Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II => Topic started by: jimbo on October 16, 2009, 12:15:23 AM

Title: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on October 16, 2009, 12:15:23 AM
FYI The Paley Center For Media is conducting a poll of Who is the Greatest TV Vampire of Them All- Barnabas Collins is not looking that good at this moment.


Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Gothick on October 16, 2009, 12:22:07 AM
I don't have time to register on the site and vote in the poll, but I'm shocked that Nick Knight from Forever Knight was overlooked.  And overlooked in favor of some characters that weren't even vampires!

As far as I'm concerned, Barnabas wins among that lot with one onyx-ringed hand tied behind his back...

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on October 16, 2009, 12:47:00 AM
Hi Gothick you don't need to register to vote-just click on the box next to BC and scroll down to the bottom and click on vote. And of course you are so right.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: David on October 16, 2009, 12:55:40 AM
It took me 30 seconds to vote for our Barnabas.
The Classic Horror Film Board has a very active DS thread right now: I'm going to link the poll over there!
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on October 16, 2009, 12:59:57 AM
Excellent David. I think Barnabas not being known by the younger folks will greatly hurt his chances but you never know.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Gerard on October 16, 2009, 01:27:16 AM
I'm surprised Grandpa Munster wasn't in the poll, either (even though I voted for Barnabas, of course).

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Zahir on October 18, 2009, 12:25:57 AM
Voted for Barnabas, but I agree there were a lot of vampires ignored--everyone from Forever Knight, as well as Dracula: The Series and of course Young Dracula.

Plus it really should be divided by male and female, t.v. and movie.  IMHO.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: PennyDreadful on October 20, 2009, 09:35:18 PM
You mean Barnabas isn't in the lead?!?  Phooey!  He should win this, fangs down.  Those who vote against Barnabas had best beware, lest they incur his wrath and meet a fate involving mortar and bricks.  *shudder*  I voted for Mr. Collins of course.

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 20, 2009, 11:30:06 PM
You mean Barnabas isn't in the lead?!?  Phooey!  He should win this, fangs down.

I just took a look at the poll and Barnabas is actually down from where he was Sunday night.  :(  Then he was at 9.2% - now he's 7.96%

I can't say I'm surprised that Angel & Spike and Bill & Eric are beating Barnabas because Buffy/Angel and True Blood have large fanbases online.

Considering they've only aired 6 eps so far, it is interesting to see that the Salvatore brothers of The Vampire Diaries have gone above 1% - though unlike B/A and TB, where bad boy Spike is beating Angel by a large margin and bad boy Eric is beating Bill by a large margin, they're virtually tied...
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Gothick on October 21, 2009, 12:46:24 AM
A few days ago, I read an interview with the guy who plays "Bill" and he expressed interest in doing a sex scene with "Eric Northman" in that show.

I haven't seen it, but if they went THAT route, I just might have to tune in.

Just the fact that Barnabas is in this poll at all is a big surprise, given the fabulous TV vampires who failed to make the, uh, cut (or were edged out by puppets or cartoon characters).  I'm still very surprised at just how much awareness of DS in general there is in the mass media these days.

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Taeylor Collins on October 21, 2009, 09:46:15 PM
Gotchick..I know most TV is horrible...but TRUE BLOOD is a fabulous show.   You gotta watch it!   
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 24, 2009, 08:39:11 PM
I see Barnabas is now down to 7.04%. Although, that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't still getting new votes - it only means others are getting more new votes than he is. Even the top two leaders in the poll (Spike and Eric) have slipped since the last time I checked (probably because Angel has climbed significantly).

One thing I was happy to see is that Buffy/Angel's Darla and Drusilla have finally gone above The Count from Sesame Street. Those two women are two of the most fascinating characters ever created, and the fact that a muppet was beating them - no matter how entertaining or educational he may be to children - was a crime!!
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on October 24, 2009, 09:36:52 PM
I am not sure if 7% voting percentage is acceptable/reasonable for the Barnabas Collins character who has not seen the light of day since 1991 not counting the WB pilot. I would be curious to see how many votes each character actually received. Glad the muppet is behind Darla and Drusilla.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 24, 2009, 10:14:04 PM
The percentages are a good way to guesstimate how each is doing in the poll compared to the others. For example, say we randomly assign Damon Salvatore 600 votes (which seems reasonable given that he's new to the scene). With him currently at 1.31% of the total vote, that would mean that the entire poll might have elicited 45,802 total votes so far. And from that number we'd see that the top six in the poll (so as to include Barnabas) would break down as:

