General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: VAM on August 20, 2002, 03:24:36 AM

Post by: VAM on August 20, 2002, 03:24:36 AM
I feel kinda nostalgic tonight and my post reflects the feelings. Certainly many of you, if not all  members on this board,  have either a special item or experience connected with DARK SHADOWS. I remember like it was yesterday when my grandmother gave me the original Barnabas Collins wrist watch, which she purchased for me  at Macy's in New York City during the late 60's. A priceless addition to my ticker collection.  Also, I have both Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott to thank  (I am very grateful to these ladies) for my renewed interest in the Series after meeting them at Chiller Theatre in '99.
Please find time to share with us  a special gift or memory related to DS.
Post by: Gerard on August 20, 2002, 03:37:54 AM
I have one gift given to me by a friend:  the Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows game which he found at a rummage sale.  It is complete, save for the fangs.  He also found (but I purchased it), a mint-condition copy of the soundtrack record album.  I also have a hefty number of the Marylin Ross novels, as well as the comic books (with those horrible illustrations), and the original 45 of Quentin's Theme (#1 At the Blue Whale on the flip-side).

Post by: Blue_Whale_Barfly on August 20, 2002, 03:58:12 AM
For me it was when I was a mere nine years old and my mom bought me the Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows game brand new with fangs and everything.  I use to wear those fangs so much that they started to stink!  Ah, the good ole days.
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 20, 2002, 04:46:20 AM
My most special items are things that belonged to my favorite Dark Shadows actor, Craig Slocum.  :) I have his resume, the most complete one from the late 1970's, not long before his passing.  :'( He wrote a few things on it, and there's some personal info - his address, phone number, and a few other things about himself. There's a 8 x 10 promo photo with it. I'm glad I got to see what he looked like later on.  :) He looked good!  ;) I also have 2 of his Dark Shadows scripts, his name is written on them. I would like to have everything of his from the show. I care about Craig so much. My special experience connected with Dark Shadows certainly would be him. I never had such feelings, fascination, and love for anyone! It's hard being in love with someone who is long gone.  :'( I have many Dark Shadows items, some rare and hard to come by, but the things I mentioned, will always be the most memorable.  :)
Post by: Birdie on August 20, 2002, 05:17:07 AM
I still have my Dark Shadows record album.  At one time I had the complete collection of the books but they were destroyed when our cellar flooded.  
The thing I cherish most is the happy memories of growing up watching DS.  How we ran home from school to watch, walked to the corner store to buy the trading cards, and going to the movie.  It was a special time in my youth.  
I have to thank my daughter for getting me rehooked about two years ago,  she was home sick and we just started getting sci-fi and I thought I would show her the TV show I loved so much.   I never dreamed I would enjoy it once again so very much.  

Post by: murph on August 20, 2002, 05:32:12 AM
Great post VAM!!!!

I have a couple very fond memories.  The first would be when I was in the 4th grade (1970), I don't remember the particulars but somehow my class was to put on a Dark Shadows play and I was in charge of it.  I was to be the scriptwriter, director and since the play was my idea I was going to play Barnabas Collins. I don't remember any body else's part except one.  The prettiest girl in my class was Jeanine Burger (who I secretly had a crush on) and I chose her to play Angelique.    

While everyone in the play was rehearsing on the stage a group started to form thinking we were going to put on the play there and then.  We were no where near ready but Sr. Martha Mary asked me if we could go on anyway and how could I say no?  I remember that it was total chaos but it was also a lot of fun.  I don't remember much about the play except as Barnabas I strangled Angelique.  Of course there was no harm done to Jeanine but Sr. was not at all happy about the violence.  I laughed it off then and it's still a great memory of a lot of long ago friends.  

My other fond memory is seeing Jonathan Frid in person when he came to a nerby town, Moline, Illinois in probably 1969 or 1970.  
Post by: Gerard on August 20, 2002, 06:15:54 AM
I forgot to say that I also have the sheet music for Quentin's Theme for the organ.  I got that as a Christmas present from my parents back in 1969.  I played it for a recital when I was taking lessons at a local conservatory.

