General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: arashi on September 17, 2002, 06:04:41 PM

Title: Good Riddance!
Post by: arashi on September 17, 2002, 06:04:41 PM
Wooo! Janet Findley, graduate of the William Shatner school of hesitation in acting.

You _ must _ SHOW_....

For a medium and a "believer in the occult" you would think she had SOME defenses against Quentin, and having seen ghosts, would not be afraid of a skeleton in the mirror.

missing living room scene:
(after Vicki leaves)
Roger : The girl's gone bonkers!
Liz : Absolutely Looney!

(In Vicki's room)
Vicki : Jeff! You have to come back to me!
Audience : No! He doesn't!!

Barnabas is the master of tact. I think he was really trying to prevent Vicki from leaving, but there had to be a less desperate way than that. Of course, he did come from a time where people married for position, and not love. (Well, the upper class anyhow).

Oh no! Monica and Peter have vanished! Is that necessarily a bad thing?

Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: VAM on September 17, 2002, 07:33:56 PM
missing living room scene:
(after Vicki leaves)
Roger : The girl's gone bonkers!
Liz : Absolutely Looney!

Julia sent many characters to Wyndcliff.  Judging  her recent behavior, Vicki was one that needed to go!;)
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Luciaphile on September 17, 2002, 10:17:34 PM
Wooo! Janet Findley, graduate of the William Shatner school of hesitation in acting.

You _ must _ SHOW_....

LOL!  I actually enjoy Cavada Humphrey's performance on DS.  I always flash to Thoroughly Modern Millie, but I get a kick out of her nonetheless.

Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: scout75 on September 17, 2002, 10:19:48 PM
Cavada Humphrey reminds me of Olympia Dukakis.
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on September 17, 2002, 11:12:02 PM
LOL!  I actually enjoy Cavada Humphrey's performance on DS.  I always flash to Thoroughly Modern Millie, but I get a kick out of her nonetheless.

I haven't seen Throughly Modern Millie since I was a small child and don't remember a thing about it. I did find her voice very familiar though; I wonder if she did a lot a voice-over work on cartoons or something. I checked imdb.com but there is no listing for voice-over work.
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: kuanyin on September 18, 2002, 08:17:46 PM
I agree that for a professional she seemed remarkably ill prepared....Add  her to the increasing list of people who Collinwood/Collinsport kills immediately! Forget the Collinsport paper, wouldn't the Bangor Daily News pick it up? Huge headline: COLLINSPORT, DON'T GO THERE!

Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Craig_Slocum on September 18, 2002, 09:40:40 PM
I agree that for a professional she seemed remarkably ill prepared.

She should've listened to David and Amy, and not gone up to the west wing, especially through a secret panel that nobody else knew about.
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Gothick on September 18, 2002, 09:47:50 PM
I ADORE Cavada Humphrey.  The whole Mme Findlay thing could have been ridiculous, but I thought Cavada made it compelling viewing.

My one eternal regret is that there was no scene between Miss Humphrey and Grayson Hall.  THAT I would crawl over broken glass in the dark to see.

As for the script, Mme Findlay frightened far too easily.  Her descent into gibbering terror went at a speed presumably dictated by the shooting schedule.

Speaking of dictation (ahem!), I have my own theories about just what Mme Findlay saw when Quentin materialized in that squeaky old chair, that set her to screaming so ... Let's just say that it was something that would have made ME scream in an entirely different way.

Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Cassandra on September 18, 2002, 10:55:24 PM
I thought also that she should have been more prepared before going up to that room alone. At least bring someone else with her, especially in a strange part of the house that she knew no one uses anymore.
I was equally suprised to see her frighten so easily too. I think it was kind of obvious that she wasn't as professional as she was hyped up to be.

Had to laugh when I saw that trip falling down the stairs!  If you look closely you can see that the stunt person had a blonde wig on!!
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: Afan on September 18, 2002, 11:21:41 PM
When Miss Humphrey went through the secret panel in the drawing room, she was set up by David and Amy. Their cries, of "don't go in" were to make her go in.  Those two were responsible for the lady's quick demise.[ghost][ghost]
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: VAM on September 19, 2002, 01:10:45 AM
Curious how an individual goes tramping through the house without permission? I know that she was called in as the ghostbuster(that is questionable) but...
Title: Re: Good Riddance!
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on September 19, 2002, 01:43:18 AM
I liked her character. Cavada Humphrey reminded me of  Samantha Harper, who was on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman in 1976. I agree with Gothick, it would've been nice to see Madam Findlay and Dr. Julia Hoffman interact with each other.