General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Julia99 on August 10, 2002, 07:10:38 PM

Title: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Julia99 on August 10, 2002, 07:10:38 PM
I was watching some MPI videos, the 1995 stuff. .and I hate the extreme closeups that Kaplan would sometimes do but more than that I HATE all the black makeup on Grayson's eyes!  When did the eyeliner go out of fashion!!! Not soon enough. . in 1840 RT and PT storylines, I note the actresses aren't so painted up. . .egads!  I've seen other pieces of  Grayson's fiilm and tv work and her eyes seemed so completely different .. big and round like Bette Davis or Susan Sarandon and now its like they are narrow slits, weighted down by Max Factor!!!!  ::) ::)The picture below isn't the best example but its all i got right now. .

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on August 10, 2002, 08:07:14 PM
Well, it was popular in the sixties (especially after Elizabeth Taylor sported it in "Cleopatra").  I guess it must have become pase' in the seventies when the more natural look came into style.   :)
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Bette on August 10, 2002, 09:57:21 PM
Totally agree with you, RJ. Grayson had wonderful eyes, but they are hidden under all that black gunk.  :(

Unfortunately, I don't think it is entirely outdated now. I have seen pics of G. Paltrow (can't spell her name) and some of the other current young actresses sporting the black stuff surrounding their eyes. And as great as Nancy Barrett looks now, she still seems to wear lots of eye makeup.

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: kuanyin on August 11, 2002, 01:24:27 AM
If you're talking about the liquid liner that formed a definate line, it went out in the seventies. But as someone else said, the black smudged eye pencil is "in" and I love it!

I honestly love Julia's makeup. Vicky could use more, Maggie could use less, Julia's is perfect. Some people just carry it off better, or it suits their nature more. I agree that she looks good in the pic you posted too though.

What I can't understand is why they had to go and paint over Nancy Barrett's eyebrows so unflatteringly. She is looking weird at this point in the series and it gets worse in the future. She was so lovely before that!
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Linda on August 11, 2002, 04:19:54 AM
....When did the eyeliner go out of fashion!!!...

I think the huge eyelashes and gobs of eyeliner look was technically out of style by the time DC started loading up the faces of his actresses with it.  :D

I lived in the SF Bay Area in the late sixties, and the Haight Ashbury hippie look was in.  By the time I was in high school in the early 70's, mascara was still popular, but no one wore fake eyelashes or black eyeliner anymore.


Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: VAM on August 11, 2002, 11:53:25 AM

What I can't understand is why they had to go and paint over Nancy Barrett's eyebrows so unflatteringly. She is looking weird at this point in the series and it gets worse in the future. She was so lovely before that!

I agree Miss Barrett did have a lovely natural look and it was unfortunate that VL got a little  ::) heavy with the make-up.  He got carried away after doing the werewolf...
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: sheenasma on August 11, 2002, 03:04:59 PM
I think the eyeliner look that is on DS is passe - but please, oh great gods of smoke and mirrors, don't let eyeliner itself go the way of the dinosaur.  I wouldn't carry my trash to the curb without having it on, and I am sure that some other woman of a certain age can relate.

Where did that eye definition I once had go?  How did they get so small and so washed out looking?  And, since I am in question mode, just what in hell happened to my lips?  They used to be there, you could see them in their natural state.  And how about jawline  I used to have one, so who snuck in while I slept and made off with that?

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: petofi on August 11, 2002, 04:17:35 PM
Black eyeliner has never been passe in the world of the theatre.  Perhaps that is why it was used so extensively on DS.  Most of the actors on DS were most experienced on the stage, and their dramatic (sometimes hyper-dramatic) acting style reflected this.  The sometimes baroque makeup(think Barn at his vampiric worst) was taken directly from theatrical cosmetic values. Even though it was technically out of place in the close-up world of tv, it contributed to the overall gothic atmosphere of the show.

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 11, 2002, 08:05:52 PM

 By the time I was in high school in the early 70's, mascara was still popular, but no one wore fake eyelashes or black eyeliner anymore.

