General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: VAM on July 14, 2002, 01:22:07 PM

Post by: VAM on July 14, 2002, 01:22:07 PM
Which Vampire does the best job at luring his/her victim? Explain. Rate the following (scale of 1 to 10) on their technique? (Do consider their amount of time in the profession.)



Tom Jennings

Roxanne Drew

Dirk Wilkins

Megan Todd

Carolyn Stoddard (HODS)
Post by: Misty on July 14, 2002, 08:41:44 PM
:o ::)I would pick Barnabas, of course. He doesn't seem to do much luring. His "victims" often lure him!! (Waterfront girls, Josette, etc.)
Post by: kuanyin on July 15, 2002, 12:05:44 AM
I would have to say Angie. I think that her "come hither" act would make men (at least those so inclined) say "Schwing!" I mean, she EVEN got Barney in the sack and I don't think anyone else ever accomplished that goal.

I hate to openly contradict, but I don't think a hooker plying her trade really falls under the luring category. [pimp] When Barney tried to entice young woman "of their own free will", he seemed doomed to failure. [wink2]
Post by: ROBINV on July 15, 2002, 12:55:12 AM
Barnabas - 10 for sure.  His face and voice nearly made ME jump into the TV screen when he was calling to a victim.

Angelique - 10 - The woman makes her bites nothing short of orgasmic, and even though she has trouble luring her fellas (who always resist, but always show up), once she gets them there, she has them hooked!

Tom Jennings - aka Tongue Man - 8.  He gave Julia some of her only decent hot moments on DS.  The poor woman's love life was as arid as the Sahara.  Tom's twirling tongue did her good!

Roxanne Drew - 7 - For some reason, she was one scary vampire chick!  She didn't seem anything like her original sweet young self once she was made a blood sucker.  And her "seduction" scenes with Lamar Trask were a hoot!  

Dirk Wilkins - 9 - Davis' best role, IMHO.  He was frightening and realistic as a vampire, and very toned down.    

Megan Todd - 8 - She wanted to stay a vampire--she liked it!  Marie Wallace was very sexy anyway and a truly hot come-hither vampire.    

Carolyn Stoddard (HODS) - 9 - Terrifying, and one of the best staking scenes ever.  She really had her hooks into her boyfriend!

Love, Robin
Post by: Cassandra on July 15, 2002, 09:45:28 AM
Barnabas -  I always liked Barnabas as the best vampire so I would rate him a 10.   In the beginning when he was first released from his coffin, I felt he was at his most terrifying! The way he treated poor Maggie was terrible and the cold treatment he gave Julia wasn't much better either. Later on of course, he mellowed out a bit, but in the beginning, he was one scary vampire! He also looked the most terrifying whenever he bared his fangs. I guess having 200 years experience behind him just made him the best. ;)

Angelique - I never cared too much for Angelique's character as a vampire and thought she was much more believable & scarier as a witch, which just seemed so natural for her.

Tom Jennings - I thought Tom was a pretty scary vampire. With this guy, there definetely wasn't a guilty conscience hanging over his shoulders. If you happen to cross his path at night you were definetely his next meal ticket!  Although, I don't think Julia minded it too much.  ;)

Roxanne Drew - Although I never really cared much for this character, she did seem to look quite scary as a vampire. Her face always looked so white with a greenish hue to it that made her look believable as a true vampire. (hey, how come Angelique's skin don't look like that??)

Dirk Wilkins - Well, what a difference from his "usual" playing roles!  With that skin color and fangs he definetely looked as if he just stepped out of the "Night Of The Living Dead" movie.   Pretty scary and probably his best role on DS. :)

Megan Todd - The vampire role seemed pretty natural for her and you could tell that she really enjoyed herself as she lured her victims to come to her.  It's too bad they didn't let her stay on this way for a little longer.

Carolyn Stoddard (HODS) - Very believable & scary!! One of the best female vampires on the show!!

Thanks Vam for the fun!!   :)

Post by: Perankh on July 15, 2002, 11:04:18 AM
haven't seen the whole series - ill have to wait on this one 8)
Post by: Cassandra on July 15, 2002, 09:40:48 PM
Hi Perankh,   Welcome to the group!    :)