General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '10 I => Topic started by: Taeylor Collins on April 18, 2010, 12:03:16 AM

Title: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 18, 2010, 12:03:16 AM
Tomorrow on my DIRECTV.com it is showing that Dark Shadows the original is gonna start showing @ 9 am on Sunday!  It says that it is starting with Barnabas meeting Maggie.  The stars listed are Alexandra Moltke and Louis Edmonds. It's gonna be a mini marathon.  Could this be hope for the future. It also seems they are showing it in sequence! :)

I looked for this and couldn't find a post on it!

Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 18, 2010, 12:30:42 AM
The way it's listed on Chiller's Web site seems to indicate it's another showing of the '91 series (Eps #12 at 9am, #2-#4 at 10, 11am and 12pm, #8 at 1pm, and #10-#12 at 2,3 and 4pm, which has to be their weirdest run yet! [ghost_shocked]).

There's also a listing for more eps of the '91 series on May 21st. And at least those are consecutive (Eps #1-#7 beginning at 9am).
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 18, 2010, 01:59:20 AM
That is really weird. My Direct TV Guide list  it as the old series and gives synopsis for the old show.   Barnabas meeting Maggie @ the diner! We will see when it airs! IT has all different synopsis as well. Seems odd they would have synopsis for the old show and also that it would say Starring Alexandra Molke, Louis Edmond's and David Henesy and list it as from 1967! Who knows though with Chiller!

The guide is on the actual TV, with Satellite's one call look ahead about two days and see what is airing-- I said Direct TV.com!  That was a mistake! I am sorry guys.  I haven't been @ my best the last few days.  I guess one would say I should not be posting but it helps me to no end to come here and escape into the WORLD OF DS!
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 18, 2010, 02:15:53 AM
It's gets weirder because I just checked the Direct TV listings on tvguide.com and the synopses are for the same '91 series' eps as Chiller's own Web site, and with the '91 actors listed. How very odd that DTV's on-screen listings would differ so much.

Given that Chiller has the '91 series and to our knowledge does not have the original, and that their own Web site lists the '91 series as being on tomorow, I would doubt it will turn out to be the original. But stranger things have happened...
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 18, 2010, 02:59:07 AM
Yeah I really have no hopes. Here is a pic! :) Like I said CHILLER IS WEIRD! So I have no faith in them.
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Gothick on April 19, 2010, 08:42:06 PM
Did anyone check to see what was actually aired? 

It would be really great for the original series to have a home again on broadcast TV even though the networks seem to be well along to going the way of the dinosaurs...

Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: The Doctor and K9 on April 20, 2010, 03:14:02 AM
Chiller aired 91 DS on Sunday not the original.
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 20, 2010, 03:40:53 AM
Whoever did the on-screen listings for DTV was apparently playing a very bad joke.  [ghost_rolleyes]

Or maybe the synopses were provided to them by the same "'expert" the Sci-Fi Channel supposedly relied on for the correct order of the DS eps...
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: David on April 20, 2010, 04:37:07 AM
Chiller has 7 hour marathons of various series every morning. The 91 DS has had monthly airings for awhile. I'm glad it's on, but the original should be on to.
I suggest we contact Chiller and request monthly marathons of the original series. At 7 hours, the channel could air 14 eps a month.

Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Robot_Quentin on April 20, 2010, 05:05:37 AM
Surely Syfy Channel (as its now called - how stupid!!!) or Chiller will step up to the plate and show the original once the new movie draws nearer... I remember for a very short time the old Sci-Fi Channel were showing the early early B&W episodes of the original series late at night, long after the runs they had of the completed original series. That would be perfect! Even last summer they showed a marathon of old Land Of The Lost show the weekend the new movie opened. We can only hope. I'm sure there'll be enough buzz created by the new DS movie to at least get a weekend of the early Barnabas coming out of the coffin episodes!! Come on!!!
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 20, 2010, 09:30:39 PM
Sadly,, the Sci-Fi Channel didn't even give their nighttime run of the original DS a chance.  [ghost_sad]  They pulled the plug after running just 16 eps, Eps #189-#204, which didn't even reach the introduction of Barnabas.  [ghost_undecided]  Those eps simply covered the wrap ups of the Laura and the hit-and-run storylines (and anyone never having seen DS wouldn't have had any idea what they were all about) and the early introductions of Jason and Willie. But then that was also during the period in 2000 that Sci-Fi had just moved the morning showings of DS from 11am to 9am and cut its eps back to 5 instead of 10, so they weren't exactly high on the series at that point.  [ghost_rolleyes]  (It was also during the period that Sci-Fi managed to show those Leviathans eps out of sequence for the third time.  [ghost_angry])

As for the original series reappearing once the Depp/DS is released, it would be nice to think that might happen. But no matter how willing some channels might be to run it, Worldvision also has to be willing not to charge an astronomical price for the rights to run it. And in the past they've seemed to be extremely reluctant to do that, which is a chief reason why the original series is no longer being shown anywhere...
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 21, 2010, 12:18:56 AM
Does anyone know how much SCI FI paid for it?  I refuse to call it that new name!!
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Robot_Quentin on April 21, 2010, 06:03:55 AM
[ghost_rolleyes]  (It was also during the period that Sci-Fi managed to show those Leviathans eps out of sequence for the third time.  [ghost_angry])

How bad was that bungled?? (How out of order were they??) I probably watched it the incorrect way my first go-round but didn't remember it. Now that I have the DVD's (presumably in the correct running order) I couldn't remember any differences to my oblivious mind...
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Robot_Quentin on April 21, 2010, 06:33:16 AM
I refuse to call it that new name!!

Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy Syfy!!  YUCK.
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Midnite on April 21, 2010, 07:25:28 AM
The out-of-order eps were recently described here:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
but it doesn't list the order, which was 960, 963, 964, 961, 962, 965.
Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: David on April 21, 2010, 07:45:32 AM
will someone please explain to me how Worldvision makes money on the show by letting it gather dust in a vault?
At least we have the DVDs.

RE: Chiller: they have a Viewer Comment email posted at their site:

Let's email and ask for monthly marathons on the the original DS as part of those morning blocks.
Specify original series, and say Dark Shadows, not DS.
Nothing ventured........

Chiller is owned by Universal, so perhaps classic horror fans could also ask for them to air the Universal monster flicks of the 30s/40s, Boris Karloff Presents Thriller, and other classic series.
One or two days a month devoted to classic horror won't destroy the channel!

Title: Re: Original DS on Chiller??
Post by: Robot_Quentin on April 21, 2010, 03:05:07 PM
Maybe by some miracle SOAPnet might show it with their connection to ABC. (I'm sure some people still associate DS with ABC.)

I will say this about Worldvision. In the mid-90's I called them looking for tapes of the David Lynch TV show "On The Air" since it was not released on home video at that time, nor were there any plans to release it. I coaxed some lady into agreeing to send me some screener tapes of the show. Seems like maybe I told her I was doing a college research project on David Lynch or something.  I think for 50 bucks or so I received VHS tapes of the first 3 episodes with the words "Not for broadcast use" blazoned across the bottom of the video picture. It was pretty cool at the time, but whenever I tried to get some more tapes that lady was no longer there and whoever was in charge now wanted no part of trying to help me out.

Worldvision may think they are sitting on a potential cash cow with the new DS movie coming out and will only go to the highest bidder!! Like you said they could have been making money off syndication this whole time! Hard to understand the reasoning there.