General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Julia99 on September 07, 2002, 06:09:29 PM

Title: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Julia99 on September 07, 2002, 06:09:29 PM
So let's make a little post-Collinwood bio for Adam. . .

1968-69 He stayed in an exclusive sanitarium in Lucerne, Switerland getting a glam make over.

1970. . ..???
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on September 07, 2002, 07:57:36 PM
Well after Stokes sends him off to get his scars removed, the doctor *accidently* does the wrong operation and Adam is forced to become Adrina.

Years later, Adam realizes he's a faliure. He works at the local McDonalds at the age of 34 (But you add 30 years to that due to appearence) and scares all the kids off. Joan Rivers stops by and makes fun of Adrina. Adrina kidnaps her and takes her to Outer Mongolia where they live happily ever after.

The End

Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: ROBINV on September 07, 2002, 10:00:30 PM
Adam realizes his true passion is Peter/Jeff Bradford/Clark.  He manages to time-warp himself to 1796, pushes Vicki (Betsy Durkin, of course) off Widows' Hill, and confesses his attraction to Peter, who, flattered at first, decides he's REALLY pissed at the big lug for murdering his wife.  They get into a fight at the crest of the hill and end up falling down to the bottom.  Peter lands on top of Vicki's corpse and is instantly killed.  

Adam does not miraculously survive this fall a second time.  He dies and winds up in hell for his misdeeds, where he learns that he must spend eternity with Danielle Roget.  She decides she likes the big lug after all and they resolve to haunt and torture the Collins family once Quentin, Beth, Gerard and Daphne are done doing so.

Love, Robin    
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: tripwire on September 07, 2002, 11:05:40 PM
and every day, i still say he grabs hold on a live 220  exposed wire,  just to torment daddy barnabas...
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Gerard on September 07, 2002, 11:37:37 PM
Eve actually did survive; her "death" was just a ruse to get away from Nicholas.  For several years, she and Adam traveled across the land, "living on love".  They found out that, even if you're an artificially-created monster, that doesn't pay the gas bill.  Eventually, they settled down in North Platte, Nebraksa, moving into their "love nest" in the Grand-Vu Trailer Park.  Adam got a job at Stanley's Gas Station and Auto Repair, pumping gas at the full service.  Since most of the other guys that worked there looked worse than he did, his scars were never an issue.  

Eve got a job as a waitress at the Y-Go-By Diner.  In due time, she learned how to put her hair up in a beehive.  

After a coupla more years, both became frightened at what was happening to them physically, pondering if their unique form of existence had something to do with it.  Adam began to grow immensely in the belly area, while Eve faced the same thing with her hips.  They eventually learned to accept it.  

They had three children.  Their oldest, Cain, is doing five-to-fifteen, but might get sprung next year for good behavior.  Abel became, well, a sorta "blacksheep".  He moved away and last they heard, he was working for a leather store in San Francisco.  Their one daughter, Lillith, still lives in the Grand-Vu Trailer Park, but in her own love nest.  She had three kids herself and got married, but not in that order.  

Nicholas finally did locate them.  He went to his master in hell and gave a full report, wondering if the master wanted to again pursue the possibility of using them to create a satanic race of beings.  To which, the master said:  "I think I'll just stick with Howard Stern and Anna Nicole."

Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: AllMyShadows on September 08, 2002, 02:13:25 AM
Here ya go:

Before he leaves Collinsport, he goes to Widow's Hill and he sees Josette's dead body lying on the rocks. He touches her hair, and she comes back to life. They leave town, and get married. Before they leave, Adam pays a visit to Liz and tells her about his new found love. Liz offers to buy a house in a Los Angelos cul-de-sac for them, and they jump at the chance. When they get there, Adam starts to drink and a LOT of bad things happen to Josette. Angelique moves into town under the name "Angie" and starts to sleep with everyone, including Adam. Adam and Josette divorce. Josette gives birth to Adam's twins, but they get lost. They finally find the twins, and Adam and Josette get back together.........now where have I heard that before?:-p
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: ClaudeNorth on September 08, 2002, 02:46:33 AM

<lol> Very funny posts, everyone! :)

My theory of Adam's Post-Collinwood life is that, when Barnabas' astral self was transported to 1897, Adam's astral self was transported as well, leaving Adam in a coma-like state in the present.  Fortunately for him, Astral Adam managed to hook up with the 1897 Stokes family member (whom we never see on DS) and learn about life in the late 19th century.  

Eventually, Adam's physical self joined up with Astral Adam in 1897 (as did Barnabas' body) and Adam went on to live a very happy life during the turn of the century.

Incidentally, this would explain why Adam didn't "drain Barnabas' affliction" when the Leviathans placed the vampire curse on Barnabas--Adam no longer existed.


Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: ClaudeNorth on September 08, 2002, 02:59:51 AM
So let's make a little post-Collinwood bio for Adam. . .

1968-69 He stayed in an exclusive sanitarium in Lucerne, Switerland getting a glam make over.

1970. . ..???