1) Spike   29.57% 13544
2) Eric    23%    10534
3) Angel   15.35%  7031
4) Bill    12.29%  5629
5) Mick     7.89%  3614
6) Barnabas 7%     3206

Of course, we don't know that Damon has 600 votes. But that really doesn't matter because the relationship of each vamp on the poll to the others remains the same percentage regardless of what his votes actually are. Even if, say, Barnabas actually has 10,000 votes, the percentages still remain the same, but the top six's total votes change to:

1) Spike   29.57% 42243
2) Eric    23%    32857
3) Angel   15.35% 21929
4) Bill    12.29% 17557
5) Mick     7.89% 11271
6) Barnabas 7%    10000

The total votes in the poll would then be 142,857 (and Damon would have 1871 votes  [hall2_wink]).
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on October 24, 2009, 11:50:11 PM
Great job MB.  I just wish more people voted for Barnabas. The character deserved a much higher showing than 7% of the total vote count. Curious to have seen how many votes Ben Cross would have received if he was listed as the Barnabas Collins. If the average age of the people who are voting at the poll's website are 20 years younger than the people who watched Jonathan Frid's performance , Ben Cross may have more name/picture recognition since it is a more recent Dark Shadows than the people who voted for Jonathan who may not know how to use a computer.  I guess what I am getting at is how much bias is in this particular poll. For example parents who watched the original show may not have a computer and are possibly excluded from voting on this poll (assuming that most do not know how to use a computer if one can make that argument). Along the same lines if assuming the average person voting at this website is 20 years younger than than the audience who watched Frid's performance, perhaps would less likely know Jonathan Frid. Obviously more people watched the original DS than the 1991 series but is the former's audience properly represented in this poll?
On a side note I think Angel would have done better but it seems the actor who played him just recently announced that he is against doing a reunion show/movie so many of his fans are not happy with him at this time. Just a theory of course.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 25, 2009, 12:47:26 AM
Actually, I just noticed that right now it takes 6 votes to advance by 0.01% in the poll, so that means that the total votes must be somewhere close to 60,000. Using that figure, the current results of the poll come out much closer to:

1) Spike   29.6%  17760
2) Eric    22.9%  13740
3) Angel   15.32%  9192
4) Bill    12.31%  7386
5) Mick     7.87%  4722
6) Barnabas 6.99%  4194
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 03, 2009, 12:59:42 AM
The thing that I find fascinating about the results of the poll, more so than which vamps actually ranked where, is how so thoughly Buffy/Angel dominated the results. If one tallies all the percentages from B/A, the results are:

58.73% Buffy/Angel

That didn't leave very much for the various other shows:

30.64% True Blood
  3.49% The Vampire Diaries
  3.19% Moonlight
  3.05% DS

And if one adds all those percentages up together, they come out to 99.1% of the entire poll. Though even as late as last night, all those shows had higher total percentages - but apparently Spike made a late surge overnight to put Buffy/Angel even further ahead and to knock them down.

On a side note I think Angel would have done better but it seems the actor who played him just recently announced that he is against doing a reunion show/movie so many of his fans are not happy with him at this time. Just a theory of course.

Buffy/Angel fans are used to him making such statements. Actually, at times he even refuses to discuss Angel at all. But I don't think that really affected his votes because in the last two days Angel had gotten as high as 25% in the poll - and coming in second with 23.48% is still quite an impressive showing, particularly surging past True Blood's Eric, who fell substantially. But again, that was the power of the Buffy/Angel voters...
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown / ***Review: Paley Center Vampire Weekend
Post by: jimbo on November 15, 2009, 06:26:57 PM
I attended yesterday's Vampire Weekend event at the Paley Center for Media. I only attended the panel segment moderated by Ken Tucker of our friends at EW and was unable to stay for the trivia segment. Here is just a snapshot of the event and hopefully they will show the video of the event soon. The panel consisted of Chelsea Doyle, Freelance writer, Starplus.com; our Jim Pierson; Andi Teran, Contributing Writer, Vanity Fair.com (Twilight Saga); Sammy Buck, Blogger, tvland.com; Angel Cohn, Senior Editor, Television Without Pity (True Blood); Alan Kistler, Comic Book Historian/Writer (Vampire Diaries, Forever Knight.

