General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: VAM on July 17, 2002, 02:30:22 AM

Title: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VAM on July 17, 2002, 02:30:22 AM
How many secrets were kept at Collinwood and can you list them? We all know the BIG one. However, there were others. Most were reveald and others....
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 17, 2002, 04:21:18 AM
Are you kidding? Who doesn't have a secret? I challenge anyone to name just ONE character who didn't have a secret!!
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VAM on July 17, 2002, 04:38:59 AM
Are you kidding? Who doesn't have a secret? I challenge anyone to name just ONE character who didn't have a secret!!

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on July 17, 2002, 05:29:09 AM
The secret of why Liz didn't leave Collinwood for 18 years. :(

Victoria's true identity. :-X

The truth about the car crash that sent Burke to prison was kept secret for 10 years. >:(
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Julianka7 on July 17, 2002, 05:45:20 AM
I started trying to count all the secret and got
worn out! Whoa!
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Mark Rainey on July 17, 2002, 06:00:23 AM

Bzzzzt. Wrong. The sheriff never told anyone why he looked one way yesterday, another way the day before that, and--woops!-- today he looks like he did the first day but not like he's going to look tomorrow.  ;D

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Barnabas on July 17, 2002, 06:06:26 AM
Are you kidding? Who doesn't have a secret? I challenge anyone to name just ONE character who didn't have a secret!!

Mrs. Johnson.
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: RingoCollins on July 17, 2002, 06:16:18 AM

Bzzzzt. Wrong.


Panel, blindfolds in place?

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

I'm gonna throw all the cards over.

[enter and sign in please]
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on July 17, 2002, 07:15:58 AM

Mrs. Johnson.

Didn't Mrs. Johnson come over to be a paid snoop (I know a lot of people who would jump on that offer lol)/spy for Burke? I guess that would qualify as a secret, though it's mild compared to some of the secrets that the people of Collinsport and Collinwood have.
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: RingoCollins on July 17, 2002, 07:29:03 AM

Didn't Mrs. Johnson come over to be a paid snoop (I know a lot of people who would jump on that offer lol)/spy for Burke? I guess that would qualify as a secret,

Ding Ding

You are correct.....would you like to trade for what's in the box that Jay has on the tray, or what's behind the curtain that Carol is pointing to?

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Cassandra on July 17, 2002, 09:30:34 AM
Are you kidding? Who doesn't have a secret? I challenge anyone to name just ONE character who didn't have a secret!!

  Maggie Evans & Professor Stokes ;)                                          

As for the ones with the secrets:

Theres Julia with her "secret" desire for Barnabas. Along with this, she also has a very dark secret in which she assisted with the death of a very good friend of hers, Dr.Woodard.

Now there's also Jeff Clark who feels he has many secrets, only he hasn't figured out what they are yet. [hdscrt]

Carolyn, of course is keeping the secret of hiding Adam, although with the way things are going at Collinwood, it doesn't appear it'll be a secret much longer.

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VAM on July 17, 2002, 01:02:04 PM
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Julianka7 on July 17, 2002, 01:17:45 PM
Cassandra, Maggie had at least a couple of secrets.
One being that she hadn't really been turned into a
Levithan and was working under cover for Barnabas.
Professor Stokes, he had a secret that comes to mind.
That he was hiding and helping Adam.
I think Vam came up with the only one who did not
have a secret-Buzz  ;)
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: thom on July 17, 2002, 04:42:09 PM
Dont' know if this really counts cuz it ties into the secret of Barnabas, but Angelique was left out of the official family history by Joshua so no one in the following decades would know she was a Collins bride.