1970:  Word gets around the sanitarium (which is frequented by the wealthiest members of the transcontinental jet set) that the mysterious, tall patient that no one seems to know is, indeed, quite large in more ways than one.  Before long, Adam is the darling of rich, middle-aged women who are looking for a diversion from the boredom of married life, and he  manages to accumulate an impressive bank balance as a result.
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: jennifer on September 08, 2002, 05:41:10 AM
he gets cosmestic surgery and a few years later
meets up with Hallie Stokes! now those two deserve each other!

he becomes  Howard Stern!

frankly i don't give a damn HE"S GONE!
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on September 08, 2002, 07:41:10 AM
Upon Jeffs/Peter and the other Vickie's leaving, Adam and Timothy sat down with a plate of cheese then  discussed  Adams need to change his attitude towards those whom he thought were not his friends any longer and move forward with his life...
Adam stayed with good the professor learning more about being a civilized man... Professor Stokes then helped Adam move to Bangor where Adam became a professor himself of archeology, where he would introduce himself as the missing link to his students in order not to make them think he was artificially made or something.
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Cassandra on September 08, 2002, 10:55:16 AM
Before Prof. Stokes sends Adam away to have his scars removed, he decided to do a Past Life Regression on Adam.  During his regression, he finds out that he's actually the great great Grandson of BATHIA MAPES!![/b]  
Upon hearing this, Adam talks the Professor into having a seance to contact his great great Grandmother and when they do so, he finds out just how much Bathia Mapes had tried to help Barnabas rid himself of the curse and wound up losing her life on account of it.
This in turn angers Adam because once again, "it's all about Barnabas, Barnabas Barnabas!!"
After that he decides he will have the operation to remove the scars under one condition,  that they find a doctor who will make him look exactly like Barnabas!
About a year later, Adam returns with his "new look" and everyone is amazed on how much he actually resembles Barnabas. But Adam isn't through yet!  He decides that he's going to make a play for Julia.  Julia on the other hand is flattered with all this new found attention from Adam, and since he resembles Barnabas so much, she's beginning to think "hey, he's not so bad after all!" Barnabas, of course is horrified to hear that Julia would even think such a thing!  When Adam finally asks Julia for her hand in marriage, she happily accepts!! Barnabas can't believe that she's actually going through with it and tells her he's planning on having her committed to Wyncliff!  Julia flatly tells him, "Look, I've wasted all these years standing by your side while all you did was chase those SYT's around in Collinwood! Now I have someone who looks just like you and the best part is that he loves me too!"  Adam and Julia are married and leave Collinwood to start a new life together in Martinique. They live happily ever after!!  (And Julia wonders what the heck took her so long!) :-)
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Julia99 on September 08, 2002, 07:07:50 PM
Julia flatly tells him, "Look, I've wasted all these years standing by your side while all you did was chase those SYT's around in Collinwood! Now I have someone who looks just like you and the best part is that he loves me too!"  Adam and Julia are married and leave Collinwood to start a new life together in Martinique. They live happily ever after!!  (And Julia wonders what the heck took her so long!) :-)

fun idea but ain't it a little. . uhhh. . hmmm.. .?? incestuous?  isn't she like . . uhh..Adam's Mom??  [jawdrp]
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Cassandra on September 08, 2002, 09:55:02 PM
fun idea but ain't it a little. . uhhh. . hmmm.. .?? incestuous?  isn't she like . . uhh..Adam's Mom??  [jawdrp]

Ah, you know when it comes to this show, anything goes.   As Roger once said, "My Incestors" er, I mean Ancestors......"    :-)
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: kuanyin on September 08, 2002, 11:11:11 PM
Well, I especially LOVE Gerard's version, but this is what REALLY happened.

Upon leaving Collinwood, he settled in a major city. Life was hard with having to work and all, and he never did well with authority figures, so jobs were shortlived. He called a local radio program to rant and was so eloquent in his bitterness that in no time at all he had his own radio show. After a few short months of enormous local success he was offered a syndication deal. Now, he has celebrity and lots of sycophants to kiss his ass. Don't worry, the only effect that getting his way all the time has had on him is that he no longer has to kill or kidnap anyone! He can still summon plenty of venom to keep his show a phenomenal success and after all, he DOES have a face made for radio!
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Julia99 on September 09, 2002, 12:37:57 AM
Is that radio show on the air in KCMO??  

BTW--did i tell you i'm originally from Russell, KS. . .way out there in nowoman's land???
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: kuanyin on September 09, 2002, 06:00:11 AM
Is that radio show on the air in KCMO??  

BTW--did i tell you i'm originally from Russell, KS. . .way out there in nowoman's land???

And you actually LEFT there? My nephew was in the big city of Hays for several years.

Rush lived here, but I can't remember where he started in radio. May have been in KC though. I don't think Adam got out of the East. I think his program is too intense to get its start here, he must have gone to NYC!
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Craig_Slocum on September 09, 2002, 09:34:58 AM

The matter was cleared up long ago, in a thread that is now in the archives. Adam and Harry Johnson joined a caravan and went from town to town, selling snake oil remedies. They now currently reside with Jim Morrison, somewhere deep in the Ozark Mountains.
Title: Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
Post by: Julia99 on September 10, 2002, 06:39:34 AM
And you actually LEFT there? My nephew was in the big city of Hays for several years.

As fast as I could honey, as fast as I could. . .[smokn]