Negatives: the panel started late. It was suppose to begin at 2:30pm and started something like 2:48pm and it was not because of the typical late arriving New Yorkers (jk). This sold out auditorium was there eagerly awaiting the panel to arrive;
because it started late the moderator did not allow any questions from the audience!!! That was promised in the beginning of the panel introduction; when the trivia segment started the panel just disappeared and only Sammy Buck stayed.
Perhaps this is why the Paley employees encouraged us to complete the event review survey prior to the show starting which was kind of unprofessional;

during the panel discussion often the guests would continue conversations between the two debating a topic while another guest was trying to speak;

No photography anywhere was permitted-I wanted to take pics of Marie etc...the DS at Twilight huge banner inside the lobby;the employees were  watching everyone like hawks;

the guests disappeared after they left the stage so there was no opportunity to speak to them outside of the room;

Marie Wallace made a surprise appearance! She was introduced to the crowd near the end of the segment and the crowd gave her a nice ovation. She stood up from the 1st row and waived to the crowd.

There was a nice applause from the crowd when JP announced that there was going to be a new Dark Shadows movie that was being filmed next year with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and will be released sometime in 2011 (I was kind of surprised that many of the fans in attendance did not know about the movie);

When it was Jim Pierson's turn to speak they shows brief DS clips 1st starting with Marie Wallace being bitten by Barnabas( unfortunately many of the crowd started laughing and that was when Jim yelled out [people this was filmed live on tape])
a clip of Barnabas and Josette holding the music box, a clip from the destruction of Collinwood sequence and Barnabas at the Old House looking out the window longing for his Josette;

The highlight of the panel was Jim Pierson. He brought his A game to the panel and he was by far the best speaker. Jim was not bothered by the 1000 things on his mind when he is at a Fest and was not distracted at all. JP defended Dark Shadows with great passion and his intellect reminding the panel that Barnabas and DS lead the path for the current crop of Vampires. JP spoke the most out of the group.

Some topics that I could remember as things went by real fast was the absence of coffins in the modern vampire shows and how disappointing that was; the majority of the topics were how each of the shows differed from each other; the role of a normal woman falling in love with a vampire-if you check out paleycenter at twitter they posted some of the discussions I can't remember at the moment;

the 1st 100 people in the audience received a gift bag consisting of:

2010 Dark Shadows Calendar
one set of white vampire fangs
11-10-09 issue of EW featuring Team Twilight on front cover
HBO promo Tru Blood Positive Blood Orange Bottle 14 fl. oz on bottle "Enliven yourself with this uniquely carbonated, slightly tart, lightly sweet blood orange drink"
The Complete First Season on DVD TrueBlood

I also liked how the auditorium was set up by the geography of the shows ie... I sat in the "Collinsport" section-I wanted to take that flag jk

Twilight fans were heavily represented but everyone was very respective of each other shows and finally it seemd from speaking to others in the audience that fans of the new shows are now learning that there is a Dark Shadows that preceded their shows.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: ProfStokes on November 15, 2009, 10:10:03 PM
Awesome review, jimbo!  Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on November 16, 2009, 01:03:39 AM
Why thank you ProfStokes. I forgot to mention another big negative. The panel never discussed the Poll! Can you imagine-outside of Chelsea mentioning how proud she was that [her people] won there was no other reference or at least a discussion on it. How disappointing. I wanted to know what the panel thought of the poll. Ken Tucker kept on looking at his watch every 5 minutes liked he had to catch a plane or something. Not having the audience participate was totally unacceptable.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: fridfreak on November 16, 2009, 04:35:41 AM
Thank you for that summary Jimbo.  I went to the Paley Center website a few days ago where I read about the Vampire weekend. And of course I went on Jonathan's website and he mentioned that he got a call from JP and Marie Wallace fron New York so I figured they were letting him know about the weekend.  Sounds a bit rushed and rude though..the panel discussion that is.     
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on November 16, 2009, 06:11:44 AM
Fridfreak I appreciate that-thank you. That would have been so great if Mr. Frid made a surprise appearance at Paley and showed the other vampire shows' representatives who is the greatest vampire of them all.
The interruptions only happened a couple of times but it was certainly annoying especially when JP was trying to make a point and you could see he was a bit distracted and was forced to talk over them.
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on November 17, 2009, 05:57:34 PM
Photo of Marie Wallace taken at the event.


and fans participating in the trivia contest. I guess Paley will be posting more on their twitter page.

Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on November 17, 2009, 06:04:22 PM
Photo of Jim Pierson and guests participating on stage at the event.


Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: jimbo on November 18, 2009, 01:43:47 AM
Photo of the Dark Shadows/Twilight banner.


Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Taeylor Collins on November 19, 2009, 06:10:49 AM
Love those pics. Love the banner.  And I love Miss Marie! She is an ageless beauty!
Title: Re: TV Vampire Stakedown
Post by: Mary on November 19, 2009, 07:00:00 AM
Thanks for the report, jimbo!  Glad you got to go!  How cool!