General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: scout75 on August 25, 2002, 06:10:53 AM

Title: In Dreams
Post by: scout75 on August 25, 2002, 06:10:53 AM
A friend of mine had a dream about Dark Shadows the other night. Here's his description of what happened:

Joe Haskell decided to open an old-fashioned inn/tavern in Collinsport, but his secret plan was to use patrons as subject for experiments and spells. Nicholas Blair may've been behind it, but I dont think it was said.

Willie was skulking around, spying in the alley. Joe caught him, threatened him, and stuck his hand in Willie's chest and ripped out his heart. That part of the effect was good--lots of layers and thicknesses of flesh and all, but the heart looked fake--a prop that wasnt beating or bloody even. Joe cursed Willie and put a spell on him, then stuck the heart back in. Willie screamed and squirmed the whole time.

What my friend doesn't say was that the dream was so authentic, he even saw the "Dan Curtis Productions" and "World Vision" logos at the end of episode one. :-/ :o ?!?

New ep: someone was about to discover the horrifying secret hidden in Collinsport, blah blah blah.

Interior of inn: Joe's the proprietor, while Willie's waiting on people. Probably about 5 unfamiliar men eating at one table-- one has white hair and odd, cloudy eyes. Joe does his thing, and lines the men against the wall.

Enter David Collins, a bit older now and played, oddly enough, by Andrew Keegan.
(Most recently seen on 7th Heaven--scout75) He's still little more than a kid, but as heir of Collinwood he does carry a little more authority. He has figiured out what's up through investigations of his own, since, as a result of his strange childhood, he picked up a thing or two about the supernatural.

Turns out the white-haired guy was the king of some country, and had some secret business at Collinwood. The other men are advisors and bodyguards.

Willie enters, played by a completely different actor. shaved head, handlebar moustache, maybe even a loopy gold earring, looking like a turkish Mr. Clean. Turns out Joe was so inept at the dark arts he'd actually turned willie into the phillistine god of fishing and increase, Dagon [a god later adopted by the Assyrians].

As I later learned, the god was half-man, half-fish, but having Karlen done up like that wouldve been sillier than having a rubber bat on a string. The ep ends with a close-up of Joe screaming as he realizes he is about to face the wrath of Dagon.

So, gang...should I get my friend to Wyndcliffe immediately or what?! :)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 25, 2002, 06:26:52 AM

So, gang...should I get my friend to Wyndcliffe immediately or what?! :)

Yes, I think you should do it today!  ::)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Josette on August 25, 2002, 06:48:53 AM
Quite amazing!!  I can't imagine having such a detailed dream based on a fictional work - it would be like actually watching a new episode!!  Are these recurring dreams?  Given that you proceed to give a second episode - that's even more amazing!!
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Paul on August 25, 2002, 08:53:17 AM
:DI can understand someone having such a detailed dream. My dreams are epic stories, so far none about Dark Shadows but they are complex I remember some of them when I first wake up but forget them after wards. :)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: jennifer on August 25, 2002, 08:54:08 AM
Oh scout i've been up 24 hrs almost (on call in Or) just got home and hope i don't Have dreams like that :o :o

Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: A.I.Collins on August 25, 2002, 09:10:58 AM
I wish I could have dreams about Dark Shadows like that.That would be really cool, as long as it doesn't involve being in the mausoleum...that place would have to be creepy.

Adra ;)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Paul on August 25, 2002, 09:15:43 AM
I hope I never have the Dream Curse dream. ::)Paul
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: scout75 on August 25, 2002, 04:54:40 PM
This friend who had the dream has an incredibly rich dream life; he has dreams about members of his family who have passed away, he has dreams that are essentially period pieces quite a bit--and now I find out he had a dream about The X-Files the other night!  ?!?
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Mark Rainey on August 25, 2002, 07:20:24 PM
When I was a kid, I remember having a few dreams straight out of DS. The only thing I remember is that one of them featured Gerard and Quentin, and the tension between them was almost unbearable. Somehow I was involved on one side or the other, and I knew that, no matter what happened to one, the other was going to kill me. Don't remember how it resolved.

A couple of years ago, though, I had a very vivid dream in which I discovered that Rose Cottage existed in my hometown in a place I had never visited before. When I discovered it there, my excitement was palpable -- mainly because Nancy Barrett was there. ;)  But Gerard also featured prominently in the dream, and again he presented a threat. By this time, I had already met Jim Storm, but it wasn't a caricature of Jim in the dream -- it was really supposed to be Gerard, and he was one evil fellow. Again, I don't recall how it resolved, but the images I have are very intense. And no, Rose cottage was not a model; it was a real house, although it looked a lot like the prop in the show.

Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Teresa on August 25, 2002, 07:52:28 PM
At work, I am known as the queen of dreams. I usually dream every night in detail and color. When I was little my mom told me to write my dreams down as soon as I woke up so I would remember them.
I used to dream about elevators about 3-5 times a year and the dream was always different but that dang elevator was always in it. They stopped about 2 years ago and I read that I must have dealt with some issue that was causing the dream.
Now the other night I dreamt that I was pregnant with an alien baby and my cat told everyone it was going to be a boy and the aliens were going to take it away from me. I kept on saying " why me" through the whole dream. Weird huh?
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Raineypark on August 25, 2002, 08:01:08 PM
I think vivd dreams are a genetic trait.....I had night terrors as a child and so did my daughter and my father.

Eventually we all graduated to plain-old-ordinary very vivid dreams.....mine are usually about houses that start off familiar but change and morph into creepy, dangerous places. People rarely appear in my dreams...just places.  

Just your average anxiety dreams!

Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Lindsey on August 25, 2002, 08:03:07 PM
I haven't had too many DS dreams, but I did have one the other night. It was pretty bad. I was entering school and I looked over and realized Jeff Clark just enrolled. He was in all my classes and I could never get away from him! What a nightmare... [bawl]

Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: A.I.Collins on August 26, 2002, 01:39:23 AM
Hey Lindsey!....That's really funny.Having Jeff Clark in all of your classes.Sounds like fun.Actually,i find Roger Davis(as Jeff Clark)strikingly handsome.I have always liked the blond hair blue eyes kind of men though.So that would have been a good dream for me though.I would like to have one of those wierd dreams with the swirly colors and tye-dyed bnackgrounds...that would be cool too.

Adra ;)

P.S...and If I was Angelique I would have done more to Jeff than just bite him! 8)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Paul on August 26, 2002, 03:22:44 AM
:DI have had dreams about As The World Turns, Guiding Light, General Hospital, Passions, and The Young and the Restless, so itis only a matter of time before I dream about Dark Shadows. If and when I do I will race to  the computer and share it with you all.(Maybe if I sleep sitting up all night in a hard chair it might help.) ;D 8)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 26, 2002, 04:36:38 AM
I have always liked the blond hair blue eyes kind of men though.

I like the red hair, brown eyes men. The world needs more of them!  ;)
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Ben on August 26, 2002, 04:48:20 AM
What my friend doesn't say was that the dream was so authentic, he even saw the "Dan Curtis Productions" and "World Vision" logos at the end of episode one. :-/ :o ?!?

LOL!  I actually thought you were going to say that the dream was so authentic that either Joe accidentally dropped the heart/prop, Willie blanked out on a line (and Mrs. Johnson had to find her way to the alley to feed him his next line), or part of the alley set fell down.   ;)

Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Cassandra on August 26, 2002, 09:57:16 AM
I think vivd dreams are a genetic trait..

I think you're right about that.  My dad always dreams of family & friends who have passed on, and so do I. I like dreams like this because it makes me feel that they're still with us.  Years ago my brother in law passed away. Although everyone said it was from a drug overdose, I honestly believed it was from Aids due to drug use. He really looked bad the year before he died and although eveyone tried to get him help, he refused it.  It had his whole family in an uproar. Anyway, about 6 months after he passed away, I dreamt of him and noticed how wonderful he looked. He was so happy with a big smile on his face.  In the dream I asked him what he was doing here since I knew that he had died. He just looked at me and smiled and said, "Im alright now, just tell everyone that I am okay now."

Another time I dreamt of my late Grandfather. He knocked at my door and I was shocked when I answered it because I knew that he had died. He just looked at me and said "please pray for me."  Well I did just that and haven't dreamt of him since so Im hoping that he is okay.

I've never dreamed of Dark Shadows though and not all that sure that I want to either.  With my luck, I'd probably get something similar to that dream curse.
Title: Re: In Dreams
Post by: Happybat on August 26, 2002, 11:21:27 PM
Dreams are a fascinating subject!  The only DS dream I recall with any degree of vividness was one I had years after I stopped watching DS:

Barnabas Collins the vampire chased me up and down a series of crystal staircases that were located in some odd, cloudy cosmic void.  I had this dream during my teens.  Nightmares were very frequent then; glad to say that this is no longer the case.  Around the same time I also had one of my favorite dreams where none other than Chopin himself was teaching me to play the piano!  Don't recall whether or not I was a very adept pupil, but it was a nice fantasy!

I wish I remembered more of my dreams, regardless of what they might be!