General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: VictoriaWintersRox on August 23, 2002, 01:05:25 AM

Title: Vicki the (Overly) Anorexic Bride
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on August 23, 2002, 01:05:25 AM
What did everyone think about the dream wedding sequence that they had in today's episode? I really liked it . It didn't seem to be as cheap as some of the other ones and it didn't have that annoying 'kalediscope' thingy, neither did Lizzie's funeral thing I think. And I'll be darned but did Elizabeth *gasp* SMILE?  :o I liked how they played the wedding march and some of the DS music at the same time. I wish they had used this for the actual wedding . . . too bad they didn't get AM to stay for another twenty episodes to finish her character, maybe they would've had a bigger wedding . . . but I doubt that considering how cheap Dan Curtis was after 1795.
Title: Re: Vicki the (Overly) Anorexic Bride
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 23, 2002, 02:06:57 AM

It was a strange wedding, and it made no sense to me, I don't get it.  ?!?
Title: Re: Vicki the (Overly) Anorexic Bride
Post by: tripwire on August 23, 2002, 06:30:49 AM
and that goofy skull gets as much air time as most of the actors.
Title: Re: Vicki the (Overly) Anorexic Bride
Post by: Connie on August 23, 2002, 06:39:02 AM
and that goofy skull gets as much air time as most of the actors.

Yeah, and it was great for Dan 'cause the skull didn't have to get paid.
