General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on February 05, 2002, 02:22:26 PM

Title: "Dark Shadows' Eavesdropping Episode"
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on February 05, 2002, 02:22:26 PM
Originally posted by Bob the Bartender on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on February 05, 2002 at 08:22:26:

Let's see Barnabas eavesdrops on Vickie and Burke. Next, we have Julia eavesdroping on Barnabas and Vickie. What's next, Mrs. Johnson eavesdropping on Roger and Vickie? Jeez! (How about David eavesdropping on Carolyn and Buzz?)

I can kind of understand why Burke is so reluctant to move into the West Wing of Collinwood after he and Vickie are married. First, Burke would undoubtedly bump into his "good buddy," Roger, from time to time.
(That would be as cordial as Don Imus bumping into Howard Stern.)

Second, Carolyn might "just happen to walk into the West Wing" to ask Burke his "advice" on some trivial subject. (The new bride, Vickie, would just love that, don't you think?)

Third, young David would continually prowl through the hallways of the wing, often locking Vickie in empty rooms, just for old times sake.

Then again, if Burke didn't feel like walking all the way up to the West Wing tower room, he could yell up to his long-haired bride, Vickie, in the window, "Victoria, Victoria, let down your hair." (With apologies to Rapunzel.)