Tying into Vicki's story, just who was Betty Hanscombe? The fact that the painting resembled Vicki was intriguing but I always thought through the run of the series that it was a painting of Joan Bennett - it had her 1966ish hairstyle and all! My theory on the Vicki parentage deal is that Arthur Hamscombe, the family butler had a wife who had an affair with Jamison Collins, Liz and Roger's father, and the affair resulted in Betty. I would even go far as tos ay that Hanscombe's wife named the child Elizabeth and went by Betty to taunt Jamison. Maybe the old guy promised to marry her and he changed his mind. Betty Hanscombe grew up to be a wild child, suspecting she was a Collins because of the resemblance to Elizabeth but never being told the truth. So when Paul Stoddard comes to Collinwood and romances Liz, Betty seduces him(not that hard to do, apparently Paul had a more than roving eye!) and their union produced Vicki. Liz knew this child was not only her husbands's(making Vicki Carolyn's half sister) but also her niece. Through the Garners, Liz has the child sent to a foundling home and sends the monthly checks. Guilt ridden after all the years by what she did to Paul and his child, Liz sends for Vicki to come be 'part' of the family in a most unusual way. I wish this is what had happened. To tie a supernatural element into wouldn't ahve been hard. Betty could have been an Angelique type witch wannabe  who sacrificed her soul to the devil through dealings with Paul and Mr. Strack. Oh well..to dream.
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Bobubas on July 17, 2002, 04:47:45 PM
I believe Mr. Juhgans and Bil Baird's bat were secret free  ;)(http://members.aol.com/drwoodard/batfly.gif)
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: RingoCollins on July 17, 2002, 06:16:43 PM

  Maggie Evans & Professor Stokes ;)                                          

The good Prof. certainly has the secret of where his Magic Herb is stashed,  and Maggie hopefully has VICTORIA'S SECRET!
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VAM on July 17, 2002, 07:25:53 PM

I think Vam came up with the only one who did not
have a secret-Buzz  ;)

[size= 3] Thanks Julianka7,  that made my day![/size]

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 17, 2002, 10:41:01 PM


Ahhh, but Sheriff Patterson DOES have a secret: self-transformation! He looks completely different every time we see it? How does he do it???? :D
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 17, 2002, 10:45:36 PM

  Maggie Evans & Professor Stokes ;)                                          

Well, Maggie certainly had a secret after Barnabas first bit her. She hid her fang marks with a scarf and went back to work at the coffee shop. To what extent she understood what happened to her is unclear, but she did keep that secret. She also later learned Barnabas' secret and was hypnotized to forget it . . . so that's two secrets.

Professor Stokes kept Adam a secret and refuses to fully divulge what information he might have to Julia and Barnabas . . . no fool he!
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 17, 2002, 10:54:57 PM
I believe Mr. Juhgans and Bil Baird's bat were secret free  ;)(http://members.aol.com/drwoodard/batfly.gif)

Mr. Juggins had the best secret of all . . . who put him up there in the deserted West Wing? Was he a clothes mannequin or a real person turned into a dummy (kind of like Victoria Winters)?

The bat, of course, knows a secret: who he is in mortal form.

And sorry VAM but Buzz Hacket did have a secret. Only he and Carolyn knew what they were out doing at all hours of the night. ;)
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Luciaphile on July 18, 2002, 01:51:03 AM
And sorry VAM but Buzz Hacket did have a secret. Only he and Carolyn knew what they were out doing at all hours of the night. ;)

I'm betting the secret of Buzz Hackett is that his real name was something like "Milton" or "Woodrow." ;)

Welcome back, VAM!

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: VAM on July 18, 2002, 03:06:55 AM

I'm betting the secret of Buzz Hackett is that his real name was something like "Milton" or "Woodrow." ;)

Welcome back, VAM!


Thanks Luciaphil and I hope to be better in my rebirth!
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Julianka7 on July 18, 2002, 06:51:36 PM

[size= 3] Thanks Julianka7,  that made my day![/size]

You're welcome  ;)
Every since reading your message though I've had that
Beatles song stuck in my head. You know the one that
starts, "Do you want to know a secret.
Do you promise not to tell?" LOL
Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Bj on July 18, 2002, 07:09:36 PM
How many secrets were kept at Collinwood and can you list them? We all know the BIG one.

Would I be correct offering that the "the BIG one" is how viewers mistook JF's staring into space trying to remember his lines as feelings of guilt, remorse, and suffering by Barnabas regarding his being a vampire?

Title: Re: Listen, do you want to know a secret...
Post by: Craig_Slocum on July 19, 2002, 06:49:24 AM
Harry Johnson tries to keep his dirty deeds at the Old House, a secret from his suspecting Mom.