Post by: TERRY308 on August 20, 2002, 12:49:53 PM
I too loved DS.  I remember my mother had bought me The Dark Shadows Game.  I was thrilled.  I also went to the corner and got trading cards, which I still have.  The album and the 45 of Quentins Theme, they all have a place in my heart.  
Post by: VAM on August 20, 2002, 01:10:44 PM
I forgot to say that I also have the sheet music for Quentin's Theme for the organ.

Do you still play the organ Gerard?

Some other memorable memorabilia for me:

I have the original music composition sheet of Robert Cobert for "I Wanna Dance" and it was personally inscribed by David Selby. Also, the master record print of the same signed by Nancy Barrett

At the 2001 Horrorfind Weekend in Baltimore, Lara Parker gave me one of those beautiful reproduction posters of her portrait from NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS as a gift with a personalized inscription.
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on August 20, 2002, 03:22:10 PM
I never had such feelings, fascination, and love for anyone! It's hard being in love with someone who is long gone.  :'( I have many Dark Shadows items, some rare and hard to come by, but the things I mentioned, will always be the most memorable.  :)

Your post has really touched my heart!  Although I'm a relative newbie to DS (been watching for more than 2 yrs now), the show has helped me get through my divorce and has helped to ease the loneliness of watching my two children finally fly from the nest making lives for themselves. Its been great having a focus, something to look forward to if you will.  My brother has been a fan since the show started in 1966 and now the continuing interest in the show has given us a shared joy to talk about and even bring us closer together.
Post by: Gerard on August 20, 2002, 03:33:40 PM
Do you still play the organ Gerard?

Although I haven't played in years, Vam, I still could tickle some ivories in a rusty sorta way.  It's like riding a bike - you may wobble a bit if it's been awhile, but you never forget how to do it.  I am glad that my parents made us take music lessons.  At the time, of course, we hated it, but now I really appreciate being able to read music and applying it to certain instruments.  There are certain things everyone should learn how to do:  read music; swim (just enough at least to keep from drowning), and drive a stick-shift.  Once you know how to do all those, the world's your oyster!

As for the organ on which I took lessons (and learned how to play Quentin's Theme), it is now sitting in the garage, covered with dust and cobwebs, half the keys shorted out, the wiring frayed, and I will be putting an ad in the paper telling anyone who wants it can have it for free - just haul it the heck outta here.

Post by: jennifer on August 20, 2002, 03:52:46 PM
I had the DS album and basically played it until it  was almost worn out!don't know what happened to it but think it is under some things in my parent's attic hope to find it some day!
also found a DS book Barnabas Collins at a yard sale for 50c What a find!

Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 21, 2002, 01:17:26 AM
Your post has really touched my heart!

How nice!  :) I've been divorced for 6 years, so I can relate to it. I am Mother of a 6 year old girl. Her father is not the man I divorced. My 2 older brothers both left home when they were 17 in the 1970's. I left in 1985 when I was 21. My parents cried for several days. My Mom was just talking about it when she was here for my daughter's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Yes, Dark Shadows is a great distraction from other things. I used to watch it with my Mom and brother in the 60's. He hasn't seen it since, but still remembers some of it. He remembers the bubble gum cards we had when we were kids, and that we dropped one in the car door and couldn't get it out! We were worried that our dad would find it. He doesn't like Dark Shadows. My Mom loves it though, she used to watch it with us, and still watches it with me when she comes over.  :)
Post by: Misty on August 21, 2002, 01:35:58 AM
:)So many of you have wonderful memoirs that you will treasure forever. The only things I have are the original record album of DS music and three Marilyn Ross novels. But the thing that I am most grateful for was the oppportunity to see the original run of DS. It was just a great experience.

                                   Nostalgically, Misty
Post by: VAM on August 21, 2002, 04:12:52 AM
There are certain things everyone should learn how to do:  read music; swim (just enough at least to keep from drowning), and drive a stick-shift.  Once you know how to do all those, the world's your oyster!

