General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Josette on October 11, 2002, 07:42:40 PM

Title: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Josette on October 11, 2002, 07:42:40 PM
I didn't get a chance yesterday to mention yesterday's conclusion:

I love that scene.  I was just waiting for it.  I love the way Quentin just stands there smiling.  And then Ezra, who actually knew him when he was young, suddenly realizes who he is and what that means!!  Marvelous moment.

And, poor David!  He keeps asking Quentin if anyone will get hurt, and agreeing to help as long as no one gets hurt.  To walk in and find that!!  Of course the adults will just think he's upset by the death, not realizing the involvement he feels he has in it.  Wonderful moment for David H., too.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Eleanor_Rigby on October 11, 2002, 09:35:02 PM
I have always admired Abe Vigoda.  He conveys an awful lot with his expression ... or lack of it.  I mean when he played Fish he was deadpan but very funny.  I thought he was very believable as he realized he couldn't be seeing Quentin, it must be a ghost.  I am sorry Mr. Braithwaite was killed off so quickly.  He would have made a good character actor, like Mrs. Johnson, except they couldn't use a jeweller on the show ... maybe just once in a while.

I thought David Henesy was a wonderful child actor, better than Macauley Culkin.  I'm sorry acting was a bad experience for him because of his parent.  What a coincidence I recall reading it wasn't much fun for Macauley Culkin either.

And I think David Selby probably enjoyed himself during the weeks he did not talk.  He seems to be having a grand time with his evil smiles.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: yendor on October 11, 2002, 10:00:01 PM
For a very brief time (probably a month or so), I actually ran Abe Vigoda's fan club when he was on DS. I seem to recall it was sometime around September of 1970, so I suspect he reappeared on DS after his demise as Ezra. Sheesh, if I'd only known that he'd go on to The Godfather and Barney Miller!  

He was, by the way, extremely gracious. I always was fascinated by his uncanny resemblance to a young Boris Karloff and would've loved to see him to a film about Karloff's life.

Has Abe ever attended a DS convention?

Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Annie on October 11, 2002, 10:10:53 PM
Hi, Joesette I really loved the scenes The Q-man
did !!!!!!!!!!!!  YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He really cracked me up Quentin did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             Love Anne
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: LoveAtFirstBITE on October 11, 2002, 10:13:25 PM
Has Abe ever attended a DS convention?

He was at the fest in '99 in New York City.  He mentioned that he and Selby had toured together in a play called "The Impossible Years", in '67.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Afan on October 12, 2002, 12:40:41 AM
Even though Quentin had those frightening smiles and expressions, I caught expressions that I didn't see the first time when I did not know the relationship he had to the buried infant. (Spoiler, so I'll say no more ).  He looked very sad when he saw Barnabus and Chris reburying the baby.  Again, when Mr. B was reading from the ledger about who had bought the pendant, he had a sad, remembering look.  He had a way of frightening people to death, but any ghost might have done that!  Afan, who is defending Quentin already!

Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: DStoDA on October 12, 2002, 01:29:41 AM

He was at the fest in '99 in New York City.  He mentioned that he and Selby had toured together in a play called "The Impossible Years", in '67.

Whoa! He must be really old, now. I thought he would be dead already.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Carol on October 12, 2002, 01:41:47 AM

Whoa! He must be really old, now. I thought he would be dead already.

According to the imdb site, Abe Vigoda was born on February 24, 1921. That makes him 81.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: DStoDA on October 12, 2002, 01:47:10 AM
Well, he did a great job as Ezra. That means he was in his late 40's when he did DS.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Midnite on October 12, 2002, 03:51:32 AM
For a very brief time (probably a month or so), I actually ran Abe Vigoda's fan club when he was on DS. I seem to recall it was sometime around September of 1970, so I suspect he reappeared on DS after his demise as Ezra. Sheesh, if I'd only known that he'd go on to The Godfather and Barney Miller!

How fun, yendor!  And yes, he played Otis Greene that year.  That role is even briefer than the one as Braithwaite, if you can believe that.