The worst makeup I ever saw in my life was in the 70's. Just look at my school yearbooks!  ::)
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: CandleLighter on August 11, 2002, 09:16:39 PM
Black eyeliner and white lipstick...that was quite a combination...Groovy baby! [smokn]
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: ms._hoffman on August 11, 2002, 09:39:52 PM
Re: Nancy Barretts eyebrows:  Sometimes it looked as though she didn't have any - I think they should have used a darker shade.   :)
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: MrsJ on August 11, 2002, 10:24:33 PM
I was watching some MPI videos, the 1995 stuff. .and I hate the extreme closeups that Kaplan would sometimes do but more than that I HATE all the black makeup on Grayson's eyes!  When did the eyeliner go out of fashion!!!

You mean you don't like the fuzzy caterpillar look?  ;)

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: ElizabethGrayson on August 12, 2002, 12:26:16 AM
Hmmmm....it went out? Why didn't I get a memo?  :o

Seriously though, I think it depends on what you're talking about.  I use black eye pencil all the time, slightly smudged on my lower lid.  But I think the kohl thing is out, as are the fake eyelashes that every woman seemed to wear on DS.....the only actress I've read about that wears them today is Kim Catrall....

For the life of me I can't figure out why they did that to Grayson's eyes.  Or Terry Crawford's for that matter...she had gorgeous eyes and put the fake eyelashes from hell on her.  I guess it was just the style of the times.

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Julia99 on August 12, 2002, 12:53:12 AM
Hmmmm....it went out? Why didn't I get a memo?  :o

....the only actress I've read about that wears them today is Kim Catrall....


Not to burst anyone's bubble but most women in the spotlight still wear fake eyelashes and wigs .. .they are just more subtle than they were in the 70s. . .even the hair you think HAS to be theirs will 75% of the time be a wig. . just think of all the tugging, pulling, curling. . .to protect their 'real' hair. . they have to wear wigs.. .just not any for Zsa Zsa or Raquel's collections. ..
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: kuanyin on August 12, 2002, 02:46:29 AM
Re: Nancy Barretts eyebrows:  Sometimes it looked as though she didn't have any - I think they should have used a darker shade.   :)

OK, I know what you mean, but that isn't what I was getting at. In my avatar, they were perfect and that is Nancy at her best. Then they started using a lighter gold brown shade and globbing it around her natural brow like an overgrown, sideways comma. You can see her natural brow through it and I just want to wipe the whole mess off. Similar to todays look of full lips with lipstick, when you can SEE quite well that the natural lip line is much smaller.
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Connie on August 12, 2002, 06:33:42 AM
- but please, oh great gods of smoke and mirrors, don't let eyeliner itself go the way of the dinosaur.  I wouldn't carry my trash to the curb without having it on, and I am sure that some other woman of a certain age can relate.

ROFL.  Ya know, before I hit 40, I would never leave the house without some sort of make-up on.  Now, I MIGHT put some on maybe once every couple of months.  I just can't be bothered anymore.  (Also, what's the use at this point?)  LOL
One big problem:  It smears and smudges so easily.  HOW do you keep liner and mascara from smudging - even when you haven't had it on that long?
(Please send any and all make-up tips to):

(over the hill)
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: VAM on August 12, 2002, 12:55:38 PM

ROFL.  Ya know, before I hit 40, I would never leave the house without some sort of make-up on.  Now, I MIGHT put some on maybe once every couple of months.  I just can't be bothered anymore.  (Also, what's the use at this point?)  LOL

(over the hill)

You mellow with age and that includes facial features...
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: sheenasma on August 12, 2002, 05:23:56 PM
One big problem:  It smears and smudges so easily.  HOW do you keep liner and mascara from smudging - even when you haven't had it on that long?

Avon Glimmersticks. Since turning 40 (several years ago) I have been hunting and trying everything in the eyeliner department.  A friend started selling Avon, and I had to do the obligatory buy from her, now I swear by this stuff.  Doesn't smudge, doesn't do the melt in hot weather thing.  I work 12 hour days sometimes, and the stuff holds up throughout.

Mascara I hate, and only wear it for the extreme dressy occassion.  If I get any more washed out looking, though, I swear I will try the lash dying thing.  

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on August 12, 2002, 09:49:06 PM
The eye makeup on the women doesn't bother me; but they used WAY too much eyeliner on Jonathan Frid! I realize the intent of "stage" make-up so the features are all clearly visible but when they go in for tight close-ups of Frid and some of the other male actors like Astredo, the eyeliner is far too obvious. I can almost imagine Barnabas and Nicholas getting together to swap make-up tips.

