General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 15, 2002, 10:12:37 PM

Title: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 15, 2002, 10:12:37 PM
Why does Nicholas keep giving Angelique so many second chances? How many times has she promised to follow his orders, only to turn around and disobey him the moment his back is turned? It was a collossal mistake for Nicholas to bring Angelique back as a vampire - he should have left her "dead" after he removed her powers, let her age and die. It seems like he never learns his lesson.

Is it Nick's enormous ego that convinces him he can control her and that she poses no serious threat to him because he thinks of himself as being so vastly superior? Does he keep her around simply to continue feeding his ego with the power of that control? Or does Nick perhaps have few lustfull thoughts where Angelique is concerned? Does she have to be his slave in other ways??

In any case she is his downfall and if he were a tad more careful, or smarter, he would have dispensed with her. Why do you think he keeps her around?
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: Happybat on July 15, 2002, 11:33:57 PM
Why does Nicholas keep giving Angelique so many second chances? Or does Nick perhaps have few lustfull thoughts where Angelique is concerned? Does she have to be his slave in other ways??

Yes, my guess is that Nick has a soft, lustful spot for the old gal.  Not sure if the attraction has been acted out on - my guess is that Nick might consider an amorous fling with Angelique just a tad too risky.  After all, he was the one who kept reminding her how her love for Barnabas has made her weak and incompetent.  

Nicholas and Angelique would certainly make a handsome couple; both share the unique distinction of being both attractive and creepy-looking in roughly equal parts.  Not to mention being servants of the same [evily] master, alas!
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: Gothick on July 15, 2002, 11:54:00 PM
My theory is that Nicholas did want to get rid of Angelique permanently, but his master wanted her to remain on Earth for reasons of his own.
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: ms._hoffman on July 16, 2002, 12:50:14 AM
I've wondered about Nicholas' feelings towards Angelique also.  Notice he is always touching her which I don't notice with any of the other female characters.  Not even Maggie.
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: kuanyin on July 16, 2002, 02:17:03 AM
Well, he ain't stupid.

Honestly, I don't think he MINDS betrayal, he expects it. He does think he is smarter than she is and he plans to be one step ahead of her. I think she amuses him and he enjoys the game aspect of their relationship. I suspect they go way too far back for it to be a physical attraction, though it may have started that way and retain some of the elements.
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: Cassandra on July 16, 2002, 09:02:33 AM
Im sure that for whatever reasons Nickolas had for bringing Angelique back, he first had to get permission from his master to do so.  I also feel that Nick is using this as a kind of punishment for her failure in the whole dream curse thing and also for not getting Barnabas to forgive her.  He does seem to enjoy his control over her though.

I also feel that he had some kind of lustful feelings towards her before because of how upset he got when he found out about Barnabas' proposal to her.  However, now that he's set his sights on Maggie he's beginning to realize what a help she can be to him by using her to gain control over Joe Haskell.
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on October 08, 2006, 03:26:41 PM
I think Nicholas enjoyed having power over Angelique and lording it over her that's why [spoiler]he brought her back as a vampire after killing her off as Cassandra.[/spoiler]

Nicholas believed he was superior to Angelique/Cassandra as far as scheming went but [spoiler]she got the upper hand on him when she ratted out his feelings for Maggie to their master. Love was not to be tolerated
by the forces of evil after all.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: Willie on October 09, 2006, 02:34:14 PM
I've always thought of them more as brother and sister.  Big brother Nick is always bossing around and being mean to little sis' Angelique, and she's always trying to get back at him and do stuff behind his back.  I think they both enjoy the game aspect of their relationship very much.  I know I certainly did.  [spoiler]In the end, when she reports to Diablo that Nick is in love with a mortal, it was very much like a kid tattling to mom and dad.  And that's the only way to put big brother in his place.[/spoiler]  Even that wasn't so much his "downfall", I imagine him as being involved in a dozen other world domination schemes since we last saw him in Collinwood. 
Title: Re: Nicholas Blair: Egomaniac or Idiot?
Post by: TERRY308 on October 09, 2006, 06:03:41 PM
Willie, I agree with the brother and sister act.  Nicky was telling Angelique what to do and if she didn't do it, he would "tell Diablo" (mother-father) about something else she would have done and got her into trouble and vice-versa.

I think they both enjoyed having the other one around so they could be,not snarling mean, but just bossy mean to Nicky or Angelique.