BTW, his Tessio can be seen on Bravo this weekend-- Saturday nite in The Godfather and Sunday nite in Godfather, Part II.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Craig_Slocum on October 12, 2002, 05:47:02 AM
I actually ran Abe Vigoda's fan club when he was on DS.

I keep waiting to hear from someone who was in Craig Slocum's fan club, he had one too. Guess they're gone with the wind.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Cassandra on October 12, 2002, 10:40:35 AM
Whoa! He must be really old, now. I thought he would be dead already.

Actually it was the wonderful make-up job they did to make him look as old as he did.  He kind of reminded me of Boris Karloff in that scene,

The funny thing is I don't think I've ever seen Abe Vigoda ever as a young man.  He seems to always play the "old man" part.   I always liked him though and thought he did a great job with all of his parts from different shows and movies.

My favorite memory of him is on Barney Miller when someone bought in those homemade brownies that were laced with Hash.   Abe Vigoda (Fish) was hysterical in this.  After he had eaten them, he said to Barney, "For once in my life I feel great and it has to be illegal!!"  That scene was priceless!
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: DSWayne on October 12, 2002, 08:19:37 PM
The one thing that I found funny about the scene with Quentin and Ezra was that here Quentin being a ghost comes and goes... appears and disappears as he wants.

But then they show him sneaking around going in and out of the secret passages. I thought that was funny.

But of course I still love the show....
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Cassandra on October 15, 2002, 10:59:09 AM
Eleanore_Rigby Wrote:
I thought David Henesy was a wonderful child actor, better than Macauley Culkin.  I'm sorry acting was a bad experience for him because of his parent.  What a coincidence I recall reading it wasn't much fun for Macauley Culkin

It's strange how things come about. The two of them were good child actors, very natural in their ability to act and play the parts they were in. Who can forget Macauley Culkin in "The Good Son"  Both had so much to offer with their natural talents, yet decided on not pursing acting any further.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: ROBINV on October 15, 2002, 12:01:00 PM
Cassandra said:

Who can forget Macauley Culkin in "The Good Son"  Both had so much to offer with their natural talents, yet decided on not pursing acting any further.

Macauley Culkin is still acting.  He is 21 and I read that he was in a play in London, I believe, but I can't recall the name of it right now.  He got excellent reviews for his performance.

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Nancy on October 15, 2002, 04:08:29 PM
Macauley Culkin is still acting.  He is 21 and I read that he was in a play in London, I believe, but I can't recall the name of it right now.  He got excellent reviews for his performance.

That's right, he resumed his acting career by doing a well received play in London and now he has one movie in the can and has started shooting another.  The whole debacle with his parents drove him out of the limelight for quite some time.

Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: CastleBee on October 15, 2002, 08:26:31 PM
Whoa! He must be really old, now. I thought he would be dead already.

I think he's just one of those people born with an old face.  Even in his Godfather role which of course was shot during about the same time period, he looks (to me at least) to be 10 years or more older than he actually is.  So, by the time he got around to doing his own spinoff show it looked as though he wasn't aging at all.  I just love the guy in anything I've seen him do and thought he was really great as Ezra Braithwait one of the best shorter segments of the show.  The makeup people did really well with it too IMO.
Title: Re: Quentin and Ezra
Post by: Cassandra on October 15, 2002, 10:31:29 PM
Robin wrote:
Macauley Culkin is still acting.  He is 21 and I read that he was in a play in London, I believe, but I can't recall the name of it right now.  He got excellent reviews for his performance.

That's right, he resumed his acting career by doing a well received play in London and now he has one movie in the can and has started shooting another.  The whole debacle with his parents drove him out of the limelight for quite some time.

Thanks guys! I hadn't realized that he was still out there acting.  Gosh, the last couple of movies that I've seen him in was "The Good Son" and "My Girl"  which I
thought he did a pretty good job playing both a villian in one, and then a friend in the latter.  It's good to know that his talents aren't being wasted and that he is still out there entertaining.  Thanks for the info.  :-)