RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on September 17, 2002, 10:25:02 PM

Title: Robservations 9/18/02 - #651-652/3 - Liz & Death; Joe vs. Werewolf
Post by: ROBINV on September 17, 2002, 10:25:02 PM
651 - (Grayson Hall) - A strange and terrifying night at Collinwood, a night in which the past has reached into the present and taken the life of a young woman. It took only a matter of seconds for Victoria Winters to disappear forever, but it will take a very long time for those who witnessed this supernatural occurrence to comprehend or accept the fact that Victoria Winters no longer exists.

8:10 PM - Collinwood - Stunned, Barnabas and Liz, together in the drawing room, go over what just happened to Vicki. They wonder how it's possible--one moment she was there, the next moment, gone. They'll never understand it, they agree. It's like death, mutters Liz--we don't understand that because we can't, we can only wait for it, knowing it will reach out for us when it's ready. (oh, no!, not this again) Barnabas, perturbed, reminds her they have both had a great shock. Vicki didn't die, muses Liz, she simply vanished into another time--that's where she'll die, where she's supposed to die. Barnabas wants to bring Liz upstairs and find Julia, get his cousin some rest. My time is near, too, and I'm going to die, says Liz. Barnabas slips an arm around her and guides her out of the room, his face creased with concern (nice of you to leave him with all these problems, Roger!)

Chris stares from his awful hotel room at the moon. He gazes at his reflection in the mirror, feeling for excess facial hair. He paces, nervous. He checks his watch. He picks up the phone and calls the operator to get him 7758. The phone rings at Collinwood. Barnabas answers. Chris asks to speak to Julia. Barnabas says Julia can't come to the phone. I must speak to Julia, insists Chris. There's been an emergency with Liz, explains Barnabas. My emergency is more important, says Chris. I'll have Julia call you as soon as she can, promises Barnabas. Chris slams the phone down in frustration and looks anxiously out the window again. He falls into a chair, feeling the first stabs of pain, and we hear a wolf howling.

Julia tells Barnabas that Liz is in bad shape--this is one shock she may not recover from--she had a serious relapse because of Vicki's leaving, and Liz associates it with a slow kind of death, the kind she thinks is coming for her. It's all in her mind, surely, protests Barnabas. It's a very real threat to Liz, Julia assures him--I've given her a sedative, and perhaps in the morning, her outlook will be better. Barnabas fears Liz will be worse. Julia says she has no answers, but Liz does have an alarming preoccupation with death, rooted deeply in her mind--I don't know where or how it began. With Cassandra, says Barnabas--considering she and Liz hated each other on first sight--it must be a spell Cassandra cast. That doesn't matter now, says Julia, Cassandra is gone. Barnabas supposes she's right. Julia got the story about Vicki from Liz. Barnabas can't bear to contemplate life without Vicki. Julia touches him arm, telling him she's sorry. Barnabas wonders why Jeff had to come and take her away-- why?--WHY? It was Vicki's choice to make, says Julia. Barnabas doesn't want to hear that. Julia tells him she's spoken with Vicki since Jeff's disappearance, and the young woman was willing to sacrifice her life to be with him. This enrages Barnabas. Julia says he must accept this for his own peace of mind. Barnabas spits out that he'll accept she's gone and he'll never see Vicki again--but I blame Jeff for interfering in the first place! I can't force you to see what you should see, sighs Julia. Barnabas wants to speak to Elizabeth, and he wants Julia there. He turns and tells her Chris called, saying it was urgent, but Julia knows what it's about and says she can call him later.

Poor Chris goes to the non-ringing telephone, bangs his hand on the dresser, puts on his coat and leaves the room.

Joe and Amy return from somewhere. She's staring at the moon--sometimes it scares me, I don't know why, says Amy. Joe assures her it can't hurt her and hustles her inside. She's wearing a pretty green velvet dress and light green blouse, and looks adorable. Amy thanks Joe for the movie, wishing Chris could have come along. He's been busy since coming back to Collinsport, says Amy, but she's sure they'll see lots more of him when he settles down and finds the right job. (She's so hopeful and innocent, it's sad.) Joe agrees. He asks her about the star she saw on his face--did she really see it? Yes, she says. This disturbs him--he doesn't understand how or why she was able to see it. Neither do I, she says--I've never seen it on anyone else's face--I'm sorry I upset you.
It's OK, he assures her--do you see the star on my face now? No, she says, yesterday was the only time. Perhaps you imagined it, says Joe--go up to bed. She asks him to have Chris call her; he promises her will. Amy goes upstairs and greets Liz, who walks past her without answering. She asks Liz if she's feeling all right; still no response. Amy sees Liz leaving the house and asks where she's going. The little girl gazes after her, then up at the moon, fearful.

