in DS books and videos and can be directly attributed to his own words. When many people are of the same negative opinion it takes on the appearance of being hurtful and vicious. But they do not qualify as such under the forum guidelines.

And Connie, you certainly have the right to judge an actors ability and post your opinions. It is the intent of a post that one needs to be concerned with when trying to stay within the guidelines of the forum. And of course the way it is stated is in direct proportion to the way it is received. Many forum members choose not to post negatively, but that is a choice we all make within ourselves.

How did I do? LOL. I hope I helped you to sort this out somewhat.
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Nancy on November 10, 2002, 10:42:14 PM
This question has been on my mind for awhile.  I keep dismissing it and telling myself to mind my own business, but it's popped into my head again after reading your previous post.  How come there are a couple of DS people who seem to be exempt from the board guidelines regarding personal attacks?  It's like, it's not considered appropriate to post something that could be hurtful to someone, but it's allowed if it's something about Roger Davis??

In the case of Roger Davis, he gets up at conventions and says some pretty unkind things about his colleagues' abilities so I doubt very much he would be bothered by people doing the same.  However, I did see a thread here once, but I think it was removed, that implied Roger Davis engaged in sexual harrassment and that was, in my opinion, a personal attack.  There is no way anyone here would know that to be the case one way or the other and if the cast members working with him really did have a problem with I doubt they would sit on the stage with him at conventions and openly make fun of him.  There isn't any rancor with the DS ladies regarding Davis: they give him as good as they get.  

I know that there are DS actors and other personnel and those who know them who read the boards.  I agree with Mark that I doubt any of them really much care what goes on a fan board.  They might peruse it to see what general feelings are about some things and maybe that will help them make a decision, who knows?

However, the differences that Luciaphil and Mark draw between criticizing someone's abilities and their personal life is a distinction that the moderators of this board chooses to distinguish. I am one of the very few people who believes that just because someone is an actor they do not automatically lose the fundamental right to privacy and respect.

Since Dan Curtis is a producer, his vision, attitudes towards DS and his owrk,  and other views are fair game for discussion,IMO.  That's what he does for a living.  However, if the discussion turned into speculation about how he might treat his wife or IF he uses his business to front a mafia operation - then you have crossed the line and are making personal attacks.

If you think one of the more popular actresses on the show is poor, it's fair to say so because you are commenting on her ability (or lack of it) in your opinion.   It's not a smear on her as a person.  As you can see from the posts here and elsewhere, no two people can look at the same actor, scene or TV show and see the same thing.  The same actor can be called "brilliant" by one poster and "Lousy" by another.

(who has probably only added to Connie's confusion)
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Raineypark on November 10, 2002, 11:01:02 PM
How did I do? LOL.

You did just fine, kid.  You're really getting the hang of this Moderater stuff! ;)


Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 11, 2002, 12:44:29 AM
How did I do? LOL. I hope I helped you to sort this out somewhat.

Give Dom a cigar (preferably not a Cuban if you're in the United States). ;)

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: kuanyin on November 11, 2002, 01:00:39 AM
I think I am one of the posters that you are thinking of, I know I did one about Davis that after I had posted, I realized may have been out of the guidelines. I really didn't question it while I was writing it, but as I hit "Post" the question popped into my head. I know that we CAN go back and change posts now (unlike a while ago), but I decided to let it go and let Midnite be the judge. I know it was on for a while, but maybe it was eventually deleted, I'm not sure. I decided that either way was OK with me.

I have had other posts selected for deletion in the past though, so I really don't think that any of us are immune from that unless our posting is unquestionably within the guidelines.

My understanding of the guidelines are that they are NOT to prevent anyone from getting their feelings hurt ever. I've heard that some actors can't read reviews without getting their feelings hurt, so they don't read reviews. Similarly, I would guess that someone in the public eye would have to decide if they are able to handle reading what the public thinks of them in fan forums. Acting is notoriously difficult for the insecure, think of the audition process, then if they make the cut, the critics. And then here we are 30 years later, STILL making remarks about performances!!! Gak!

