General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '10 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on April 12, 2010, 07:48:10 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Watching Project on April 12, 2010, 07:48:10 PM
Robservations #976
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 13, 2010, 01:57:28 AM
I like it when a LE character takes charge, and marches into a violent and/or supernatural situation and takes action.   I guess it means something different for Roger etc., than it does for Barnabas, Quentin, or Julia, maybe because she's a doctor and used to unpleasantness, and also secretly craves this sort of thing I think.   Roger has to breach a barrier inside himself to do this, and has to get his aristocratic hands dirty as well.

So Roger decides to apply blunt force trauma in the name of goodness.   So far so good.  Down goes Bruno.  Then though, Roger steps out and instructs Carolyn to stand guard in case Bruno comes to!   Be careful not to rough him up too badly, Kitten!   Then later, Roger doesn't call the police on Bruno, and then lets Carolyn wander outside again.   Still later, after the werewolf attack, Roger rushes to Bruno's aid! 

Chris's wolfy hand tries to maul Chris's own face...  nice of the werewolf to defend Carolyn and maul Bruno to death.  Bruno is dead.  Hooray!   Instead of rambling to Roger about how it wasn't quite a man though, he could have complicated things immeasurably by just muttering, "Werewolf!" with his last breath.

That's cool... Roger sees PT Bruno right after RT Bruno dies!   This scene made me think that the big fur coat might have been worn to cover MS's skinniness.   I think Bruno's PT opposite should have been bald and a PETA member, by the way.   It's fun watching (RT) Roger being progressively more and more weirded out, as more and more shocking PT doppelgangers wander into this very popular room:  Bruno, Liz, then "himself", the Reprobate.   (I want to be one of those.)   He's never seen anything so preposterous in all his life!!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 13, 2010, 02:26:04 AM
How ironic....Bruno intended to have the werewolf kill Carolyn, but it kills him instead! I love it! Unlike Megan and Philip, who had never wanted anything more than to run an antique shop before they were enslaved by the Leviathans, Bruno truly deserved his fate.

Also, it appeared to me that the werewolf who once almost mauled Carolyn to death, actually rushed to her aid and shoved her aside so he could maul Bruno instead. Is the werewolf now detecting who deserves to die and who doesn't?

Even though Roger assured Barnabas he believed him a couple of episodes, I had my doubts. But Roger certainly doesn't anymore now that he's gotten his first glimpse into Parallel Time. How freaked out he must have been to see himself in PT.
But I wonder if he was also curious to what kind of life the PT version of himself is living.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Lydia on April 13, 2010, 07:28:45 AM
Also, it appeared to me that the werewolf who once almost mauled Carolyn to death, actually rushed to her aid and shoved her aside so he could maul Bruno instead. Is the werewolf now detecting who deserves to die and who doesn't?
I think the werewolf just couldn't be bothered with Carolyn because it hated Bruno so much for the insane whipping Bruno gave him in the crypt last month.  This indicates that the werewolf remembers things from night to night, which is an idea that I find troubling.

I was surprised that Bruno wasn't carrying a silver implement with him.

Roger is the first person besides Barnabas to see parallel time, so we now know that Barnabas is not some sort of conduit for parallel time - or, if he is, he is not the sole conduit.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 13, 2010, 11:24:20 AM
I think Lydia is right that the werewolf was just severely pissed @ Bruno and gave him what was coming to him!  Bye Leviathan Liberace!

I don't have much to add to today's festivities.  I wasn't particularly happy with this ep.  I was actually bored to tell you the truth.

My only points are!  Boy Angelique's room gets a lot of traffic?  Do these people walk in the front door?  Do they come through a secret passage or back way.  Especially the ones who don't live there!??  I guess this is the first time one sees their double?

As for Barnabas being a conduit I am sticking with your theory Lydia about The Leviathans possibly creating the PT doorway!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Janet the Wicked on April 14, 2010, 06:45:52 AM
Here we have another instance where the police are not called in, not that it would do any good, but...

Stalwart Roger. He's so good at being stalwart.

Maybe Bruno should have traded wigs with the werewolf...

The denial between Roger and Liz is stellar. They have been at it from the beginning.

Something about Roger's coat in this episode makes me want a
martini with an olive.

I was very happy to see "Woman in the Window" with Joan Bennett again. I hadn't seen it in years. And there it popped up on a PBS station, late on a Saturday night. She was so wonderful in films, and carried her grace into our show.

All right, what the hell happened to "Sky"?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Lydia on April 14, 2010, 08:33:25 AM
I think Lydia is right that the werewolf was just severely pissed @ Bruno and gave him what was coming to him!
Hey, wait a second, I don't think I said he had it coming to him.  I'd have to think long and hard before wishing death by werewolf on anybody, even Bruno.  I will concede, however, that Bruno's yellow shirt deserved all it got.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 14, 2010, 10:21:15 AM
LOL! I am sorry if phrased you wrong.  Sometimes I don't know if you are kidding or not!  Regardless that was funny! [ghost_wink]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 14, 2010, 02:34:07 PM
Well, I think Bruno DID have it coming, he was such a creep to poor Chris and Sabrina!