Chris is in the woods, also staring up at the moon, and looking none too happy, either.

Barnabas comes downstairs and finds Amy standing outside the house. He tells her to come into the drawing room, he wants to speak to her. (She's wearing bright green shoes, too.) Amy joins Barnabas. He tells her something has happened here tonight. She asks if it's something to do with Mrs. Stoddard. It affects all of them, especially Liz, answers Barn. I knew it, says Amy--Liz had such a strange look in her eyes when she walked past her in the hallway a few minutes ago. Barnabas asks if Liz left the house. Amy says yes--and Liz wouldn't say anything to her. Barnabas, preoccupied, tries to get Amy to go upstairs, but she shrilly protests she wants to help Mrs. Stoddard. No, says Barnabas, you can't help, just go upstairs. Amy refuses, she wants to wait until Liz comes back (very argumentative with an elder, isn't she?) She begs Barnabas to allow it. Barnabas tells her to wait in the drawing room on the sofa, then runs upstairs. Amy leaves the drawing room, takes her coat (another shade of green) and leaves the house. We hear the ocean, see the moon.

Barnabas and Julia race downstairs, the latter wondering how the sedative she gave Liz allowed her to get out of bed before morning. Barnabas, worried about Liz, goes out to look for her; he sends Julia to be with Amy. Julia rushes out to tell him Amy is gone. Barnabas realizes he now has two to look for. Cape on, cane in hand, he races out. Julia closes the door behind him, saying Amy has only been gone a moment. Julia figures she can return Chris' phone call now, but the man himself is banging frantically at the front door. Where have you been? he demands--I needed those pills before dark! She wonders why he's so upset, and doesn't understand why he needs the pills now. He apologizes; he was very anxious about getting the pills and is overwrought from lack of sleep. Julia asks if he REALLY wants the pills for insomnia.
Yes, and I need to get back to town before dark, he says--please, give me the pills. She hands him a vial and tells him to follow the directions. He tells her he appreciates her trouble. I hope they help you, she says--if they don't, you can have a check-up at Collinsport Hospital. Yeah, yeah, he says, and he hurriedly leaves.

Liz stands before the mausoleum. The tomb is ready--and *I* am ready, she thinks to herself--there is no reason to wait any longer. She walks toward the mausoleum. Amy stops her, asking what she's doing here all alone. Liz turns to face her, speechless, in the foggy cemetery. Amy wants an answer. Liz tells her you shouldn't have come here. I saw you weren't feeling well, she explains, I wanted to help. No one can help, says Liz--you're very young, you must think about living, not death. Liz turns to enter the tomb. Amy asks if dead people are in there. Yes, says Liz. Did you come out to visit them? asks Amy. No, says Liz, because I'm going to become one of them very soon. "No!" protests Amy. "You're not going to die!"
There's nothing you can do, says Liz--it won't be an ordinary death, that's what's so frightening--everyone will think me dead, only I will know I'm not, but helpless to tell anyone--I'll be buried alive. (what a terrible thing to tell a little child!) Over Amy's protests, Liz goes into the tomb. Liz falls to the ground. Amy kneels beside her. Barnabas comes running over. "I think she's dead!" cries Amy. Barnabas falls to his knees to look Liz over. No, says Barnabas, but we must get her back to Collinwood, quickly. The two of them start helping Liz home.

Chris locks himself in his room and pours some water to take the pills. He swallows some, then sits down on his bed. Joe knocks at his door. Chris is not happy--I can't talk right now, he says, but Joe insists. I was about to go to sleep, objects Chris. Joe insists on speaking to him immediately. Chris gives him a few minutes, explaining, I haven't been able to sleep nights. Perhaps it's your conscience, suggests Joe angrily--you were supposed to be with Amy, but let her down--I'm tired of giving her the old excuse that something came up, tired of seeing the look on her face. Chris knows--I'm sorry, he says. Joe points out that he keeps disappointing Amy, making her feel rejected--sorry isn't enough anymore--Amy isn't a Collins, shouts Joe, and knows it--she needs and loves her brother, and doesn't understand why you don't love her! I DO love my sister, insists Chris. Joe orders him to show it. Chris begs Joe to leave, for his own good, and opens the door. Joe takes it as a threat, and warns him cousin that he had better do something about Amy, and soon--or you'll answer to me! Chris gives his word and again orders him out. Joe agrees to go, saying, sarcastically, "I don't want you to lose any sleep tonight." Chris feels the pains of transformation coming over him immediately after he closes the door on Joe. He lies down on his bed, eyes fluttering, moaning in agony. His hand has already turned furry. He groans, pulling at the crocheted afghan on the bed.

