General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '10 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on April 08, 2010, 11:42:04 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Watching Project on April 08, 2010, 11:42:04 PM
Robservations #974
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 09, 2010, 12:20:54 AM
CJ VO... he jumps on the Jeb "strange and frightening!" bandwagon.  Well not really a bandwagon, it just seemed so ridiculous when Jeb bellowed that to frighten someone....

Blair... if he doesn't kill Jeb: "It's all over for me."  I wonder what that entails...

Thank you Ang... for sizing up Sky as he needed to be.  I like her subtle sarcastic expression as she refers to the "important" job Nick has him doing...   Later, Sky gets caught in the closet looking for Dr. Whoopee's 3DBB.   He almost really did sound as if he was in distress.   This could have been a genuinely creepy moment, as we find out what Bruno's capable of.  A few bruises would have helped, some blood dripping from spots where Bruno tied him up with rope  too tightly...  Yes, I think having the viewers see Sky suffer would help the storyline immensely!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Janet the Wicked on April 09, 2010, 06:19:12 AM
I don't know, Holy Water, I kinda feel bad for Sky. He seems like he wants to makes amends.

Anyway, "What do you mean?" was spoken 4 times in this episode. A record breaker? Probably not. I haven't done the math when Moltke was on the show.

I liked the tacky ship relief picture hanging on the wall at the carriage house. Or was it the cottage? I don't know. I'm tired and getting quite punchy.

Bruno: I'm going to kill you!
Sky: I don't think I like your attitude.

Angelique - Faster, Pussy Cat! Kill! Kill!

Did you notice the sheepskin collar on Nicholas' coat? A remnant leftover from Barn's days in 1897 perhaps?

Don Briscoe looked sensational in this ep. Yummy!

I think Sky is getting the worst of all this. I really do. Sky and Carolyn.

All right. I gotta watch the next installment, because it's killing me to find out what happens.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Lydia on April 09, 2010, 10:22:09 AM
More fussing about Jeb's and Chris's curses today.
The scene between Angelique and Sky was sad.  The happiness that we saw a few weeks ago has vanished without a trace.
It's amusing to see everyone lining up to kill Jeb.  Peter Bradford, Angelique, Nicholas - each of them eager to push the others out of the way so he or she can be the lucky killer.  Jeb's a nice guy now - more or less - and all his bad-guy deeds are coming back to haunt him.  Jeb does not, however, seem to be learning any useful moral lesson from this.  When he's nice, it's because he feels like being nice, not because he feels it's the right way to be.  I said sometime recently that I was OK with Jeb magically turning into a good guy, but I guess I've decided it's not that simple.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 09, 2010, 04:18:20 PM
I think Sky is getting the worst of all this. I really do. Sky and Carolyn.

Carolyn, yes. Sky...no.

Poor Carolyn hasn't a clue as to what is up with Jeb since he won't confide in her.

Sky on the other hand knew what he was getting into when he made his pact with the Leviathans. He nagged Angelique about being honest with him when he himself wasn't 100% on the level with her. Then he tries to torch his wife on orders from Nicholas, his allegiance to the monster race winning over his supposed love for his wife. He gets no sympathy from me.