But to put it another less brutal way, his death most likely spared them. I still say he would have killed them had he accomplished his plan of the werewolf killing Carolyn.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: loril54 on April 21, 2010, 02:11:20 PM
I did like the fact that Bruno did get what was coming to him.

Did you guys notice that Carolyn came in through the wrong door on the wrong side.

I guess that someone wasn't keeping notes when they redid the scene.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Midnite on May 13, 2010, 04:55:46 AM
Okay, if the werewolf was able to crash through the window of the back room, why couldn't Chris or Sabrina escape by throwing a piece of furniture through it?

And did werewolf movies not exist in the DS universe?  All the talk about how it was no ordinary animal because it wore clothes and walked like a man, blah blah... You'd think someone would have put two and two together by now.

So Roger decides to apply blunt force trauma in the name of goodness.   So far so good.  Down goes Bruno.  Then though, Roger steps out and instructs Carolyn to stand guard in case Bruno comes to!   Be careful not to rough him up too badly, Kitten!   Then later, Roger doesn't call the police on Bruno, and then lets Carolyn wander outside again.   Still later, after the werewolf attack, Roger rushes to Bruno's aid!

Hmm.  Out of all those, it's the last one that sticks out for me.  We've seen bravado in Roger before, and we've witnessed him making foolish choices, but putting his own life on the line to rescue somebody that he just referred to as a maniac?  Don't think so.

I think the werewolf just couldn't be bothered with Carolyn because it hated Bruno so much for the insane whipping Bruno gave him in the crypt last month.  This indicates that the werewolf remembers things from night to night, which is an idea that I find troubling.

Chris has no problem remembering his days as a human, and some animals seem to possess better memories than we do, so why wouldn't the werewolf remember what happened on the previous full moons?

Here we have another instance where the police are not called in, not that it would do any good, but...
All right, what the hell happened to "Sky"?

We later learn that the police did get called, and also the whereabouts of Sky-- not that the explanation about Sky will make any sense.

I will concede, however, that Bruno's yellow shirt deserved all it got.


Did you guys notice that Carolyn came in through the wrong door on the wrong side.

Yes, the location of Bruno's front door has been going back and forth for a while.  Besides the fact that a week went by between the taping of the previous ep and this one (MB posted some terrific info about the tape dates during this period), I noticed that when the entrance to Bruno's pad was through the door on the right (#973 and #975), Lela Swift was directing, but it was on the left side of the room (#974 and #976) when Hank Kaplan was the director.  (Was the director responsible for all stage direction too?)

I guess that someone wasn't keeping notes when they redid the scene.

Did they ever?

Speaking of continuity mistakes, Chris lost his jacket when the opening scene was reshot.  At least they got it right that Carolyn was wearing a blue dress at the end of the previous ep.  They just didn't put her in the right blue dress.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Lydia on May 14, 2010, 01:25:20 AM
Chris has no problem remembering his days as a human, and some animals seem to possess better memories than we do, so why wouldn't the werewolf remember what happened on the previous full moons?
If the werewolf can remember what happened on previous full moons, then that changes how I think about him.  Just as Chris lives a life that is periodically interrupted by the werewolf taking over, so the werewolf lives a life that is periodically interrupted by Chris taking over.  If Bruno was able to train (however unintentionally) the werewolf to be especially vicious towards Bruno himself, then the possibility exists that the werewolf can be trained to be gentler towards somebody else, and, eventually, towards many other people.  To remove the curse from Chris (assuming it can be done) is to make a value judgment that Chris's existence is more valuable than the werewolf's.  Is that a judgment we are qualified to make?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: Midnite on May 14, 2010, 10:30:27 PM
Lydia, you may be the very first advocate of werewolf rights.  Power to the werewolves!  [ghost_wink]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
Post by: MagnusTrask on May 15, 2010, 12:28:31 AM
Lydia, you may be the very first advocate of werewolf rights.  Power to the werewolves!  [ghost_wink]

I LOLed!

Lydia, what this makes me think of is the fact that while I am awake, I of course remember all the things that have happened to me during waking hours, if not awfully well sometimes.   Similarly, when I am falling asleep, I start to remember bits of the dream landscape I inhabit when asleep.   At that point, I'm awake enough to know that's what I'm doing and remember the fact later when I'm fully awake, but not the details.   When I'm really asleep though, my life history becomes all those events I've experienced dreaming, especially in chapters of recurring dreams.   I have a dream past, and a waking past.

I think it must be very much the same for Chris and the werewolf.