General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '10 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on June 17, 2010, 11:58:20 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Watching Project on June 17, 2010, 11:58:20 PM
Robservations #1024
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Janet the Wicked on June 18, 2010, 06:33:02 AM
One would think that a family as wealthy as the Collins' would have a very expensive chess set and not a Milton Bradley game board with plastic pieces. Anyone who cherishes chess would have a nice set of knights and all them other guys. I have played chess in my time with granite, carved stone, and crummy plastic. It's much more fun playing with expensive, breakable stuff. Heh, heh... Nice scene between Ang and Barn though.

All right. Who's out there laughing that I know how to play chess?

At long last, they have a nice piece of artwork over the mantle. IMHO anyway.

The flower arrangement stinks. It's a nice bit of height with the gladiolas, but the accompanying flowers do not click.

Grayson Hall. Ah, Grayson Hall. She is splendid as Hoffman and I am wondering how much she liked the role. Did she get up in the morning, have some scones and apricot jam with her coffee and look forward to going to work to play this diabolical part? My guess is yes. She's just so damned good here.

Jonathan Frid is no slouch, either. I am always looking forward to what mischeif he is up to next. And as Barnabas, he gets what's going on. He just does. Fun to watch, as always.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Lydia on June 20, 2010, 12:27:59 PM
Yes, Janet, Barnabas is fun to watch.  I was about to say, "More fun when he's thinking than when he's emoting," but then I thought about a scene or two when he emoted, and decided I had better reserve my judgment.  He looked youngish and handsome today - much younger than he did in the late Leviathan storyline.  I cannot come up with a rationalization for that right now.  Maybe someday.

Maggie's reading of Quentin's love letters was pretty indefensible, I was thinking, but then she managed a nice defense when she said she wanted to understand Quentin.  And when Quentin said he thought she already did understand him - what was that supposed to mean?  His favorite sentence is "I don't want to talk about it!" and yet he expects her to understand him. 

The foyer seemed cramped today at the end, with all those big dresses.  It didn't seem to me as though much preparation had been made for the big party.  Where was the dancing going to be?  Because of course there was going to be dancing.  But here's my real question: why did they do the whole costume ball thing at all?  I'm aware that it's because it's in Rebecca.  But by this time we have diverged far enough from Rebecca so that I don't see the necessity of including this business rather than finding something better accommodated to the Dark Shadows constraints.  Or am I completely missing the point?  Is it that this wouldn't be a recognizable Rebecca rip-off if the costume ball were not included?  Did Dan Curtis tell the writers, "Cram it in, by hook or by crook, or you're all fired!"?  And so they crammed it in, but not very comfortably - is that it?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 21, 2010, 02:48:10 AM
Thinking aboiut the ball made me decide that the entrance to Collinwood that we see a million times cannot possibly be the main entrance.  It must just be the more relaxed, "comfortable", informal entrance leading to the small, informal room to chat in that we know as the Drawing Room.   

Guests for the ball could not possibly have arrived at that entrance.  Where would they go next?   Downstairs are the servants' quarters that you have to duck your head a little to get to, upstairs are the main bedrooms.   You don't receive guests at a big fancy ball for rich people, then make them wander the house, walking down this narrow corridor or that one to get to the big fancy ballroom.   You receive guests in a big foyer that leads directly to a huge ballroom.   I say this knowing nothing about rich people.   It just makes sense.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Lydia on June 22, 2010, 08:53:39 AM
Here's another idea, Magnus: there's a large upstairs room that we never see that is is used for parties.  You go upstairs, across the landing, through the door that (in our universe) leads to off-stage, and then on your right is a door into the party room.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 23, 2010, 06:00:56 AM
Yes, that's what we're supposed to believe, but it's just not nearly "grand" enough.   I think big rich people's parties must be big statements, sort of like private Hollywood premieres, with valets, a big foyer to make a big entrance in, opening immediately onto the ballroom.  Something like that.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Lydia on June 23, 2010, 10:11:01 AM
Yes, that's what we're supposed to believe, but it's just not nearly "grand" enough.
Are we indeed supposed to believe that?  I don't see any evidence for it.  But then, I'm unobservant.

As for a big statement, try this one: “We’re so rich we don't need to show off.  We live in a quaint old rabbit warren of house with small rooms because we like it and because we can afford the heating bills.  If you don't like it, you don't have to come to our party.”
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 23, 2010, 06:41:20 PM
That is definitely the main entrance to the real house, and believe it or not, the foyer set is basically the same size as the real room. On the other hand, the real drawing room is humongous by comparison to the set (here's a vintage photo):


But there would have been no way to have a set that huge in a TV studio. I suppose it requires some imagination and a bit of suspension of disbelief to picture the set for the drawing room as bigger than we actually see it on the show.  [ghost_wink]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Taeylor Collins on June 29, 2010, 01:04:02 AM

OOOH...I cannot wait to see that in October! :) Thanks for the pic MB!

Lydia I think Jonathan Frid looks much younger in these episodes  because when he was turned back into the vampire (in the Leviathan storyline) they painted him to high heaven with lots of contour and the more wrinkles one has sometimes heavy paint can make them look even older. That is my take on it.  He isn't painted so heavy now! In my years of doing makeup it's quite amazing what it can do to make one look older and/or younger!

As I think I have s aid before I think PT Angie has to be the most evil of them all and now caught by Barnabas! HEE
I do love the dress that Angelique has on.  It's very interesting with the blue and purple!  This sure will incur Quentin's fury when he finds her.

“Go to your room!”  She isn't 12 Quentin!  Idiot!

I didn't think we were ever going to see Hoffman again!  So glad  to have her and GH back.  As Janet said she must have relished playing Hoffman!

This is going to be a mess and I know will something dreadful—I feel it!  I think there possible was a cut after Angelique gave Maggie the dress so everyone could get into costume!  They all look great wonderful!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Lydia on June 29, 2010, 08:52:10 AM
Lydia I think Jonathan Frid looks much younger in these episodes  because when he was turned back into the vampire (in the Leviathan storyline) they painted him to high heaven with lots of contour and the more wrinkles one has sometimes heavy paint can make them look even older.
But I was talking about Barnabas, not about Frid!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1024
Post by: Taeylor Collins on June 30, 2010, 12:52:38 AM
I thought you were talking about his face since they do have the same face.  My bad. And since you said he looked diffferent from when he was in Leviathans I naturalyl thought it may be the makeup! It's all good.