I am really looking forward to perusing the snarky site Luciaphil was kind enough to share with us!

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Midnite on November 11, 2002, 01:01:18 AM
This question has been on my mind for awhile.

Then I'm glad you asked it. :D

How come there are a couple of DS people who seem to be exempt from the board guidelines regarding personal attacks?  It's like, it's not considered appropriate to post something that could be hurtful to someone, but it's allowed if it's something about Roger Davis??

No one is exempt from any board guidelines, including the ones addressing personal attacks, and that applies to both forum members and DS personnel.

I've heard comments from some posters that they decline saying anything negative about certain actors' performances because the latter has one or more staunch fans reading the boards, and as Dom mentioned, it's a matter of personal choice.  I think this is admirable-- it shows a genuine concern for others on the boards-- but on the other hand, the official policy is that anyone has a right to share their opinions here and any attempts to intimidate someone else to keep them from expressing their opinion won't be tolerated.

So, I wonder, well...how does anyone know someone close to him, or a family member doesn't see this board occasionally?  Apparently he married a fan, so it's conceivable his wife could read this board.  Not likely, but possible nonetheless.  No?  I mean, if I were his wife, I would find a great many things said about him on here, quite hurtful.  I know it could be said, "well, even a couple of actresses from the show have made disparaging comments about him in public, so it's all right".  But does that make it all right then?  See?  I'm confused.

I wouldn't call it unlikely that an actor or their loved ones could come across such remarks.  I haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that would lead me to believe that RD reads this forum, but I know he has read comments in the past that were made about him on other message boards, and I think it would naive to believe that anything said on an internet forum about a person will never be seen by them.  As far as reading them here goes, though at the current time only registered members are allowed to read the forums, some have registered anonymously, and neither you nor I know the identity of all members, and rightly so.  In addition, when the forum is reopened to guest traffic in the near future, everything said now will be archived (you have only to check out Current Talk I, II, and III to find evidence of this) and it'll therefore be available for guests to read at that time.  So posters would be wise to keep in mind that what's said on an internet forum is hardly private.  That also applies to sharing personal information about yourselves.

I guess I'm wondering if I'm totally missing something or my interpretation of things is off.  For example:  There's a popular actress from the show whose acting I think is quite poor.  I don't think I would ever post that opinion though, because it doesn't seem appropriate and it might fall under a guideline.  Would it??

If you mean would it violate a guideline to give your opinion about a popular actress on the show, my answer is no-- you absolutely have the right to diss the acting of any actor or actress.  However, there's a good chance your opinion will get debated, which is of course perfectly within everyone else's rights too.

Eloquence isn't my strong point so please bear with me. I am going to take for granted that what you wrote is what you meant and respond accordingly. I've been active on the forum just a few weeks and have started paying strict attention to each and every post as a "moderator in training," if you will, for less than two weeks so I am bringing to the table little knowledge of what has transpired here before my arrival concerning issues about personal attacks on Roger Davis. I may have to defer to Midnite to answer your concerns regarding that issue specifically. I don't recall seeing any such posts.

What's this about eloquence not being your strong point, sweetie?

All I can add to what's already been said is that if there's something you've read about RD, DC or any DS actor that you feel was a comment about their personal behavior as opposed to private, then please feel free to point it out to me.  Otherwise, I honestly can't think of an example of an inappropriate personal attack in a post.  The incidents that come to my mind were comments about public behavior (i.e., in the case of Roger Davis:  a performance, his behavior in front of a Fest audience, or published comments about him made by fellow actors).
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: ROBINV on November 11, 2002, 01:24:14 AM
You know, when I first watched DS, as a teenager, I thought Roger Davis was pretty romantic, too--but only in his Peter Bradford persona.  Once he arrived as Jeff Clark, I started to wonder what Vicki saw in him; all the "romance" had disappeared.  