I loved watching Angelique put him in his place. One of the few times I was actually rooting for her.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Lydia on April 10, 2010, 09:18:15 AM
Sky on the other hand knew what he was getting into when he made his pact with the Leviathans. He nagged Angelique about being honest with him when he himself wasn't 100% on the level with her. Then he tries to torch his wife on orders from Nicholas, his allegiance to the monster race winning over his supposed love for his wife. He gets no sympathy from me.
I do feel some sympathy for Sky.  He apparently wanted very badly to be a big business tycoon, but he didn't have what it took.  So he made a deal with the Leviathans to make his dream come true, and probably thought he was very smart – but, not having what it took to be a big business tycoon, he didn't know a bad deal when he saw one, and the deal with the Leviathans was the worst of bad deals.  Any mistakes after that can, to a large extent, be attributed to Sky being in way over his head.  I'm figuring Arthur Miller could have written a classic play about Sky Rumson, and called it Death of a Businessman.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 10, 2010, 09:46:00 AM
You can be persuasive, Lydia, so I'm begging you, please don't make me feel pity for Sky!   He's too much fun as the ultimate weasel!   I have so few pleasures these days!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 10, 2010, 02:45:44 PM
I do feel some sympathy for Sky.  He apparently wanted very badly to be a big business tycoon, but he didn't have what it took.  So he made a deal with the Leviathans to make his dream come true, and probably thought he was very smart – but, not having what it took to be a big business tycoon, he didn't know a bad deal when he saw one, and the deal with the Leviathans was the worst of bad deals.  Any mistakes after that can, to a large extent, be attributed to Sky being in way over his head.  I'm figuring Arthur Miller could have written a classic play about Sky Rumson, and called it Death of a Businessman.

Wow, Lydia, I never thought of it that way.

I suppose Sky can't be blamed for wanting to be rich and successful, and unable to do it himself, he fell for the first, eh, group of 'people' who offered him a way to get there.

However, he's still a hypocrite for lecturing Angelique about honesty when he wasn't practicing what he was preaching.

And I can't forgive him for ratting out Barnabas to Jeb.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 11, 2010, 09:10:33 AM
Me, I do blame people for wanting to get rich and wanting to take short cuts and cheat in order to get there.   If one happens to be an innovator who invents something very useful to everybody and gets rich as a side benefit, great (though you'd better use some of that wealth to help disadvantaged people).   If ones "dream" is just to be a tycoon though, to have more than everyone else and indulge his/her whims, then he/she's a Sky Rumson and I'm glad to see that person fall.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 12, 2010, 01:36:30 AM
Me, I do blame people for wanting to get rich and wanting to take short cuts and cheat in order to get there.   If one happens to be an innovator who invents something very useful to everybody and gets rich as a side benefit, great (though you'd better use some of that wealth to help disadvantaged people).   If ones "dream" is just to be a tycoon though, to have more than everyone else and indulge his/her whims, then he/she's a Sky Rumson and I'm glad to see that person fall.

Good very good points, Magnus.

And to think I was ALMOST willing to let Sky off the hook there.

There are any number of characters on DS who are a million times more tragic than Sky Rumson, I'd like to add. No doubt Arthur Miller would have found a more worthy subject for a play than Mr. Rumson.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 12, 2010, 06:07:03 AM

Do they have purple lipstick on Michael Stroka? I don't know what is up with his makeup?  What's up with the man, “baby” hippie talk going on?  I love how HAA works his gloves hitting Bruno in the chest with them.  I think he and Grayson deserve a glove award.  Hey DB…it’s good to see you again cutie pie!

One of my favorite lines from the whole series: “From tycoon to lackey.  My how the might are fallen!” Angelique
“Tell me how does it feel to be a has been!” Angelique HEH!

I am sorry I feel no sympathy for Sky and I think the actor helps contribute to that!  Love these scenes with he and Angie!  She is being a total smart ass!  Loves it!   I love how Angelique appears in the Drawing Room…

I have to say I am missing the vets though! I know shooting for HODS is coming up. Had it started at this point?? I am too tired to go look!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Lydia on April 13, 2010, 07:02:20 AM
Me, I do blame people for wanting to get rich and wanting to take short cuts and cheat in order to get there.   If one happens to be an innovator who invents something very useful to everybody and gets rich as a side benefit, great (though you'd better use some of that wealth to help disadvantaged people).   If ones "dream" is just to be a tycoon though, to have more than everyone else and indulge his/her whims, then he/she's a Sky Rumson and I'm glad to see that person fall.
I doubt that Sky thought of himself taking short cuts and cheating, and I doubt that his dream was simply to be rich.  I think he wanted to be a Donald Trump type of guy (am I dating myself?), making amazing deals right and left.  In common with quite a few people who can't make the grade, Sky probably believed that his failure was not his fault.  He probably blamed it on all sorts of external factors, the obvious candidates being bad luck and people's obstinate refusal to see his fantastic potential.  It would have been deplorable of him to think this way, but very human.  He wouldn't have seen the Leviathan deal as cheating; he would have seen it as leveling a playing field that had been unfairly tilted against him.  And of course Nicholas Blair would have encouraged him in that view.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: loril54 on April 21, 2010, 01:55:11 PM
I don't feel sorry for Sky, he liked to throw people under the bus to much.

