General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: dom on July 24, 2002, 04:18:14 AM

Title: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: dom on July 24, 2002, 04:18:14 AM
Julia looked great today. Make up and hair were quite becoming. Though I can't imagine the character being vain enough to put that much work into herself. Julia doesn't strike me as the heavy mascara and eye-shadow type. I think of her more as a "take me as I am" type.

I thoroughly enjoyed all of Grayson's scenes today; my favorite being the exchange with Barnabas at the Old House concerning spying on Nicholas by invading his house by the sea. The body language was fabulous as they both seemed to get a kick out of the whole thing with their half-smiles. It was so real, I loved it.

Okay, what's with the gloves? Driving gloves? A fashion statement? It's not winter in Collinsport, is it?  Perhaps gloves were just "in" then, as hats were for men before the Kennedy years. Just wondering.

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Raineypark on July 24, 2002, 04:59:47 AM
Yes, gloves were worn more often back in the 60's....especially in church.....which has nothing to do with anything.

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Carol on July 24, 2002, 05:12:35 AM
Yes, gloves were worn more often back in the 60's....especially in church.....which has nothing to do with anything.


You're right, Rainey! Gloves were de rigueur for Sunday Mass.  I remember having suit, hat and gloves that matched for Easter.  

The only time I wear gloves every day is during the winter.

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Raineypark on July 24, 2002, 05:20:49 AM
We didn't do hats.....we're Sicilian and I can only picture my Mother, Aunts and Grandmother in those miserable veils.

I thought of them every time the talking heads on the news ranted about Islamic women having to wear the chador or the burka....like they had no frame of reference for that right here at home.

Sorry....what's THAT got to do with Dark Shadows?!

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Angelique_s_Sis on July 24, 2002, 05:36:54 AM
;D  I remember having to wear gloves & a hat to church as a child.  They were "the fashion" back then.  Boy have times changed!!  No hats or gloves now. :)

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Julia99 on July 25, 2002, 04:19:19 AM

Okay, what's with the gloves? Driving gloves? A fashion statement?

Grayson needed something to fidget with .. since she's now "good" she can't smoke on-screen anymore. . that's a "bad woman's" pasttime. . .
Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: VAM on July 25, 2002, 04:39:20 AM

Grayson needed something to fidget with .. since she's now "good" she can't smoke on-screen anymore. . that's a "bad woman's" pasttime. . .

I don't smoke. But do you realize how many people you might have offended by such a statement...

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Julia99 on July 25, 2002, 07:28:29 AM

I don't smoke. But do you realize how many people you might have offended by such a statement...

Excuse me but I was speaking of the "media" stereotyping of smokers. . usually only villans smoke.  BTW-I smoke a bit when the vodka moves me and I didn't find anything offensive. . but then again, i **knew** what I meant.. . light(en) up VAM.
Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Cassandra on July 25, 2002, 09:23:34 AM
Julia looked great today. Make up and hair were quite becoming. Though I can't imagine the character being vain enough to put that much work into herself. Julia doesn't strike me as the heavy mascara and eye-shadow type. I think of her more as a "take me as I am" type.


I think the extra eye makeup was used to emphasize the paleness that was still apparent in Julia's face. Even though Tom was destroyed, Julia had lost alot of blood, therefore she still wasn't back to her old self yet. :)
Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: VAM on July 25, 2002, 12:56:35 PM

Excuse me but I was speaking of the "media" stereotyping of smokers. . usually only villans smoke.  BTW-I smoke a bit when the vodka moves me and I didn't find anything offensive. . but then again, i **knew** what I meant.. . light(en) up VAM.

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Luciaphile on July 25, 2002, 04:51:54 PM
Julia99--I remember when I first was watching the tapes of DS.  My mom was in the room and saw Julia light up (this is first when Julia first came to Collinwood) and she told me that this meant that Julia was a villain.

She said that was typical for the time period.  If a show or movie had a woman smoking, it was code for something, usually that she was bad or loose or whatever.

And my mother was smoking cigarettes back in 1967--I think it's just one of those things that audiences would have immediately understood, much in the way that they got that when Bette Davis and Paul Henreid lit up during Now Voyager that it was code for sex.

Symbols and their meaning change.


Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: franimal on July 25, 2002, 07:31:18 PM
We didn't do hats.....we're Sicilian and I can only picture my Mother, Aunts and Grandmother in those miserable veils.

Sorry....what's THAT got to do with Dark Shadows?!


Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with DS, but I sure remember that.....nice to know there's another Sicilian around  ;D
Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: franimal on July 25, 2002, 07:34:07 PM

Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with DS, but I sure remember that.....nice to know there's another Sicilian around  ;D

HA!  Forgot to sign that post......

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Julia99 on July 26, 2002, 03:49:38 AM


OOoops. .she lost her humor when her PC caught the KLEZ virus .. . :P
Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: dom on July 26, 2002, 06:22:56 AM

Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with DS, but I sure remember that.....nice to know there's another Sicilian around  ;D

Put me on that "Sicilian's for Shadows" list!

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Raineypark on July 26, 2002, 04:43:57 PM
I'm not surprised to find Sicilians among the fans of this show......

We're such fatalistic people.....we treat Death like a personal adversary whom we know intimately.  We're not "too rational" to believe in "otherworldly entities" shall we say?  

Mostly I think it's because this is, after all, a soap opera and we love stories on the grand scale of opera....life, death, witches, demons, lovers, enemies, Good, Evil.....yep, that's us!!

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: franimal on July 26, 2002, 06:08:30 PM
My husband (Irish ancestry) and I were both raised Catholic.  He's from Massachusetts and I'm from New York.  And I remember when I was first married - about 100 yrs ago  ;) , talking about the Italian feasts - you know the ones where the saint "dances"?  I think it may be San Gennaro.  My husband looked at me incredulously and said, "Does the Pope know about this?"   :D

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: Gothick on July 26, 2002, 10:28:39 PM
Julia, that's an interesting point about Julia's smoking on the show.  For me, her smoking types her more as a "professional" and a member of the medical profession, than as bad ... though her character was definitely morally ambivalent (and continues to be so as the show continues).

There are still a couple scenes where Julia smokes. The one I remember best is in the cottage--great camerawork in that (pretty extraordinary given that they were more or less just making it up as they went along).

Today, it seems like a death-knell if a character is seen smoking on network tv.  You know, they light up a cigarette and 10 seconds later they get run over by a mack truck.  The only exception I've noticed (I don't really watch network TV anymore) is Justin on Queer as Folk.

Title: Re: Today's Julia-7/23
Post by: scout75 on July 26, 2002, 10:58:43 PM
Spike on Buffy smokes...unless, of course, he quits 'cuz he's got a soul now... ::)

Oh, but why not smoke when you're already dead?!