Looks like I past the test...
My music lessons  (piano) came via a nun (Saint Joseph order) where I attended grade school.
Post by: Misty on August 21, 2002, 06:00:35 AM
::)Oh my goodness! I must reply to Gerard. The world is indeed my oyster!!! I play the piano, organ and guitar; was a WSI years ago at a YWCA camp; and I've never driven anything other than a stick-shift. You've made my day!!

                              Much love,  Misty
Post by: Anubis on August 21, 2002, 07:21:46 AM
My father had an autobody shop in Queens, NY during that time and sometimes he would work on celebrities cars.  One day he came home and said he had an actor from Dark Shadows car, but didn't  remember his name, but knew it wasn't Barnabas since he had seen him on the show.  He said he would get me his autograph.  I remember being so excited about it.  I was hoping it was Quentin since he was the love of my life at the time.  Well, I was quite disappointed when he came home with the autographed photo and it was of Roger Davis!  Not one of my favorites.  I didn't let on to my father though.  Still, I wish I had it now along with my trading cards, Barnabas Collins game, Quentin post cards and 45 record of Quentin's theme.  No wonder I don't throw anything away now.
Post by: Cassandra on August 21, 2002, 08:27:49 AM
::)Oh my goodness! I must reply to Gerard. The world is indeed my oyster!!! I play the piano, organ and guitar; was a WSI years ago at a YWCA camp; and I've never driven anything other than a stick-shift. You've made my day!!

                              Much love,  Misty

That's great Misty! You sound very talented. I also have a beautiful piano and used to play it all the time years ago, but like Gerard, Im afraid that I've gotten a bit rusty with it over the years.

Loved reading everyone posts! I wish I had more Memorabilia things to share with everyone. The only item I have is a 45 rpm record of Quentin's theme that my older sisters use to play all the time. I remember being so exited when one of my sisters bought it home. That and of course my MPI collection, which I truly love and watch all the time. :)
Post by: Misty on August 21, 2002, 09:53:35 PM
:-/THanks, Cassandra. These days I just tinker around with the keys and strings. Arthritis has taken it's toll!!! But I still swim a lot and, of course, drive. If you must drive---might as well make it fun. A stick shift is also great in snow---which I have to factor in!

Post by: jennifer on August 21, 2002, 11:24:07 PM
My father had an autobody shop in Queens, NY during that time and sometimes he would work on celebrities cars.  One day he came home and said he had an actor from Dark Shadows car, but didn't  remember his name, but knew it wasn't Barnabas since he had seen him on the show.  He said he would get me his autograph.  I remember being so excited about it.  I was hoping it was Quentin since he was the love of my life at the time.  Well, I was quite disappointed when he came home with the autographed photo and it was of Roger Davis!  Not one of my favorites.  I didn't let on to my father though.  Still, I wish I had it now along with my trading cards, Barnabas Collins game, Quentin post cards and 45 record of Quentin's theme.  No wonder I don't throw anything away now.

What a great story!

Post by: Gerard on August 22, 2002, 12:46:44 AM
There ya go, Misty.  You can anything you want!  And a stick-shift is not only far better for snow-driving, but if you ever need to drive a car in Europe, you'd better know how to drive one, because 99.9999999999999% of them are manual, including the rentals.

I learned my music lessons from the good Sisters (or strs, as properly pronounced), too, Vam.  The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.  They had their own conservatory, the Holy Family Conservatory of Music, situated in a large, red-brick Victorian house where much of the original decorations - including Tiffany windows - were still intact.  All the classrooms were on the first floor; I remember one of them being the old breakfast room of the mansion with the original sliding French doors.  The strs resided on the second floor.  There was an addition in the back of the structure, allowing for a lobby/waiting room, a few more classrooms and an auditorium where we performed our recitals three-or-so times a year.  That's where I did Quentin's Theme for my little diddly.  When I first brought the sheet music, my teacher, Sr. Mary Grace, looked at the "From the TV Show 'Dark Shadows'" on it and asked me:  "Isn't that suppose to be a silly program?"  I told her I never missed it.  She shuddered and said:  "Ooooo, I don't like things about spooks and such."