I did think Ned's treatment of his sister was very odd, way too physical, almost intimate--and it disturbed me and made me uncomfortable.

Now, watching him from an adult's viewpoint, I can't help but imbue ALL his characters with the worst traits of Roger Davis himself, even Peter Bradford.

However, I LOVED Roger Davis as Dirk Wilkins, especially "AV".  His performance is over the top, yet somehow thoroughly enjoyable.  He adds just the right touch of menace mixed with humor to the role.  

As for RD himself, I bought some of his wares and he was very nice to me.  I can't afford any of his real estate, however, I'm sorry to say.  Whatever you want to say about the man, he apparently knows how to make money.

Love, Robin  
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Josette on November 11, 2002, 10:22:23 AM
This reply is off topic, but:


We don't. I don't know how many of you here are familiar with Television Without Pity (http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com) (Josette and Scout75 a few others are 'cause I've seen you there 8))

I just thought I'd mention that I've never even heard of Television Without Pity, so it must have been someone else! :)
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Connie on November 11, 2002, 01:59:10 PM

Whoa...all these lengthy responses!  Ya know, I feel kind of stupid.  I DO understand the distinction between commenting on an actor's private life and their work.  I think I was taking a couple of guidelines and lumping them together in my mind.  Plus I was remembering something Midnite posted not long ago as far as her criteria for deciding about the appropriateness (sp?) of certain types of posts and what she would delete and not delete.  YOU know - the thing about asking herself whether something might be hurtful or embarrassing to someone.  I was lumping that in too.

So when Dom said the thing about the possibility of the person who wrote the letter in the magazine article reading this board and being hurt, I immediately thought of R. Davis and the stuff people say about him all the time.  You know what I mean?

Yes...your explanation was totally clear and did not confuse me.  LOL   And yes, what I was asking is exactly what I meant.  I wasn't insinuating anything or trying to make some sort of surreptitious statement!  I don't do that.  (Ya know, you've only been a moderator (globally speaking lol) for a week or two and ALREADY you're looking for hidden meanings!  ROFL)
Anyway, I just thought I'd ask you instead of Midnite since you made the comment about the writer of the letter, and I just wanted your opinion.  (Plus I figured, hey, give Midnite a rest and ask you).

All I can add to what's already been said is that if there's something you've read about RD, DC or any DS actor that you feel was a comment about their personal behavior as opposed to private, then please feel free to point it out to me.

Hell, I'd never do that in a million years.  (At least I don't THINK I would) lol.  I don't scrutinize people's posts and place some sort of judgement on them.  It's not my place.  I just look for something interesting or funny to read, differing opinions, etc.

Anyway, thanks everybody for your responses.


Hey - ya know what?  The next time I start wondering out loud, somebody kick me!
Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 11, 2002, 06:03:26 PM
Hey - ya know what?  The next time I start wondering out loud, somebody kick me!

<BOOT> to Connie.

There's an advance on your credit. You're now entitled to one offense without penalty. ;)

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: Luciaphile on November 11, 2002, 07:11:48 PM
This reply is off topic, but:

I just thought I'd mention that I've never even heard of Television Without Pity, so it must have been someone else! :)

That's not you? Oh dear. See there's an "other shows" forum and DS does have it's own little board, very, very low traffic and there's a Josette there too.  Never mind.

Title: Re: Old Article
Post by: jennifer on November 11, 2002, 07:41:47 PM
i agree with above and have to say it is his acting on the show i object too also but as Robin stated i liked his Dirk!
i think if we didn't have these things to talk about it would be a boring place! i don't take offence if anyone
makes fun of someone i like unless they attack me personally! as others stated (and as politicians and athletes find out also) if you are in the public eye you have to be able to take your lumps as well if you post
something here!
Dom you are doing a good job!Thanks!