NOTES: Oh, Joe, you are playing with fire! I'm sure if Julia knew how badly Chris really needed that sedative, she'd have called him back sooner. I did NOT miss the "Liz fears dying" storyline, and am sorry it's back again.

You have to admire Joe's resolve on Amy's behalf, he really is right, but he has no idea why Chris doesn't want to see his sister, and he can't very well tell Joe about his monthly problem. Sad all around.

652/3 - (KLS) - A dark and sinister night at Collinwood. A sudden, strange disappearance of a young woman has led to a chain reaction of terrifying events. Found unconscious near the old family mausoleum, the mistress of Collinwood has again become the victim of an evil spell which she thought she had overcome, a spell which could end her life at any moment.

Barnabas, Amy and Liz return to Collinwood. Liz is conscious, but her mood hasn't changed, and she fears being buried alive. Barnabas takes her up to her room. Amy goes outside and stares at the moon. Meanwhile, Chris sleeps restlessly in his werewolf form.

Liz's fear of premature burial persists as she talks to Barnabas. He tells her it's in her mind, which only supports her argument that there's something wrong with her. Suddenly her thoughts turn to David and Amy.
She insists that they'll need a governess to replace Vicki immediately, in fact, tonight. She suggests that Maggie would be a good choice. (a waitress as a teacher? Only on the Collinwood universe!) Barnabas agrees to call her.

Downstairs, Amy is crying as she stares at the full moon. Barnabas is angry with her for leaving the house against his orders, but he becomes concerned when he notices that she's been crying.
She tearfully tells him that she's afraid of the moon, but doesn't know why.

At the Collinsport Inn, the curse of the werewolf iapparently stronger than Dr. Hoffman's sleeping pills; Chris the wolf man exits his room.

Joe visits Maggie at the cottage to tell her he's leaving town. They agree that they still are, and will always be friends. (sniff!  too sad!) The telephone rings. Barnabas begins to explain to Maggie about Vicki...

At Collinwood, Maggie and Joe hear the whole story of Vicki, Jeff and/or Peter, and Liz's concerns. Barnabas takes Maggie upstairs to talk to Liz; Joe stays downstairs and talks to Amy. He tells her he's talked to Chris, who promised to spend more time with her. Her smile turns to a look of shock when she sees the red pentagram again appear on Joe's face. Suddenly fearing for Joe's safety, and begs him not to leave Collinwood this night.

Meanwhile, Maggie agrees to be the children's new governess, starting immediately.
Liz tells Barnabas that she feels better now that she knows that's been taken care of, but she still looks terribly worried as she finally lies down to try to sleep.

Joe offers to go to Maggie's house to pick up the things she'll need for the night, before she officially moves into Collinwood tomorrow. Amy again pleads with Joe not to leave, fearing that something will happen to him. Being a typical, disbelieving adult, he leaves anyway. Amy tells Maggie that she will not go to bed until Joe returns safely.

The werewolf lurks outside the Evans cottage. When Joe enters the house, the werewolf, apparently unaware that the door is never locked in the first place, enters with a shower of glass through the window,
and attacks his latest victim.

NOTES: ill Joe be killed by his own cousin, who turns into an animal he can't control when the moon is full? Funny, when Chris was in werewolf form and spotted Amy, he ran away. You would think his cousin would be equally protected.

What a pathetic little girl Amy is. No parents, one brother dead, the other a supernatural creature--she might not be a Collins, but she sure fits in, doesn't she?

Again, perhaps Maggie went to college and was working at the restaurant only because she couldn't get a teaching job in Collinsport. Otherwise, her being offered the job as governess seems strange.

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Robservations 9/18/02 - #651-652/3 - Liz & Death; Joe vs. Werewolf
Post by: Professor1985 on September 20, 2002, 12:06:57 AM
Where's the screen captures?
Title: Re: Robservations 9/18/02 - #651-652/3 - Liz & Death; Joe vs. Werewolf
Post by: Midnite on September 20, 2002, 03:51:52 AM
Where's the screen captures?
Like the episode montages, they're absent because MB has been incredibly busy dealing with a computer problem.
Title: Re: Robservations 9/18/02 - #651-652/3 - Liz & Death; Joe vs. Werewolf
Post by: DVD on July 21, 2004, 09:58:38 PM
DVD episodes for July 21st and 22nd.
The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#11/Disc#4 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #84)
Title: Re: Robservations 9/18/02 - #651-652/3 - Liz & Death; Joe vs. Werewolf
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 21, 2004, 10:46:12 PM
Where's the screen captures?
Like the episode montages, they're absent because MB has been incredibly busy dealing with a computer problem.

Because I was unable to do any the first time around, I've been creating all new montages and Robservations captures for episodes #647 through #667.  :)