Post by: Misty on August 22, 2002, 03:50:51 AM
::)Oh yes, Gerard. I've known a few "strs" in my day. I've taught in a parochial school for 25 yrs. This year, by the way, I will retire. Your music story is wonderful. I can picture the site from your description. Although I've only been in England for an hour(!) (layover at Manchester airport en route to France) I hope to return one day for a longer stay. Keep up with the music; it will always be something you can enjoy.
                            Love that stick-shift,  Misty ;)
Post by: VAM on August 22, 2002, 04:02:32 AM
I learned my music lessons from the good Sisters (or strs, as properly pronounced), too, Vam.  The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.  They had their own conservatory, the Holy Family Conservatory of Music, situated in a large, red-brick Victorian house where much of the original decorations - including Tiffany windows - were still intact.  All the classrooms were on the first floor; I remember one of them being the old breakfast room of the mansion with the original sliding French doors.

Gerard, it definitely sounds more impressive than my learning environment, which was in the small convent next to the grade school.
Post by: Anubis on August 22, 2002, 07:58:08 AM
What a great story!

Thanks Jennifer.  This board has brought back so many great memories for me.  It's fun to relive childhood feelings again.
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 23, 2002, 06:04:42 AM
Although I haven't played in years, Vam, I still could tickle some ivories in a rusty sorta way.

Reading your posts Gerard, brings back memories from when I was a child, and I played the organ in my family's home. I learned from my father. I got pretty good at it, and played a number of songs from memory. I remember one night after a church service, while everyone was leaving and standing around talking, I went over to the organ and started playing "Onward Christian Soldiers." The youth group leader heard it and thought it was really good. I think I quit playing by the age of 12, found other interests. I bet I could do it again though if I practiced, and of course if I had an organ.  ;)
Post by: Tanis on August 23, 2002, 06:21:26 AM
I don't think you ever loose music once you have it in you.  I learned the piano from my mother.  I now have a Yamaha Organ that I play just for fun.  I never had any formal lessons, I can read music, self taught.

I love to read all about the rest of you.  My being older, I had experienced my childhood in the forties.  I turned 62 on August 3.  Everyone on here is so friendly.

Post by: Cassandra on August 24, 2002, 11:04:21 AM
I love to read all about the rest of you.  My being older, I had experienced my childhood in the forties.  I turned 62 on August 3.  Everyone on here is so friendly.


Hope you had a great one!!
Post by: VAM on August 24, 2002, 12:56:42 PM
I love to read all about the rest of you.  My being older, I had experienced my childhood in the forties.  I turned 62 on August 3.  Everyone on here is so friendly.

I am glad that I decided to start this post. It is different from my others. However, it gives everyone an opportunity to share a little about themselves and still keep the DS theme. Thanks for the kind words...
Post by: ROBINV on August 24, 2002, 02:32:32 PM
I remember sending away for Josette's music box way back then.  I couldn't wait to get it, and was quite disappointed when it didn't look more like the glass and brass original.  Still, it played the familiar music, and that was enough for me.  

I collected everything--the bubble gum cards, both sets, and put the poster on the back together painstakingly, using the entire living room floor and rolls and rolls of Scotch tape.  

I found a Barnabas ring in my local (and now defunct) Times Square Stores and nearly screamed with joy when I saw it.  I have it still!

I used to stand in a local store nearly every afternoon, skimming magazine covers/pages for articles on DS and its actors and actresses.  I spent a lot of money on those magazines, and still have all of them!

My first car, by the way, was an AMC Pacer.  All those windows!  It was in the shop more than it should have been, but I loved that blasted car, and drove it for many years before selling it to a teenager who proceeded to ot register it under her name, park it illegally, and get $90 tickets sent to ME!

Anyway, I love my DS memorabilia, and am glad I had the intelligence (and nostalgic feelings) to hang onto it all.

Love, Robin