This is one of the few times I like Angelique. I love her comeback and one liners.

She does seam to get back into the swing of things pretty quickly.

I wonder when she left the house on the island, she took her painting? We don't want to have it get repossessed.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 22, 2010, 01:26:34 AM
I don't feel sorry for Sky, he liked to throw people under the bus too much.


I wonder when she left the house on the island, she took her painting? We don't want to have it get repossessed.

There's a thought.   [spoiler]And later, does Ang inherit the island?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: Midnite on May 02, 2010, 09:07:53 AM
Sabrina repeats her threat to Bruno, but both are minus their coats.  In Bruno's case, I guess that's a good thing.

The set around them has undergone some changes too-- the obvious one being that the room has been flipped.  The front door is now on the left, which in the previous ep opened into Bruno's sitting room.  And the door on the right, which Sabrina used to enter the house in #973, now leads to a back room.  The sofa has disappeared, there are different framed maps on the wall, and that's a totally different fireplace.  Weird.

Bruno to Sky:  "If it's a question of my authority versing yours, then Nicholas is going to back me up."
My pet peeve!  It drives me nuts when verse is used that way.

Angelique to Sky:  "Shall I tell you how it's all going to end? Nicholas is going to find an ingenious way of doing himself in. He always does."
Ha, that's so true!  And already, Nick has pointed out that if anything were to happen to Carolyn, Jeb would lose his will to live.  And so he hatches some secret plot that we know will involve Sky, Sabrina, Chris, and the full moon, yet wouldn't telling Bruno to off Carolyn be a much simpler means to the same end?

A hulking shadow lurks in the drawing room near Jeb, but of the crewmember variety.

Would the episode have started and ended with a gun drawn on somebody if a woman had written it?

Blair... if he doesn't kill Jeb: "It's all over for me."  I wonder what that entails...

Probably the same as in 1968-- [spoiler]burning, shrieking, stripped of powers and consigned to hell.[/spoiler]

I don't know, Holy Water, I kinda feel bad for Sky. He seems like he wants to makes amends.

OMG, I do too!!!

I liked the tacky ship relief picture hanging on the wall at the carriage house. Or was it the cottage? I don't know. I'm tired and getting quite punchy.

There's a pic of it in the Robservation.  You see something else in that screen cap that you'd never expect to find in Bruno's house... books!

However, he's still a hypocrite for lecturing Angelique about honesty when he wasn't practicing what he was preaching.

And I can't forgive him for ratting out Barnabas to Jeb.

Well, on DS, being hypocritical, a blabbermouth, or even a self-righteous blabbermouth aren't qualities that are unique to Sky. :-X

I have to say I am missing the vets though! I know shooting for HODS is coming up. Had it started at this point?? I am too tired to go look!

Mar 23

[spoiler]And later, does Ang inherit the island?[/spoiler]

The island that the bank will probably seize to pay off Sky's creditors? ;)
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
Post by: MagnusTrask on May 02, 2010, 09:20:54 AM
The set around them has undergone some changes too-- the obvious one being that the room has been flipped.  The front door is now on the left, which in the previous ep opened into Bruno's sitting room.  And the door on the right, which Sabrina used to enter the house in #973, now leads to a back room.  The sofa has disappeared, there are different framed maps on the wall, and that's a totally different fireplace.  Weird.

My brain tried to process this as our looking at the same room from the opposite side, but I don't suppose that works.