Barnabas: Have you tried this stuff from Avon? It's Too Faboo!

Nicholas: You're not still wearing THAT stuff? Girlfriend, let me introduce you to my good friend Maybelline.
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Connie on August 13, 2002, 01:00:21 AM

Avon Glimmersticks....now I swear by this stuff.  Doesn't smudge, doesn't do the melt in hot weather thing.  I work 12 hour days sometimes, and the stuff holds up throughout.

Ah...thanks for the tip.  Now I just gotta find an Avon lady.
Remember the old "Avon calling" commercials?  LOL

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: franimal on August 13, 2002, 11:23:33 PM

Then they started using a lighter gold brown shade and globbing it around her natural brow like an overgrown, sideways comma. You can see her natural brow through it and I just want to wipe the whole mess off. Similar to todays look of full lips with lipstick, when you can SEE quite well that the natural lip line is much smaller.

I know what you mean.  My stepdaughter refers to it as the "she looks like she just ate a chocolate ice cream cone" look!  

I do think that the makeup was a sign of the times, though.  I remember my cousins looking like that - and then going for a more natural look going forward.

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Craig_Slocum on August 14, 2002, 12:36:29 AM
Mascara I hate, and only wear it for the extreme dressy occassion.  

I hate mascara too, I quit wearing it in the 80's, and I don't miss it! I think it should be more appropriately named messcara.
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Linda on August 14, 2002, 02:52:25 AM
The eye makeup on the women doesn't bother me; but they used WAY too much eyeliner on Jonathan Frid! I realize the intent of "stage" make-up so the features are all clearly visible but when they go in for tight close-ups of Frid and some of the other male actors like Astredo, the eyeliner is far too obvious.

I'd love to know how the makeup person who thought Nicholas Blair's widow's peak needed to be somewhere down around the bridge of HAA's nose ever got through cosmetology school...not to mention the days when the graying sideburns looked a little like a disco sweatband.

In the Barnabas vampire scenes, they really got carried away making him look "undead", and I sometimes think there were days when the makeup crew thought they were filming exclusively under those eerie green-yellow lights...the ghoulish look does play better under those, but too much is god-awful under the ordinary TV lighting.

Theater stage makeup is excessively pronounced because the audience sees it from a distance -- even the "up close" seats are more than a few feet away.  As you say, though, television cameras are right next to the action, and filming close-ups to boot, so while I can see a need for pancake and more pronounced color to offset the bright lights, TV makeup doesn't need to be gobbed on in a caricature.


Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: jennifer on August 14, 2002, 04:38:33 AM
How about Priscella Presley! She didn't look like the same woman after Elvis I agree it is the way it is applied
I love the stuff (Lancome has the best products IMHO that don't  run) but this summer I have given up!
With some many high humidity days it isn't just the age
Connie but i agree Why Bother!

How about Tammie Faye now that was a look!
All right Mother Nature We have had enough!Praying for the cool down!

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Julia99 on August 14, 2002, 08:31:12 AM
How about Tammie Faye now that was a look!

That's all tattoed darling. . .if you don't believe me watch the documentary, The Eyes of Tammy Faye.
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: Cassandra on August 14, 2002, 09:50:46 AM

That's all tattoed darling. . .if you don't believe me watch the documentary, The Eyes of Tammy Faye.

Oh I definetely believe you Julia. I use to work in a doctor's office and you'd be suprised at how many women would come in and tell us that they had this done.  I really couldn't tell the difference as it looked quite natural. But what the heck happened in Tammy Faye's case?  I sure wouldn't recommend her surgeon. ;)
Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: jennifer on August 14, 2002, 02:45:26 PM

That's all tattoed darling. . .if you don't believe me watch the documentary, The Eyes of Tammy Faye.

I know J99 she Paid money for THAT LOOK! ICK!

Title: Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
Post by: jennifer on August 14, 2002, 02:48:25 PM
Oh I definetely believe you Julia. I use to work in a doctor's office and you'd be suprised at how many women would come in and tell us that they had this done.  I really couldn't tell the difference as it looked quite natural. But what the heck happened in Tammy Faye's case?  I sure wouldn't recommend her surgeon. ;)

I know Cassandra but the lengths that women(and Men) will go to in the name of beauty(?) are too much! ;D
